View Full Version : SDSU Drug Bust

touge monster
05-07-2008, 02:06 AM
Just heard about it. Shits crazy. Hopefully no one on Zilvia was arrested.


05-07-2008, 02:37 AM
heard about it on news and read about it on random sites.

its not soooo suprising, but it is just because these guys were smart.

05-07-2008, 02:41 AM

i guess?

touge monster
05-07-2008, 02:46 AM
I was surprised cuz alot of em were in the Crim. justice field and Homeland security..our future peace officers. and to be doing things like this kinda defeats the purpose.. but then again look at today's society..

05-07-2008, 03:50 AM
they all have that look on their faces like "oOoOoo daymmmmmmm " lol
esp the black guy tryin to hide his boner lol

05-07-2008, 04:03 AM
Cut the wire WHen you can to get out! Thats what you get when your fucked.LOL Be smart.LOL

05-07-2008, 08:13 AM


05-07-2008, 08:27 AM

I am not suprised in the least bit.

Is there any more detailed articles, like how much of each substance and which ones?

05-07-2008, 08:33 AM
ahhha o' man

05-07-2008, 09:28 AM
Did you see the picture of that guys email? What kind of an idiot dealer emails people about illegal shit like that haha

He deserved to get caught imo...

05-07-2008, 10:05 AM
Hopefully no one on Zilvia was arrested.
Umm...I kinda hope they were. I'm sure I'll get negged for this, but if you're dealing drugs I don't really need you around. :shrug:

touge monster
05-07-2008, 10:09 AM
Is there any more detailed articles, like how much of each substance and which ones?

According to the DEA, the seized evidence included 4 pounds of cocaine, 50 pounds of marijuana, 48 hydroponic marijuana plants, 350 Ecstasy pills, 30 vials of hash oil, methamphetamine, psilocybin (mushrooms), various illicit prescription drugs, a shotgun, three semiautomatic pistols, three brass knuckles and $60,000 in cash.

05-07-2008, 10:23 AM
g's for 35, shit, nothin for less than 60 around here


drift freaq
05-07-2008, 10:25 AM
According to the DEA, the seized evidence included 4 pounds of cocaine, 50 pounds of marijuana, 48 hydroponic marijuana plants, 350 Ecstasy pills, 30 vials of hash oil, methamphetamine, psilocybin (mushrooms), various illicit prescription drugs, a shotgun, three semiautomatic pistols, three brass knuckles and $60,000 in cash.

and for this they are getting what they deserve. Selling a little pot is one thing, selling Speed, Cocaine,prescription drugs and having a little arsenal of weapons is not cool.

05-07-2008, 10:35 AM
and for this they are getting what they deserve. Selling a little pot is one thing, selling Speed, Cocaine,prescription drugs and having a little arsenal of weapons is not cool.

i second that notion

05-07-2008, 10:37 AM
Aww man not my connect!!!

LOLZ jk these dudes should have been a little more low key.

05-07-2008, 11:38 AM
now others are gonna take their place, and make more money, people dont stop buying drugs, cause their hook got caught.

05-07-2008, 11:47 AM
Sends out mass text message...

"Oh hey guys sorry I can't get you your coke today I'm going to vegas lolz ttfn".

Who the fuck does that? haha

05-07-2008, 12:06 PM
amateurs yeah?

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-07-2008, 12:15 PM
I don't smoke weed at all but I'm all for the legalizing of weed for tax purposes. But as long as it's illegal, the cops have to enforce the law.

05-07-2008, 12:17 PM
Oh my lawd!
It's always the people you least expect it from....
Whatever, they deserved it.

05-07-2008, 12:18 PM
This might slow things down, but in a few weeks business will be back to normal with new dealers.

I agree 100% with this

Although the investigation was widely praised in San Diego, the nationwide group Drug Policy Alliance blasted it as "sensationalistic" and futile. The group believes in the decriminalization of marijuana and favors increased drug education and treatment over mass arrests.

"College students on any campus in this country are easy pickings," said Margaret Dooley-Sammuli, the group's deputy state director for Southern California. "But these types of arrests are not the best use of the DEA's resources. They should be targeting large-scale traffickers and distributors."

You can go to any college campus and find hundreds of dealers easily. It took them 6 months to find 96 people? Most of which were just in possession, only 20 were selling. 6 months and 20 people...what a waste of time and money.

This was just for publicity.

05-07-2008, 12:18 PM
Too bad these undercover agents weren't infiltrating car theft, human trafficking or credit card fraud rings instead. Maybe as a society we should consider decriminalizing some drugs to free our LEO resources to focus on more important matters.

05-07-2008, 12:23 PM
Too bad these undercover agents weren't infiltrating car theft, human trafficking or credit card fraud rings instead. Maybe as a society we should consider decriminalizing some drugs to free our LEO resources to focus on more important matters.

Don't be ridiculous. There's no money in that...

05-07-2008, 12:29 PM
because the (frats) is a short stop
either you're slingin' crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot

05-07-2008, 12:29 PM
Good thing they got caught, their lives are now ruined. HAHA!

But seriously I agree they should be going after the bigger fish instead.

05-07-2008, 12:38 PM
so were the guns illegal? if they were licensed then there shouldn't be any issue with them. but if they were illegal guns + coke..... = jackasses

05-07-2008, 12:39 PM
This was just for publicity.

yup, 2 people died of cocaine overdoses at that school in the last year or two. now they can say that caught the guys and everything will be fine

05-07-2008, 12:40 PM
I'm gonna buy a gun, and start selling crack.

I'll be the nice crack dealer though...

05-07-2008, 12:44 PM
Number five: never sell no crack where you rest at
I don't care if they want a ounce, tell em bounce


05-07-2008, 12:47 PM
g's for 35, shit, nothin for less than 60 around here


$30 g's all the time in Long Beach.

05-07-2008, 01:04 PM
$30 g's all the time in Long Beach.

not a bad price.. but how is the whitegirl?

drift freaq
05-07-2008, 01:05 PM
now others are gonna take their place, and make more money, people dont stop buying drugs, cause their hook got caught.

Ya and this is the oldest sawhorse in the book and people still don't address the real issue. Our society is drug oriented. Just watch T.V. , want to feel good drink this, want to have a good time drink this. Feeling down take this, have a problem take this, you may have a problem, we recommend this etc.... the list goes on.

Fact is drug dealers with guns are a menace to society regardless of the root of the problem. Fact is hardcore drug dealers are dangerous because they are most likely to commit felonious crimes if need be. Justification like you state above is no better than just saying no.

Should we legalize pot? Sure!

Should we legalize Cocaine or hard drugs? Thats debate worthy. Ya In England Heroin is legal but it still does not cure the problem.

Addiction is a disease and its a tough a insidious one.
First off we should stop drug advertising. Second off we should stop liquor advertising as its currently done. It encourages reckless drinking and behavior.
Maybe we should put better regulations on the AMA and American Psychiatrist's who try and label every single type of behavior a person has so they can treat it with a drug. Granted we need them but they are currently out of control.

These are all part of the problem besides the fact that some people are genetically predisposed to Alcoholism and drug addiction. In the latter not much can be done short of them wanting to change. Though if pot was legal it would not be nearly the problem it is today.

05-07-2008, 01:06 PM
not a bad price.. but how is the whitegirl?

im a funkie not a junkie, but i know where to get it.

+ rep to anyone that gets that song

05-07-2008, 01:09 PM
Boss dj DUH!

05-07-2008, 01:17 PM
Big topic, the US drug policy is crap.
We spend a huge amount of tax dollars keeping people locked up for drug offenses. Not dealing or manufacture but primarily posession for personal use. We need to decriminilize, and legalize all of it, federally control it and regulate it and tax it. Treat it just like alcohol and tobacco and turn it into a big money generator instead of a tax burden. Doing that would greatly reduce the illegal manufacturers and distributers also. Then take the new profits and turn those into state run education programs that actually tell the truth about drugs and alcohol to kids so that they fully understand what they are doing when they consume them.

Cops spending 6 months worth of tax dollars to bust some college dealers is a waste of resources. Those guys should be doing real cop work finding kiddie porn peddlers, human traffickers, identity theft, etc.. the real nasty stuff that happens everyday.

05-07-2008, 01:27 PM
mmMMmmMm drugs.

05-07-2008, 01:27 PM
This might slow things down, but in a few weeks business will be back to normal with new dealers.

I agree 100% with this

You can go to any college campus and find hundreds of dealers easily. It took them 6 months to find 96 people? Most of which were just in possession, only 20 were selling. 6 months and 20 people...what a waste of time and money.

This was just for publicity.

6 months to build a legal case on 96 people.

Cops everywhere are probably quite aware of lots of drug users/dealers. The only question is whether its worth it to pick them up and prosecute.

05-07-2008, 01:31 PM
6 months to build a legal case on 96 people.

Cops everywhere are probably quite aware of lots of drug users/dealers. The only question is whether its worth it to pick them up and prosecute.

right on the money.

touge monster
05-07-2008, 01:39 PM
Those guys should be doing real cop work finding kiddie porn peddlers, human traffickers, identity theft, etc.. the real nasty stuff that happens everyday.

I think this is a pretty nasty issue that happens everyday and everywhere all around the world..so how is it not "real" cop work? I agree there are other issues besides this that they need to focus on but just because its televised doesnt mean its the only issue they are addressing.

Those college students are the future peace officers of this country and are going to play a vital part in our justice system once they graduate. They should be the officer's priority. IF that one kid graduates and goes into federal law enforcement, he will not only be a regualr drug dealer.. but a dealer who is weapons trained, and all that stuff. I think its pretty successful so far. Nothing they can do to stop drugs.. its always gona be there.

Dirty Habit
05-07-2008, 02:38 PM
Optionzero killed it. A lot of college kids smoke pot, so some shrooms/x or something during school. Afterwards they go on to lead productive lives. College is about expansion of the mind, some people take it in different directions. Spending that much money on grabbing some college kids is pointless.
FYI. Delta Sigma Pi is a Professional Business Fraternity. Its coed and you have to maintain a 3.5 GPA to be in it. I know, because I'm alumni.

05-07-2008, 02:49 PM
A criminal justice major was arrested on suspicion of possession of cocaine. As he was being arrested, he asked officers if this would hurt his chances for a law enforcement career, officials said.

not the sharpest knife in the drawer :loco:

05-07-2008, 07:21 PM
$30 g's all the time in Long Beach.

$30? shit must be cut 8 ways to sunday

05-07-2008, 07:29 PM
im a funkie not a junkie, but i know where to get it.

+ rep to anyone that gets that song

no trouble no fuss i know why its so nice, i wanna hear the same song twice

oooooweeeeee girl

ooooweeeeee girl

+1 for my favorite band evar! :bigok:

05-07-2008, 08:10 PM
My buddy was a theta chi from SDSU, he's pretty bummed. I bet they close that chapter down. There was a chapter of my fraternity at SDSU that got closed down forever for the exact same reason in the 80's. Bad press = heads roll.

I think the reason they got popped was because of the "hierarchy" = organized. RICO anyone? Probably not. Oh, and they were trying to buy a house with that cash. Genius.

I love how people want to legalize drugs. Personally, I'm all for it. But it cracks me up how people are all pro-drugs, yet they turn around and persecute smokers - which is legal and taxed. A prime example - they want to ban smoking everywhere around here, yet they want a shooting gallery so heroin addicts will have a clean, safe place to shoot up. That's assbackwards if you ask me. There's a horrible problem with petty crimes here and they want to give people a place to shoot up (who are probably the ones doing it to feed their habit) - but you want to smoke a cigarette? No way, go smoke your cancer sticks in your own house (which they are trying to ban in rental properties ie 80% of SF).

05-07-2008, 08:18 PM
Drugs are less the problem than the violence associated with the business and the other negative social impact that often have.

Legalizing drugs solves some problems, but not all. Government might pull in some cash, but there's still the issue of spending that cash properly.

05-07-2008, 09:03 PM
next stop UC Santa Cruz

05-07-2008, 09:06 PM
They should go to ASU hahaha

05-07-2008, 09:16 PM
Drugs are less the problem than the violence associated with the business and the other negative social impact that often have.

Legalizing drugs solves some problems, but not all. Government might pull in some cash, but there's still the issue of spending that cash properly.

I would agree that the drugs themselves are not the problem. It's the petty crimes/car break ins/shootings in the head at Jtown. Gang warfare is usually over turf, which is about lucrative drug sales on that turf. Big Block v. Westmob, etc.

I was pointing out the hypocrisy of progressives around here. They want to allow heroin users a place to shoot, yet ban smokers from doing a perfectly legal (and taxed) activity outside on the street. You can't smoke in parks. You can't smoke within x feet of bus stops. If they have their way, you can't smoke in rentals. Shit, I might as well start chasing the dragon because it'll be less of a hassle.

05-08-2008, 12:00 AM
cocaine is one hell of a drug.................. frats blah... i dont want to pay for friends.....

05-08-2008, 01:55 AM
cocaine is one hell of a drug.................. frats blah... i dont want to pay for friends.....

It's more complex than just paying for friends. Your dues pay for all sorts of stuff, like food and non-keg (ahem) party items. Rather than having to collect every time you bbq or whatever, it's all paid for already. Most of it goes to cover insurance though (I wonder why). Basically, you get all your money back because it's run like a business with a budget and someone making sure your bank account doesn't run dry. At the time, dues were 150 a quarter, so 150 x 25 = 3750 for all sorts of activities.

I dunno, I had a good time. Living with 15 other guys wouldn't work without the central organization. It made delegating responsibilities much easier. It also helped with dispute resolutions by providing a forum which would be unavailable if we were just 16 roommates. I'm still close with the guys I met there. Some who graduated before I went to college. And that was 10 years ago - our chapter doesn't even exist any more.

05-08-2008, 07:58 AM
People act like this is surprising. Cmon, I know a lot of Zilvians out there have gone to college. Any large college has the exact same situation. Let's not get uptight about it. Oh, and if these undercover officers are anything like the police officers, as well as my friends who are in the Academy, that I know, they were partying hard and fucking all the hot bitches. What a waste. I realize that two people OD'd or whatever, but like it was said before, it seems like a waste.

05-08-2008, 12:57 PM
g's for 35, shit, nothin for less than 60 around here


Dang is that shit laced with Gold. I dont buy G'S but i get 1/8 for 50 bomb shit:D

05-08-2008, 03:40 PM
i heard some dumb kid send massive text messages to people with price list, that is why they got attention and get busted. i am not sure if it is true.

05-08-2008, 03:51 PM
i heard some dumb kid send massive text messages to people with price list, that is why they got attention and get busted. i am not sure if it is true.

yes theres a pic of the text on the site, where do you think i saw 35/g

B Love
05-08-2008, 04:13 PM
In my opinion Fuck those 2 cokeheads who died its their own fault choices and consequences. People act like drugs are no big deal when they really are. say they make drugs legal? that means every person who is working a shit job and wants more money is gonna try to sell then you will have even more of the problems we have now kids with crackhead mothers no one to take care of them. All kinds of people on the corners and fighting for their corners which will be more murders. Alcohol and cigs the same theres no fucking point in doing any of that shit. But to me i hope everyone who uses any of them fucking od's and kills themselves asap one less piece of shit off this planet

05-08-2008, 04:44 PM
In my opinion Fuck those 2 cokeheads who died its their own fault choices and consequences. People act like drugs are no big deal when they really are. say they make drugs legal? that means every person who is working a shit job and wants more money is gonna try to sell then you will have even more of the problems we have now kids with crackhead mothers no one to take care of them. All kinds of people on the corners and fighting for their corners which will be more murders. Alcohol and cigs the same theres no fucking point in doing any of that shit. But to me i hope everyone who uses any of them fucking od's and kills themselves asap one less piece of shit off this planet

if drugs were made legal you would be able to get them cheap legally. you wouldnt have crooked drug dealers on every corner, you would get in your car drive to the local place that sells the stuff and buy it.
you dont see alcohol dealers trying to sell you some beers outside the liqour store do you?

B Love
05-08-2008, 05:24 PM
You should step back and take a look at what you are saying. THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF DRUGS ALCOHOL OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE THAT CAN BE ABUSED. You dont see alcohol companies fighting in the street because they dont have to there already all rich CEO's So how do you tell all of these gangs who make millions a year on the street without getting a real job that they need to get off the corner you cant. Theres no way they are gonna let their buisness go anywhere else. All that will create is more junkies on the streets more people stealing your shit and more fucked up lives.

05-08-2008, 05:34 PM
You should step back and take a look at what you are saying. THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF DRUGS ALCOHOL OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE THAT CAN BE ABUSED. You dont see alcohol companies fighting in the street because they dont have to there already all rich CEO's So how do you tell all of these gangs who make millions a year on the street without getting a real job that they need to get off the corner you cant. Theres no way they are gonna let their buisness go anywhere else. All that will create is more junkies on the streets more people stealing your shit and more fucked up lives.

anything can be abused. there are people addicted to sex should we ban sex?
if you can buy drugs legally in a store why would you buy off a gangster on a corner where you have no idea what your getting. sure the gangs are gonna have to find something new to do. but the war on drugs is what made these gangs so big. look at prohibition, they made alcohol illegal and what popped up? a bunch of people ready to make a quick buck.
there is no way to win the war on drugs, they will always be there. so why not profit from it then spend millions a year on a war you cant win.

B Love
05-08-2008, 05:44 PM
They dont make it legal and try to profit from it because its immoral. If thats the case then we are no better than the people making selling and distributing the drugs

05-08-2008, 05:52 PM
They dont make it legal and try to profit from it because its immoral. If thats the case then we are no better than the people making selling and distributing the drugs


When did morals EVER play a part in big business?

B Love
05-09-2008, 12:00 AM
Hahaha never but does that make it right?

05-09-2008, 12:07 AM
never had a problem finding a party, sorry but i dont pride myself going to massive parties..so i can pro create with my buddies 2nds...

im in college and still dont bother with the things that happen after school, you know...what i mean... im just there to quickly get things done and get out...

i dont have a problem with anyone whos a part of frats and sorority's...personally im not into that whole deal...

05-09-2008, 12:39 AM
i go there. and i can tell you its a much bigger deal to zilvia than it is to the students. the bureaucracy is sending out lots of emails about it though