View Full Version : Wachovia gave me the Axe..Vacation time!!

05-15-2008, 03:54 PM
My work announced they were closing down our office in about a month. So I'm getting a pretty nice severance package out of it. I'm probably gonna take a month or two off before getting another job. I wanna do some traveling since I'll have a bit of free time now and wanted to get some ideas from you guys on some possible places to check out w/ in the country.

05-15-2008, 03:57 PM
Forget places to check IN the country, go somewhere OUT of it.

Go to Japan or something.

But if you don't want to, just go crazy in Vegas.

05-15-2008, 03:59 PM
Forget places to check IN the country, go somewhere OUT of it.

Go to Japan or something.

But if you don't want to, just go crazy in Vegas.

+1 for vegas. enjoy it. you should travel

lol go to dirka dirka land for funsies

05-15-2008, 03:59 PM
Visit the porn capital of the world and drop some funds my way :D

05-15-2008, 04:05 PM
head north :coolugh:

05-15-2008, 04:08 PM
Go fishing, if its not your thing you should give it a try. Or try to go to southern america. Venezuela is insane.

05-15-2008, 04:37 PM
That's a good idea. If you have a few months, you should consider getting out of the country. you may not that luxury again when you get a new job. Since you're in socal, you can always visit a place like vegas/new orleans, etc on a 3-day weekend.

As for travel, it would help to know what you like to do (just relax, sightseeing, party, photography, food, etc?). what is your budget, etc. South/Central America is always fairly affordable though. I had good times in Brazil and Ecuador 7-8 yrs ago. I really lived on the cheap back then. lived like 2-3 weeks for less than $2,000 including airfare. I very much doubt its like that now, but you never know. If I had the time and funds, I would prob visit Havana, Cuba (flying through Canada or Mexico). Cartegena, Colombia would be my 2nd choice, if you're willing to take the risk. Puerto Rico, and maybe a side trip to the Carribbean (I like St. John) would be a good choice if you'd like to play it safe.

I was also in Paris, London, and Prague earlier this year. Good thing about Europe is that the air-fare is cheap, but that's about it. It's very expensive right now, unless you know a local who can show you around. Maybe Spain would be a good deal. I've heard good things from friends, but Ive never been there myself. Europe is fun no doubt.

If you do visit Japan, I'd recommend staying away from Tokyo just because its so expensive. A great place to visit if you know someone there, but a challenging destination if you don't speak the language, haven't been there before, and if you're on a tight budget. Personally I don't care for Japan. It's a fun destination no doubt, with all the sightseeing you could do, many car related stuff, excellent food, etc. I just think it's too expensive, and I personally don't care for the Japanese hospitality against foreigners. of course, ymmv. I actually prefer Hong Kong over Japan.

international travel is always fun, but lets just say its not the best deal right now considering the value of the dollar. but hey, gas is expensive too so road trips are also costly.

05-15-2008, 04:42 PM
put some money into your IRA

05-15-2008, 05:52 PM
I think you should try to save up. summer time are pretty tough to get a job because there are a lot of new college graduates in the job markets too

05-15-2008, 06:18 PM
Economy in the shitter, I strongly suggest you get out on the grind and find another job, meanwhile stacking that fuckin' severance package for the inevitable-no-matter-who-gets-elected rainy days.

05-15-2008, 07:10 PM
Forget saving for when you're 80, enjoy life while you're young, I'd jump at the first opportunity to see the world. That's just me though.

05-15-2008, 07:13 PM
Go to Africa.
Safari status.
SUPER CHEAP and you'll get cultured.


Go to S.E Asia but leave out Japan.
Japan is too expensive.
Lay out on the beach, Drink, Fuck, Drink, sleep at the beach, fuck, drink.

05-15-2008, 07:13 PM
Economy in the shitter, I strongly suggest you get out on the grind and find another job, meanwhile stacking that fuckin' severance package for the inevitable-no-matter-who-gets-elected rainy days.

here here!!

but if not go to Japan or Brazil:hsdance::hsdance::hsdance::hsdance:

05-15-2008, 07:18 PM
good luck finding a job. if you were in finance, its going to be tough. take your severance money and day trade until you find your job, unless you have bills and a mortgage to pay off.

05-15-2008, 07:21 PM
Economy in the shitter, I strongly suggest you get out on the grind and find another job, meanwhile stacking that fuckin' severance package for the inevitable-no-matter-who-gets-elected rainy days.

this man speaks truth... find a new job as soon as possible and invest wisely... our economy isnt gonna get better from this "stimulus package" kids...

05-15-2008, 07:48 PM
Retire in Thailand...

05-15-2008, 08:34 PM

That shit is intense.

Or out of the country.

Seriously if you have the money to afford it then I highly recommend somewhere where you don't speak the language. It's a pretty cool experience.

05-15-2008, 08:41 PM
Seriously if you have the money to afford it then I highly recommend somewhere where you don't speak the language. It's a pretty cool experience.

thats probably the best rule of thumb. if you want a vacation, especially during the summer season, visit native countries with nice beaches and sites.

if you still cannot decide, take the advice of looking for another job. i must agree that our economy is in a hell hole and you will definately need to grind for another job

05-15-2008, 08:42 PM
Yeah that's true.

Don't spend your money just yet.

At least have a job lined up first.

Otherwise you might be making a FS thread when you come back.

05-15-2008, 09:32 PM
if you drive:

north and south side of grandcanyon
glacier national park
craters of the moon
dinosaur national monument
Yellowstone and yosimitee, its crowded though

and if you like history and the south:
harpers fairy
vicksburg national military park
fort Sumter

just a few iv been to and liked.

05-15-2008, 09:53 PM
Economy in the shitter, I strongly suggest you get out on the grind and find another job, meanwhile stacking that fuckin' severance package for the inevitable-no-matter-who-gets-elected rainy days.

yea cuz you never know when you might get another job. Secure the present as well as the future. For one day the future will become your present, then your past, if you dont secure it, it might just come back to bite you in the ass

05-16-2008, 12:43 AM
thanks for the ideas guys. I'm not planning on spending my entire severance on a vacation. I'm definitely gonna save some of it for a rainy day. Thats why I'm leaning towards staying w/ in the country unless there's somewhere international I could go to on the cheap. I also haven't decided how much money to alot myself for the vacation yet.

05-16-2008, 12:49 AM
which branch were you at? if you don't mind me asking =X it's kind of weird to see wachovia closing branches when they're supposed to be expanding =i

but yeah what's your travel budget?? all these great ideas but we're shooting with our eyes closed right now =) you can go on road trips, go to australia, south america, etc etc. . . i guess what are you interested in? what you wanna do see experience?

05-16-2008, 12:54 AM
get a 240sx ready for all star bash 4 at the end of june!

05-16-2008, 01:04 AM
which branch were you at? if you don't mind me asking =X it's kind of weird to see wachovia closing branches when they're supposed to be expanding =i

but yeah what's your travel budget?? all these great ideas but we're shooting with our eyes closed right now =) you can go on road trips, go to australia, south america, etc etc. . . i guess what are you interested in? what you wanna do see experience?

I'm not in a branch. I'm at a mortgage loan center that they've decided to shut down. I'm a former Golden West employee that was acquired during the merger/buy out.

okay well lets say I have $2k to spend. Where can I go for like a week or two? I just want to get out of Socal for a lil bit and see something different. I've already been to Japan twice and like to go again but I'd like to check out something different now.

get a 240sx ready for all star bash 4 at the end of june!

I don't get my severance till July. :ghey:

05-16-2008, 01:37 AM
how about hawaii?

or just a nice relaxing cruise to baja.

05-16-2008, 01:40 AM
how about hawaii?

or just a nice relaxing cruise to baja.

yea hawaii was all i could think of. never been there.

i don't like boats or open water too much.... i'm not very adept at the whole swimming thing.

05-16-2008, 01:42 AM
Economy in the shitter, I strongly suggest you get out on the grind and find another job, meanwhile stacking that fuckin' severance package for the inevitable-no-matter-who-gets-elected rainy days.

ditto! It'll all be going to gas by the end of summer :confused:

05-16-2008, 10:20 AM
i agree with phlip. save the money.

at the same time, i have a t-shirt that says: "party in amsterdam, vegas is for pussies" and you cant argue with logic like that.

so the obvious compromise is to stay home and make your living room into amsterdam. (it can be done in three easy steps!)

1.obtain drugs
2.obtain hookers
3.obtain v.d.

and its like you've been there for WEEKS!

end of line.

Vision Garage
05-16-2008, 10:26 AM
Drop it all on a roulette table. 3Gs on black!

05-16-2008, 10:36 AM
What kind of work did you do at Wachovia?

Aren't they HQ'd in like Charlotte now? People down there are doing IBD and getting paid NYC salaries with Charlotte expenses. Must be fucking bonkers to get a $600k bonus in a city where a nice house is $300k, lol.

05-16-2008, 10:42 AM
Drop it all on a roulette table. 3Gs on black!

haha yea that would be sick...

What kind of work did you do at Wachovia?

Aren't they HQ'd in like Charlotte now? People down there are doing IBD and getting paid NYC salaries with Charlotte expenses. Must be fucking bonkers to get a $600k bonus in a city where a nice house is $300k, lol.

I'm a loan processor.

05-16-2008, 12:43 PM
What kind of work did you do at Wachovia?

Aren't they HQ'd in like Charlotte now? People down there are doing IBD and getting paid NYC salaries with Charlotte expenses. Must be fucking bonkers to get a $600k bonus in a city where a nice house is $300k, lol.

their HQ is in Charlotte and in St. Louis now since they merged with AG Edwards ..my girl is a FA for them she tells me all this stuff

05-16-2008, 05:05 PM
Go to S.E Asia but leave out Japan.
Japan is too expensive.
Lay out on the beach, Drink, Fuck, Drink, sleep at the beach, fuck, drink.

I was really hoping to go to Southeast Asia or Europe in August but I don't know what's the verdict with that yet...still trying to work things out. I just want to get out of the country for a bit. I've put off having a nice vacation for too long because of work and school. I need to experience something new.

Japan is out of the question, not because of the expenses but because I'd need at least a month or two to see everything. When I go there I want to cover Kyushu, Hokkaido, and everything in between. It'll probably have to wait until after college.

05-16-2008, 05:19 PM
okay well lets say I have $2k to spend.

Fuck USA.
Fuck Europe.

I swear man.

I was ALL OVER S.E Asia last August on a $1000 pocket money.

A little bit under $1,000 for the flight to the Philippines.
Spent a week there, laying out in paradise.
Got tired of that.
Flew out to Bangkok buttfuck-early in the morning, I was there by lunch time.
Ate, drank, DRANK, DRAAAAAAANK, napped, then flew back out to Philippines.
Then flew out to Hong Kong, rinse, repeat.

The flight from Philippines to Hongkong, Bangkok, Taipei, Taiwan, Singapore, Shanghai and other countries is ~$30


It's about 45pesos to $1.

Serious shit.

(I'm just saying.)

05-16-2008, 05:25 PM
go out of the country like japan or europe. i dont think there is much to see other than new york, sf, socal, and florida

05-16-2008, 06:44 PM
1) Go to Iraq
2) Use whatever you have left to buy oil
3) Make your own gasoline and use it.

(If only it were that easy)

But seriously, enjoy yourself.

05-16-2008, 06:48 PM
Damn this economy is starting to get scary.

Retire in Thailand...

:bigok: So true $10 USD will last you a year in thailand.

05-16-2008, 08:14 PM
Fuck USA.
Fuck Europe.

I swear man.

I was ALL OVER S.E Asia last August on a $1000 pocket money.

A little bit under $1,000 for the flight to the Philippines.
Spent a week there, laying out in paradise.
Got tired of that.
Flew out to Bangkok buttfuck-early in the morning, I was there by lunch time.
Ate, drank, DRANK, DRAAAAAAANK, napped, then flew back out to Philippines.
Then flew out to Hong Kong, rinse, repeat.

The flight from Philippines to Hongkong, Bangkok, Taipei, Taiwan, Singapore, Shanghai and other countries is ~$30


It's about 45pesos to $1.

Serious shit.

(I'm just saying.)

This man speaks the truth, most of SE Asia is insanely cheap and awesome. Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong are expensive, but everything else is super cheap.

05-16-2008, 08:16 PM
Of all the places in SE Asia, Indonesia seems to have attracted me the most. Must be because of that one No Reservations episode.

Somebody should get a travel thread going so we can talk about this kinda stuff.

05-16-2008, 08:21 PM
Economy in the shitter, I strongly suggest you get out on the grind and find another job, meanwhile stacking that fuckin' severance package for the inevitable-no-matter-who-gets-elected rainy days.

Very Very wise words. Don't go out and spend like a dummy. Finding a good job right now is hard. + Rep for you Phlip

05-17-2008, 03:10 PM
goto s.e. asia and live like a king. stop by hong kong and taiwan too.

Rob's S14
05-28-2008, 03:01 PM
Shit, for 2k you could go to Mexico for like 2 months. I told your ass we should go to Hawaii...I got the hookup their too.

05-28-2008, 03:21 PM
Of all the places in SE Asia, Indonesia seems to have attracted me the most. Must be because of that one No Reservations episode.

Good episode.... he had me convinced that i need to go there.

This is where i'd like to go...


steve shadows
05-28-2008, 03:24 PM
My work announced they were closing down our office in about a month. So I'm getting a pretty nice severance package out of it. I'm probably gonna take a month or two off before getting another job. I wanna do some traveling since I'll have a bit of free time now and wanted to get some ideas from you guys on some possible places to check out w/ in the country.

Wachovia is taking it in the ass (financials are down in the market all over the board)

They are down to 1995 levels...pretty aweful, so layoffs will be typical.

MNCs should fair well though.

05-28-2008, 03:54 PM
Wachovia is taking it in the ass .

Yup they sure are.

05-28-2008, 04:09 PM
Damn this economy is starting to get scary.

:bigok: So true $10 USD will last you a year in thailand.

you're a dumb ass....

10 dollars will not last you 10 minutes in thailand.....

i'm thai by the way, so i know the facts unlike these fools.....

sure a vacation in thailand would be a blast, but the airplane ticket alone is a grand.....

and if you're a foreigner, then they'll even charge you more for everything......

05-28-2008, 04:13 PM
Shit, for 2k you could go to Mexico for like 2 months. I told your ass we should go to Hawaii...I got the hookup their too.

aight well lets roll to Hawaii then!

06-03-2008, 07:46 PM
you're a dumb ass....

10 dollars will not last you 10 minutes in thailand.....

i'm thai by the way, so i know the facts unlike these fools.....

sure a vacation in thailand would be a blast, but the airplane ticket alone is a grand.....

and if you're a foreigner, then they'll even charge you more for everything......

Oh my good god kid. You neg repped me over a joke. No I am not going to neg rep you, I could careless about that shit just please neg rep for a actual reason. Like lame joke(because that is what it was), not get your facts straight. I love thailand, I think everyone knows $10 won't last a year. I have spent not months, but years training over in thailand back in the early 90's. MT was my life and I still go as often as I can and have many friends there. The $10 was a gross exaggeration to show that the cost of living is much cheaper, which it is. It is true a farang will get charged more but if you have thai friends with you, you will not. The Thai people are hands down the friendliest people on earth.

06-03-2008, 08:17 PM
haha what

they're pretty friendly

but they talk alot a trash about eachother

all they do is gossip and talk crap

my girlfriend is thai i've been around it forever

thailand is nice, its cheap for sure just get thai friends to pay for your things

Rob's S14
06-03-2008, 10:16 PM
I've never been, but how could they possibly be the friendliest if they jack foreigners by over charging them for everything.

How's this for nice.

My boss went to the Bahamas for work a couple weeks ago. He's on his way to the airport to pick up his boss and cuts infront of some guy that crashes into him. My bosses car is jacked, totally his fault. The guy that hit him gets out of the car making sure my boss is ok and telling him it's cool, not that big of a deal. Some stranger sees the accident and pulls his car over to make sure everyone is ok. Then asks if he can do anything to help. My boss asks him if he'll give him a ride to the airport to pick up his boss...and he did. That's crazy....that would never happen here, unless maybe it was a smokin hot chick, but my boss is like 35 and has a boiler and is just an average surfer guy. Now that's nice.

06-03-2008, 11:55 PM
eh, seems like everyone takes advantage of tourists. easy way around this is just to do your research before going anywhere. haggling with the locales should also be considered a part of the experience. it doesn't necessarily mean they're unfriendly. i just see them as enterprising.

on my occasional company business trips to china (somewhere in shenzhen), a co-worker of mine always goes to buy fake luis-vutton merchandise. it's fun to watch him negotiate the asking price sometimes down to half of what the merchants asks for. lots of drama and good laughs for sure.

06-04-2008, 03:17 AM
thailand is nice, its cheap for sure just get thai friends to pay for your things

so true.....

:aw: :aw: :aw:

i look kinda one those korean actors.....lolz

so, all the chickies wanted to buy me drinks when i was in da clubs in thailand!

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Rob's S14
06-04-2008, 01:32 PM
I should rob people and tell them..."I'm not a thief, I'm an entrepenuer." haha.

I'm trying to work my way to Hawaii. Right now, since I don't have a lot of disposable income, I'm trying to go places where I can get the most for my dollar. I know a few people over there so I've got places to stay and food/drink pretty much covered.

06-04-2008, 01:36 PM
Hawaii is so fucking expensive,, but very worth it :)

Rob's S14
06-04-2008, 01:38 PM
I agree that under normal circumstances it would be, but since I'm not paying for hotel and probably eating out for free...I'm only spending $$$ on any side fun things.

06-04-2008, 02:53 PM
shiiiit you're in cali-head to mexico! cheap and close (well closer than dayon ohio that is:-/ )

06-04-2008, 02:56 PM
Yea, new job first

Especially the way the economy is going and the job market is these days.

06-06-2008, 01:24 AM
Alright guy's tomorrows the last day of work and the beginning of my vacation. I guess I'm probably gonna go to Hawaii sometime in July. I'll probably go to a few other places like Frisco or Vegas for a couple days too.