View Full Version : Why's the FSM say to remove the injector rail when doing an injector?

05-13-2008, 05:39 PM
I was planning on replacing my four injectors (KA24DE), the FSM says to remove the rail rather than just pop out the individual injectors...

Anyone know why? Every writeup I see just says to undo the 2 screw hold downs and pop them out.

05-13-2008, 05:40 PM
i took out the injectors off my first 240sx ka24de without removing the entire rail. you might want to take out the rail if your doing all four, but it is not necessary. its probably standard procedure for nissan mechanics.

05-13-2008, 05:46 PM
I think it's way easier to take the rail out. It only takes like 1 extra minute to get it off so...

05-13-2008, 05:59 PM
also so you dont strip the screws on the retainers, use a impact driver, it makes it 100x's easier

05-13-2008, 06:05 PM
So you can push them through the rail instead of pulling them out. My SR injectors got marred up pulling them through the rail since the plastic turned brittle over time.

05-13-2008, 06:16 PM
impact driver is the best when removing the screws. when i took my injectors out, i pulled them out, didn't push them through (unless you take out the rail and push them out the way you would pull them out)

05-13-2008, 06:20 PM
i have been trying to find an impact screwdriver/nut driver locally actually.

Anyone know a shop that stocks them?

05-13-2008, 06:34 PM
I got one from Sears a long time ago in the store.

05-13-2008, 06:53 PM
yeah i got mine from the snap-on guy at work, but sears also has them in stock

05-13-2008, 07:28 PM
i got mine from kragen

05-13-2008, 07:38 PM
Yeah its easier to pull the rail as doing it with the rail on can cause the clips to get broken and you can really mess up some injectors. If you need a set of working injectors I have some for sale. Dont forget to lubricate o-rings and get a new set because chances are the old ones are worn out.

05-13-2008, 07:42 PM
I just did my injectors. Pulling out the rail, I was able to avoid damage to the injectors. Philips head screwdriver wrapped in a terry towel to push on the spray side of the injector to get it to come out of the bowl along with another screwdriver and towel to pull up on the injector from the top. Eased right out. Sure, you don't have to pull the rail out, and for most people that's preferable, but I was also replacing the injector-to-manifold donut. Removing the rail would also give you the opportunity to check those, or break them in the process of removing the rail. :/

As for the screws, I used a cheap chicago battery powered drill with a philips bit. It had torq settings, so I set it to the lowest, put all my body weight (210lbs) on each screw and sloowly pulled the trigger. came right out :D

I actually picked up an impact screwdriver to get them out, but when I opened the package it said 'Made in China' right across the part you hit with the hammer. Common sense told me I probably shouldn't hit it with a hammer, but what do you expect for 5 bucks?

Unfortunately one of the remanufactured ones was already stuck open, so now I'm waiting for the replacement :/

05-14-2008, 06:00 PM
yeah i got mine from the snap-on guy at work, but sears also has them in stock

Mine here doesn't :( there are 5 in the area.

05-14-2008, 06:03 PM
I just did my injectors. Pulling out the rail, I was able to avoid damage to the injectors. Philips head screwdriver wrapped in a terry towel to push on the spray side of the injector to get it to come out of the bowl along with another screwdriver and towel to pull up on the injector from the top. Eased right out. Sure, you don't have to pull the rail out, and for most people that's preferable, but I was also replacing the injector-to-manifold donut. Removing the rail would also give you the opportunity to check those, or break them in the process of removing the rail. :/

Well I am not terribly worried about screwing up the old injectors since I have new ones...I definitely don't want to risk needing a part I don't have though.

My injectors have two new O-rings on each with lube.

I don't see those 'donuts' in my FSM....are they on all KA24DEs?

05-26-2008, 03:18 PM
Did the job...used a long 1/2" screwdriver to pry them out.

easy. Did mar one of the bases with the metal edge...only cosmetic and you can't see it with the new injector in place.

If I wanted to remove the rail it would have taken a lot longer and may have caused other issues.

05-27-2008, 01:57 AM

look up fuel injector. big screw driver works.

removing the fuel rail would be insane.