View Full Version : scam over the phone

05-09-2008, 01:40 PM
i saw this over solara forum and i just want to give you guys heads up.
this kind of scam is very popular over Asia right now. Someone would call you and ask you for bank account number so they can verify or transfer your left over balance..etc... they would say they are the bank, government agency, court officer, police investigator, or a internet/ mail order company...etc

original posted by DAWg
So, i just finished taking a shower and i got out and i was cleanin up the mess i made with the clothes on the floor and watever the crap...

my mom comes in the room and gives me the phone saying its some federal guy.

I take the phone and heres the convo.

Me: hello.
Guyonphone: Hello sir, this is the federal government (said some branch name i forgot) and we are calling you today to verify you recieving 3,XXX $ because you have paid all your bills, etc etc etc. You never have to pay this money back to the U.S Government.

Guyonphone: So (gave my dads name), i wanted to verify that your current bank is Chase bank and we are going to do a bank to bank transfer of that money, i have your routing number and wanted to verify your account Number, so sir what is you account number.

By now ive noticed his accent (he's surelfy indian)...

Me: okay?

Guyonphone: So what is your account number?

Me: If you have my routing information and everything else, why would you need me to give you my account number, theres no way anyone would give you the account number.

Guy: I understand that sir, but i need to verify your account number, do you not want the money?

Me: what is the number to your agency/call center?

Guy: sir i can give you this durring the verification process, if you want you can give me an account with a zero balance.

Me: So you are telling me you have no idea what the number to your agency or call center is and yet you work there?

Guy: Sir, i can only give you the number according to your city and state.

Me: well im in NJ, so whats the number?

Guy: Sir, what is you account number?

Me: Can you put ur supervisor on the line?

Guy: Hold on.

....I wait till i hear shuffling and crap on the phone, and another dumb screw gets on the phone.

Supervisor: hello sir, you asked for a floor supervisor?

Me: yes, why is he asking me for my account number?

Supervisor: Because we are doing a bank to bank transfer of this money

Me: He said he has my routing number, so he should have the rest, i dont see how you are asking people for their routing number. Any smart person is not gonna give a routing number over the phone.

Supervisor: I understand your concern, you can give us an account number with a zero balance.

Me: so what is your number to the agency or the call center you are at

So i get the same escuse the dude on the phone gave me earlier.

So then the supervisor leaves, outa no where and im back to the guy i was at before.

Guy: So sir, what is your account number?

Me: (paused for a bit because i felt like yelling, but i said normally) What is your PHONE NUMBER to ur agency.

GUY: sir, do you want me to cancle you from this list? you dont want the money?

Me: why cant you give me ur phone number? im asking u for a phone number and ur asking me for an account number!

Guy: Sir u are wasting my time

Me: what?

Guy: (in hindi he said "Thari gaand") Translation: your ass

Me: what? what did u just say?

Guy: Uh uh, nothing

Me: you know this is being recorded right? why did u just say Thari gaand to me?

Guy: ur indian?

Click......he hangs up on me.

05-09-2008, 01:50 PM
interesting enough.

05-09-2008, 01:55 PM
wow everyone got a scam these days crazy what its coming to huh??

05-09-2008, 02:23 PM
i would've just started throwing numbers out in a weird accent...

05-09-2008, 02:27 PM
Sounds like stupid scam.

Routing numbers are cupcake to get anyways.

Just depends on who you bank with.

05-09-2008, 02:36 PM
that last part was awesome!

anyways yah that sucks, my mom got jipped 80k from online banking, she didnt know how, til i looked in her email and there was fake bank of america emailers which lead to off site ip addresses. She does online banking too. The person probably recorded her log in info and transfered 80k from her business account to their account.. She reported it and BOA was cool enough to take care of it and change her password.

Another time someone called about a fridge she listed in some classifieds and someone from africa claiming they wanted it and their buddy owing them 5k so they would forward the check to her and have her cash it and send the difference back BS.. She had the bank check it out and they confirmed the money order was fake.. After i told her in the first place that it was fake lol..

05-09-2008, 02:50 PM
Routing numbers are not secret, you can usually get them from the bank's website without even having to log in to anything.
Account numbers, though, is where the big business is, apparently. I fell for some shit like this once in my life, back in like 97-98... I was like 18 or 19 and IMMEDIATELY thought "what the fuck did I just do," and drove over to the bank and closed the account to create a new one, I explained to them what had taken place and they were very cool about it.

05-09-2008, 02:51 PM
can you explain that email/ip track thing and how it logs your online banking log ins? it's only if you click on those spam email links that they can record your log-in info right?

05-09-2008, 02:51 PM
Wait...Let me get this straight.

There's a Solara forum?

05-09-2008, 02:53 PM
can you explain that email/ip track thing and how it logs your online banking log ins? it's only if you click on those spam email links that they can record your log-in info right?

No, they phish you to an official-looking site... Those who are not keen about these things quickly enter their information, then the thieves make off with either the account number or enough login information to go to the real site and get whatever they need.

drift freaq
05-09-2008, 02:56 PM
Wait...Let me get this straight.

There's a Solara forum?

lol a Solara forum. Hmmm I wonder what the people are like. "Dude I got this new cup holder its so tight"!

05-09-2008, 02:58 PM
yah, they will have links in their email that takes you to a site that looks just like the real site, once someone enters their info, it will record their log in info, and the person who put their info in will get a log in failed type of webpage.. you can spot tehse sites by looking at the url, it will look fishy.

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-09-2008, 03:12 PM
The IRS will NEVER contact you EVER!!! If you ever hear from someone claiming they're from the IRS, it's a fake. Never "verify"anything with them

05-09-2008, 03:17 PM
The IRS will NEVER contact you EVER!!! If you ever hear from someone claiming they're from the IRS, it's a fake. Never "verify"anything with them

They will contact you by mail. So you can't say NEVER. :bow:

05-09-2008, 05:06 PM
i think most of people here are well aware of scams, but we must advice those elder people about those scams. they are usually the victim and they are usually have some saving.

and yes there is a solara forum. nowadays they have forum for everything lol

05-09-2008, 07:42 PM
Routing numbers are not secret, you can usually get them from the bank's website without even having to log in to anything.
Account numbers, though, is where the big business is, apparently. I fell for some shit like this once in my life, back in like 97-98... I was like 18 or 19 and IMMEDIATELY thought "what the fuck did I just do," and drove over to the bank and closed the account to create a new one, I explained to them what had taken place and they were very cool about it.

i bank with wells fargo and they told me that my routing number is the same as everyones elses routing number as long as they bank with wells fargo. the account number is where the moneys at so i dont think it would have been a big deal to give him your routing number as long as he doesnt know your account number.