View Full Version : "Jock! Start the engine! Jock!" - Indiana Jones. **Spoiler Warning**

05-15-2008, 06:15 PM
Searched and only found a locked thread in chat.

The new Indy!!!! Who's going to see it? I've LOVED these movies since I was a kid, so I've already got a ticket. :D

05-15-2008, 06:18 PM
i havent seen a trailer or anything yet but i'm still goin to see it

05-15-2008, 07:51 PM
Can't wait i'm hoping grandpa ford doesn't ruin it though. I know they already made a joke about his age in one of the trailers. I'd rather think of indiana jones as a badass middle age guy that gets all the college honeys.

05-16-2008, 05:44 AM
I saw the trailer when I saw iron man. It looks amazing,cant wait.

05-16-2008, 08:43 AM
I cant wait!!!!

05-16-2008, 10:08 AM
Not a lot of Indy fans here it seems. lolz

From the previews I've seen it doesn't look like they tried to hide Fords' age, they just went with it, which is cool. He's always been a bit more "human" of a charachter then say 007. This will be the last I'm pretty sure, but it looks like it should be a worthy comeback and send off.

05-16-2008, 10:31 AM
I'm pretty sure it's Jacques, not Jock. ;)

But, yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

05-16-2008, 10:34 AM
I love the old Indy films, but I'm not sure why I'm not hyped about this one :(

05-16-2008, 10:42 AM
I just watched IJ and the Last Crusade. Man I love the Indiana Jones series, but Last Crusade was the best. Cant wait to watch the new one.

05-16-2008, 10:44 AM
I'm pretty sure it's Jacques, not Jock. ;)

But, yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

That's what I thought to. But IMDB has Jock, and my DVD boxset is on loan to a friend, so I couldn't check the subtitles. lolz

If it is Jacques... you're a mod. Change it. ;)

05-16-2008, 11:04 AM
I like the first two...I might go see it but man watching iron man after the trailers made me forget about it

05-16-2008, 11:08 AM
Only thing I'm not excited about so far, is the rumor that Sean Connery won't return as Henry Jones Sr. I guess they got someone else to play him. :(

05-16-2008, 11:27 AM

I wish I was shortround.

They should of showed what happen to shortround after the second movie.

Andrew Bohan
05-16-2008, 11:45 AM
if it's not sean connery IT BETTER NOT FUCKING BE PIERCE BROSNAN ahah

05-16-2008, 01:02 PM
so due to Fords age increase, the new movie should take place in the 60s?? lol

05-16-2008, 02:26 PM
so due to Fords age increase, the new movie should take place in the 60s?? lol

By the look of the trailers it seems that way with Shiah LeBeoff's slick back hair and black leather jacket riding a harley... lmao!

low and slow
05-16-2008, 03:05 PM
I can't wait to see it. Old Harrison Ford or not, it's Indiana motherfucking Jones. That's all the convincing I need, haha.

05-16-2008, 03:31 PM
The film is set in 1957, and LaBeouf is portraying a "greaser".

While Henry Jones Jr. prefers to be called "Indiana". It seems his new partner's name is even more unusual. Shia LaBeouf is "Mutt Williams".

05-16-2008, 03:37 PM
Apparently the reviews are saying this is the one that shouldn't have been made, however, I am a total Harrison Ford fan so I will see it if I have the time.

05-16-2008, 04:43 PM
Apparently the reviews are saying this is the one that shouldn't have been made, however, I am a total Harrison Ford fan so I will see it if I have the time.

I never trust movie critics. They're always wrong.

Anyways, I'm really worried that it's gonna be super CGIed up and ruined like another trilogy of lucas...(*cough* star wars *cough*)

05-16-2008, 05:12 PM
The film is set in 1957, and LaBeouf is portraying a "greaser".

While Henry Jones Jr. prefers to be called "Indiana". It seems his new partner's name is even more unusual. Shia LaBeouf is "Mutt Williams".

A lot of the Indiana Jones charachter names are inspired by dogs. Indiana was the name of Lucas' dog at the time, hence the joke at the end of The Last Crusade

"I like Indiana"
"We named the dog Indiana!"

Also, the malamute at the begining of Last Crusade is a tribute to Lucas' dog, which was a malamute.

05-16-2008, 05:19 PM
I never trust movie critics. They're always wrong.

Anyways, I'm really worried that it's gonna be super CGIed up and ruined like another trilogy of lucas...(*cough* star wars *cough*)

Here's one of the reviews I read that may subdue your fears a bit. :bow:

I just came back from a pre-screening of the fourth Indiana Jones movie and I say I enjoyed it IMMENSELY!!! Wow, for years now I thought that after "War of The Worlds" Spielberg has lost his touch; not so here. Here he returns to the basic fundamentals of the lost arts of practicality and just plain good old fashioned genuine storytelling (something that's solely lacking in today's CGI-heavy world) helped along by the big guy himself Harrison Ford along with witty and charming Shia LaBeouf as a newcomer to the franchise with George Lucas lending some support to cinematography. Ford is simply amazing as the venerable adventurer with lots of impressive stunt work. Everything is bigger and better than before, the action is of high-caliber, the plot is thorough and exciting with intelligent writing coupled with awesome special effects. But what really surprised me was that it looked like it was filmed in the 1980's; something that's rare in this Digital Age!!! I'm sure those accustomed to digital film-making may be put off, but it actually works really well and gives the film an added dose of nostalgia and sense of wonder that Spielberg brought so successfully in his past films. Not many films can achieve that feat, but I can strongly say that Spielberg has gone out on top and brought back one the most beloved cinematic heroes around for one more time.

I'm enthusiastically awaiting a sequel with open arms.

05-16-2008, 05:28 PM
the other indy's were awesome and i cant wait to watch this one. i love the treasure hunting adventure stories (National Treasure, Da vinci code)

05-16-2008, 07:04 PM
Only thing I'm not excited about so far, is the rumor that Sean Connery won't return as Henry Jones Sr. I guess they got someone else to play him. :(

I heard that they were kind of glad that he didnt sign on for this movie because they didnt really have a part for him to be and they didnt want him to just be a cameo. I dont think Indies dad will be a part of this flick.

05-16-2008, 07:09 PM
Cant wait to see it.

05-23-2008, 11:37 AM
Going to see it on Sunday, but I've heard two things: Either people loved it, or they thought it was total shit. Nothing in between like "meh... it was ok"

Anyone see it yet? Besides the people from the other two threads who are saying it sucked. I guess I'll make up my mind on Sunday.

05-23-2008, 11:43 AM
my brother said it sucked horribly

i also heard something about harrision ford waxing his chest hair to symbolize deforistation or something along those lines
wtf is wrong with celebritys?

05-23-2008, 11:46 AM
I'm pretty sure it's Jacques, not Jock. ;)

But, yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Haha its Jock.

I remember having a debate about it at work whether or not it was an error when it came up under subtitles as "Jock".

05-23-2008, 12:01 PM
two fucking words. monkey scene.
you'll know it when you see it.
i loved the first three. they were all good, even temple of doom. but this one was truly horrible.

05-23-2008, 12:09 PM
The presence of Shia Ledouche in this movie makes me apprehensive.

05-23-2008, 12:11 PM
The presence of Shia Ledouche in this movie makes me apprehensive.

la boof was pretty unnecessary

05-23-2008, 12:38 PM
From what everyones saying about this movie ill just end up downloading it

05-23-2008, 12:44 PM
The presence of Shia Ledouche in this movie makes me apprehensive.

+1 :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/

05-23-2008, 12:59 PM

the ending was...eh...but still! the movie rocked!

and i really didnt like mr lebouf as an actor, but he did good in transformers, and damned good in this.

i give it a B-

05-23-2008, 03:53 PM
George Lucas looks a lot like an Ewok.

Anyways I don't think I'll be seeing this in theater.

05-24-2008, 08:35 AM
Did Shia LaBeouf extend his acting beyond saying "no" x10million?


05-24-2008, 01:02 PM
I thought he did pretty good in this, and yes the monkey scene was stupid.

05-24-2008, 03:40 PM
My brother just came back from this movie last night. He said it was the worst movie he's seen in a while. it even topped 'hitman' and 'episode 3'.

reasons being, terrible special effects, b-movie props (crystal skull looked like a prop taken straight out of wal-mart), too much poorly written dialouge in the middle, bad acting, poor pacing (difficult to stay awake in the middle), among other things. Even though Lucas was involved, keep in mind they had Spielberg directing, some great actors, and a relatively generous budget.

I think I'm just going to see it, when someone else rents it.

05-24-2008, 06:22 PM
I actually like LaBeouf. He's pretty funny and I think he's a good actor.

But the movie was decent, pretty entertaining, then the end... wtf I'm watching Indiana Jones not X-Files.

Side note: Anyone see the Preview for Eagle Eye? Looked pretty cool!

05-24-2008, 06:58 PM
eagle eye looked pretty cool. and that was one of my favorite nerf guns, too.

05-24-2008, 09:47 PM
I really don't know what movie some of you watched, but it was a really great movie.

I wish people would stop watching movies like all of them are running for a fucking Oscar, and enjoy them for what they really are- just sources of entertainment.

This movie was FAR more enjoyable than some of the retarded crap I've seen before. Yea, it doesn't compare to Raiders of the Lost Ark- what does?- but that's not to say it wasn't good. Shia wasn't that bad- stop looking at him as some douchebag that you don't like as a person, and look at him as a legitimate actor. If you were a fan of these movies ( A REAL FAN), then you should find this movie entertaining.

Stop acting like a bunch of fucking fanboys, pull your head out of your ass, and give yourself a chance to enjoy the movie-going experience again. You're not fucking Roger Ebert.

05-24-2008, 10:52 PM
im sorry but this movie wa sa disaster

it was like a kids movie with people getting hit in the balls and stuff.
i really dont know what they were thinking..it just wasnt indiana jones. do not go see this movie, just download it or something.

he used his whip i think 2 times.
A LOT of obvious CGI

harrison ford is an excellent actor and did a good job, but the story and all the CGI just sucked.
there is only 3 indiana jones still in my eyes

05-24-2008, 11:39 PM
remember when they made three great movies without any cgi? sucks they didn't think they could do it four times.

05-25-2008, 12:04 AM
eh. too animated for me. the nuclear explosion was wayyyyy over the top.

05-25-2008, 02:30 PM
of course Harrison ford can climb into a refrigerator... be hit by a nuclear blast... catapulted about 5 miles away and roll right out and get up and poof... ready to go... It's not that I'm not a fan... shit just wasn't indy material.. he chases after artifacts from past civilizations not trying to uncover secret alien space ships...I swear the alien at the end was from a poser template pack...

and if the kid and the old lady from temple of doom weren't in the movie... like if you rubbed them out and indy just got a random letter from some mental friend of his... it would be the same... just 30 minutes shorter and more coherent.. both characters brought nothing to the story line...

snake rope was funny though...

05-25-2008, 03:35 PM
man, seems like this film could have the potential to be the worst of all time. you guys are getting me exited. Think I have to go see it just to see what all the fuss is about. :D

One question for those who have seen this and "Armeggedon" (with Bruce Willis!). Which is worse?

05-25-2008, 05:19 PM
TheWolf - Thanks for the spoiler....

Well it looks like I'm not watching this movie or even downloading it

05-25-2008, 06:43 PM
Going to see it in a few hours.

You guys haven't bestowed much enthusiasm upon my expectations. lolz

05-25-2008, 07:10 PM
When i heard....

-"they're going to space?"

-"No, they're going to the space between the space"

It almost ruined it for me.

05-26-2008, 01:02 AM
Just got back from it.

It was alright. Not nearly as bad as some made it out to be, but not the best of the Indy movies by any means. I've always like Raiders and Last Crusade equally as my favorites... This new one will probably be like Temple of Doom in my collection. I'll have it so it's complete, but it'll only get dusted off and watched when I want something different.

The CGI was overdone and used in scenes where it was wholly unecessary, and that really took away from the movie I think. The movie was good. However, Indiana Jones started off with an EXCELLENT movie in Raiders, so it's kinda cursed from the begining. I agree with DravenS13: Just enjoy it for what it is... an entertaining movie.

05-26-2008, 01:09 AM
Hmmm, not a movie i really liked either...after the first 10mins, i got bored....Actually was more interested in the before movie previes, but got there too late....anyone can enlighten me to what was shown before the movie?

05-26-2008, 10:14 AM
can someone please tell me where the lady came from?? The mom not the Red Army lady..i fell asleep before they introduced her...

05-26-2008, 12:37 PM
personaly i think this movie was a mess. alot of the cgi scenes you could obviously notice studio lighting, didnt look anywhere near natural. and the use of minature sets during overshots and explosions was pretty obvious to, im suprised they didnt use the lego indiana jones in those parts lol
honestly i hope that these movies are never released in a box set of all 4 movies. the first 3 were so good, this was just a let down. the actors did well with what they had to work with but i cant remember anything in the indiana jones movies that was as horribly far fetched as alot of the stuff in this movie (giant ufo, Abomb survival, and the car-to-tree-to-river part) i could see kids enjoying it but not hardcore indy fans.
id definalty recommend a download over buying a movie ticket, not worth the 7bucks if u ask me

05-26-2008, 01:01 PM
Nuke Bomb Scene
Monkey Scene
Ending Scene
Why, not the Indiana Jones i know, just to much stupid over the top unrealistic cgi. Seriously just make a decent movies without fake ass looking shit. Still i thought it was ok to watch just of course didn't feel as special as the others but its not the 80's either *cry.

05-27-2008, 01:33 AM
watched it.

all i can say was


karl wasabi
05-27-2008, 01:34 AM
I just got back from watching it as well. I try not to listen to critiques before I go watch a movie, so I didn't. I have to say, it didn't feel like an Indi movie, but I enjoyed it. I do agree that there was a lot of CG but it was acceptable. Yes...there were scenes that could have been left out, like the monkeys and waterfalls.

Is it just me...or was the Russian girl kinda sexy in a kinda weird way? lmao.

05-27-2008, 02:31 AM

didn't anyone wonder why everything didn't stick to the super magnetic skull that even attracts gold when they were carrying it around? especially in the camp? ark of covenant in the hanger?....

I don't think covering the alien skull with a potato sack will actually negate its magnetic properties, and finally....

didn't jones sr. drink from the immortal grail? isn't his dad suppose to be alive right now?....

but, it's an Indy movie after all, so everything doesn't need to make sense....

05-27-2008, 02:32 AM
I watched it Saturday.

It was...alright. Certain parts I enjoyed. Others, not so much.

I don't know, it just didn't have that Indiana Jones feel to it.

IMO, this movie is at least 10 years too late.

I would have much preferred if they would have taken the story line from "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis". Not only was that a kick ass computer game but it would've made for the perfect capstone in the Indy franchise.

05-27-2008, 02:52 AM
it wasn't so bad, i just got back from it a little while ago. it's action packed, and had me cracking up most of the time. i gotta agree with most folks on here though, it will leave you walking out the theater with the "WTF?" look.

05-27-2008, 08:22 AM
Shia wasn't that bad- stop looking at him as some douchebag that you don't like as a person, and look at him as a legitimate actor.

Playing the annoying sidekick/stupid kid in every movie != legitimate actor. To me, he seems like a one-trick pony, and his act is irritating.

I haven't seen this one yet so I can't pass judgment, but I'll be keeping my expectations really low so I don't get disappointed.

05-27-2008, 09:06 AM
didn't jones sr. drink from the immortal grail? isn't his dad suppose to be alive right now?....

Indy did too, but I think you cant go past that seal on the floor for it to work...

I liked this new one... a lot...
it made over 100m.. I wonder how much it made world wide

05-27-2008, 09:23 AM
Indy did too, but I think you cant go past that seal on the floor for it to work...

I liked this new one... a lot...
it made over 100m.. I wonder how much it made world wide

That is correct. You and the Grail must not pass the sacred seal on the floor. Which is why the German chick caused the ground to open up and swallow her.
"I can almost reach it!"
"Let it go Indiana."

05-27-2008, 05:39 PM
I've added a **Spoiler Warning** to the Thread Title to warn off those interested in being surprised.

05-27-2008, 06:06 PM
I've added a **Spoiler Warning** to the Thread Title to warn off those interested in being surprised.

Good idea...it's a tad bit late for me :-/ I can see the overuse of CGI just from the commercials...but I wasn't expecting the twist ending that someone blurt out.

05-27-2008, 11:31 PM
not really a twist ending, the 50s ufo alien vibe is apparent from the beginning.

wrong path for an indiana jones movie to go.

fake ass cgi, did i really need to see an obviously fake gopher in the beginning? no. they had REAL animals in the original films, why not in this? or just not even bother with the animal, that scene was unessecary.

indy in a nuclear blast? COMPLETELY unnessesary. you could of had him hiding in area 51 still and have his army buddies find him there, not stumble out of a fridge.

and aliens. fucking aliens. jeeeezz. now i do personally believe they exist, but in an indiana jones movie, it just doesnt fit, the chemistry is not there. it just doesnt work. and to top it off that they are not from a different planet, but from a space between space, a different dimension? come on george lucas, we all know you got a hardon for aliens and sci fi shit, but keep it out of Indy, please?

character development was lacking, everything seemed rushed. no dialog like in the past movies, or real intense scenes. everything was over the top and unbelieveable. you would not imagine the amount of "yeah rights" i heard for the nuke scene, the waterfall scene, etc.

there was never a sense of peril or eminate danger, no boobie traps, just some blantant rip off running down colapsing stairs, stolen from national treasure.

harrison ford was awesome though, older yes, but still the same indy i grew up with.

i wouldnt say im a huge indy fan, but i do love the original trilogy, and thats how my beliefs will remain, this movie will be excluded.

yeah he's married now has a kid, thats fine. but aliens? no, doesnt belong in an indy film.

05-28-2008, 09:43 AM
Eh, I thought it was perfectly fine, and not out of place at all.

The movies take place 20 years later, in a different time. They are updated with plot and everything both for a new generation of movie goers, and updated for the time period it is in.

It's just as goofy and stupid as the old ones, and if you watch it with no expectations, just to have a good time and laugh at shit and be stoked, this new one does the same thing. I think anyone who thinks differently is thinking waaaaaay to much into them. It's not like the originals were masterpieces of carefully constructed plot and dialouge either.

05-28-2008, 10:31 AM

05-28-2008, 01:00 PM
man, you guys crack me up. you have put the first movies on this gigantic pedestal as if they were the absolute pinnacle of movie-making. actually, the first 3 movies were corny bubble-gum action movies that came out when you were naive kids. yes, they were enjoyable, but they weren't masterpieces. ripping a man's still-beating heart out of his chest? funky translucent chunks of plastic that glow when they get close to each other? opening the ark releases flying silver streaks that melt the faces off of nazis? drinking from a cup causes you to shrivel into dust? remember the scene in the temple of ddom where they are on the bridge over the crocodile infested gorge? from one angle, the gorge is like 1000 feet deep, then from another camera angle, it's maybe 100 feet deep.

When I first saw the ending, I was thinking, what in the world is going on? aliens? but then I realized that it wasn't any more far-fetched then the endings of the other movies. The CGI was far from oppressive. besides the gophers and the very end, what CGI was there? sure the nuclear blast was pretty crazy, but what do you expect from an action flick?