View Full Version : Anyone Abalone dive?

05-02-2008, 12:28 AM
I was just wondering if anyone dives for abalone. If so where do you go to get abalone? Ive been going to sonoma county at sea ranch but I would like to try out other places this summer. So if some of you dive for them where do you go?

05-02-2008, 08:01 AM
Wish I had that option around here, I go nuts for Abalone and it's hella expensive at retail.

05-02-2008, 12:14 PM
ive always wanted to. probably get into it later on. mendocino?

05-02-2008, 01:17 PM
my brother does. He also runs a local forums for divers http://scubajunkeesworld.com or http://northcoastdivers.org

I dont know where he dives though and Ive never been

05-02-2008, 09:12 PM
^ thanks for the link. Ill have to check that out. Ive been debating wether to go to Shelter Cove in Humboldt county but thats a long ass drive and its pretty much nothing but a small fishing village haha. Any other suggestions on places to go would be awesome.

05-02-2008, 09:39 PM
i used to live in Fort Bragg and there were alot of abalone divers there . i used to trade some of my salmon catch for a few abaone . i also knew alot of people going to mendocino and they had really good luck there .

05-02-2008, 11:51 PM
now you got me hungry. thanks.



05-05-2008, 01:41 PM
all i can think of is scallops gave me food poisoning.... but that looks delcious

05-05-2008, 01:52 PM
Geez that dish does look so good.


First the crab thread and now this. I think we should all ditch 240s and just become fishermen.

05-05-2008, 03:25 PM
Geez that dish does look so good.


First the crab thread and now this. I think we should all ditch 240s and just become fishermen.

Or fish from our 240boats?

First one to build me a boat out of a 240 will get all my fishing secrets.