View Full Version : fight stories

05-13-2008, 11:17 AM
any of you guys ever been in a fight??

last weekend i went to websters hall out in the city..... i know i know its kind retarded cuz all they play is that frog car noise song. i dont like to go out their. just not my scean. i went a few times and picked up some chicks so i wanted to try my luck tonight. after a few min i started to regret going. just wassnt feelin the music. so i sat at the bar for like 4 hrs and tossed back a few jack daniels on the rocks. after i was retty much smashed i said "fuck it" and i went up to this girl and asked her to dance but before she could say no, some dude runes up to me and (this is how the diolog went)

dude: yo thats my wife son
me: oh my bad, no disrespect
**i turn around and start to walk away
dude:that right bitch ass
****stop and turn around
me:wtf did u say

long story short i got dragged out in the crossface chicken wing by security with a black eye

ur turn

05-13-2008, 11:19 AM
The last fight I was in, I was 16 years old...

05-13-2008, 11:19 AM
fraid not.. as an adult im affraid id either get a. shot for fighting the wrong dude, or b. arrested.

05-13-2008, 11:42 AM
Busted a guy in the head with a 40oz outside of a qwik mart. His ol' lady cut me off, so I flipped her off, turned into the store and went in to buy some beer. Came out with a 40oz in my hand and the guy was standing there red-faced demanding an apology. I told him to fuck off and to stop trying to get in her panties by trying to look tough because you'll regret it.. he pushed me, and I busted him in the head with the beer, broke the bottle, left him there and rode home smelling like OE 800.

Thats the only adult fight I've been in.

05-13-2008, 11:49 AM
Senior yr. Highschool, This basebal Jock, was telling me for a week straight he was gonna kill me. I just kept quiet and smiled. That Friday, end of the week, we went at it. He ended up with broken nose, jaw and cheek, and couldnt see out left eye. I ended up with a sore elbow from so much force going through my arm. Not one punch landed on me. It was a hell of a way to go out.

05-13-2008, 11:54 AM
In HS I always had people coming at me.. I never lost a fight, and usually the other dude wanted to try and wrestle around.. I'd just throw haymakers and use knees/kicks if they head got below their waist. Still havent figure out why all these dudes wanted to talk smack and start fights.. I think because I was pretty quiet overall and diddnt talk alot of BS like kids do in school maybe had something to do with it.. That fight I listed above i was 21, so its been several years now.

Anymore i doubt I'd even get violent unless my life was threatened.. I've mellowed out alot since I was a teenager... I've gained alot of perspective in alot of areas.

Andrew Bohan
05-13-2008, 12:04 PM
did you at least buy another 40?

05-13-2008, 12:09 PM
i play hockey and get in fights all the time... haha

nothing to major, but this one time i was trying to go around this kid and he just like grabbed my head for some reason. I didnt fall right away so I grabbed his cage as i was beginning to fall and popped off the snaps. He tried holding me down but i got up and by this time his helmet was all the way off. Sooooo... i popped him in the face pretty good. ha. we both got penalties and no injuries that i know of... i just saw him trying to stretch his jaw muscle or something after the game

05-13-2008, 12:12 PM
did you at least buy another 40?

Actually, no. I had spent my last few bucks on it, so I just went home.. I'm not sure what pissed me off more at the time.. that guy, or that I wasted a perfectly good 40.

Andrew Bohan
05-13-2008, 12:16 PM
if i worked at that store, i would have given you another 40 for free :kiss:

05-13-2008, 12:32 PM
LOL. thanks. I was kinda worried about cops showing up and arresting me, so my priority was to get out of sight.

05-13-2008, 12:34 PM
im 3-1-1 in amatuer muay thai. no street fights though...

05-13-2008, 12:38 PM
sweet Muay Thai is awesome.. I'd be interested in getting into MMA, actually a friend of mine constantly tries to get me to fight in the "amateur fights" they have around here, but I dont have a wide skill-set as far as martial arts goes.

05-13-2008, 01:11 PM
There is a guy at my school that poured soda on my car and drew "I love (picture of a penis) and left the soda can on my windsheild. Nothin' really horrible, but I can't stand when people mess with my car in autoshop. My car is waiting for a new clutch and this guy decides to mess with it. He has one messed up eye already and I was thinking about punching in his other eye. Any thoughts or suggestions? It would be my first "fight" I guess. I'm 18 and he is 16 though...I don't know if that would lay me in deep shit or what.

05-13-2008, 01:17 PM
Bragging about a bar fight on a forum?? LOL. First fight by any chance? How old are you man?

05-13-2008, 01:17 PM
Was almost in one in middle school but it got broken up before it really started. So...never been in a fight.

God that sounds so weak.

05-13-2008, 01:23 PM
There is a guy at my school that poured soda on my car and drew "I love (picture of a penis) and left the soda can on my windsheild. Nothin' really horrible, but I can't stand when people mess with my car in autoshop. My car is waiting for a new clutch and this guy decides to mess with it. He has one messed up eye already and I was thinking about punching in his other eye. Any thoughts or suggestions? It would be my first "fight" I guess. I'm 18 and he is 16 though...I don't know if that would lay me in deep shit or what.

Probably not worth it.. got any homeboys that are under 18?

Jimmy Up
05-13-2008, 01:26 PM
just last year, a bunch of guys yelling "MARINE CORE!!!" at a highschool party got on my cousins nerves and he someone called me and my cousin tony (his brother) from another party because these guys were older.

So we got into a buddies mom's escalade and had him drive us to this party like 2 minutes away and sure enough these guys were about 15 deep and we had about 12 guys with mine and my cousins boys all
out in the street. Somebody blind sided my cousin and hell broke lose on Armel Dr. my "Team" walked away with bloody knuckles and a few minor injuries but team Marine couldnt get away fast enough and had to deal with the cops haha. I personally had a lump on the back of my had from getting hit while on top of somebody, but I'm guessing it was a mistake from one of our guys because when I got up there was nobody there to finish the job haha.

It was all fun though, nobody got jumped or shot afterwards...you know the way it should be

05-13-2008, 01:27 PM
Bragging about a bar fight on a forum?? LOL. First fight by any chance? How old are you man?

22 u fuck face and it wassnt bragging. i just said i got dragged out by my neck with a black eye lol i wouldnt brag about that. go fuck ur self please:)

05-13-2008, 01:31 PM
I always walk away... unless I have to defend a friend in trouble. Call me what you want... it's the right thing to do. No need for egotistical bullshit.

05-13-2008, 01:34 PM
I call you a smart person. My story, I could have gotten in alot of trouble over and I'm lucky. when I was in HS, I felt like I had to.. but thats kid stuff, and things are different now.. they call the police and lock you up. Even when I was in school, some teacher would break it up and it would be over. Crazy times we live in..

05-13-2008, 01:35 PM
I always walk away... unless I have to defend a friend in trouble. Call me what you want... it's the right thing to do. No need for egotistical bullshit.

Maybe that's why I've never been in one.

Yeah, I'll go with that. :D

Jimmy Up
05-13-2008, 01:39 PM
really, thats the only RUMBLE that I have ever been in.

Its good to walk away now days for sure though, but if somebody calls me out, it would take something life-threatening for me to back down to be honest, because anybody can talk- but most arent willing to back it up unless they have something on them, its really a joke how many people just do not care what happens when they kill somebody.

05-13-2008, 01:45 PM
sweet Muay Thai is awesome.. I'd be interested in getting into MMA, actually a friend of mine constantly tries to get me to fight in the "amateur fights" they have around here, but I dont have a wide skill-set as far as martial arts goes
you should definitely try it, its different. totally unexplainable experience.

I always walk away... unless I have to defend a friend in trouble. Call me what you want... it's the right thing to do. No need for egotistical bullshit.
yepp..only fight if its necessary. but nowadays u never know wht people are carrying.

05-13-2008, 02:01 PM
fighting unless its necessary is retarded....I went to high school with a kid who got into a fight over a girl and he went to swing at the kid and ended up gettin blasted in the face, he got pretty bad damage to his eye and the next day when I saw him his eye was swollen shut, it ended up being pretty bad and because of hit he wasnt able to join the coast guard which was all he had been talking about for a while....sucks and totally not worth it...a lot of people dont understand the damage a punch or an elbow or whatever can do to someones skull...not worth permenantly hurting yourself or someone else over something dumb

and yeah the carrying thing is totally true....a fight broke out at one of my boys houses a few years ago on new years eve....some kid did something and the kids unlce was there with his young son and he barely spoke any english....but something happened and mid fight the uncle grabbed a hammer and swung it at this kid...and hit him in the head with the claw end lol, he had a pretty big gash in his head but was ok, looked like it hurt like a bitch tho...lol as soon as he did it the uncle took off running...completely random

05-13-2008, 02:53 PM
I had a road rage provoked melee a few yrs ago. nothing much came of it other than the other guy having a few stitches in his brow and a split lip. I messed my knuckles pretty bad, and it took almost half a yr to heal. can be messy to punch anyone with glasses on.

yeah it was silly, and I'm not proud of what i did, but sometimes temperament takes the better of my judgment. glad it hasn't happened since (have had a lot more self-restraint since). it's really not worth it.

05-13-2008, 03:08 PM
I was shit faced at some party and I guess some guy thought I was talking shit about his brother, which I explained I wasn't. Turns out the guy is a navy seal with an anger problem kicks my shoulder then my head. I go down then get back up. Glad we were both fucked up because after we had some beers.

05-13-2008, 03:20 PM
I hit a guy in the neck and collapsed his trachea in high school.

I didn't come out too good either with my eye almost swelling shut.

05-13-2008, 03:25 PM
the last fight i got into was a couple weeks ago.

i was at a san diego downtown bar/lounge. some guy from the UK was there alone, talking to my friends. being rude, but we were making fun out of the situation. finally he started getting more rude and talking shit about "asians" which is just funny, but anyway, he was talking shit, saying he was from the "UK TRAID" and some other bullshit. we just told him to back off. he went to go talk shit to another group so we let it go.

when we were outside, he started talking shit again, to my friend though, his girl gets pushed to the floor trying to get in the middle, i was drunk, thought he punched/pushed her, so my friend took a couple swings, the uk guy tripped into the intersection, got up, and saw me, came after me but i was ready so i got in some good hits to his face and he fell, then that other asian group got their hits in. so many random people throwing punches.

at the end of the night, he got arrested since the bouncers could only point out the big tall UK dude.

Andrew Bohan
05-13-2008, 03:29 PM
i've been in a bunch of fights in the ring, and maybe one or two short ones in school, but no real street fights

came close to jumping into a few though

one time i was on bart (bay area's commuter train) coming back from the city for new year's and some ghetto dude was all up in this other ghetto dude's face, talking shit and saying how he was gonna kick his ass and everything. very similar to the girl in atlanta actually, but then he actually started hitting the guy. some old lady that was near them ran away screaming and i just sat in my seat running through scenarios. i decided that if the fight came close enough to me, i would just hold my position until the right time, and then just explode up and knock that first ghetto dude out. they never came close enough to me though.

the second time, i was at a beach in SF, and when i was walking back to my car, this group of hella ghetto fools was kicking the shit out this other dude, and took his backpack. when they discovered there was nothing of value in the backpack they decided they should go to a different beach to get better backpacks. their gf's were sitting closeby and cheering them on and were upset that they didn't kick his ass more. i woulda jumped right into that but i had $2k in camera equipment in my backpack and a girl with me. as i passed them, the followed me for a bit before deciding not to try to get my backpack. good choice for them :)

05-13-2008, 03:31 PM
i've never been in a fight but i always have my folder on me.
but one time i got really mad and actually pulled it out
and tried to go after that girl, but luckily a friend held me back

i always thought to myself if i ever got into a fight i would
wanna get beat up, just to learn a lesson and never fight again.


touge monster
05-13-2008, 03:36 PM
im 3-1-1 in amatuer muay thai. no street fights though...

+1 for muay thai

I grew up in Thailand so Muay Thai was something I had to learn and practice (well.. atleast in my family) Never understood why... until i moved here. It saved my life a few times. I don't fight at all unless I am forced to (family/friend/myself in danger, etc).. only happened once or twice thankfully.

touge monster
05-13-2008, 03:40 PM
I'm 18 and he is 16 though...I don't know if that would lay me in deep shit or what.

In terms of the law.. I think it would be alot harder for you because hes a minor..And it stays on your record. (his shit will be erased when he turns 18)

05-13-2008, 03:47 PM
fighting unless its necessary is retarded....


I will NOT fight under any circumstances unless I think my life or well being, or the life or well being of someone else, is in danger. It's just not worth the risk of charges, or injury to yourself, the instigator or bystanders for anything less. Have I ever fought? Yes, and I hated doing so even though I felt it was necessary. There's a huge difference between fighting for pride, honor etc. and fighting for, possibley, your life. The formers are not worth reacting to and turning it into the latter.

As far as martial arts and combative forms and training is concerned. I do it for the physical exercise and enjoyment of learning and training... Never again want to use it on another person.

I am curious to know what some other Zilvians have as far as skill sets and interests go.

Andrew Bohan
05-13-2008, 03:47 PM
oh i forgot about the time i was riding up to the track, and i had to talk on phone, but the guy in the back seat was hella drunk and wouldn't shut the fuck up so i eventually pulled my knife on him and his dumb ass grabbed the blade. well, when i pulled back it sliced his hand open.

my blade was so sharp he didn't even feel it for like 5 minutes when blood was getting everywhere. my blade didn't have any blood on it AT ALL. :whip:

he shut the fuck up after that

05-13-2008, 03:57 PM
my only fight was back when I was in highschool. I dont remember what it was really about probably a chick or something stupid.. but it was basically a quick clinch then a knee to the head and he dropped. My buddy decided to step in after he went down and so I stopped. Then ate my sandwich.

05-13-2008, 04:13 PM
ive never been in a fight, and i dont plan to. i really dont see the point in fighting...

05-13-2008, 05:44 PM
oh i forgot about the time i was riding up to the track, and i had to talk on phone, but the guy in the back seat was hella drunk and wouldn't shut the fuck up so i eventually pulled my knife on him and his dumb ass grabbed the blade. well, when i pulled back it sliced his hand open.

my blade was so sharp he didn't even feel it for like 5 minutes when blood was getting everywhere. my blade didn't have any blood on it AT ALL. :whip:

he shut the fuck up after that

You pulled a knife on some random dude?

I've never really been in a fight because I'm a big and really mellow dude and most of the "ghetto" people are chill with me and I don't go around starting shit so there's never any problem.

The one time shit almost got hairy was about a year ago on the beach in Oceanside at about 2 am we had a bonfire going and these fools of about 15 deep come over and pocket check us... There was only 5 of us and they all had blades no doubt so we kept it cool. It got really close to throwing the small dudes in the fire and taking the hatchets to town when they hit one of my buddies for no reason.

Anywho, motherfuckers got scared cause they thought they saw a patrol car and we got into our little 86 corolla and followed them.

They are now serving 3 year sentences :bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl: hahaha

Andrew Bohan
05-13-2008, 06:23 PM
nah it was my friend's friend. they're not really that good of friends anymore though.

that dude pissed both of us constantly the whole weekend

05-13-2008, 06:24 PM
nah it was my friend's friend. they're not really that good of friends anymore though.

that dude pissed both of us constantly the whole weekend

Haha well then I guess...

05-13-2008, 06:31 PM
I've been into at least 20 or so 1v1 fights.

Around 4 ring boxing fights

I've jumped into about 10 fights.

About 5 bar fights

Put a few under.

I've pulled knifes and guns only when necessary .

I'm From Colombia, most American's don't really know how we get down out there. I don't take disrespect.
Most of you northern cali peeps know wussup.

05-13-2008, 06:34 PM
I've pulled knifes and guns only when necessary .

Yeah, knives only escalate things. Fists are one thing... blades and guns are on a whole 'nother level.

05-13-2008, 06:36 PM
I'm on a whole nother level.

I really can't control myself when I get into fights....I just can't stop hitting too much adrenaline. I don't pick fights however.

05-13-2008, 06:40 PM
hey anthony. shall we box?

im hella kidding.

im like 120 pounds.


ummm...last fight i was in...

dude hit my car.

ran for it.

chased him down.

he crashed.

he started running on foot.

i ran after him on foot.

and the rest is confidential.

(he didn't land a single hit on me)

05-13-2008, 06:45 PM
^No way bruh.

Your a Ninja.

I've had one incident like that. Some stupid Asian guy wanted to pull out from a stop light as I was crossing the intersection. He looked at me and pulled out real fast. I slammed the brakes (had a car in the opposing lane)
I skidded into him, and basically because of him, I broke my silvia corner light, and cracked my fender. When we pulled over, the first thing he said.

"Why you hit me!!"

I just got enraged and punched him in the face, he fell first hit...his wife came out the car screaming at me...I wanted to bitch slap her, but I just got back in my car and drove away.

I still see him all the time. 30 mins later, I drove by with a homie, and saw an ambulance on the same side street.
Don't know what happened. but he sure deserved it.

05-13-2008, 06:46 PM

Ut oh, E-thuggery!!!! 22 years old, lol. That was quite entertaining though. Props.

Anyway, to stay on topic. I've been jumped, and done the jumping. Neither is fun. I like to think I've grown out of it.

05-13-2008, 06:54 PM
Yeah, knives only escalate things. Fists are one thing... blades and guns are on a whole 'nother level.

It escalates to the point of an established threat and an obvious intent to seriously physically harm or kill someone. Depending on the nature of the fight before, a fight changes at that point. It gets ugly and dirty. :-/

I'm on a whole nother level.

I really can't control myself when I get into fights....I just can't stop hitting too much adrenaline. I don't pick fights however.

Not controling yourself is not a good thing.

05-13-2008, 06:58 PM
I can't help it.

It's like. When someone gets angry and swings and hits me.
I feel like they are trying to kill me, so my adrenaline pumps like no other.
So I fight back too...I don't stop because I want them to know how much they fucked up
So the next morning whether they wake up in their bed, or on a hospital bunk they'll know that I meant business.

Now keep in mind again. I do not start fights.

When I was with my last lady...alot of stupid ass beaners would always say stupid shit and try to hollar...I would ignore it ALL.
but when they get to a physical level...It's game fucking over.

Don't disrespect me, my family, my lady, my house or my homies. and we'll be coo.

05-13-2008, 06:58 PM
1st grade some kid said he was gonna chop my dick off and he had wire cutters. So I came back the next day with a really small pocket knife rumbled for a bit teacher broke us up I hid the knife in my sock he got expelled I think.

Ive been in plenty of fights when i was younger probably been about 2 years since ive had one tho im due.

05-13-2008, 07:04 PM
i always tried to step away from danger to avoid fight.... the profession and life style i am pursuing does not allow me to get any record.

but of course i did not get relief of my anger or been described as not fun =(

05-13-2008, 07:05 PM
You guys ever beat up a cop before? I have. Knocked his shit.

05-13-2008, 07:15 PM
I can't help it.

It's like. When someone gets angry and swings and hits me.
I feel like they are trying to kill me, so my adrenaline pumps like no other.
So I fight back too...I don't stop because I want them to know how much they fucked up
So the next morning whether they wake up in their bed, or on a hospital bunk they'll know that I meant business.

Now keep in mind again. I do not start fights.

Nah, I never thought you'd start them. You don't come across as such. I used to be like that at one point, where I'd get physical over insults etc. Mostly in my high school days. Now? Hell I've even taken a (weak mind you. haha) punch and walked, it's just not worth it. But if I do fight, and when I have, there has never been any question that I meant business. Because I already knew they did.

I'll do anything and everything to talk down a fight from taking place... Besides submit anything physically that matters IE: "We'll let you go if your girl comes with us"... Like hell I'd let that happen. They can insult me and think I'm a pussy all day though. Won't budge me. I know when push comes to shove, I can more then defend myself, and it will not be in an honorable way at all. That's enough for my pride. :wiggle:

Dirty Habit
05-13-2008, 07:16 PM
First off you gotta understand how shit happens in Ohio. You drink a lot of whiskey/bourbon and shit is talked, there will be a fight. Thats it.
Dudes at a party across the street talking shit throwing beer bottles at our house. We tell em to fuck off go about our business. Its me, three girls, my 4 housemates and one of my best friends (and his brother) from Cleveland visiting sitting out on the front porch. Three hours go by and theres a knock at the door. We're doing our thing playing some poker, drinking, having fun. Well, Guys from next door standing in a half circle inf ront of the door talking shit. So I calmly tell them to hold on and go back inside and grab everyone. One of my roomates grabs his bat and we head out into the front yard (you gotta understand that if your gonna come over to someones house knock on the door and want to brawl, you better the fuck be prepared for whatever the fuck comes out that door). Dude wanting to throw down is about 6'4..275 at least, just jawing at my 6'0'' roommate thats all of 165lbs.
The night gets really fucked up from here.
Big dude goes after skinny roommate and catches a chest full of louisvilles finest wood work. The kid drops immediately screaming like a little bitch on the ground and my two buddies from Cleveland go fucking nuts and attack two of the guys escorting the larger pussy. I catch a kid going mid-stride into the forray with an elbow to head, he lands on his stomach and I stomped his head into the ground for being a dirty fuck and trying to double team my friend. I look up to see everyone basically paired up scrapping, girls are moving back towards the house and my skinny friend winding up to swing on the fat fuck again.
By now there are people hanging off the balcony's of the surrounding apartment buildings either cheering or simply watching in amazement. Sirens can be heard in the background and I grab the bat from my roomate and hand it back to a girl in the house and start to pull people back inside the house. While I'm grabbing people fat fuck goes staggering by me crying holding his arm and out of nowhere comes one of my buddies and drop kicks the kid from behind and knees fatty in the head putting him out cold on his back in the middle of street.
Now the sirens are really close and Ive gotten everyone but the two brothers from Cleveland back inside the house. I pull them off another cowling kid and wrestle them both back into the house. We look out the front window to see the fat kid dragged by his shirt into their side yard right as the cops come flying down the street and slam to a stop in the middle of the street, right on the spot where fatty once laid, sleeping peacefully. They paused for what seemed like 10 minutes before they flipped the lights again and took off.
Well inside everything isn't cool as my buddys brother is still fucking jacked on adrenaline starts yelling at me for not a helping him fight the last kid out there. Guy starts to get in my face and it happens:
My friend lands a hard right to the jaw of his OWN brother sending blood up the living room wall and onto the ceiling. The sound of his jaw breaking was loud enough that one of the girls came in from the kitchen to see what it was. His brother fell on to the couch with blood pouring from his mouth. Fuck. I knew I was going to have to call the EMS. His brother gets up and tries to play it off, sticks a cig in his mouth only to have it slide out in the steadily increasing stream of blood coming out of his now crooked face.
We gave him a coffee cup and started get people out of the house, he filled up the coffee cup with blood in about two minutes. We called the ems.
At this time a friend of mine who I met in school, who is a foreingn exhange student from Japan, doesnt speak very good english, showed up and walked in to living room and dropped his shit down without saying a word and started cleaning the blood off the walls and trail going into the kitchen. Guy didnt have a fucking clue what was going on, just knew that shit was fucked and he was now part of it. I tried to explain it to him and he just told me not to worry.
Everyone leaves but me and the brother before the cops and the ems arrive. They block off the street and search the house. I tell them that my friend came to visit and was jumped walking from his car which he parked down the street. About 6 minutes later the cops and everyone left, my buddies friend was on a helicopter ride to get his face put back togeather.
Craziest part is my friends brother later sees the fat guy at the same hospital, dude had a cast around his chest and right arm. Talking with the guys across the street a few weeks later we find out he was visiting and recieved two broken ribs, a concussion and a shattered arm.
Since this night I havent talked with my friend from Cleveland or his brother. Ive partied with the guy I stomped out a few times after that, other than their one friend, theyre good people.
Wild turkey makes you do crazy things.
Please believe.

05-13-2008, 07:22 PM
LOL. The hospital part of your story reminds me of a similar incident! Friendships were made after the previous fight!

Alcohol does funny things to people

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-13-2008, 07:38 PM
In Jr. High some cholo kid was trying to pick on my brother who was in crutches at the time. I jumped on him and he was in shock that someone actually was fighting back, lol. I threw a couple punches in before it got broken up. I was fucking pissed. Well, the next morning I got a bathroom pass during one of my classes and seen the kid roaming the halls so I called him over to where I was and pulled him into a hallway, he looked terrified. I punched him in the stomach and gave him a flying knee to the face. Honestly, I thought I killed him. His eyes rolled back and he layed motionless. I ran. I felt really bad because I really thought I killed him. Never seen him again. Never got into another fight outside of the ring. Dabbled in Muai Thai and boxing a little but that's it. Training at Team Quest currently.

Omarius Maximus
05-13-2008, 08:06 PM
I've had my fair share of stupid crap happen as a bouncer. Needless to say, I don't particularly enjoy fighting, but as a bouncer dealing with a bunch of drunk retards, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Regardless, I'm too old to fight out of "honor, or respek, or keepin it realz" or shit like that. If I or someone I care for is in physical danger, then I will operate with extreme prejudice...otherwise, I shrug it off/walk away. There is no point...

05-13-2008, 11:41 PM
5th grades, my best friend gave into the peer pressure of some jocks and tackled me, i started to show him what was up then he grabbed my hair, i was po'd and was gonna destroy him but a teacher started coming towards us so we split, and were cool the next day...

other than that me and my younger brother have fights about every night, fun ones ya know, to keep us on the ball...

05-13-2008, 11:51 PM
i understand how some would prefer to keep things nonviolent unless absolutely needed, and i respect that

but i also know how it feels to dominate someone
and there aren't many better feelings out there

when you can look down on someone else that thought they could contest you, rock their shit up and then call em a bitch with a victorious grin, thats when you are glad you threw down

05-13-2008, 11:59 PM
oh i forgot about the time i was riding up to the track, and i had to talk on phone, but the guy in the back seat was hella drunk and wouldn't shut the fuck up so i eventually pulled my knife on him and his dumb ass grabbed the blade. well, when i pulled back it sliced his hand open.

my blade was so sharp he didn't even feel it for like 5 minutes when blood was getting everywhere. my blade didn't have any blood on it AT ALL. :whip:

he shut the fuck up after that

so you thought he was so annoying that you had to threaten his life with a deadly weapon, while he was drunk and you should be concentrating on the road, to get him to shut up.
he fears for his life tries to disarm you and you slice his hand way the fuck open to show him "whos boss"

is it just me or is that semi rediculous? i mean c'mon

Andrew Bohan
05-14-2008, 12:06 AM
i wasn't driving

he was 100% preventing me from doing what i had to do, and at the same time pissing of my friend who was driving.

and he was 100% not listening to reason.

i did what i did and it worked

05-14-2008, 12:08 AM
i understand how some would prefer to keep things nonviolent unless absolutely needed, and i respect that

but i also know how it feels to dominate someone
and there aren't many better feelings out there

when you can look down on someone else that thought they could contest you, rock their shit up and then call em a bitch with a victorious grin, thats when you are glad you threw down

Are you grinning when his buddy puts a knife in your gut? Or he pulls a gun and you have a barrel pointed at you, with a bullet with your name on it flying down it, as you're walking away. All over something you thought was a silly issue of pride and masculine contest. It only takes once and it can be the last time for you... Not trying to sound like a total asshole to you here, but I think you're not thinking straight in something like that.

The above scenario can happen, and when it does. It's not fun anymore. Ask me how I know.

05-14-2008, 12:28 AM
^^yeah fights can escalate pretty quickly.....this "gang" (more like local punks) got into a fight with another gang and one of the dudes hopped in his car and ran a kid from the other side over and killed him....serving time now, such a waste of two lives

05-14-2008, 01:22 AM
Gotta thank the UFC, for the increase of wannabe tough guys. It's like everyone in Hawaii is a fucking MMA fighter now.

05-14-2008, 01:31 AM
Gotta thank the UFC, for the increase of wannabe tough guys. It's like everyone in Hawaii is a fucking MMA fighter now.

On that lets also say thanks to Sylvester Stallone, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and Jet Li. You know to make it fair.

Andrew Bohan
05-14-2008, 01:33 AM
i think MMA makes fighting seem more "accessible" since those fighters are more or less normal guys

and it's real fighting, not movie stuff.

05-14-2008, 01:35 AM
lol I know that. I just ment it by anything that is influential and after watching you become a badass.. And yea i think your right on that.

05-14-2008, 01:43 AM
i once saw a very gay man super pussy slap some a cool guy making fun. everyone else that saw agreed his manhood was taken away from him. saddest/funniest thing i saw in my life.

i used to box at an open gym by my house with my bf thats as close to fighting as i want to get. "street fighting is for guys that get their feelings hurt too easily." -Coach huass

05-14-2008, 01:51 AM
Personally I really dislike UFC.

"Wow!, I could do that, all I need is to sign up for some krav maga classes at the the local Y!"

It's just teaching people, especially dumbass teens, that fighting is cool. I wouldn't even call UFC real fighting, it's a fight in the same sense as a boxing match to be sure, just more violent, but it's still just a competition with rules and guidelines. No one's going to be pulling a knife or a gun, or using brass knuckles in those "fights". No one's going to intentionally kill another guy in that ring.

05-14-2008, 02:07 AM


J/k I have yet to be into a fight, nothing really get to me. I always tell my self its not worth it. I have had some "f**k this" moments. Nothing really worth mentioning.

05-14-2008, 05:43 AM
I left fighting back in middle school.

Since then I've managed to avoid them. It's been 5 years so far.

05-14-2008, 06:14 PM
On that lets also say thanks to Sylvester Stallone, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and Jet Li. You know to make it fair.

Movies do have a certain impact on society. But, not the type of impact that the UFC has had. I see nothing wrong with defending yourself. I have even thought of taking some kind of martial arts class. Problem is a lot of these guys don't keep it in the ring. They think because they can fight, the world is their playground. There seems to be a lot more discipline in martial arts, compared to MMA fighting. To me, MMA is a lot about fame and women.

05-14-2008, 06:27 PM
Never been in a fight.

05-14-2008, 07:43 PM
Movies do have a certain impact on society. But, not the type of impact that the UFC has had. I see nothing wrong with defending yourself. I have even thought of taking some kind of martial arts class. Problem is a lot of these guys don't keep it in the ring. They think because they can fight, the world is their playground. There seems to be a lot more discipline in martial arts, compared to MMA fighting. To me, MMA is a lot about fame and women.

That is very true. Fact of the matter is though, most MMA and ring fighters have very little real life defense skills against someone who's not afraid to kill them. They'll likely win the fist throwing bar brawl, but they'll likely lose the fight for their life when the attacker has a knife and is intent on using it.

I've seen a couple ring fighters in my time get their ass handed to them, by guys who HAVE been in the real deal before, and decided to shoot their mouths off thinking they're the real tough guy. Not saying all are like that though... but some sure are. :goyou:

05-14-2008, 07:45 PM
That is very true. Fact of the matter is though, most MMA and ring fighters have very little real life defense skills against someone who's not afraid to kill them. They'll likely win the fist throwing bar brawl, but they'll likely lose the fight for their life when the attacker has a knife and is intent on using it.

I've seen a couple ring fighters in my time get their ass handed to them, by guys who HAVE been in the real deal before, and decided to shoot their mouths off thinking they're the real tough guy. Not saying all are like that though... but some sure are. :goyou:

I'm sure there are a ton of MMA fighters who do street self defense training or at least did it, and have been in real street scraps.

05-14-2008, 07:49 PM
I'm sure there are a ton of MMA fighters who do street self defense training or at least did it, and have been in real street scraps.

Oh completely. I'm sure there's many of them (A guy I know does both) and they're not going to be likely to pick a fight for no reason as they know the consequences. There's many who haven't though, and that's a fact.

05-14-2008, 07:52 PM
Oh completely. I'm sure there's many of them, and they're not going to be likely to pick a fight for no reason as they know the consequences. There's many who haven't though, and that's a fact.

In my experience it's usually the no talent, self confident hacks who go around trying to start fights. It's the quiet guy they fuck with who ends it.

05-14-2008, 08:03 PM
i have friends who get into fights at clubs.. well i havent seen them but they tell me its because one of their club friends gets into a fight or so and they go to back em up and others jump in.

Im sorry but a "club" friend isnt good enough for me to get involved with..

Ive seen a fight at a afterclub eating spot.. dude got bodyslammed and was unconscious while the other dude was still delivering blows when he was on the ground.. people eventually told him to stop and he took off.. but what pissed me off was i was with friends, who where "friends" with the people and everyone insisted to stay and watch when my ass wanted to leave in the first place since it did not involve me.

I dont know what it is in human nature but people love to see fights, until someone gets killed....

05-14-2008, 08:04 PM
In my experience it's usually the no talent, self confident hacks who go around trying to start fights. It's the quiet guy they fuck with who ends it.

Exactly. An unfortunate truth is though, that a lot of guys take martial arts, or combatives of some form for their pride and so they can pick fights with defenseless (or more so then themselves) people and win. All for their own self confidence and ego boosting. UFC and MMA fads have just ballooned that problem IMHO.

05-14-2008, 08:07 PM
Exactly. An unfortunate truth is though, that a lot of guys take martial arts, or combatives of some form for their pride and so they can pick fights with defenseless (or more so then themselves) people and win. All for their own self confidence and ego boosting. UFC and MMA fads have just ballooned that problem IMHO.

Yup. I usually don't see the point in fighting for the sake of fighting. I'd rather just buy you a beer and go after some women...

Andrew Bohan
05-14-2008, 08:07 PM
Exactly. etc etc

yeah that makes sense.

for the record, how many martial artists do we have here?

i'm a tkd black belt.

05-14-2008, 08:09 PM
fuck this man lets settle our differences over a game of madden lol

05-14-2008, 08:10 PM
how bout Street Fighter?

05-14-2008, 08:11 PM
yeah that makes sense.

for the record, how many martial artists do we have here?

i'm a tkd black belt.

I used to do Weapons training. Matayoshi Kobudo. Was a national champion... then I found the drums, cars and bitches haha.

If there's a good sized stick near me I'll take your ass out hahaha :keke:

05-14-2008, 08:11 PM
the last time i fought was.... in 2006
and that was a police officer
lets just say i woke up int he drunk tank bruised the fuck up

blacking out is no good
the FULL story can be found in an off-topic in another 240 forum

05-14-2008, 08:12 PM
Yup. I usually don't see the point in fighting for the sake of fighting. I'd rather just buy you a beer and go after some women...

:werd: I think me and you think along pretty similar lines. lolz

yeah that makes sense.

for the record, how many martial artists do we have here?

i'm a tkd black belt.

I'm the jack of lots of trades master of none. lolz... krav maga, bokator, eskrima (or kali as some call it), judo and ninjutsu are all forms I've dabbled in to at least a semi decent extent. You can mix things up that way! :D haha

05-14-2008, 08:16 PM
well my friend andrew and i were playing super smash brothers brawl on nintendo wii. He chose luigi and i chose toon link. i proceeded to three stalk him because i felt i was IN THE ZONE. for the final blow, i back aired him and did a down B down smash attack and he couldnt recover from the spike. for some reason his luigi sucked that time and i got lucky with lotsa consecutive combos. toon link's up smash is pretty crazy also. wuhahah

05-14-2008, 08:21 PM
well my friend andrew and i were playing super smash brothers brawl on nintendo wii. He chose luigi and i chose toon link. i proceeded to three stalk him because i felt i was IN THE ZONE. for the final blow, i back aired him and did a down B down smash attack and he couldnt recover from the spike. for some reason his luigi sucked that time and i got lucky with lotsa consecutive combos. toon link's up smash is pretty crazy also. wuhahah

+1... hahahahahahahaha. Way to keep it light.

05-14-2008, 08:45 PM
Someone told this deaf chick that could bench 350 and boxed since the age of 11 that I said she was a lesbian. She came after me and I ran...I don't hit girls.

05-14-2008, 08:47 PM
Someone told this deaf chick that benches 350 and boxed since the age of 11 that I said she was a lesbian. She came after me and I ran...I don't hit girls.

I fucking hate people who instigate.

I also hate people who automatically believe what instigators tell them.

05-14-2008, 08:49 PM
I also hate people who automatically believe what instigators tell them.

She was a juiced up deaf chick what do you expect? :mepoke:

05-14-2008, 08:49 PM
She was a juiced up deaf chick what do you expect? :mepoke:

No I meant in general.

05-14-2008, 08:50 PM
how bout Street Fighter?

Or maybe forza motor sports 2?

05-14-2008, 08:52 PM
I think it was one of my friends. It was funny after I stopped being scared.

05-14-2008, 08:59 PM
No I meant in general.

I know just havin some fun homie :bow:

05-14-2008, 09:24 PM
Hey im down for some Forza 2. Gamertag MikeisNissan

05-14-2008, 09:52 PM
Couple months ago I almost got into a little fight. This one guy who just moved up here from Long Beach, tall but a bit chubby... about a week prior I was in my front yard, popping pills. My bro calls em to box, I said I want to box him. Seeing double and, slow jabs I beat em. Boxing 4 years...

Well, it all started when my friend was talking to his girl in the back of the bus, and he started throwing hot cheetos at us, not letting my friend act up while with his girl I stood up for em and let them keep doing what they were doing. It was a big mistake on my part though since I had to pee really really bad... 5 min away from home 15 min walking from bus stop. Well anyways I got ready to fight took my jacket off, the homies from the far front of the bus were whistling and, yelling SEXY!! In a playing manner of course, no homo. Well my friend Ivan and I get off the same stop, his girl has next stop. As we both get off the bus, we see him right behind us. I said "I beat em before, I'll take em." He said good looking out, gives me a tap on my chest, and I was about to pee like crazy, was holding it in since the morning.

Well anyways this is how it goes.

Gangster: Hurry the fuck up dog I ain't got all day, I'll beat you down like I did last time.
Me: Uh-huh
Gangster: Getting in position to fight, saying "Dumb fuck, you don't know what your getting into, you don't know who you fucking with."
Me: Uh-huh
Gangster: You gonna be a little bitch and not fight me?
Me: Look back, and laugh.
Gangster: Takes off shirt, see a shitload of nasty red strectchmarks on his stomach.
Me: Holy shit thats fucking disgusting. Gagging after I said that.
Gangster: Thats right bitch you don't fuck with me, I would of fucked you up. You don't know where I'm from.
Me: Mother fucker in the roughest toughest places theres still going to be little bitches like you. Where you come from doesn't make you more of a man. I take off my shirt show off my awesome 6 pack, (yea right not awesome) at the same time showing my scars. Also saying " See this you will never have what I have.

Born and raised for a long time in my life living in 12th street I know what goes down. Getting down with WSP every week. Having scars in my head chin and chest abs and back.

I changed my ways ever since I moved up here though. If it were the old me I probably would have gone crazy on a fool like that.

05-14-2008, 10:13 PM
eskrima, arnis, and kali have their difference. just let you know some eskrima guys/places dont like to be called kali.

05-14-2008, 10:29 PM
eskrima, arnis, and kali have their difference. just let you know some eskrima guys/places dont like to be called kali.

Yeah, eskrima and kali get used pretty interchangeabley in reference to FMA's when there are differences between them. There's actually a lot of different individual systems and adaptations all with their own minor differences from most others. The WIKI page for Eskrima lists over a dozen... and there's more yet.

05-14-2008, 10:46 PM
Hey im down for some Forza 2. Gamertag MikeisNissan

Sweet ill send u a message:bigok:

05-14-2008, 11:15 PM
All these stories remind me of this. I LOVE this video. Serves those fag "gangsters" right. hahah. On a side note, I box about 3 times every month.


05-15-2008, 10:12 AM
my last fight was when i was 15 (over 10 years ago). happened in school.... dont even remember why. havent had to since. i dont pay attention to people (especially when they're drunk. i laugh when security tackles them and kicks them out), normally i just brush things off. i've noticed most people just like to talk crap, but not back it up. i dont do anything till the other person makes the first move. just so i dont get into any problems with the police, or legal issues.

steve shadows
05-15-2008, 10:13 AM
dont fight stoned

or drunk

just don't

don't fight in general

05-15-2008, 10:20 AM
Holy shit that video was hysterical. My whole office heard me LOL.

05-15-2008, 11:52 AM
Most of the stories here are pretty whack.

I doubt a lot of it, over 20 fights in the streets? suuure.

if you cant understand fighting, you just have never been in a situation that necessitated it, thats perfectly fine.

as far as MMA, those guys are legit badasses, dont think for a second taht because they dont do tiger monkey grabbing peach nut strikes and eye gouges that they are not killers.

If you do not practice your martial art full speed against a fully resisting partner, you will not be able to effectively execute those techniques in a stressful live scenario.

Guns and knives are pussy. Jumping people is pussy, I would never cop to that shit even on the net. you should be ashamed if you have ever beat a guy 2 on 1.

I cant even remember the last time I got a in a fight, I got beat down at UCONN by a bunch of mongoloids for about a minute and a half before my cousin came and I was able to run off, cops came, and for some reason I didnt press charges(talk about some macho bullshit). We threw a cinderblock through their apartment window a week later, but i didnt feel vindicated.

I was talking shit about Donovan Mcnabb at a party at UMASS this winter, some kid pushed me from teh side, I fell down and slid about 15ft through the muddy floor into the next room, embarassed as hell, so I just walked back in there and slugged him in the jawbone, he fell into the wall and I grabbed him by his collar and belt and threw him on the floor in front of all the people that just saw me fall. He apologized, some kids threw me a bottle of JD, and it was good.

those arent really fights theyre just scraps.

All my fighting is in the gym now, 3 times a week, helping my teammates get ready for ammy and pro mma. I will have an ammy boxing match in August. Maybe MMA someday, but I need about 3x as much conditioning as I have now, ammy rules are 3x3min rounds, I think I could do 1 round going all out. I can do 3 in the gym if I save myself.

05-15-2008, 12:34 PM
when punks who pick fights, run into the wrong guy


05-15-2008, 03:54 PM
Most of the stories here are pretty whack.

I doubt a lot of it, over 20 fights in the streets? suuure.

if you cant understand fighting, you just have never been in a situation that necessitated it, thats perfectly fine.

as far as MMA, those guys are legit badasses, dont think for a second taht because they dont do tiger monkey grabbing peach nut strikes and eye gouges that they are not killers.

If you do not practice your martial art full speed against a fully resisting partner, you will not be able to effectively execute those techniques in a stressful live scenario.

Guns and knives are pussy. Jumping people is pussy, I would never cop to that shit even on the net. you should be ashamed if you have ever beat a guy 2 on 1.

I've never seen the appeal in prize or ring fighting. If someone enjoys it, that's fine, but it's just not my thing. I've been in situations where fighting was necessary, and it holds no appeal to me as a sport in any way. However, fighting when required is something I've come to understand by experience unfortunately. :-/

Like I've said, I'm sure a lot of MMA types are perfectly capable of defending themselves, but there are many who are not.
Can't remember his name off hand, but one of the hosts of that "Human Weapon" show on TV (History channel I think??) was a prize winning MMA fighter and he had quick work made of him by a few guys on that show. One instructor in an episode even basically said he was a great ring fighter, but had very little real self defense skill. Ring fighting of any kind can't equal the experience and lessons of the real deal. No way no how.

And real life self defense does not include tiger monkey peach nut whatever flying dingo roundhouse jump kicks. Simple, devestating and effective is the name of the game. Make use of natural reflexes, and deliver as much damage as possible as quickly as possible, and end it. Use whatever weapons you can, when it's your life, there is no such thing as a fair fight.

You're right that you have to practice against full speed, resisting training partners to gain the most out of that training. Most effective techniques do that to the highest extent possible. Most will even include training in "worst case" scenarios. Krav maga often involves training physically to the point of literal exhaustion and THEN practicing techniques full speed against resisting, usually armed opponents, often more then one at a time, from a disadvantaged position (such as on your back, or a limb unuseable).

Guns and knives are not pussy. Guns and knives are what will be used, if available, if the fight is a life or death contest. Advantages in numbers will be used. There is no honor in a REAL fight. Everything else is just, like you said, a scrap.

05-15-2008, 04:19 PM
the smart person walks away. fighting is just dumb.

05-15-2008, 04:31 PM
the smart person walks away. fighting is just dumb.


However, unfortunately sometimes you do not have that option.

05-15-2008, 04:42 PM
last fight(if you want to call it that), im not proud of.

just got done drinking a little with friends.
on the ride home, friend is breaking down cause of issues with family and friends. he told me my then friend was raped by her bf. well that got us heated. we called up a homie and he came out with a bat.

we roll to the guys house and i go to call him out of his house. he comes out and i let my homie do what he needs to do. they are all up in each others faces yelling and the guy pushes my homie. right when that happened something inside me just snapped. like that killer instinct where you just go nuts. well thats exactly what i did ha, i just ran up to him and threw a good solid punch to the side of his face. he basically blacked out and fell into the gutter.

we started to stomp him and his sister comes out trying to push me off of him. well i end up pushing her and just continue. well than we hear 4 pops...yeah the sound of a bat hitting someones back and legs. after that we stopped and just took off.

day after i get a call from his homie. and i told em i know what i did was wrong and you can press charges for attempted murder etc. he said he wanted to squash any beef we had.

and i haven't seen a fight since.

fighting isnt smart and i don't go out there looking to fight or anything. but i got any of my friends backs. anytime anywhere.

05-15-2008, 04:49 PM
I've punched a couple of girls before, but on accident.

I hate how bitches like to fucking take their free hits while your beating their boyfriends ass's. It's a reaction to turn around and swing.

I've KO'd a bitch before. Funny shit, all her brothers came after me...so I squared up with a few of them, and eventually ran. Because I heard one say "pull out the strap".

I've been jumped a couple of times...Only the first few hits actually hurt...the rest you don't seem to feel.

05-15-2008, 09:00 PM
holy shit^ Thats wild.

05-15-2008, 09:03 PM
Yeah I hit a bitch once.. This was in middle school 7th grade. Twas my b-day and everyone is giving me birthday hits and shit, i dont mind,then this big 250lb bitch sucker punches me in the gut out of nowhere, so I walk up to her and I aim for her shoulder but she jerked so I ended up hittin her dead at the jaw, the whiplash has her head hitting the lockers, she drops and seconds later shes layin in a pool of blood, cryin, heard she had like 6 stiches or some shit. I got suspended for a good couple of days. O well. I wouldnt hit a skinny bitch, but a big bitch.. yeah.

05-15-2008, 10:40 PM
I mean....

If a girl tries to square up with a man...she better be ready to be hit like a man.


05-15-2008, 11:07 PM
last fight I got into was in Cabo, Mexico

went their on vacation

Hit up a few of the local bars, go to the strip club come out about to go into another bar, when my brother in-law is counting his money and this guy starts talking to him and decides to try to jack him right their.

he takes the money and starts walking away well my brother in-law starts talking to the guy saying give me my money back. this motherfucker decides he's gonna try to jog across the street.

I flipped out, chase this guy across the kick out his back foot when he's jogging he trips eats shit. I start pounding this guys face in the middle of the road after fucking him up pretty bad. I get up tell him to give my brother in-law his money back he starts talking shit.... my brother in-law and I start stomping this bitch.

my real brother runs out of the bar and tells us to get the fuck out of their, we start running back to the the hotel and end up walking past a police station. while walking back we start joking about how this guy got a beatdown worth the amount he took.

I'll never forget it, If I had to describe it in one word it'd be 'satisfaction'

no doubt, he will think again before ripping some tourist off

Andrew Bohan
05-16-2008, 10:46 AM
crime in mexico is FUN

oh, and GENDER EQUALITY!!! :coolugh:

05-16-2008, 11:12 AM
my real brother runs out of the bar and tells us to get the fuck out of their,

yea i bet the mexican pd have their own ways of handling things with tourists. they probably jack your money instead, kick you in the nuts, and not let you return home

05-16-2008, 12:22 PM
I've punched a couple of girls before, but on accident.

I hate how bitches like to fucking take their free hits while your beating their boyfriends ass's. It's a reaction to turn around and swing.

I've KO'd a bitch before. Funny shit, all her brothers came after me...so I squared up with a few of them, and eventually ran. Because I heard one say "pull out the strap".

I've been jumped a couple of times...Only the first few hits actually hurt...the rest you don't seem to feel.

something like that happened to me, i was in a straight up rumble and my home girl tried to get me so we can be out, and what did i do? i swung! i seen her face and i tried to stop it so i hit her in the arm instead. she fell, i grabbed her and put her in the car asap. i felt bad that night for that one.

05-16-2008, 12:53 PM
Yeah, every fight I've been in, I only remember feeling the first few hits immediately... I have to agree that actual street fighting (fighting for your life) is much different than martial arts. In martial arts there are rules that keep strict boundaries as far as what you can and cannot do. In the street, you cant be messing around with trying to be fair, because the other guy wont.. you cannot let them up or expect them NOT to draw down on you, and you'd better get out of sight quick afterwards. and hope the other guy dont get the best of you.. you may not wake up later.

Andrew Bohan
05-16-2008, 12:55 PM
the goal of a street fight is always to make it so the other guy can't fight anymore. if he is still physically able to fight, the fight is still going.

05-16-2008, 12:58 PM
I used to get in fights alot. People seemed to think I was an easy person to pick on. I'd usually let em fuck with me for a month or so, just letting the aggression build, then I'd finally snap and beat the shit out of the dude. I never start a fight, but I'm more than happy to finish one.
Last real fight I got into was senior year of high school. Some asian tough guy in my computers class kept talking shit for no reason. I ignored it. Went on for about two months... One day, he walked past me, and smacked me in the back of the head out of nowhere, then just walked away. Needless to say, this didn't go over too well with me.
I got up, spun him around, smashed him in the temple with a right hook. He tried to grab me by the throat, so I gave him a solid headbutt to the eye. At that point, he wasn't really trying to hard to fight back, so I put him in a headlock and started punching him in the face over and over.
At this point, the teacher is freaking out. It was his first sememster teaching, and he'd never dealt with a fight. He didn't try to break us up, he just stood there yelling "Stop! Please stop! Help! Somebody call security!"
By that point, I was smashing azn dude's head into a computer moniter. I felt bad for the teacher, so I shoved the azn dude to the ground and walkede out of the class.
I got picked up by the narcs within about 2 minutes, and we were both suspended for 5 days.

Damage done to him: Broken nose, two black eyes, and a fairly swollen face.
Damage done to me: Small bump on my forehead from when I landed the headbutt. :keke:
Needless to say, he stopped talking shit after that. :)

I guess I've grown up a bit since then though. A few weeks ago at a party, some drunken tough guy (friend of a friend, trains in jui jitsu), tried to pick a fight with me for no reason. I was drunk and relaxed, just sitting down people watching. He walks over and starts talking shit. "I thought you Cali guys knew how to party. You're fucking boring." I was like, "uh, okay. Whatever dude." So he gets in my face. "What, you wanna make something of it?" I just looked at him like "wtf?" and walked away.
Later on, he pulled the same thing on my roommate. My roommate was less ready to walk away, and wound up choking him out.

Good times. lol

05-16-2008, 01:02 PM
she fell, i grabbed her and put her in the car asap.

now the real questiong is, did you cop a feel when you grabbed her?

05-16-2008, 01:07 PM
That reminded me of my Freshman year in high school.. there was this dude that used to talk all kinds of crap constantly.. on the bus, during lunch, etc.. I mostly ignored it because I'm not going to instigate a fight, and i can tune the noise out. We had the same gym class, and everyday we had to run like 2 miles or something like that.. anyway, one day i'm jogging doing my thing, and this dude pops something off.. I dont remember what, but I turned around, and threw a right hook, caught him in the jaw and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. His two buddies just stood there in awe. (I was pretty surprised also) The coach ran over and said "Nice Hook, now take your ass to my office.. and take him with you" .. so we stood there and when the coach got back a little bit later he made us run a shit load of laps and do a bunch of extra gym related crap for about a month solid. (cleaning up, moving shit around, etc) Dude never said another word to me and stayed clear pretty much through the rest of HS. lol.. the good ol' days.

09-04-2009, 11:20 PM
i was walking home frm school..and like 6 nah nah, 7 ninjas popped out of the trees and tried to take my hw..guys got wat they deserved

09-04-2009, 11:51 PM
^You bumped a 16 month old thread for THAT?
You suck at the internets.

09-04-2009, 11:56 PM
yea i did big deal right..?

09-05-2009, 12:13 AM
You're retarded.

09-05-2009, 01:26 AM


09-05-2009, 03:22 AM
my friend was trying to draw on me while i was drunk.

"don't do that, i'll armbar you..."


my friend threw in a messy figure four for good measure.

09-05-2009, 01:31 PM
You're retarded.

and ur a piece of shit...

09-05-2009, 02:01 PM


09-05-2009, 02:09 PM
thank you :)

09-05-2009, 02:14 PM
my friend was trying to draw on me while i was drunk.

"don't do that, i'll armbar you..."


my friend threw in a messy figure four for good measure.

her arm's not straight, but oh well.

09-05-2009, 03:34 PM
yea im not gonna full on arm bar a 5 foot girl, but on a lighter note, she doesn't draw on me anymore

edit: wouldn't it be great if the "fight thread" started a real fight?

09-05-2009, 03:36 PM
hahaha you should of !!

09-05-2009, 05:58 PM
Dumbest bump ever.