View Full Version : Gotta vent.

05-08-2008, 04:18 PM
Today has sucked big donkey penis. BIG FUCKING DONKEY SCHLONG! Get up this morning in a bad mood, cause me and my girlfriend got into an argument last night, but I take my shower and head to work. On my way I get a call from my dad asking if I can stop by my sister's place and try to figure out what's wrong with her house's A/C. So I go and crawl around in a tiny space, and burn up in the attic before I find out what's wrong, meanwhile my girlfriend and I are talking about last night, and she doesn't want to talk to me like a civilized individual cause she's a girl and girls are always right ( as most of you know already:rl: )... so I just say fuck it and head to work, still arguing with her. So I get there and there isn't SHIT going on in the shop, so I get sent to our other yard to help move a crane pedestal, and sweep up a SHIT TON of sand that was used to blast said pedestal. Meanwhile, my girlfriend has shut up, not a single text coming from her. The other guys working by me are pissing me off, talking shit about my 240, yadda yadda... Finally lunch time comes around, and it seems as though my 240 (which is low as fuck) is stuck in a rut in the gravel where I parked, so I wait for the guys around me to leave, then I punch the fuck out of it and throw rocks everywhere getting out. No damage to anything around, but a decent cloud of dust. No texts from the GF. I'm so pissed at this point, I don't even eat lunch. Come back to work and apparently someone called the cops cause they came by when I was gone, but never talked to me... SO fast forward to about 4 o'clock, I'm told to pick up a pressure washer we had rented from the second yard and bring it to the shop so we can wash a couple things before returning it at 5. I head over there with the flatbed, and its WAY too heavy for two people to lift. Its one of those with a kerosene burner to heat the water up like a mofo and stuff. Heavy. So I call up and have the forklift driven over so I can load this damn thing up. Strap it down and headed to the shop, park the truck, and set the brake on the washer (it has four wheels). I un-strap it from the truck and walk into the shop to get the forklift, and one of the guys comes in and says its laying on its side. I figured he was fucking with me... but behold, somehow it has ROLLED THE FUCK OFF THE TRUCK AND SLAMMED INTO THE GROUND! WITH PEOPLE WATCHING IT HAPPEN!! WHAT THE FUCK! SO I'm like, why the fuck did you just stand there as it fucking ROLLED off the damn truck? Damage done: Motor mounts broken (need new bolts), Temperature control dial broken off, and some random scratches. The rest of the day the guys in the shop were making jokes and shit. I'm ready to just hit the bottle and drown myself in whiskey. Oh, and still no word from the girlfriend. :rl: :rl: :rl: :rl: :rl:

05-08-2008, 04:28 PM
and she doesn't want to talk to me like a civilized individual cause she's a girl and girls are always right ( as most of you know already:rl: )...


i think you're having a normal day. (ok, maybe its a pretty bad day) but it seems to be worse because of the drama between you and your gf seems to be just added to your bad day as it is clearly on your mind.

and wtf is up with those guys. they work there too and do nothing to help you when they watch that thing fall off the truck...

05-08-2008, 04:35 PM
this brings a new meaning to off-topic section...

get a blog..

that sucks dude, but shit happens.. having a shitty life/day is all a matter of perspective.. atleast you dont live in Myanmar/Iraq/Libia....

05-08-2008, 04:47 PM
no matter how bad life gets, it can always get worse.

go buy some of this. its called "bong vodka"


the idea being, when its empty you do other shit with it.

but more than likely when its empty, you wont know how to spell your name. much less drill a hole in a bottle and add a bowl...

05-08-2008, 04:52 PM
MAN UP! tell her to stop being grimey or it's over.
then write a list of all the people who've been cracking jokes
and leave it somewhere at work so they find it and wonder what it is.
write their names in red, even. :)

problems solved.

05-08-2008, 04:56 PM
alcohol solves problems :drool: ...

05-08-2008, 05:19 PM
alcohol solves problems :drool: ...

I got a brand new fifth of whiskey, courtesy of Mr. Daniels.

And that Bong Vodka is Gnarly, but I don't get down on the bud anymore.

05-08-2008, 05:20 PM
alcohol makes problems worse

05-08-2008, 05:24 PM
alcohol makes problems worse
alcohol solves problems :drool: ...

quoted for truth

Homer Simpson: "Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life's problems."

Dirty Habit
05-08-2008, 05:27 PM
alcohol makes the panties drop

I changed it for you. Something more positive for a negative day.

05-08-2008, 05:29 PM
I changed it for you. Something more positive for a negative day.

That's even more negative. Panties dropping is no good when you're as far as I am from her. Fucking school and scholarships and shit.

Dirty Habit
05-08-2008, 05:32 PM
That's even more negative. Panties dropping is no good when you're as far as I am from her. Fucking school and scholarships and shit.

I believe there is a rule about being out of area code. :eek3d:

05-08-2008, 05:43 PM
arguments always suck... hopefully you work things out or figure out she's not worth your time and trouble.

I just had a fight w/ my girl too. I also just found out yesterday that I'm getting laid off... So good times all around...

05-08-2008, 05:47 PM
MAN UP! tell her to stop being grimey or it's over.
then write a list of all the people who've been cracking jokes
and leave it somewhere at work so they find it and wonder what it is.
write their names in red, even. :)

problems solved.

haha best solution so far...and hope shit works out for you bro

05-08-2008, 06:26 PM
no matter how bad life gets, it can always get worse.

go buy some of this. its called "bong vodka"


the idea being, when its empty you do other shit with it.

but more than likely when its empty, you wont know how to spell your name. much less drill a hole in a bottle and add a bowl...

That bong shit looks good as hell and i'm a vodka drinker..

but on topic yo man don't let shit with ya girl stress you it just turns you into an ugly person inside and out ( trust me) also hittin the bottle is cool i do i hit that patron as much as i reasonably can... work fuck'em there are always haters around man everyone should know that.. i call my haters my #1 fans cause they always looking at me and talking shit..as for ya girl man someone told me along time ago that she's just one girl i live in NYC home of 18 million people and 10 million are female i took that and ran with it all my life so far .. i didn't see where you live but there are females everywhere!!

oh and my best friend also said " you can never move foward if your always looking backwards" which is true for everything...

just try to look at the shit in life that makes you happy and do you fuck it!!

05-08-2008, 08:39 PM
breath . and count to ten. or find a random person on the street (like a bum) and beat the shit out of them. that helps, if you don't have a concience.

05-08-2008, 08:53 PM
no matter how bad life gets, it can always get worse.

go buy some of this. its called "bong vodka"


the idea being, when its empty you do other shit with it.

but more than likely when its empty, you wont know how to spell your name. much less drill a hole in a bottle and add a bowl...

That shit is good. My brother had one. The glass is really nice too...

We broke it though :ugh:

Vision Garage
05-08-2008, 09:18 PM
Just wait it on with your girl. Give her a cool off time. You stress to much!

05-08-2008, 09:38 PM
Well she finally decided to talk to me like a normal person, and things are back on track in that aspect.

As far as there being millions of other girls, yeah that may be, but the cards really aren't in my favor.

05-09-2008, 08:18 AM
speak on it....it really depends in the person if they can handle alcohol or not

quoted for truth

Homer Simpson: "Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life's problems."

05-09-2008, 09:26 AM
holy shit dude thats crazy as hell. i have to thank you for putting a smile on my face. hahaahahha. but honestly i understand completely. i've been having NOTHING but bad luck for the past 3 months. i'm at the point where i cant take it anymore. i'm about to snap.

05-09-2008, 10:55 AM
MAN UP! tell her to stop being grimey or it's over.
then write a list of all the people who've been cracking jokes
and leave it somewhere at work so they find it and wonder what it is.
write their names in red, even. :)

problems solved.

Man am I glad I called that guy!

05-09-2008, 11:09 AM
dude, u notice how your day went to shit the night before cuz your were fighting with your girl.... now its either 1 of 2 things either you have to break up with the girl cuz what usualy happends is a domino effect of shit commin down on ur head just cuz of the fight (cant explain it but its just how the univers works i guess. oh its proven, hapens to me all the time) or your girl was sooooo pissed at you he did a voodoo chant to fuck up ur day..........

05-09-2008, 11:10 AM
no matter how bad life gets, it can always get worse.

go buy some of this. its called "bong vodka"


the idea being, when its empty you do other shit with it.

but more than likely when its empty, you wont know how to spell your name. much less drill a hole in a bottle and add a bowl...

oh btw that will make a good bong :bigok:

05-09-2008, 11:14 AM
I believe there is a rule about being out of area code. :eek3d:

dude...that's just wrong in this situation . . . funny ... but wrong

girls just need a little self-esteem boost . . . usually when they're mad at us it's cuz they need reassurance or a boost =) that's what we're for...we're supposed to be the stronger ones no?

and the work thing sucks man, when you have doosh bags as co workers it's like wth,,,am i the only one trying to do soemthing right here? jsut hang in man