View Full Version : What is your religion?

05-19-2008, 01:53 AM
There's many out there.. Just wondering.. And if u can, say why.

Personally. I'm an atheist... I'd say why... but I've been up forever.. I'll post my ideas later...

AND!!!!!!!!!! No saying someone is wrong! be open to ideas.

05-19-2008, 03:16 AM
I was raised Christian, but, I am REALLY interested in...and studying Buddhism.

05-19-2008, 04:31 AM
Atheist by choice. Forced into Christianity at an early age and watched as organized religion tore my family apart.

Since then, I decided that I would make it on my own.

#1 reason against religion: Too many problems are caused by it

#2 reason, too many loop holes "God works in mysterious ways" sorry that doesn't work for me. that's like buying a parachute with the disclaimer, may or may not work...you just need faith, and hey if it doesn't work...oh well.

#3 reason, evolution (no not the Mitsubishi) more believable than a collaborative story (aka Bible)

But I do not try and change anyone's minds on their beliefs. I believe what I believe and we can be cool with each other if you don't believe what I believe. I promise, I won't start a "Holy war" over it.

05-19-2008, 04:44 AM
Atheist by choice. Forced into Christianity at an early age and watched as organized religion tore my family apart.

Since then, I decided that I would make it on my own.

#1 reason against religion: Too many problems are caused by it

#2 reason, too many loop holes "God works in mysterious ways" sorry that doesn't work for me. that's like buying a parachute with the disclaimer, may or may not work...you just need faith, and hey if it doesn't work...oh well.

#3 reason, evolution (no not the Mitsubishi) more believable than a collaborative story (aka Bible)

But I do not try and change anyone's minds on their beliefs. I believe what I believe and we can be cool with each other if you don't believe what I believe. I promise, I won't start a "Holy war" over it.

Couldn't of said it better myself, but I was forced into being a Catholic at a young age and it feels very cult-ish with the rituals and whatnot.

05-19-2008, 04:54 AM
Atheism (msg length)

05-19-2008, 05:11 AM
Agnostic -
See: Agnosticism (Greek: α- a-, without + γνώσις gnōsis, knowledge; after Gnosticism) is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims — particularly metaphysical claims regarding theology, afterlife or the existence of God, gods, deities, or even ultimate reality — is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.

05-19-2008, 05:56 AM
agnostic / atheist / Dharma / Taoist / Buddhist / dreaming

one of those

05-19-2008, 05:58 AM
Born and Raised Catholic.
Went to Catholic school from pre-school till 5th grade.
Works for a Catholic non-profit Hospital.

..but I'm an Agnostic.

05-19-2008, 05:59 AM

# one reason why..... religions use of FEAR to put ppl into submition

im just the kind of person who needs to see something for me to belive it. i was rasied a catholic but its like all christians are born into dept with the whole jesus christ dies for us so he's your savior thing. church really never did anything for me, confession is a big hoax, and i just like being me. i like having premarital sex and smoking drinking and tatoos. i dont like anyone telling me whats right and whats wrong based ona book thats been writen x many years ago.

my girlfriends a big church go'er so every now and then i go to please her and her parents i guess.

allot of ppl say its good for building up a good personality and good morals in children but i say we can do that just by being good parents. we dont need chuch to teach us right from wrong or good from bad.

05-19-2008, 07:52 AM
Honestly, my beliefs aren't easily encapsulated by any organized religion.

That said, I *do* attend services from time to time, generally Episcopal/Anglican. There's a fair bit there that I think is off-base, but then there's also a fair bit that I think is on-target.

I think that if most people are honest with themselves, it would be hard to fit most people precisely into any one denomination or other, just as it's very rare to find someone who's a precise fit on every point with a given political party.

05-19-2008, 08:04 AM
PLEASE keep this convo inline. There's a handful of topics that usually don't go over well on forums and Religion is one of them.

05-19-2008, 08:18 AM
atheist. i was also raised catholic, and went to a catholic school.
i felt like everything was based on fear and guilt.
oh, and i like to watch the discovery channel.

05-19-2008, 08:31 AM
roman catholic!

05-19-2008, 08:36 AM

and I will 2nd the fact that religion threads don't go over well online.

I will say I go through periods where I dislike the church body, but I always somehow find God, sometimes dispite the church body.

05-19-2008, 09:24 AM
I'm Christian, but not your finger pointing, condeming people type of christian. I am all about love for everyone. One of my good friends is a buddhist, a few gay ones, couple of criminals, yea I think that the true meanin of christianity is juss to love everyone equally. For as one of my golden rules goes, its not my job to judge you, so do what you do. Oh, and I think this thread can go well if no ones tells someone they are wrong about somethin. If their are any satanists on the forum, I curious to know what is that religion truly about, (not what media says) and what made you choose it?

and perhaps someone could explan the whole, lutheran/baptist/episcaplean/etc. thing to me

Baka Sama
05-19-2008, 09:25 AM
Was raised Christian. Somewhere around early 20's I asked myself the why questions (Why are we here, what is the purpose of life) decided to take religion seriously. Evolution is a joke to me and always seemed too far fetched to make sence. The evidence of a creator was just too plain to see. So the first thing I did was read the bible, then I looked at all religions and what they teach.

The bible clearly identifies the true religion.

There are many scriptures to back these but basicly I looked at what religion did not desire political power, prestige, and money over the teachings of God.

They could not be involved in fraud, war, child abuse, or terrorism.

They would have to have real love for all including different races, countries, and never have went to war to kill anyone in the name of God.

They would have to live by Bible standards in their everyday life. So they do not preach one thing and then practice another.

The true religion must also honor God's name Jehoavh, as brought out in Mat 6:9.

Jesus' disciples and the true religion for me must be no part of this wicked world. (John 17:16) They must not get involved in the world's political affairs and social controversies. They must avoid the harmful conduct, practices, and attitudes that are common in the world.

And last, after reading the bible it was clear that the true religion would have to have all its followers engage in a global preaching work to teach people about Gods word in ever country so they too could gain salvation.

So after looking at all those factors, Being a Jehovahs Witness was the only choice. Even though I still have a looooooot of personal changes to make I am very glad to be a part of this organization and I truly believe I have found the true religion.

05-19-2008, 09:32 AM
curious I am Baka Sama, do jehovah witnesses follow this or is this info false, (taken from wiki article)

The presence of Christ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Coming) began invisibly in 1914, and has been ongoing since then.[10] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_regarding_Jehovah%27s_Witnesses#cite _note-9)

The soul is the person himself, composed of the "dust of the ground" plus the "breath of life"; the dead exist only in God's memory, their future lies in the resurrection," either to immortality in heaven, or to everlasting life on earth.;[11] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_regarding_Jehovah%27s_Witnesses#cite _note-10) only 144,000 Christians are bestowed immortality in heaven.

There is no literal torment.[13] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_regarding_Jehovah%27s_Witnesses#cite _note-12) Those who have committed an unforgivable sin (such as Judas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_Iscariot)) experience 'Gehenna' (eternal destruction or extinction) at death.[14] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_regarding_Jehovah%27s_Witnesses#cite _note-13)

05-19-2008, 09:36 AM
Christian, (Baptist)

05-19-2008, 09:45 AM
Personally I live my life in a way that makes me proud of my own decisions. I know right from wrong and act accordingly. I was raised Christian but have been told my ideas are more agnostic and deist. I don't really know.

If this thread is still open after work I will add more.

05-19-2008, 09:46 AM
1. uh ohhhhhh
2. i was raised Lutheran but i'm agnostic
3. nothing gets under my skin more than people who think they've chosen the right religion (or lack thereof) and harp about how everyone else is wrong. are mormons REALLY that much more crazy than your run of the mill Baptist or Lutheran or Presbyterian? read the bible, it's full of crazy shit. and a lot of good lessons. but mostly CRAZY SHIT.

05-19-2008, 09:47 AM
I was raised Christian, graduated from a Christian highschool where every Wednesday was "chapel day". I really tried to understand everything when I was in 9th or 10th grade. I would go and talk to the pastor about certain questions I had such as "How do we know if other religions are wrong or right?"

After not getting any answers I gave up going to church on Sundays and started to go with the flow until the end of my junior year. I then started reading the bible and the stories that were told in it. Of course this is my opinion, but from what I read, most of the events that happened were far fetched and unbelievable. As others have said, I don't really believe something until I see it.

By the end of my senior year I came to the conclusion that I wasn't a Christian, but had no problem with people that were religious. After I graduated and started to go to college I saw truly how hypocritical some Christians could be, and how grateful I was to be out of my highschool and not be associated with that religion anymore.

05-19-2008, 09:49 AM
Does it really matter?

05-19-2008, 09:56 AM
The world is full of hypocrites and I'll go out on a limb and say that no religion has more or less.. I'd bet it evens out.
Religion is one of those things that usually goes over like a turd in the punch bowl at the High School Prom. Its all bad news.. I got neg'd in the evolution thread for making a joke. Thats how serious it is. --(It wouldnt surprise me to get another one for what little neutral info I've posted thus far)
I'm agnostic, and I dont dislike anyone for their beliefs, its all good.

05-19-2008, 09:57 AM
Atheist by choice. Forced into Christianity at an early age and watched as organized religion tore my family apart.

Since then, I decided that I would make it on my own.

#1 reason against religion: Too many problems are caused by it

#2 reason, too many loop holes "God works in mysterious ways" sorry that doesn't work for me. that's like buying a parachute with the disclaimer, may or may not work...you just need faith, and hey if it doesn't work...oh well.

#3 reason, evolution (no not the Mitsubishi) more believable than a collaborative story (aka Bible)

But I do not try and change anyone's minds on their beliefs. I believe what I believe and we can be cool with each other if you don't believe what I believe. I promise, I won't start a "Holy war" over it.

took the words right out of my mouth :D

05-19-2008, 10:05 AM
Christian; I was raised that way from a very early age. I've recently left the church I was a part of because of personal differences and not agreeing with the way they do things. Meaning: hypocrisy, too much judging and not enough acceptance, picking and choosing what parts of the Bible they will and will not obey...etc.

I don't regret having been a part of it; I think it's done a monumental amount of good in my upbringing and teaching me to be a decent person and to have a strong foundational belief in God. I think it was good for me growing up, but because of where I am in my life currently, would be doing more harm than good if I were to stay. (Long story short, they don't accept my wife because, though she does have Christian beliefs, she doesn't subscribe to their exact version of Christianity and so we're looked down upon, and it was causing problems for us.)

I believe everyone needs to figure out what works for them, and not let someone else tell them what they will and will not believe. There's nothing wrong with going to a church and communing with people who share your beliefs, but the fact is that people are people. And people suck. The church is based around God, but that church consists of people who are fallible and will always, always, always let their own problems and personal agendas get in the way.

Human nature is...

Personal gain

...and a lot of other things that are very antagonistic to someone trying to be a pastor or spiritual leader. And as hard as your pastor/priest/mullah/whathaveyou may try to be perfect, he is not and you cannot trust everything he teaches without considering it for yourself.

Where churches go wrong is considering themselves synonymous with Godliness and holiness, rather than admitting they are only humans trying as hard as possible to attain them.

05-19-2008, 10:13 AM

05-19-2008, 10:20 AM
Not to say that I'm religious at all, but I find it funny that in my experience people that are atheists feel the need to argue their point just as much or more than the most religious people that I have met. IMO atheism has almost become a religion.

05-19-2008, 10:32 AM
Raised catholic

But I don't believe in religion. I have my own opinions about all of them

Except buddhism. Always seemed like the more practical religion

05-19-2008, 10:39 AM
What ever happened to the idea of Secularism?

Keep your religion to yourself and focus on social order. It would be better for everyone.

05-19-2008, 10:48 AM
What ever happened to the idea of Secularism?

Keep your religion to yourself and focus on social order. It would be better for everyone.

Social order without being affected by ones own personal faith is impossible.

I saw the question, what is Lutheran/Baptist/Episcopalian.

They are different denominations that were founded my various people, Lutheranism was a branch of the protestant reformation, people that followed the reforms that Martin Luther called for. Ironically, he would be mortified to find a church named after him, he wanted to reform the catholic church from within, not create am offshoot.

I forgot who starting Baptists, but it was newer, 18th century I think, and focused a lot more of baptism and New Testament teaching.

Episcopalian, was started by Henry the 8 I think, or one of the other Henrys, when the Pope wouldn't grant him permission for a divorce, he founded the Church of England, which is what became the Episcopalian church. Basiclly Catholicism in the beginning without the Pope, though it has changed through the years.

The main thing to keep in mind is Church's are created by, for, and consist of, PEOPLE. No one is perfect, people are inherently sinful and self serving, and despite out best efforts, there is no such thing as a perfect person. The church in the last century has gotten portrayed and attacked as something it is not, and the view by most people now is looking at the church, and seeing a non-perfect system, and criticizing.

The church is not, was not, and will never be perfect. Ever. You take the good with the bad, and realize the most important part is your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The rest is trying to live up to and grow that relationship.

Ok, off the soap box. I will also throw out I'm typing this at work on minimal sleep, so I'm not feeling up to my usual soap box eloquence, lol.

05-19-2008, 10:53 AM
I tend to agree with that, live and let live. I think it has alot to do with where you are from though. I grew up in AZ, and now live in OK. Here in OK, there is a Church on every corner, and its not unusual to get questioned about religion doing normal everyday stuff. When I tell them that I'm Agnostic, I get the riot act and they try to re-educate me on the error of my ways.. Not always, but usually. I never try to persuade or argue over this stuff because its one of those things that isnt worth the effort -IMO- People already have their views and why would I want to change them. (Concerning Religion)

I suppose I dont have a specific Religion because I dont know what is in store after life. I 'Think' I have a pretty good idea, but I'm only Human. I personally have a difficult time believeing anything that I cannot physically grasp or see. I like to think there is something after normal life, especially since normal life is what it is. But since I dont know, I suppose I'm withholding judgement.

05-19-2008, 10:56 AM
raised christian catholic, but really im just agnostic. i feel you can do what you want and believe in what you want and live how you want, my only rule

Just dont kill any one, blow shit up, or sacrafice any one and your religion is fine with me.

05-19-2008, 11:13 AM
Raised Christian, basically didn't care all that much, and left it in my past for several years from a fairly young age (like 15 or 16). Then came back to it once I'd matured and took the time to look at it carefully.

I wish more people would do that. Take the time to learn the details of what they claim to believe. That's a HUGE problem with the Christian church right now: People who have no idea what, why, or how it is significant. They have no idea why the teaching of a poor carpenter 2000 years ago was enough to change the world to the point that it did. Put the sinful nature of all people, including those in the church, and all that's been done wrong by those working towards their own sinful ends aside, look past those who are obviously hypocrites (Jesus himself repeatedly warned there would be MANY) and take it at face value. Take it for what Jesus himself said, because everything else in the NT is only repeating what he said in one form or another, and I don't see how anyone can't find at least something to make them wonder exactly why he was here, and what it could mean to them.

Anyway, enough. I don't want to start anything up here or anything. Just saying I've got rock solid reasons for believing what I do. FWIW I'm non-denominational. My traditional backround is Catholic and Anglican, but I personally believe denominations should actively work to resolve their ultimately minor differences, and focus on what matters.

Hopefully this religion topic stays cool...

05-19-2008, 11:16 AM
My parents are christians, but never really practise it.
Both me and my brother turned out to be atheist.
its not that i dont like religion, im very fascinated by it. but i just never really believed in it. even as a kid i never could be involved, i remember going to sunday school with my friend when i was about 12, and already i didnt think it was for me.

I do like the fact that religion teaches us moral value, and i wish some people would stick to it more than they do. however, i think people do interpret things wrong, and it can end up harming others. It does sound cliche but i wish everyone would just get along. it always seems everyone is trying to convert people to the otherside, no matter what their belief is; atheist, christian, blah blah blah. I have always thought people should be left alone, and believe what they want to believe, as long as they do it intelligently haha.

Baka Sama
05-19-2008, 12:19 PM
curious I am Baka Sama, do jehovah witnesses follow this or is this info false, (taken from wiki article)

The presence of Christ began invisibly in 1914, and has been ongoing since then.

PM'd :)


touge monster
05-19-2008, 12:49 PM
I'm Buddhist, and have been my whole life.

Hopefully this religion topic stays cool...

Yeah man, I hope so too. Religion is such a sensitve topic to discuss.

05-19-2008, 12:52 PM
Baka Sama with all due respect. I think you're going way off from this thread. I think stuff like that should be kept to PM's as me and you have done in the past. :)

05-19-2008, 01:18 PM
Yea, it's things like that that are going to piss people off.

You can't convert people over the internet, only alienate them.

05-19-2008, 01:21 PM
All I can say is I think more people need some kind of faith.

05-19-2008, 01:32 PM
I belive in dinosaurs. ;)

I can't really classify what my religion is. I was raised Catholic, but I don't believe in any sort of organized religion at this point. It all seems fairly ridiculous to me. I mean, come on, people waging wars and living their lives modeled after a book of stories that are thousands of years old, and have changed as the years go by? Thats nuts.

But whatever. People are going to believe whatever they need to believe to get through life. That'll never change.

"Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers." -Jesse Ventura

05-19-2008, 01:36 PM
"Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers." -Jesse Ventura

Spoken like an egotistical strong man who has spent his life telling himself and being told that vulnerability can be crushed by self will and strength, without the need for others.:squint:

beeracing s14
05-19-2008, 01:40 PM
catholic ...

05-19-2008, 01:44 PM
i hail from the church of tire smoke.

05-19-2008, 01:55 PM
All I can say is I think more people need some kind of faith.

+ rep

Beleive in something. I've made the first 23 years of life by grace. the Christian life is not an easy, 'feel good' road. But I wouldn't trade it now for any other path. The benefits far outweigh the challenges. But, the only real reason i'm Christian, is because I believe that God exists, that his Word—the Bible—is true, and that Jesus Christ is who he says he is."I am the way and the truth and the life." (John 14:16 NIV)

Reasons why I'm Christian: Freedom, Lasting Joy & Peace, Relationship, True Potential & Purpose, Knowing My Eternity.

I repect everyone's choice or opinion weather to have or not have faith in something.I respect free will.:angel:

05-19-2008, 02:15 PM
Raised catholic but I am agnostic now.

05-19-2008, 02:21 PM
All I can say is I think more people need some kind of faith.

or just morals

05-19-2008, 02:23 PM
All I can say is I think more people need some kind of faith.

eh disagree. i think they just need more common sense and morals.

05-19-2008, 02:34 PM
I don't need to believe in something higher in order to make good life choices and live happily. If you live your whole life for the end you'll miss a lot of what's going on in the now.

To each his or her own, you do what makes you feel fulfilled and I'll do what makes me feel fulfilled.

05-19-2008, 02:44 PM
raised christian orthodox... but live my life by this basic rule treat others like u would like to be treated.

Baka Sama
05-19-2008, 03:11 PM
Baka Sama with all due respect. I think you're going way off from this thread. I think stuff like that should be kept to PM's as me and you have done in the past. :)

OP asked me a question so I answered it. But yeah Ill stick to answering them in PM's. That reminds me I still gotta PM you too. Zilvia is taking up too much of my time lol.

05-19-2008, 03:44 PM
I believe in a little piece of everything. I'm fortunate enough to not really need religion in my life. Things are the way they are for me and i don't really think about it too much. I don't think you need religion to gain good morality either. Lessons of morality can be learned in many other ways besides religion in my opinion.

We are all human beings on this earth and there are so many different religions.
Who's to say one religion is right over the other? The fact is we don't know the unknown so why not just take a little piece of everything and compile your own beliefs. Im not preaching here... im just stating the way I look at things in life.

05-19-2008, 04:24 PM
My personal response
I don't have a religion but I do believe that there is a higher power out there. I'm open to all religions. What I mean is that I can't conform to just one. I agree with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The same would apply to what I disagree about. I do believe in karma and I do believe that what you do in this life will impact what happens in the afterlife. Keeping my post short, I try not to think about religion/religious topics too much. I also tend to stay far away from religious debates. I just try to live a good life and when times get tough, I just pray to "God" that things will get better. Whether it be at home, in school, or before I drive off in my car, etc.

05-19-2008, 04:54 PM
This topic started off good and then in the middle .......

Im not a christian, but i found out we pray alike

Shiatsu, i always wondered why "rich" people felt that way? pm me if you feel like responding

religion is a man made concept (no good comes from what man creates). people who dont understand the Bible ridicule it and say it doesnt make sense (why should it, when its been watered down and rewritten so. by the hands of the....)

no argument, this is a car forum, to answer the OPQ, no religious affiliation. I believe in the Most High and Messiah, written about in the Scriptures, and the Truth, and the truth is...He's black!

05-19-2008, 05:36 PM
#2 reason, too many loop holes "God works in mysterious ways" sorry that doesn't work for me. that's like buying a parachute with the disclaimer, may or may not work...you just need faith, and hey if it doesn't work...oh well.
haha, thats a good one

i guess you can call something good that happened an action of god
but is it realy

lets just suppose a satanist were to pray to satan to cure his cancer
he goes through chemo or whatever and his cancer is cured
was it satan
was it god
if it was god why would he do it if this guy likes satan more
suppose that this guy doesnt commit any sins or evils
and satanism is just another religion that scapegoats luck?
wrap your mind around that

then ask yourself if god has anything to do with this, cause he might as well if you pray hard enough

but no offense at all to anyone that has the faith
i wish i could, but i cant, i guess i can just reason too well
maby im just old and bitter from the woes of life and believing in a god that would hold me securely in his arms while i slept is just the thing i need

i envy those who feel the presence of the almighty, whoever it may be to them

05-19-2008, 05:44 PM

i got this from the random video thread

this is what religion should be like
and not just a bunch of rules and shit

all show no go
05-19-2008, 06:13 PM
Yaay hugs.. :hug:

but yeah i was raised catholic.. dont follow it all the way though, and some people make it dumb. A long while back i fell super hard on my knees off my old skateboard and i scraped and bashed em up really good.. So one day i went to church with my family, and when the time came for the kneeling on the little step on the pew in front of you, you know, i had a hard time cause it hurt my knees really bad. The lady beside me really pissed me off, she noticed i wasnt entirely on my knees and she was saying, (in a loud whisper) "what are you doing? be a man, get all the way on your knees!" and i never felt the same about church ever again.. that beeyotch and her good knees, i was like look lady i fell pretty damn hard a couple days ago!! so i just take my good attitude and morals wherever i go.. i havent been to a church since, because there's always somebody who thinks theyre better than you or closer to god than you, and i dont like that..

05-19-2008, 06:53 PM
because there's always somebody who thinks theyre better than you or closer to god than you, and i dont like that..

I don't think that is religion. I think that is human nature. I've seen first hand how when you give a large group of people somethin to hold onto, somethin to beleive itn an idea that sinks into their minds or hearts, be it God, race, or the color of a bandana, you will always have those who take it to heart more than some. If you take the religious aspect of it, you will realize that you see examples everyday, like "that guy" who loves X football team so much, that saying they suck pisses him off and he goes to extreme to tell you why his team is better than yours. Or for an example more close to home, think of all the zilvians that would argue from now till oblivion of why nissan's are better than honda (which they are) see not much diff.

05-19-2008, 07:32 PM
dads side is christion, mom side is catholic, I would say I am spiritual not religious, because religions focus on differences( which help start wars, and other problems) where as spirituality brings people together. but If i had to pick a religion i would say buddhism. because they teach acceptance. plus buddhist people don't go to other countries and force there religion on starving people with the promise of food, and help for them to be converted.
im sorry to offend anyone but I think that people should just live and let live, and leave others alone.

05-19-2008, 08:15 PM
I was raised Christian, but, I am REALLY interested in...and studying Buddhism.

I was as well and converted to Buddhism when i was 17 or so. :)

05-19-2008, 08:20 PM
i was raised a catholic and converted
into a Christian, and my fiance is Messianic, for those who don't know is Jewish!:wiggle:

so cool~

05-19-2008, 09:57 PM
My personal response
I don't have a religion but I do believe that there is a higher power out there. I'm open to all religions. What I mean is that I can't conform to just one. I agree with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The same would apply to what I disagree about. I do believe in karma and I do believe that what you do in this life will impact what happens in the afterlife. Keeping my post short, I try not to think about religion/religious topics too much. I also tend to stay far away from religious debates. I just try to live a good life and when times get tough, I just pray to "God" that things will get better. Whether it be at home, in school, or before I drive off in my car, etc.

the term you're looking for is agnostic. you're agnostic

05-19-2008, 10:21 PM
I been born and raise in a Catholic family
went through the whole bible studies from 4th grade to 10th
got confirmed and all that

i go to church every sunday, but not with my parents(due to the face that they go to a Vietnamese church and i dont understand viet that well :-/)

i go by myself or with my sister

only go to church with the whole family when its a major holiday Christmas etc..

I'm not a big fan of religion even though i go to church every sunday, being my age, and going to church alone my friends ask me "why even go? no one is making you"

but i think over the stuff about my religion and other religions always questioning if it is true or not :ugh:

05-19-2008, 10:30 PM
Can't really say I was raised into a certain religion. Currently going to Apostolic Christian church, been going for about one year now. I am having my doubts now.

Like something I remember reading...

Give a man a fish and, you'll feed him for a day; Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish.

The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.

Most of people are afraid and look for an alternate way to get out of trouble, when all else fails, they look for something thats supernatural (non-existent).

05-20-2008, 12:10 AM
I think religion is great for a lot of people. It can give hope or whatever they are looking for. And there's nothing wrong with that. But its not for everyone. I come from a very conservative Christian family. And as far as I know I'm the first to actually say I dont believe it. To me half my family is a hypocrite, cause some one them are some of the most racist people I've ever met. But preach everyone is the same in gods eyes.

And I know this is a touchy subject. Which to me is kinda sad. But I hope we can keep it calm and be adults.

05-20-2008, 12:19 AM
I'm catholic, and just like phatxsumo, I go alone to church also, I guess its just a feeling of routine since thats how I was grown up to go every sunday. Most of my friends just think "why??"

05-20-2008, 12:30 AM
I was raised Catholic, and I went to Catholic private school for 9 years.

My mom used to be too, but she started going to Christian church. She became really weird and hypocritical after that.

I personally don't blame the church, but I think there are some pastors and/or priests that preach the wrong concepts to people.

There is one concept that has been taught across all religious practices- Treat others with respect and dignity, the same as how you would want to be treated.

If you follow just this one simple rule, how could you go wrong in any dealing in your life?

05-20-2008, 12:36 AM
i practice nichiren buddhism and i am part of sgi-usa (soka gakkai international). been practicing since i was born i guess haha.

05-20-2008, 01:18 AM
I just want to point out that Catholic and Christian are not seperate religions. The Catholic church is the largest denomination within the greater Christian church, the comparison should be between Catholic and Protestant, which are the two groups of the Christian church as a result of The Protestant Reformation that began in 1517AD (Or CE if you want). Differences and conflicts, and problems within each aside, they believe the same teachings of the same God and are in agreement where it really matters.

I was raised Catholic, and I went to Catholic private school for 9 years.

My mom used to be too, but she started going to Christian church. She became really weird and hypocritical after that.

I personally don't blame the church, but I think there are some pastors and/or priests that preach the wrong concepts to people.

There is one concept that has been taught across all religious practices- Treat others with respect and dignity, the same as how you would want to be treated.

If you follow just this one simple rule, how could you go wrong in any dealing in your life?

"Do to others as you would have them do to you." - Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Spoken by Jesus himself. You're totally right, if people keep that in mind and actually honor it, you can't go wrong in anything you do. Unfortunately, few think that way at even the best of times. :-/

Jimmy Up
05-20-2008, 01:31 AM
Very old school Italian Catholic upbringing.

I cant stand going to church anymore because it's all about the money and I can read the bible myself without another human being who may or may not be a good person at all, lecturing on it.

My religion is between me and God, thats how I see it.

05-20-2008, 08:21 AM
Very old school Italian Catholic upbringing.

I cant stand going to church anymore because it's all about the money and I can read the bible myself without another human being who may or may not be a good person at all, lecturing on it.

My religion is between me and God, thats how I see it.

So true, so true.

It's an unfortunate thing though, growing in your faith tends to involve fellowship with others. It's a shame it's not a perfect system, would be so much easier if it was.

My church is starting a second congregation, a pretty unique thing among traditional congregations, what with decreasing numbers and all. And it's all been about money, and lets spend all this money, everyone should give money, God wants to do this, etc, etc. I just see this lemming mentality with it, all because it's "what God wants us to do". It's a shame people can just be lead along like that.

But i guess thats the way it works.:hs:

05-20-2008, 08:40 AM
I know a former Pastor and he was telling me that alot of people only attend Church to "Keep up with the Jone's" .. Like owning a Hummer or Speed Boat, its a status thing in alot of cases, they dont care about the message or make any attempt to live by whats being taught.

Jimmy Up
05-20-2008, 10:35 AM
So true, so true.

It's an unfortunate thing though, growing in your faith tends to involve fellowship with others. It's a shame it's not a perfect system, would be so much easier if it was.

My church is starting a second congregation, a pretty unique thing among traditional congregations, what with decreasing numbers and all. And it's all been about money, and lets spend all this money, everyone should give money, God wants to do this, etc, etc. I just see this lemming mentality with it, all because it's "what God wants us to do". It's a shame people can just be lead along like that.

But i guess thats the way it works.:hs:

Yea, thats also true- birds of a feather right?

05-20-2008, 10:40 AM
roman catholic.
all my life.

05-20-2008, 12:08 PM
somewhere between atheist/agnostic....."place your faith in yourself and you'll be alright" is my motto for now......