View Full Version : Reason why I dont want to help inner city schools

05-10-2008, 07:23 PM

I love how intelligent people act. Apparently school is working wonders for these kids.

05-10-2008, 07:28 PM
where my dooraggg at

05-10-2008, 07:28 PM

05-10-2008, 07:33 PM
She was like yelling at an elderly woman and gettin up in peoples faces expecting not to get hit. When someone gets her back shes all like I'm pressin charges.

Obviously school is a waste of time for kids like that. Tax payer money going to retards that act out like that.

05-10-2008, 07:35 PM
high school should be optional

05-10-2008, 07:36 PM
I have to go through that everyday at school... one of the downfalls of living in Cali.

05-10-2008, 07:45 PM
wtf did she say? i couldn't understand an f'ing thing that came outta her mouth. and she needs a good asswhippin, being disrespectful to an old lady. i am really starting to not be a people person, with dumbasses like that in the world.

05-10-2008, 07:49 PM
bitch is straight hip-hop son! UGH!

with Subtitles?

05-10-2008, 07:51 PM
Sad is how I didn't click on that link, but I know what video we're discussing.
I was so angry with the person that sent me this video earlier this week that I called to yell at her and refused to speak to her until she IM'd me to apologize this afternoon.

05-10-2008, 07:54 PM
Hmm..this is on the 'bart' commuter train. my guess is that this is Oakland. certainly not the most flattering part of CA.

personally I was found the indifference of the bystanders to be most disturbing. I certainly wouldn't let some girl yell at an old lady in such a degrading manner.

05-10-2008, 07:55 PM
2 words....birth control :squint:

05-10-2008, 08:02 PM
read second posting....

05-10-2008, 08:04 PM
What's your name, i'm pressing charges"

haha :loco:

05-10-2008, 08:05 PM
Hmm..this is on the 'bart' commuter train. my guess is that this is Oakland. certainly not the most flattering part of CA.

personally I was found the indifference of the bystanders to be most disturbing. I certainly wouldn't let some girl yell at an old lady in such a degrading manner.

No, Atlanta... This was MARTA.
The indifference of bystanders, though, was kinda weird. I would have punched that broad in the face LONG before 3 minutes had passed.

05-10-2008, 08:13 PM

i would've said...
"bitch relax!"
and told her to shut the fuck up.

05-10-2008, 08:20 PM
Alrite ijust watched that video again, and dumb chit like that pisses me the fuk off.....for some dumb little negro ass wannabe gangsta, to get up in the face of that old woman, was just freakin stupid and damn disrespectful......and you know what, that chit is a big slap in the face of that elderly woman, who more than likely, during the civil rights era, had to fight, long and hard to have the freedoms that dumb ass little girl was so blatently abusing..yea, a big slap in the face, esp when most of the ppl who grew up in the civil rights era, did what they did for furture generations, and not more so for themselves......and when dumb little black kids do this dumb crap, hell yea its frustrating and it pisses me off...no wonder why black ppl in america are where we are these days.......cant act right, no education, and would rather raise hell on a train, than sit down and show respect to a woman who fought to give you that right to sit down and peacefully ride on a train.....

oh and yes, im an angry black guy, and why??? might you ask.....cause of my dumb, ignorant and arrogant ass black brothers and sisters out there.....at least somebody on that train did something, cause i know i wouldve beat in some act right....

oh and sorry for the rant.....

05-10-2008, 08:22 PM
Martin Luther King Jr. must be turning over in his grave.

Baka Sama
05-10-2008, 08:24 PM
^ You wanna help black people? Stop buying rap CD's.
Atlanta... oh how i hate this city.

05-10-2008, 08:25 PM
i bet he does everyday flip3d

05-10-2008, 08:35 PM
Damn, now she is just ridiculous.
Yelling at an elderly woman like that, I mean com'on!!!:down:

05-10-2008, 08:35 PM
I wouldn't have titled this thread with something to do with inner city schools, but this does go to show you what a lack of education and class will do for you.

05-10-2008, 08:40 PM
Martin Luther King Jr. must be turning over in his grave.

he cheated on his wife constantly and had a mouth that would make a sailor take notes

but we're human after all right :rolleyes:

05-10-2008, 08:49 PM
"somebody get my hair so i can go"


05-10-2008, 08:50 PM
"somebody get my hair so i can go"


She said hat

05-10-2008, 08:53 PM
She said hat

oh. my bad.. kinda hard to understand her :doh:

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-10-2008, 09:00 PM
seriously, stop buying rap cd's if you want this kind of dumb shit to stop. There's a HUGE difference between hip hop and rap. Rap has escalated into this club, krunked shit that is the reason for these stupid fucking people. Hip hop was an escape back in the day and a reason to go to someone's house and flow instead of hitting the streets like these people. Hip Hop is an art, while rap is a form of music that takes little to no talent and a semicatchy phrase to make a hit single.

Seriously though, does anyone actually not believe that record producers push this shitty music down our throats and make the young black population like this shit? They make the black population stupid and create a false hope that rapping, sports, and dancing will make them rich and famous. How about working hard at a good job? How about an education? I was watching an interview in 1994 from an ex television producer from MTV stating that MTV intentionally promotes thugs music and stupid music to dumb down the black youth to keep their minds younger and eventually buy more dumb and immature music as they get older. He even stated that in ten years (2004) the black race will be the dumbest it's ever been because of this and it is 100% the intention of MTV. Well, notice how music has really taken a swing over the past 10 years? It went from good beats with a rapper that could flow his ass off like 2pac, biggie, then common, blackstar, dead prez, to fucking lil john? This is a partial reason for this dumb ass girl getting up and acting a fool in front of all these people. Well, that and really shitty parenting.

05-10-2008, 09:13 PM
This does not surprise me that much, shit like this goes on everyday.

If only the medieval age rules/days still applied, she would of been dead with in one minute, a few slashes here and there with a sword and that would of ended that. would of done the world a favor and bitchy girl as well.

05-10-2008, 09:18 PM
he cheated on his wife constantly and had a mouth that would make a sailor take notes

but we're human after all right :rolleyes:

Wow, really? They didnt mention that during BLACK HISTORY MONTH. :P

05-10-2008, 09:19 PM
I wouldn't have titled this thread with something to do with inner city schools, but this does go to show you what a lack of education and class will do for you.

There can be many titles for this thread.

"People like this shouldnt reproduce"

"Future of America"

etc, etc.

Baka Sama
05-10-2008, 09:19 PM
And you think that teens are dumb these days, just take a look at the next next generation.

Seven-year-old Latarian Milton, accompanied by a seven-year-old friend, takes his grandmother's Dodge Durango on an eight-minute joyride. Ted White reports for WPBF 25 of West Palm Beach, Florida. Milton: "I took my grandma car because I got mad at my mom. And then I suddenly had my friend come in. And he smokes with cigarettes.

This is why its so important to wait to have kids until your in a healthy relationship where you can actually teach them.

05-10-2008, 09:36 PM
Wow, really? They didnt mention that during BLACK HISTORY MONTH. :P

he was actually assassinated while he was with one of the women he cheated on his wife with

JFK was also a HUGE womanizer, cheated on his wife, did drugs and drank heavily. mayor quimby's character on the simpsons is based on JFK; the boston accent and speaking like 350 words per minute

05-10-2008, 09:40 PM
he was actually assassinated while he was with one of the women he cheated on his wife with

JFK was also a HUGE womanizer, cheated on his wife, did drugs and drank heavily. mayor quimby's character on the simpsons is based on JFK; the boston accent and speaking like 350 words per minute

Well, I knew about JFK. That's probably because he was white and was in politics. :P

05-10-2008, 10:26 PM
old gen vs new gen lol
old gen is like "fuck this aint worth talking" lol

reminds me of the boondocks episode "return of the king"
is this what dr.king fought for?
i know my grandparents would be upset

this that dirty souf soulja boy for president!
i dont feel proud of that.

Shes a product of media.. when media can go wrong.

05-11-2008, 12:08 AM
I wouldn't have titled this thread with something to do with inner city schools, but this does go to show you what a lack of education and class will do for you.

agreed, i don't think its fair to jump to those conclusions. why this came to be could be a number of reasons. society, education, parenting, new age music, etc. could be anything. Idiots are everywhere, so this doesn't suprise me.

as i mentioned earlier, the grown male bystanders who let this happen, and the person who was taping this incident are imo the worst offenders. it's like people don't have any sense of empathy anymore.

what happened in the video was bad, but the distribution of the video on youtube is arguably even worse. What might be limited to only a few examples in society is shown to a lot more kids. It just goes to show that situations like these are acceptable, and no more than casual entertainment. maybe like an extension of reality tv. It just sets an undesirable example imo. you see more an more stuff like this these days.

Freedom of speech (in this day and age) is something I have doubts about, and so is democracy. Not to say we should junk it, but maybe there needs to be some changes made.

05-11-2008, 12:47 AM
damn wtf kinda shit is that..and black people wonder why they get a bad rep

05-11-2008, 02:04 AM
bitch is straight hip-hop son! UGH!

with Subtitles?

thanks for that. i had no idea what she was rapping and jumping around about so i closed the first video after like 30 seconds.


gih dah bah faith

yah yah YUHHH


"you owe everybody an apology for your shit, ho."
thats fucked up and disrespectful..

05-11-2008, 05:06 AM
thanks for that. i had no idea what she was rapping and jumping around about so i closed the first video after like 30 seconds.


gih dah bah faith

yah yah YUHHH


"you owe everybody an apology for your shit, ho."
thats fucked up and disrespectful..

she has a new single coming out.....hear its called "Whers Ma Hat"

Dirty Habit
05-11-2008, 05:19 AM

Bitch you ride the marta bus.
Yes yes yall.

Vision Garage
05-11-2008, 05:26 AM
Yah BITCH Yah! I mean seriously? She needs more than help.

She needs JESUS!

And the lil boy that took his grandmas car. That foo needs the beating of a lifetime. Lives with his momma and dad took off before he was born?

I'm not hating on african americans or anything but why is this the life that is associated with them the most? Condoms are free at clinics!

05-11-2008, 05:53 AM
Yah BITCH Yah! I mean seriously? She needs more than help.

She needs JESUS!

And the lil boy that took his grandmas car. That foo needs the beating of a lifetime. Lives with his momma and dad took off before he was born?

I'm not hating on african americans or anything but why is this the life that is associated with them the most? Condoms are free at clinics!
You got it all wrong, my man... To say shit like that makes me think that you ARE hating on us... Do you think we LIKE that these fucking chuckleheads are the ones who seem to be chosen to be the outwardly presented overface of our community? Do you REALLY think that all black people are like that? To suggest free condoms as the solution makes it seem to me that you're making just that assumption, and I don't like it one bit.
Strikes me just in the same manner as someone who says "now I'm not racist, but..." just before they say some foul shit.

05-11-2008, 07:31 AM
high school should be optional

Actually, I think that anyone unable to finish and pass a national test should be deported.

At the very least, anyone unable to graduate high school with a given average should be unable to vote in elections until they obtain an equivalent degree. I've always supported the idea of an IQ cutoff for voting (maybe 90?).

It's not even remotely a race issue, IMO. The United States has at least ten crazy waste-of-life white citizens for every one crazy waste-of-life black citizen. Stupidity is equal opportunity.

05-11-2008, 07:54 AM
How does that video have anything to do with "inner city schools". Shes clearly a crackhead bitch - no amount of schooling is going to help someone with that kind of mentality. Its not only cities that are inhabited by people like this. This thread is a waste of time. You just wanted an excuse to post a video that everyones seen. She probably didnt even go to school. Hell, shes probably older than you. You're 20. You weren't a "kid" that long ago...
You're using one video to pre-judge an extremely large group of people. Seems like schooling didn't work that well for you either -_-'

05-11-2008, 07:59 AM
where her ass can be?

05-11-2008, 08:04 AM
where her ass can be?

She is in Atlanta, that is a MARTA train.
Listen to how she talks.
She mentions Glenwood Park, also in Atlanta.

05-11-2008, 08:14 AM
The United States has at least ten crazy waste-of-life white citizens for every one crazy waste-of-life black citizen. Stupidity is equal opportunity.
the ratio is higher if you count every dumb little white kid who blasts this aweful music and doesn't realize that every race of people is laughing at them.

Strikes me just in the same manner as someone who says "now I'm not racist, but..." just before they say some foul shit.
I love thos disclaimers..... It's not that I'm a sexist, I just think women should stay at home and cook, clean, and raise children.

People who don't atleast finish high school and try to do something for themselves never develop the mental capacity to look at things logically and understand them. I gaurantee if you were to find that girl, show her this video, and ask her if she thought she did anything wrong she would probably say no and that the old lady shouldn't have disrespected her or something. It's really sad and I don't see an end to it.

05-11-2008, 08:18 AM
The video is sad.

It can't even barely watch it. It's so embarrassing.

Omarius Maximus
05-11-2008, 10:28 AM
I love thos disclaimers..... It's not that I'm a sexist, I just think women should stay at home and cook, clean, and raise children.

People who don't atleast finish high school and try to do something for themselves never develop the mental capacity to look at things logically and understand them. I gaurantee if you were to find that girl, show her this video, and ask her if she thought she did anything wrong she would probably say no and that the old lady shouldn't have disrespected her or something. It's really sad and I don't see an end to it.

I do agree with you that these people often times have the maturity of a 10 year old. I've had people trying to start fights with me for the lamest, most inconsiquential shit ever...mainly because their priorities are aaaaalll jacked up.

That's why I stayz out the hood yo haha. These people are too stupid for their own good.

Also, I think that's a bad analogy you used.

05-11-2008, 11:08 AM
lol one of the comments for the video was...

"MARTA - Moving Africans Right Through Atlanta"

05-11-2008, 11:19 AM

Bitch you ride the marta bus.
Yes yes yall.

this is the best damn video ever, i want the McDonalds shirt!!

Philip, I dont think everyone here is saying that all black people act this way. My black friends have been nothing but professionals w/ high paying jobs in large corporations, with excellent vocab and verbal skills. So dont take this as an attack on your community.

05-11-2008, 11:38 AM
People who don't atleast finish high school and try to do something for themselves never develop the mental capacity to look at things logically and understand them.

i dont agree with this at all.

05-11-2008, 11:41 AM
The reasoning is wrong, but in practice I suspect it plays out to be accurate.

Some might say that the original post is reason to increase resources devoted to inner city schools - it depends on how you look at it.

Personally, I think there's a large disconnect between the money spent and results achieved, but I'm not so deluded to think that there isn't some minimum amount of resources a school needs to operate successfully (and that amount might not be the same for each area).

Vision Garage
05-11-2008, 11:42 AM
phillip im really not. Its just that out of all races on the planet, african americans have the worse rep? No im not attacking all african americans. Like i said im not racist, but society has made it a point that african americans are most likey to commit a crime or other wrong. As i said before, why would fathers leave their kids when they dont want them. Either wear a condom or get an abortion.

05-11-2008, 12:29 PM

i would've said...
"bitch relax!"
and told her to shut the fuck up.

The proper command is 'BITCH BE COOL!'

She said hat

I'm President Charley!

You got it all wrong, my man... To say shit like that makes me think that you ARE hating on us... Do you think we LIKE that these fucking chuckleheads are the ones who seem to be chosen to be the outwardly presented overface of our community? Do you REALLY think that all black people are like that? To suggest free condoms as the solution makes it seem to me that you're making just that assumption, and I don't like it one bit.
Strikes me just in the same manner as someone who says "now I'm not racist, but..." just before they say some foul shit.

Now I'm not racist, but all [race] are always [stereotype], which pisses me off, because no [my race] ever does that.

I'm an equal-opportunity racist - I hate all races equally, even white people.

The reasoning is wrong, but in practice I suspect it plays out to be accurate.

The thread title is wrong and bad because there's no tangible connection between that mentally-challenged girl on the train and an inner-city school. To assume that she attended an urban school because of her ethnicity or behavior is inappropriate and bordering on racist.

Now that being said, if I had to put my money on where she went to school...

I'd bet $0.0000000001 that she went to Oxford.

05-11-2008, 12:56 PM
I hear Collipark is working out a rap recording deal with this girl after this video appeared on the internet. .. lmao kiddin

would be funny shit though

05-11-2008, 01:05 PM
2:48-3:00 had me rolling.

Rest of the video is fucking pathetic.

Baka Sama
05-11-2008, 02:43 PM
She said, "hold up! You dat same nig** that raped me. Tha same one from glenwood"
Which makes me believe that she obviously has mental issues, and I guess was raped in the past.

Its just that out of all races on the planet, african americans have the worse rep? No im not attacking all african americans. Like i said im not racist, but society has made it a point that african americans are most likey to commit a crime or other wrong. As i said before, why would fathers leave their kids when they dont want them. Either wear a condom or get an abortion.

And your partly to blame because you actually believe what society is forcing down your throat.

the grown male bystanders who let this happen, and the person who was taping this incident are imo the worst offenders. it's like people don't have any sense of empathy anymore.

You dont know who or how many people were with that crazy bitch. The possibility of getting shot or going to jail over doing the right thing doesnt sit well with people these days. Not only that but it probably took a few minutes for people to realize what was actually happening. With that being said, I would have broke all that up within seconds if I was there.

Do you think we LIKE that these fucking chuckleheads are the ones who seem to be chosen to be the outwardly presented overface of our community?

In one word. Yes.

If we didnt we wouldnt buy soulja boy cds and make icons out of drug dealers and gang bangers turned rappers. We wouldnt make it seem that growing up black you have to "hustle" and "grind" to make ends meet. We wouldnt teach our children to hate the police. We wouldnt keep saying stupid catch phrases we hear on tv designed to make us look like fools such as, "ballin!" or "make it rain" or "yaa bitch yaa". We wouldnt constantly down grade our own women calling them hos and bitches. We make it cool to drop out of school and sell drugs. Hows that Jezzy song go, "Speakin of high school I neva passed dat (Nope), Works right hea, Now where da cash at".

Of course you and I dont fall into this mindless dribble but with every generation more and more black people do, until they will make up the majority of us. When you realize that the only hope to kill the negative stereotypes for black americans is for the majority of us to stop thinking its cool first. And when you come to the realization that THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, you will give up trying to defend the kind of stupid acts that the girl displayed.

In the words of Lupe, the girl just had an overdose of the cool.

To assume that she attended an urban school because of her ethnicity or behavior is inappropriate and bordering on racist.

Now that being said, if I had to put my money on where she went to school...

I bet my stimulus check she goes to Mt. Zion High.

05-11-2008, 03:29 PM
That's a funny video.

How is it that threads like this don't get closed, even though there's a random video thread???

05-11-2008, 03:53 PM
She backed down VERY quickly. Did anyone else notice the same guy who tried to snatch her hair off her head was the same guy who was in her face when she was looking for her hat? Yet, she refrained from any further physical abuse. lol.

That old lady is a gangster. Didn't move a muscle, or stoop to the young girls level.

Story time:
There was this girl in highschool that acted the same way as the girl in the video. Though she was "So hood". Well one day, she found out how hood she really was. She thought she would be tough and try and pick a fight with another student, who was known for being extremely smart (We'll call them Smart girl and Hood girl). Both were the same race, so it wasn't fueled by racism or anything of that sort. Just this girl trying to prove to herself that she was as tough as she thought she was.

Hood girl bumps into Smart girl and starts flipping her shit like the smart girl was at fault. The smart girl just stands there in disbelief and the hood girls friends start antagonizing the whole ordeal. Next the hood girl decides she'd throw a swing at the smart girl. Little did she know the smart girl was a trained boxer. Smart girl blasted the other girls face, and that was that.


05-11-2008, 03:57 PM
I'm moving to a very very small island, so I don't have to risk ever meeting, I'd imagine, the droves of mentally unstable, quick to resort to violence, and incomprehensible, that plague our world's cities. Homework assignment for eveyone, watch the movie Idiocracy, by Mike Judge, the guy who did Beavis & Butthead, Daria, and King Of The Hill, it's hilarious and frightening at the same time.

Vision Garage
05-11-2008, 04:07 PM
And your partly to blame because you actually believe what society is forcing down your throat.

Baka, its just how the world is. There was even that story that came out where about cops being trigger happy against africans. It wasnt just the white cops but also the black cops. Stereotypes are made for a reason. Yes I do have black friends and I would trust them with my life. But to say that I would be comfortable walking at night and seeing them behind me I would say no. If they were white, asian or any other race, I probably wouldnt think twice.

05-11-2008, 04:11 PM
In one word. Yes.

If we didnt we wouldnt buy soulja boy cds and make icons out of drug dealers and gang bangers turned rappers. We wouldnt make it seem that growing up black you have to "hustle" and "grind" to make ends meet. We wouldnt teach our children to hate the police. We wouldnt keep saying stupid catch phrases we hear on tv designed to make us look like fools such as, "ballin!" or "make it rain" or "yaa bitch yaa". We wouldnt constantly down grade our own women calling them hos and bitches. We make it cool to drop out of school and sell drugs. Hows that Jezzy song go, "Speakin of high school I neva passed dat (Nope), Works right hea, Now where da cash at".

Of course you and I dont fall into this mindless dribble but with every generation more and more black people do, until they will make up the majority of us. When you realize that the only hope to kill the negative stereotypes for black americans is for the majority of us to stop thinking its cool first. And when you come to the realization that THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, you will give up trying to defend the kind of stupid acts that the girl displayed.

You have to understand though, as "african americans" we have no real culture to fall back on as our own, such as hispanic americans, europeans (where ever they might be from), or africans. We have no real language of our own, or anything that could genuinely help us seperate ourselves amongst the rest of the world. So we try to make our own, i.e. ebonics, rap/hip-hop, and somewhere along the way with slavery, discrimination, racism, all of that bullshit we lost what little "roots" we had. It also just happens that the people at the top happen to be white and old, and traditionally speaking old white people don't like black people no matter how educated, or...not. Oh and btw, I'm half black, and half white, and I'm just plainly terrified of people no matter what color, but when they act like this I get scared I'm sorry hahaha, if I was on the fucking traing and she started acting like that, I wouldn't of said shit lol.

05-11-2008, 04:17 PM
I watched the video twice, yet I can find a reason why the girl is bitching at the elderly lady, pretty pathetic, she didn't even do anything thereafter to provoke her.

05-11-2008, 04:28 PM
Read "Rise of The Hip Hop Huslter" and then you will learn why rap and hip hop are the way they are today.....at least the Beastie Boys are still holdin it down old school!

05-11-2008, 04:45 PM
Ughh I was waiting for the booty droppin to start but it never came. :(

05-11-2008, 04:46 PM
I find it quite ridiculous about people in this thread saying

^ You wanna help black people? Stop buying rap CD's.

Are you serious?

If your reffering to the commercialized nonsense that mtv calls rap then you could help the hip hop community. But its not. that statement is as ignorant as that bitch on the train.

Baka Sama
05-11-2008, 05:03 PM
Rap is an infectious disease that is plaguing black america at its very roots. Once used to inspire people to hope for better things now is merely a tool used to drain the morality and common sense out of our people. The price we pay for money and fame. The few good rap artist out there will never become mainstream and over power "the commercialized nonsense that mtv calls rap".

Hip hop is a life style.

05-11-2008, 07:14 PM
the girl is obviously crazy or high or both. No race is exempt from that.

05-11-2008, 07:37 PM
You know I was always told not to hit a girl... but I think I speak for everyone when I say this crazy bitch is an exception to the rule.

05-11-2008, 08:05 PM
but probably every one else on the bus would jump on your ass for no apparent reason lol

there are bad stereotype/examples for every ethnic.. this is just one example that happens to be the topic of discussion.

05-11-2008, 08:59 PM
I normally wouldnt hit females but id make an exception on that rule in this case...id knock that bitch OUT!!!

She cant file charges when shes knocked the fuck out...I'd hit her so hard she wont remember when she was born...

05-11-2008, 09:14 PM

05-11-2008, 09:20 PM
shit like this is the reason why it pushes me so hard to be racist..because there is a large majority of ignorant black people out where i live and when i go to texas. BUT...i still push myself away from holding to that stereotype because i have alot of great and intellegent black friends. shit i can spell half the time or do simple algebra..but thats not the ignorant im talking about. its this attitude that im speaking of. plus it wouldnt make me any better stereotyping anyone like that because there is too many ignorant people in this world already(all colors).

Baka Sama
05-11-2008, 09:29 PM
So she was bipolar then? And she was arrested for yelling at that lady also. Well what can you do, I knew something was wrong with her mentally.

05-11-2008, 09:41 PM
the ratio is higher if you count every dumb little white kid who blasts this aweful music and doesn't realize that every race of people is laughing at them.

I love thos disclaimers..... It's not that I'm a sexist, I just think women should stay at home and cook, clean, and raise children.

People who don't atleast finish high school and try to do something for themselves never develop the mental capacity to look at things logically and understand them. I gaurantee if you were to find that girl, show her this video, and ask her if she thought she did anything wrong she would probably say no and that the old lady shouldn't have disrespected her or something. It's really sad and I don't see an end to it.

so wait...

those couple kids i knew that dropped out of high school with a 2300-2400 on the SAT and then went to college can't look at things logically?


05-11-2008, 10:57 PM

05-12-2008, 06:45 AM
so wait...

those couple kids i knew that dropped out of high school with a 2300-2400 on the SAT and then went to college can't look at things logically?

dude...come on, why would a kid who has scored 23-2400 on the SAT quit high school? And, what percentage of the population do these 2 supposed people you know make up? My guess is less than .01%. So make a relevant arguement if you are going to make one at all.

05-12-2008, 09:00 AM
why am i not surprised................................

05-12-2008, 10:32 AM
I grew up in a school that was 60% black. I had black friends growing up and you want to know what happened? They got harrassed for being too white and they should act more black. So they started dressing different and changed to be more "hood". I knew 3 kids like that just in my grade. We all grew apart because they started hanging around the bad kids trying to be cool. I actually had more black friends growing up then white. As they got older they came back a little to being normal, but acting like a decent human being only got them made fun of and outcast by the rest of the black crowd.

I remember walking down the hall and if you accidentally stepped on an attitude filled black persons shoe that also had on oversized clothes, you could bet there would be a fight. Bump into them? It's go time. lower class black people only do it to themselves because the media fills their heads with BS and they believe it. Ever listen to rap? How many times do they trash talk on white people? Watch BET? I used to watch that and got sick of it because of how much they trash talked on white people. I am not saying that I didn't get the same attitude from white people, but there weren't nearly as many. Take this how you want to, but that's how it was for me growing up.

So I have seen both sides of the fence and I always speak my mind everywhere I go and will continue to do so on this forum. I do have my prerequisites as a person. Anybody coming up to me with their hat crooked and over/under sized clothing, big earings, holes all in their face, wearing sunglasses at night person I am going to prejudge. Why? Because it is not normal and I wonder why people would purposely single themselves out. I have friends who wear the aforementioned, but better believe I call them out on it. Just as they can do to me for how I am, act, or dress.

I also want to make it clear that white people are just as bad. I don't know how many times I have been screwed over by somebody being nice to my face. So many people that have such bad attitudes that are a drain on society and bring down everything that is normal and right. I have gone into a social bubble because of how sick I am of people in general. The media does a great job of keeping the people dumb and not displaying respect, dignity, honesty, etc.

I just don't want anybody to think I am singling out black people. I grew up with them and still miss my friends I had because they were good people. Probably still are, but I won't know.

The media does a great job of separating the races and making people go against each other. Just as much as they dumb down society and proceed to teach the wrong values in exchange for more money. Every single person is different, but the media makes race such an important issue that it is a separating factor.

I believe so strongly in morals that I would have made that girl stop for disrespecting the old lady. I don't care if it was a guy or a whole group or whatever. It wasn't right and I would have gladly got my a$$ beat by a whole group of guys for standing up for what is right.

Also, that girl had something wrong with her. More than is obviously displayed in the video. She is a good representation of someone who should be locked in a psycho ward.

05-12-2008, 06:40 PM
This has turned into a black this, black that thread.

This thread was fail from the start and should be closed before it gets any worse.

05-12-2008, 06:50 PM
This has turned into a black this, black that thread.

This thread was fail from the start and should be closed before it gets any worse.

No, it's not black this, black that. It's crazy people this, stupid people that.

Yes, the title is inner city schools because she is on the MARTA bus and last time I checked, Atlanta was a city that has schools.

05-12-2008, 06:57 PM
It's turning into more of an argument.

With the statement, " Reason why I dont want to help inner city schools", is quite sad.

When you see someone like that, or anyone who has problems, you should want to help them, not shun them.

05-12-2008, 07:05 PM
dude...come on, why would a kid who has scored 23-2400 on the SAT quit high school? And, what percentage of the population do these 2 supposed people you know make up? My guess is less than .01%. So make a relevant arguement if you are going to make one at all.

youll be suprised. i know some people that are smart as fuck but never applied themselves right after HS.

05-12-2008, 07:10 PM
As I was watching the video I was thinking to myself.

Damn is that girl knocked up?

Can't be good for the baby jumping around like that and probably high on something or should have taken some kind of medication.

I was right all along when I listened to that radio station interview.

That's all I have to say in this thread.

05-12-2008, 07:24 PM
She is in Atlanta, that is a MARTA train.
Listen to how she talks.
She mentions Glenwood Park, also in Atlanta.

i went to Atlanta a few months ago and rode the MARTA quite a bit. for the most part i was amazed at how nice and willing to help people were there. i left Atlanta thinking it was the coolest place.

05-12-2008, 07:28 PM
It's turning into more of an argument.

With the statement, " Reason why I dont want to help inner city schools", is quite sad.

When you see someone like that, or anyone who has problems, you should want to help them, not shun them.

We help them plenty but it's obviously not working. So why even try?

If we do help them, we need to try another approach.

05-12-2008, 08:24 PM
atlanta is a nice place and even a downtown full of homeless people isn't that bad as long as you don't mind telling a couple hundred people you don't have any money as you walk into a major sporting event or something. I LOVE ATL!!!

05-12-2008, 08:25 PM
lets get rid of schools in inner cities
and kill all the poor people

and people that are dumb


don't move, a van will be at your home shortly

05-12-2008, 08:38 PM
We help them plenty but it's obviously not working. So why even try?

If we do help them, we need to try another approach.

"them" who ?

05-12-2008, 08:58 PM
"them" who ?

The students of the inner city schools.

Dont try to pull the race shit on me. I dont see colors. I see personalities. Those are what make each and every one of us different.

05-12-2008, 09:05 PM
The students of the inner city schools.

Dont try to pull the race shit on me. I dont see colors. I see personalities. Those are what make each and every one of us different.
Don't try to pull this moral high ground shit on me, I mean, you said it yourself, remember when you said, yourself:
Martin Luther King Jr. must be turning over in his grave.
How is THAT not racially driven?

You have at least THREE COLLEGE EDUCATED black people in this thread BEGGING you motherfuckers to not accept this shit as a representation of us as a whole, yet it comes down to thinly veiled code language nonetheless... I REALLY tried not to close this thread because I had seen the video days before it was posted and hoped that maybe, JUST FUCKING MAYBE some quality discourse could come from it, yet I am continually being rendered FAITHLESS in people.

05-12-2008, 09:11 PM
This vid reminds me of the time on the blue line when a gang fight broke out in the seat directly in front of me. I fucking hate the Los Angeles train system, too many thugs ready and willing to be assholes.

05-12-2008, 09:37 PM

Don't try to pull this moral high ground shit on me, I mean, you said it yourself, remember when you said, yourself:

How is THAT not racially driven?
You have at least THREE COLLEGE EDUCATED black people in this thread BEGGING you motherfuckers to not accept this shit as a representation of us as a whole, yet it comes down to thinly veiled code language nonetheless... I REALLY tried not to close this thread because I had seen the video days before it was posted and hoped that maybe, JUST FUCKING MAYBE some quality discourse could come from it, yet I am continually being rendered FAITHLESS in people.

i think it's more or less impossible to have much of a discussion without resorting to speculation about factors other than the idiot girl in the video. speculation would just lead to argument/discussion that's a free for all. we also don't know what the circumstances of the incident are, which makes any speculation possibly even more off the mark. this is why i doubt this discussion could really go far. its like a guessing game without an answer.

if anything what we say here prob has a lot more truth in the way we see things, vs. the actual issue at hand. What's kinda interesting to me, is that a good deal of us are blaming only one source for this issue here. i'm just not convinced its that simple. or maybe it's a lot simpler than we make it out to be. could be just your regular moron doing what they do best. the girl making fuss on the video doesn't appear all that complex after all.

not to be disagreeable or anything, but if you have certain expectations of how this discussion should go and/or end, it might help if you bring up more questions.

05-12-2008, 09:44 PM
Well, instead of commenting on one individual, someone made it as if that individual represented a whole area.

Then people started coming in with generalizations to which most were wrong, and most weren't helping with the matter at hand.

05-12-2008, 09:48 PM

at least THREE COLLEGE EDUCATED black people in this thread
Strange things in action...
Well, instead of commenting on one individual, someone made it as if that individual represented a whole area.

Then people started coming in with generalizations to which most were wrong, and most weren't helping with the matter at hand.

Based on age and what I think I know, I would be #1 and Mel would be #3...
I stick by what I have said.

05-12-2008, 09:52 PM
but anyways, this is where media influence goes bad and is reflected negatively upon urban youth.

This girl could be a high GPA student.. hell ive known some when I was in HS that there was some very smart students with less then ideal behavior.

05-12-2008, 09:54 PM
Blehh racial arguments, so dumb, I can't stand this.

Growing up in Europe seeing all the American movies I always thought everybody here gets along, whites, blacks, asians, they're all buddies who hang out on Sesame Street and aren't afraid to say what's on their mind to each other. I had no idea how huge racism is over here. I've lived around people of all races, but everybody always got along, I don't know what the deal is here.

Then I move here, and I say things that I'd normally say around everyone and suddenly I'm a racist? I didn't even know I was a racist.
There's no freedom of speech, it's pathetic how people just look for reasons to label someone a racist, and then there's the people who act overly sweet and totally unnatural around other races watching their every word, that is racism at it's best, and all races do this, such a joke.

If someone of a different color says you're stupid, chances are it's because you're stupid, not because of your race.

I'm going to say what I want around my white friends, around my black friends, and around everyone. The only way to fight racism is to be yourself.

05-12-2008, 09:57 PM
You just can't be, "yourself". You are taught how to be yourself.

The only way to be taught is by education.

If you are taught wrong, then you might make an uneducated comment and or decision.

05-12-2008, 10:05 PM
You learn to be yourself from your mistakes. You may be taught wrong, but it's not hard to realize that you've been taught wrong, and it's never too late to look at things from above instead of from just one side.

It's sad to see how in elementary school all the kids get along, and then the TV tells them that they're different colors, and throughout middle school and high school all the races form their own cliques and rarely hang out together anymore.

05-12-2008, 10:09 PM
You learn to be yourself from your mistakes.

You learn from your mistakes by being educated and informed that they are such.

It's not from the tv. People blame everything on the tv and radio.

That is almost as bad as how Bush blames everything on Al-Qaeda.

I recall my childhood being just as bad in school.

Matter of fact, My elementary school was sued over racism.

I'm not trying to go down this road, but I am trying to clear up unintended misinformation.

05-12-2008, 10:13 PM
Just lock this thread already. We're just going back and forth.

05-12-2008, 10:17 PM
Since I STARTED to close this when it was new and didn't, then got involved in the debate and couldn't without someone majorly fucking up, diplomacy kept me from locking this a long time ago.
... until the thread starter requested a lock. With that, she dies
:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: