View Full Version : Well...I'm having a bad day.

05-02-2008, 04:18 PM
First off. I wake up early this morning to take care of alot of things.
Got up at 7:00am. trim the tree's in the back yard and did a little yardwork.

Went over to the courthouse to pay some fee's I owed. ($850) lame!

I came home around noon. checked my bank account. Noticed I got my stimulus check directly deposited! YAY!! then I realize I have $-500 taken out of my bank. So I'm like WTF!

I call up my bank, and they don't know where it came from. I go to my bank to talk to my personal banker...She tells me she can't do nothing but give me the fraud #. So I call that file my claim. ETC.

Since $-500 was taken out of my bank. I am short on rent this month for the time being. SUCKS!!

On the way back from the bank. I get pulled over by a city cop. GREAT.
(I'm driving my 91 coupe with an SR) I get hancuffed as usual...I have a 4 way search claus and 4 years left of probation...So there I am sitting on the curb in cuffs after getting patted down....Aint sweating it, but a little pissed.

They call for backup and a k-9 unit. Again nothing new to me.
So I'm sitting on the curb while a dog ravishes my car.
A police officer opens my hood looking for drugs...and what do they find?

Yup. My motor. and all my illegal modifications. So I'm thinking 'Great' my car is getting impounded...

The whole time I am completely honest and chill with these cops. We were talking about the chargers that they just got issued as their car...etc.

They ask me..."What kind of turbo is that? Greddy??"

I say no...Its OEM turbo from japan.

One officer asks "Is it a t25 or t28?"

I'm like WTF!! I smile..It was awesome this cop knew his shit.
I told him It was an s14 t28.

he says "You should have got an s15 turbo"

I just laugh..while sitting on the curb.

They run my dash vin#...and what do they find? It doesn't match up. WHy? Because I just put that dash in and forgot to put my old vin # on there. Fuck I FAIL! so they run the vin # and find out it came from Arizona...so now they are thinking I got stolen property...

So they get my license and backround back..and what do they find?
I'm driving on a suspended license. GREAT! WOOT!

He asks me if I knew. I lied. Said No. Because I know all my DMV shit gets sent to my old addy...

I give him my address so they can come search my house for drugs and anything suspicious. I follow their procedures...but they never came.

They let me go on a warning, and took my license away and gave a "Verbal Notice By Peace Officer" which was fucking awesome.

Here I'm thinking. Great... I'm going back to jail..This time for 3 months.

but no they let me go woot!




He pulled me over for no front license, plate and a modified exhaust.

05-02-2008, 04:21 PM
damn, that's quite an adventure. what's the deal with the missing money though?

05-02-2008, 04:23 PM
I filed for a free credit report from..


Unfortunately they got my personal information and automatically debited $500 from my bank.


So It's going to take them 1-10 days for them to refund me my money.

05-02-2008, 04:26 PM
cops these days. i dont understand why they know so much, if its not a ka its pretty much illegal. done. but fuck get yo money back!

05-02-2008, 04:26 PM
werd man. freecreditreport.com is of satan. any company with THAT catchy of a theme song is not natural

Dirty Habit
05-02-2008, 04:31 PM
Take care of your shit and this wouldn't be a problem.

Jk. It's Friday and I'm soused already. I suggest you do the same, for freedom. Be a man and spend that 500 on blow and hookers!

05-02-2008, 04:32 PM
Lol that one cop seemed like he was a cool guy, hopefully things will shape up for you after today.

05-02-2008, 04:33 PM
I've been taking care of all this shit...It's just that something always goes wrong lmao..then rent comes around. haha.

Don't break the law guys!

take it from a felon :D

I get lucky breaks when getting pulled over..I'm like 4/6 as of getting arrested while being pulled over.

05-02-2008, 04:47 PM
damn thats some shit...its cool that they sent u off with just a warning

A Spec Products
05-02-2008, 04:59 PM

I'd say that overall it wasn't a bad day for you

In the sense of worst case scenario vs. what actually went down

I think its in your best interest to not drive around a modded car until your probation is up though

That search claus sucks...and they always gonna try to ding you for something

05-02-2008, 05:13 PM
At least its friday.

Damn that sucks man.

I cracked up when I read that the cop told you that you should've gotten an S15 turbo instead.

Geez cops are just so smart these days.... Bastards.

GL with everything else. Get you money back.

05-02-2008, 05:15 PM
aww that sucks. Ive had that thing with the money happen to me also. I get paid Woo!! go to the bank and theres money missing and what does the bank do? give you a dam number? glad they didnt arrest you

05-02-2008, 05:25 PM

I'd say that overall it wasn't a bad day for you

In the sense of worst case scenario vs. what actually went down

I think its in your best interest to not drive around a modded car until your probation is up though

That search claus sucks...and they always gonna try to ding you for something

word bruh.

today was a good day :coolugh:

Glad I didn't go back in the pods.

Today is friday. So processing would have taken foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I wouldn't get my shots and a pod till like monday. wheew.

05-02-2008, 05:33 PM
holy hell that sucks man.

dont worry....... i've been having bad luck non stop. everything from blown engines, paint poured all over car, house windows smashed, ungh.... i cant take it anymore.

05-02-2008, 05:35 PM
Forgot to mention Earlier in the morning..BigVinnie came over to the pad, we went out to eat breakfast, and "Drove" around. :keke:

05-02-2008, 05:37 PM
Sounds like someone was looking out for you.

05-02-2008, 05:38 PM
Not wreckless driving...Its an inside joke. ;)

05-02-2008, 05:46 PM
sucks man, think u need some kush to release the stress

05-02-2008, 05:47 PM
I just sold all my cush.


Glad they didn't get to the house..whew.

A Spec Products
05-02-2008, 06:24 PM
I just sold all my cush.


Glad they didn't get to the house..whew.


LOL I just think of rap songs when I read stuff these days (not cush but yeah)

Just pops in my head

Better do some summer "cleaning"

Don't want to get caught up

05-02-2008, 07:09 PM
I love you logan <333

05-02-2008, 07:28 PM
Well if you need to get rid of it fast my addy is...

Haha that sucks. Things turned out good though. You should buy someone a coke or something though, or karmas gonna bitch slap you.


05-02-2008, 07:51 PM
alright yea so back on that free credit report thing.. i definitly did that for the free report and canceled it like 10 mins later.. should i worry? how long after u signed up did they take the money out!?!?!

05-02-2008, 08:44 PM
I signed up in March 15th.

They took it out April 30th.

05-02-2008, 08:54 PM
That sucks man. you shoulda stomped his roof in.

Anyways, as usual. Lets drinking.

05-02-2008, 08:56 PM
yeah i think today was not a bad day for you either. you were very lucky to have some cool cops, they would have make your day a lot worst. but sorry to hear the credit report scam thing

all show no go
05-02-2008, 10:18 PM
damn that does sound like a rough day, thats cool the fuzz let ya go with a warning.. and sort of cool he knew his shit too. same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. i was pulled over in Riverside, i was just sitting at a red light!! and when he popped my hood he noticed the hks suction kit, but didnt know i had an rb20 in there.. they told me just put my stock air induction stuff on. Cops love cooperation, and a good attitude, but i got lucky. (my old lady speed keeps me safe)

05-02-2008, 10:41 PM
Damn, Cali's HELLA harsh!

Why do you guys get cuffed?

Is it because your car has been 'modified'?


Good luck with everything.

Andrew Bohan
05-02-2008, 10:43 PM
it's cuz he's a felon on probation etc etc

regular people don't get cuffed for no front plate

not yet anyway

05-02-2008, 11:21 PM
goddamn all this before noon?
well at least you didn't get :lockd: up

05-02-2008, 11:39 PM
Yea. I'm glad too.

So I came home...drank alot of jack...and played video games for awhile.

05-02-2008, 11:40 PM
haha nice, video games ftw :boink:

05-02-2008, 11:44 PM
Damn son, now that was a bad day.

05-03-2008, 12:24 AM
Damn son, now that was a bad day.

Didn't sound bad to me, maybe because I'm looking at the glass as half full rather than empty. 1) His car isn't in the impound lot accruing more fines 2) the popo's didn't search his house and most importantly 3) he got to go home. Oh, and he didn't even have to use the ak.

Now, the bank thing is messed up - but at least it's getting handled. Worst case scenario: Impound fees + bail and/or legal fees/fines and time lost + the 500 that freecreditreport.com ganked. I would contact freecreditreport and bitch to them about the overdraft. They should reimburse you because it was a breach in their security. I would call the news station (which one is it: 7 on your side? pr whatever) and sic them on it.

Things will work out in the end. They always do.

05-03-2008, 12:29 AM
That's a fucking awesome adventure. ahahahahah I'm glad you kept your cool and just went along with what they asked.

05-03-2008, 12:35 AM
Didn't sound bad to me, maybe because I'm looking at the glass as half full rather than empty. 1) His car isn't in the impound lot accruing more fines 2) the popo's didn't search his house and most importantly 3) he got to go home. Oh, and he didn't even have to use the ak.

Now, the bank thing is messed up - but at least it's getting handled. Worst case scenario: Impound fees + bail and/or legal fees/fines and time lost + the 500 that freecreditreport.com ganked. I would contact freecreditreport and bitch to them about the overdraft. They should reimburse you because it was a breach in their security. I would call the news station (which one is it: 7 on your side? pr whatever) and sic them on it.

Things will work out in the end. They always do.

Thats whatsup homie.

drift freaq
05-03-2008, 02:10 AM
it's cuz he's a felon on probation etc etc

regular people don't get cuffed for no front plate

not yet anyway

Ah wrong, I had the same thing happen about 4 weeks ago in LA. Got pulled over for my exhaust. My Dash was changed out by the previous owner who also did not change the vin plate or remove it. They handcuffed me as well. Yup they assumed the car was stolen. I have never had a felony in my life. In fact I have no record. It was Rampart division but basically rule of thumb is, if the car is assumed a possible stolen vehicle they cuff you till they figure it out.

Andrew Bohan
05-03-2008, 02:14 AM
oh yea the vin thing too

that'll do it

05-03-2008, 08:14 AM
that was you on davis street gettin blurped bro.... damn hot boy... 4 way claus is all bad.... shit when i got slapped with a case last month one of the sheriffs came back with my phone and was like what kinda car is that... he was refferring to my ae86 since i had it as a background photo on my phone... i go ughhh..... then he goes is that an 86 corolla... i stutter in shock with a smile like wtf he knows bout my whip.... he says didnt a cartoon made it popular blah blah... i didnt get let go tho.... stayed in cuffs and taken in for 5grams and a scale... fucking shit..... got jacked for everything including 400 bucks in my pocket... my homie got let go with just a speeding ticket... foo didnt have his l'z on him nothing no transporation of anything nothing... FUCKING DICKS..... he was dressed like a pretty boy so the cop was sayin why you hanging out with gangsters n hoodlums... i had the OMG WTF BBQ teee on cops were giving me slack for it

Dirty Habit
05-03-2008, 08:31 AM
I had a lot wild turkey and lime last night.

Im paying for it now.

05-03-2008, 11:02 AM
that was you on davis street gettin blurped bro.... damn hot boy... 4 way claus is all bad.... shit when i got slapped with a case last month one of the sheriffs came back with my phone and was like what kinda car is that... he was refferring to my ae86 since i had it as a background photo on my phone... i go ughhh..... then he goes is that an 86 corolla... i stutter in shock with a smile like wtf he knows bout my whip.... he says didnt a cartoon made it popular blah blah... i didnt get let go tho.... stayed in cuffs and taken in for 5grams and a scale... fucking shit..... got jacked for everything including 400 bucks in my pocket... my homie got let go with just a speeding ticket... foo didnt have his l'z on him nothing no transporation of anything nothing... FUCKING DICKS..... he was dressed like a pretty boy so the cop was sayin why you hanging out with gangsters n hoodlums... i had the OMG WTF BBQ teee on cops were giving me slack for it

Haha Did you spot me??

Thats why I stopped slanging in my cars. I just have peeps do it for me.
Yaa mean?

05-03-2008, 11:25 PM
HA! the hustler got hustled!

05-04-2008, 12:14 AM
Aww. I miss being a felon on probation. All the surprise visits from the prob officer, random drug test, guns being pulled out for any reason of being pulled over, the smell of jail, milk in a bag, etc. I was surprised on xmas day when they gave us a cinnimin roll for breakfast.

05-04-2008, 12:25 AM
bad day? sounds like you lucked out!!! i know it would be better if it did not happen at all, but i think that all in all it could have been alot worse.

05-04-2008, 01:39 AM
the cops did the very least they could do to you. i say you got off lucky. sa thanks to whomever you pray to and carry on with a smile on your face!

05-04-2008, 02:00 PM
everyday is a good day when im not locked up...

05-09-2008, 02:31 PM
Aww. I miss being a felon on probation. All the surprise visits from the prob officer, random drug test, guns being pulled out for any reason of being pulled over, the smell of jail, milk in a bag, etc. I was surprised on xmas day when they gave us a cinnimin roll for breakfast.

Gotta love the ramen, with beans + Tapatio sauce.

Yum yum.


My bank took care of that $500 withdraw!
Go Bank Of America!!! they handle fraud shit fastttt. <3

05-09-2008, 03:04 PM
doin it son. we smokin, on you?