View Full Version : What you hate about where you live.

05-04-2008, 07:33 PM
Mostly just want to see what people really hate about where they live car related.

Where I live
Cincy, OH

What I love
1. No more smog so straight pipe 3'' all day long
2. Street Drifting is mostly unknown so if you keep moving your good
3. Cars dont get stolen and parts rarely get stolen.
4. Cops dont hassle anyone unless for your being an ass.
5. I can rock sportmaxes and people like them lol

What I hate
1. Shipping is gay to ohio. I cant just go to a local shop and pick up a bumper to replace mine. My only option is to pay for a new bumper + 150$ shipping
2. So many smaller events not enough drivers.
3. No huuuge Events (Formula d, d1, whatever)
4. Rednecks talking about I need a V8 to drift

05-04-2008, 07:56 PM
What I love
1. Cops usually don't care about music volume, unless it stupid loud
2.Most car mods can be gotten away with
3. Southern Hospitality
4. Girls have big asses (yes sometimes even the non-black girls)

What I hate
1. Nats
3. old people driving
4. people who think that their giant suv/truck can weave through traffic like its a honda

05-04-2008, 08:12 PM
The heat, that pretty much it.

05-04-2008, 08:18 PM
Woodland Hills, CA

What I love
1. I can drive my 240 year round
2. Bunch of local people/friends with nissans
4. Everything is for sale here

What I hate
1. Hassled by the fuzz
2. Smog

So yeah the loves definitely outweigh the hates over hurrrr

05-04-2008, 08:23 PM
the black people.


05-04-2008, 08:28 PM
^ That's incredible hard not to take offense to, but you are entiltled to your opinion

Edit: oh its a joke? Humor sometimes doesnt translate well over net. Hey no harm no foul

05-04-2008, 08:32 PM
He's allowed it,

Bahahaha, I got the joke.


05-04-2008, 08:40 PM


^ That's incredible hard not to take offense to, but you are entiltled to your opinion

Edit: oh its a joke? Humor sometimes doesnt translate well over net. Hey no harm no foulrevat619 is black.

Sil-Eighty SE-K
05-04-2008, 08:44 PM

and puerto ricans


05-04-2008, 08:46 PM


revat619 is black.

oh that explains the joke. :duh: on my part. yeap i'm feelin pretty dumb about now

though imma add, honda's with loud fart pipe exhausts to my list

05-04-2008, 09:04 PM
los angeles

lots of different drinking holes and places to eat.
close to racetracks (less than 2 hrs to wsir, buttonwillow, & ca speedway. 4hrs to spring mtn)
lots of concerts
decent amount of culture
Beverly Hills
Eagle Rock
good supply of skanks

people very image-conscious
slow drivers
car theives and vandals
bars close too early at 2am ish
girls are getting more and more obese.
San Fernando Valley and the strange people who live there

05-04-2008, 09:25 PM
I hate the Dirty desert environment, though it can be beautiful at times.

Yup that's about it.

05-04-2008, 09:56 PM
I live in MD and theres nothing to do but exercise and chill, never got into the clubbing scene. So yeah.

05-04-2008, 10:03 PM
boise, ID

every mile of twisty road through gorgeous scenery wether on a bike or in a car.
no smog laws!
small citys close by that cant afford to have police officers.
drinking while floating down the river.

every toothless redneck that drives a lowered civic with a nasty bodykit, and thinks that drag racing is the only motorsport around. (next to nascar of course.)
cops starting to crack down on drag racers more and more cuz there killing people AND being catagorized as a drag racer because nobody knows what the hell drifting is up here.
Only being able to go to state run liquor stores for hard booze till 6pm and not at all on sundays cuz thats all we got up here.
Last but not least there is NO kind of drifting events here.. closest i got is vegas and washington.

05-04-2008, 10:09 PM
White people


Sil-Eighty SE-K
05-04-2008, 10:23 PM
^^^^ damn you mexicans! LMAO

05-04-2008, 10:30 PM
the good
near the beach
lots of events close by

the bad
old people
smog laws
old people

i think i covered it

oh yea


05-04-2008, 10:32 PM
^^^^ damn you mexicans! LMAO
I read a sig the other day,
"In his city? Chicago?...There is so much rice in chicago and I am the only bean!" I lol'd ...

05-04-2008, 11:57 PM
The weather is normally nice
Taxes aren't outrageous
Cops usually aren't complete dickheads
Decent amount of cool stuff to go do
Gas isn't the highest in the country
No guidos

When the weather sucks, it SUCKS.
Not as much to do for some people
Redneck douchebags on occasion
It seems as though the culture around here is fine with talking behind other's back

05-04-2008, 11:58 PM
Boston MA

the culture (historic sites, museums)
near the ocean
the seasons
the drinking (we get hammered)

long ass winters
roads that are never repared and have potholes the size of moon craters
cops pulling you over in the summer
half the kids in my town "sup kid, yah dude, fahkin did a fahkin OC and fahkin banged some kid out"
cold rainy weather
hardly any tracks
hardly any car shows
shit loads of riced out hondas

05-05-2008, 12:50 AM
Hate? What's the length limit of a post? Cause that will be about 1/2 the list...

05-05-2008, 01:00 AM
The Bad:
Bad streets
People that think their cool

Now the good stuff:
You can find anything your looking for

05-05-2008, 01:19 AM
-Asian markets
-Decent car community
-Lots of car shops
-Fun roads to cruise
-Mixture of suburban, urban, and rural areas
-Everything you need is so close together (beach, mountains, etc)
-Close to the Navy/Marines

-Mobile smog stations
-Illegals (too many around here drive)
-Traffic Jams
-Interstate 5

05-05-2008, 01:33 AM
- The people
- Beef bulgogi, and shrimp fried rice
- South korean landscape
- Juicy bars

- The fact i cant drive
- The fact that i cant drive my own cars
- The fact im a couple thousand miles away from anything normal

05-05-2008, 01:52 AM
Souther Ca (Inland Empire)
What I love
Being in the middel of Los Angles an San Deigo
Disneyland,Knotts,SeaWorld,Magic Mt.
The Beaches in the summer an the Moutains in the winter.

The freeway traffic
The Laws on modified cars
An the smog,population an public transportation

05-05-2008, 02:12 AM
LMAO! yeah dudes, what i said was a joke. I'm black myself.

The reaction i got from that post was priceless, but i digress.

to get on topic (for real this time, mind you)

What i love about San Diego

- awesome weather year around
- the beach
- the women
- the abundance of real mexican food
- the Chargers
- the location - i could literally go to the beach, the desert, the snow/ the mountains and mexico in the same day.

what i hate about San Diego

- CHP and all other Police departments.....they either dont do shit when something needs attention or they're complete A holes when you're doing absolutely nothing at all.
- the radio stations (when i have to actually listen to them)
- the drivers
- the gas prices
- the cost of living
- the lack of manners
- this is gonna sound racist, but the mexicans, not all of them of course, but the ones who dont speak english and then have the nerve to cop an attitude with me like something is wrong with me and i'm an idiot because i dont speak spanish. Newsflash: This is fucking America. We speak english. Learn the damn language. Its the sort of "you owe it to me" attitude that really pisses me off.

Again, for clarification, i am NOT a racist. If you could see my circle of friends, you'd know that im probably the furthest thing from a racist on the planet.

i'm sure there's more i could add to both categories, but those are just the things that came to mind at the moment.

05-05-2008, 02:24 AM
i hate all these illegal immigrants cause they drive around w/o insurrance and some other stuff. like they make places scary to drive through cause its so friggin ghetto... but yea anyway

05-05-2008, 02:25 AM


05-05-2008, 02:25 AM
The good:
Its all good baby

The bad:
Nothing really, life is fucking great!

05-05-2008, 02:26 AM
What i like about san diego:
Unwritten Law
Blink 182
Stone Temple Pilots
Eddie Vedder
Reggie Bush
Nick Cannon
Tony Gwynn
Mario Lopez
mr. shadow
lil rob
bill walton
Rodrigos Taco Shop

What i don't like:
How bad padres are doing right now
thats about it San Diego is awesome

05-05-2008, 02:37 AM
What i like about san diego:
Unwritten Law
Blink 182
Stone Temple Pilots
Eddie Vedder
Reggie Bush
Nick Cannon
Tony Gwynn
Mario Lopez
mr. shadow
lil rob
bill walton
Rodrigos Taco Shop

What i don't like:
How bad padres are doing right now
thats about it San Diego is awesome

fyi, nick cannon doesnt rep SD at all. That dude was on tv and they were askin "where you from" and all embarrassed like he says "well i was from SD.... but i live in LA now though! LA baby!''

like its embarrassing to be from SD or something? Its not hood enough apparently. I guess he was trying to get his street cred or whatever.....

that douche went to my high school and he went to my best friends church across town. and he claims LA?

um yeah, i'd take him off your list. He's a joke.

Dirty Habit
05-05-2008, 06:20 AM
Geography. Everything is flat here. Gotta drive a good 2 hours before any type of elevation change over 3ft.

05-05-2008, 06:53 AM
-I dislike everyone moving down here
-I dislike how rich people developed every open farm land during the housing boom and now basically every house is for sale, on top of all the gas stations, CVS's, and wal-greens on every corner now; it behoofs them on how to properly intergrate communities together, its one of the main reasons why no one says hi to one another walking down the street along with almost all of parking spots having some meter next to them.
-I dislike everyone who complains about the heat and rocks A/C all the time ( you live in FL, its hot, what did you expect) True floridians roll with the windows down in the summer.
-I dislike the seasonal Canadians that ruin the economy and all the property east of US-1
-I dislike the thousands of fake teens that have no concept of the local music scene and thats why its going down the shitter
-I HATE the public transportation system here, basically your s.o.l if you dont have a car.

05-05-2008, 06:57 AM
what i hate about westchester county ny
-rich snobby kids having their dads buy them sti's and evos
-dirt bags that hang around town thinking their complete badasses
-roads somewhat suck
-mexicans up the road from me made thewir driveway INTO A PARKINGLOT and have 14 YES 14!!! familys living in 1 house
-the front tip of my lawn for not wanting to grow grass after the town dug it up to put in storm drains

what i like
-close to the city
-being able to leave car in driveway unlocked windows open keys in ignition and seeing it their the next morning untouched
-police dont hassle the "tuners" more interested in the scumbags in town
-bear mountain 5 min away from my house
-house next to me has 2 lifts in his garage
-some famous guy went to my old highschool i forgot who he was

05-05-2008, 09:08 AM
LOVE: Lakers
HATE: Steep Driveways

05-05-2008, 09:57 AM
Orlando, FL

No need for front plates (I'm probably the only one happy about this).

No smog inspection.

Weather is pretty good for the most part.

Most roads are fairly smooth unless you're near downtown and a few other areas.

The neighborhood I live in is pretty quiet and relatively crime free. Can't say the same for the areas around it though.

I have a pool. :squintd:

Don't like:
Car theft is rampant. Hondas get stolen left and right and thieves are moving onto Nissans now. Nothing is safe. :faint:

Getting your license is way too easy. Hence...

...people can't drive for shit. Too slow, left lane cruisers, cell phone talkers, etc.

Everyone is moving down here. Hard to find an Orlando native nowadays. So...

...traffic is getting worse everyday.

Crime has gotten pretty bad over the years. Home invasions, drive-by shootings, robbing tourists, etc. Lots of pedos residing here too...:jerkit:

Public transportation is useless.

Ricers are everywhere.

Bugs. I hate mosquitoes and roaches and all those other bastards.

Some people can be highly annoying. Like those people driving in those FWD Impalas blasting their music with their shitty trunk rattling sound system.

Garage is pretty small for one that's supposed to fit 2-cars.

Driveway is a on a slope.

Birds seem to get a kick out of shitting on my car.

There's some other shit that I like/dislike but I'm too lazy to add anything else.

05-05-2008, 10:05 AM

-It's quiet.
-It's green.
-Fun daily roads
-Barely any crime, except when like 30 vatos think it's really tough to jump like two little white kids in the taco bell parking lot.
-Emerging 240 scene
-Really Good Greens
-Relaxed Sheriffs

The Shit I Hate:

-It's at least 15-20 minutes from anything
-Dick head CHP on patrol.
-There is literally nothing to do here but party and drive.
-Not enough people for my taste
-I've lived here my whole damn life. I need out.

05-05-2008, 10:07 AM
Milwaukee, WI


Summer Fest and festivals
Spring and Summer

Bad Roads

05-05-2008, 10:09 AM

I hate that every county is declared as urban
No nice roads to go driving on, too many houses
Too many people and they are all nosy

I like the Clubloose events here and plenty of concerts to go to.

05-05-2008, 10:50 AM
Jersey City:
The cheap good food!!
Nice lounges in downtown
Jcpd Doesn't harass for modded cars
9 minute train ride to the city..
No tax on clothes!!!
Saigon(bomb ass pho)

The Bad:
Rice is everywhere from hondas to bmw's
Crackheads calling you youngin
Bar close at 2(what a waste)
Ghetto malls
Fake ass super thugs

oh and stupid ass neighbors

05-05-2008, 10:58 AM
Saint Louis, MO

extremely loose emissions/safety
engine swaps fine just fine
do pretty much whatever you want with your car, really.
one of like five states where anybody in a car can consume alcohol, except the driver. you can drive across the state from STL to KC, passengers getting shithammered the whole way except when you pass through Columbia, MO. and while you're in columbia, you can carry 35 grams of weed and it's a hundred dollar fine. no jail.
clean air
nice back roads
reasonable property pricing
chicago is 4.5 hours away for big name shows and such
Gateway International Raceway is 20 minutes away
people don't live on top of other people, but there are still people around. just right
White Castle
Eat Rite
the downtown area is being revitalized and is turning out nice. in about five years it's going to be off the chain
river's great for float trips or general jacking around, jet skiing, etc
lake of the ozarks is a couple hours away for jacking around with bigger watercraft

things that SUCK BALLS:
Rams (california you can have them back)
no beach (gotta go to the parents' place in FL for a beach, and that's an 18 hour drive)
redneck sacks of shit to the south with their turbo diesel retard rides

05-05-2008, 11:03 AM
What I hate;

All the 240 owners.


I'm talking about all the ones that act like douchebags, while driving around on cut springs, sunken wheels, and Nukube stickers, while trying to stare me down no matter what I'm driving.

Old men constantly trying to lowball me on my musclecar, and it's not even for sale.

People driving around without insurance.

urban sprawl.

Population density.

Run-down ghettos.

Cost of living, and difficulting in finding a decent place to live.

Lack of weather.

Shallow people.

What I like:

Rust free cars.



The ocean.

Large number of automotive related locations.

Several race tracks within driving distance.

Warm all year round.

The scenery once you go north and get out of the LA area.

museums, aquariums, etc.

car gtg's

Friendly local cops that care more about keeping people safe, than harassing owners of modified cars.

05-05-2008, 11:45 AM
what i love:
alot of things are open 24hours a day lol so you can get whatever you need when you need it.
the strip = girls
cops are somewhat cool about bud lol.
you can get drunk at anytime here because there is always a bar/casino/stripclub open.

what i hate:
hella thieves so you have to worry about your car
vegas has some stupid idiot drivers
if you work on the strip and you get off at 5 and your going home on the freeway then count on some nice traffic.
barely have any local events.

05-05-2008, 12:11 PM
Brooklyn, NY/NYC

- Potholes
- Taking a crowded subway to work
- Ghetto Girls with attitudes
- Hot and humid summers
- Cold, snowy/rainy winters
- Too many gangsters/gangster wannabees
- Dirty trains with homeless people stinking up the whole train (you will know theres a homeless person on a train if that one car is totally empty during rush hour)
- Everything is becoming more expensive like the city.
- Tailgating assholes on the highway!
- Crazy taxi drivers that nearly hits you
- Tourists (sorry for people who visit from other places, but NYers hate tourists..lol)

That's all i can think of for now.

05-05-2008, 12:12 PM
vegas seems to be a fun place to live. I am seriously considering moving out of los angeles to over there or austin next yr, depending on the work available and general cost of living. vegas seems to be well suited to ppl working late. there's also 2 good tracetracks in the car to boot. no state income taxes are a welcome change. hopefully the cost of living and rent arn't outrageous either

steve shadows
05-05-2008, 12:16 PM
Honestly? Nothing

...except leftaltruists

05-05-2008, 12:39 PM
what i love:
no emissions
no car stealing/break-ins
pretty decent roads
most enthusiasts are pretty respectful and will wave or throw a thumbs-up your way if your out cruising.
midwest is developing a pretty decent drift scene through clubFR etc which is starting to bring a few shops into the area.

what i hate:
winter, winter, winter
although we dont get hassled too much, cops always try to get you for the little shit (tint, stickers, exhaust, etc)
having to ship everything, although we are starting to get shops in the area, the closest one to me is in chicago (about 3.5 hours)

05-05-2008, 01:00 PM
I love just bein in cali period.

I just hate the fact that it is windier than shit just about everyday here :-/