View Full Version : End of the Internet

04-26-2008, 09:48 PM
taken from yahoo..

"Doom-filled warnings arrive from AT&T this week. The company says that without substantial investment in network infrastructure, the Internet will essentially run out of bandwidth in just two short years.

Blame broadband, says AT&T. Decades of dealing with the trickle of bandwidth consumed by voice and dialup modems left AT&T twiddling its thumbs. The massive rise of DSL and cable modem service in the 2000s has had AT&T facing a monstrous increase in the volume of data transmissions. And that's set to increase another 50 times between now and 2015. That's enough, says AT&T, to all but crash the system.

In response, AT&T says it's investing $19 billion to upgrade the backbone of the Internet, the routers, servers, and connections where the bulk of traffic is processed.

Of course, AT&T is using this breathlessness in part to point fingers beyond simple broadband use. Web video (especially high-definition video) is the most commonly mentioned bandwidth hog. AT&T says video alone will eat up 80 percent of traffic in two years vs. just 30 percent now. One wonders how YouTube doesn't collapse under the pressure. Hmmm.

Meanwhile, many are wondering whether this is prelude to AT&T announcing (or not announcing, but doing anyway) a traffic prioritization/shaping system like Comcast has been tinkering with... and which has earned it nothing but scorn. Net neutrality (which would forbid premium pricing for certain Internet applications and destinations) is a topic that continues to be hotly debated on Capitol Hill, and telcos are anxious to kill the idea since they'd love to be able to charge additional money for different kinds of web traffic. If the whole Internet is about to crash, well, that makes AT&T's argument all the more compelling, doesn't it? "


Kinda interesting..any thoughts?

04-26-2008, 10:03 PM
No. Just no.

04-26-2008, 10:05 PM
by the time they hit 2015. they should be able to upgrade all the systems. and as of now they are planning it out. they cant let that happened because thats their business and thats where their money comes from.

04-26-2008, 10:14 PM
Sounds like all the "end of the world" crap scientists say "is going to happen" based on COMPUTER MODELS. Just more crap to make people freak out b/c they're too damn gullible to use common sense or logic.

Now, on the other hand, if the internet really does "end"...oh well....humans will adapt....and get over it. We've gone thousands of years w/o it...we can go thousands more w/o it.

04-26-2008, 10:15 PM
This most likely won't happen, though you already have to worry about different cable tv packages, phone packages, mobile plans, insurance plans, add-on features, all these early termination costs and random fees, so much unnecessary annoying junk to deal with and keep track off, service providers want to charge you for every feature, and unless you're made of money you always have to compare all the different providers' services and hunt for the best deals and it just all gets old quick, why can't modern life be more simple, it's sad.

04-26-2008, 10:15 PM
Net Neutrality is a huge issue right now, as well as P2P/BitTorrent. P2P traffic has jumped the most, with BitTorrent traffic accounting for over half of all internet traffic now - and AT&T is planning to charge higher prices for P2P/video traffic, as well as start charging by the GB downloaded vs the current bandwidth cap pricing model that's in place now.

All of it is bad for anyone that uses the internet for more than email.

04-26-2008, 10:17 PM
OMG, Y2K bug attempts to strike again! Ah, reminds of the good old days..

Its not going to happen.

04-26-2008, 10:19 PM
They just want more money and everyone has learned that scare tactics works on the general public.

Fuck paying by the GB.

04-26-2008, 10:26 PM
start charging by the GB downloaded vs the current bandwidth cap pricing model that's in place now.

All of it is bad for anyone that uses the internet for more than email.

My networking professor was talking about this the other day. LAAAAAAME

drift freaq
04-26-2008, 10:28 PM
Ya this is just ATT prepping everyone for charging fees for bandwith access. They have wanted to do this for years and this is a prelude to what will be probably a major battle over internet access freedom.

04-26-2008, 10:33 PM
Sounds like you better buy my seat before we lose connection via internet.

04-26-2008, 10:36 PM
"The surge in online content is at the center of the most dramatic changes affecting the Internet today," he said. "In three years' time, 20 typical households will generate more traffic than the entire Internet today."

What the hell is this crap that AT&T is spewing? I cant see how I could possibly use up any more bandwith than I already am, I must download 3gb of data a month already.

04-26-2008, 10:41 PM
LMFAO! The interwab dieing? ROFLCOPTER! That's as funny as clinton getting presidency..

04-26-2008, 10:48 PM
What the hell is this crap that AT&T is spewing? I cant see how I could possibly use up any more bandwith than I already am, I must download 3gb of data a month already.

3gb/day is more like it.

That's 6 episodes of TV in HD.

Shit, I can do that in about 5hrs.

Streaming HD video is what they're complaining about, because it's an enormous amount of data, with no end of popularity in sight.

04-27-2008, 07:39 AM
Well, AT&T is just finishing wiring my town with fiber optic lines, so progress is being made.

04-27-2008, 08:12 AM

We have not reached the max capacity of fiber. Not even close. Today, we simply just dont have a method of putting information through it fast enough. 5-10 years, it will most likely be improved but we still wont even be close enough to maxing out bandwidth capacity on fiber.

It's just like cars. 10-20 years ago V8's were putting out like 200HP. Now what? We have 4cyl engines matching that and V8's like the LS9 putting out 600+HP

Today cable companies put in more fiber lines to make up for the lack of bandwidth. Eventually it'll get more efficient and we'll be pushing the same bandwidth with half the fiber.

So you want to know a good field to get into? Fiber optic engineering and you'll strike it rich. Bandwidth/Throughput is the new oil. I'd do it but I'm horrible at math.

04-27-2008, 08:14 AM
omg south park is right! OVERLOGGING!!!! lol

I don't buy into it, but we shall see.

04-27-2008, 08:20 AM
Is there any computer network engineer here?

I know a lot of companies that have unused dark fibre.

04-27-2008, 09:32 AM
omg south park is right! OVERLOGGING!!!! lol

I don't buy into it, but we shall see.

I was just thinking that. That episode cracked me up :rofl:

It is another attempt at making money. All these companies are seeing the fuel industry fleece us dry so they think "why not us?" Oh noes we're running out of internet! Time to raise the rates and fuck the consumer even more. Pretty soon all these companies will go to this new economic model where everything increases in price exponentially except what you pay your employees. Fuck em :fawkd: , I can live with out the internet. I'd be healthier and probably happier too.

04-27-2008, 09:53 AM
I'd just start going to the library or something.


04-27-2008, 09:58 AM
*Downloads excessive amounts of porn*

04-27-2008, 11:09 AM
at&t is such a bullshit artist. they've been laying fiber optics for years now (if you've heard of uverse, the only way you can get it is if fiber runs up to the edge of your property). this nonsense is just them trying to lay down reasons for tiered internet service.
and that's bullshit. fuck these telecoms, charging me 70 a month for 10 meg is ENOUGH MONEY.
if they wind up being allowed to tier THE INTERNET, you can bet your ass both charter/comcast and att will be doing ridiculous bundle promotions, forcing you to use their other products to get a remotely reasonable deal on internet packages. because at this point in the game, everybody needs the internet. nobody needs a fucking landline.

04-27-2008, 11:26 AM

what will happen to myspace?????????????????????



04-27-2008, 11:52 AM
Net Neutrality is a huge issue right now, as well as P2P/BitTorrent. P2P traffic has jumped the most, with BitTorrent traffic accounting for over half of all internet traffic now - and AT&T is planning to charge higher prices for P2P/video traffic, as well as start charging by the GB downloaded vs the current bandwidth cap pricing model that's in place now.

All of it is bad for anyone that uses the internet for more than email.

Very true. I can almost guarantee most people you know go to about 4 websites 98% of the time: A form of email/networking (Gmail, Facebook, MySpace etc.), a video media site, perhaps eBay or some form of online shopping and... BitTorrent or LimeWire etc. Most people today still only use the internet for email and music/video downloads. That's where the problems is cause it hogs so much bandwidth, especially all these people watching TV etc. in HD on their comps.

I'm not saying the internet will end, and I do agree that it's just the very start of what drift freaq mentioned. Paying for bandwidth will happen eventually, I don't see how it won't.

04-27-2008, 12:37 PM
reminds me of direct tv commercials.

04-27-2008, 12:44 PM
im sure something will be figured out between now and 2015

04-27-2008, 03:08 PM
yeah just don't believe everything you read.

04-27-2008, 03:27 PM
No Internet.

Shit I might be able to be productive with my time then being on here all day.

04-27-2008, 04:12 PM
Not possible to "run out of bandwidth." In the end, the connection will just get slower, but it'll still work.

Besides, if they start jacking the rates, I'll be spending more time on college campuses and starbucks leeching their internet. Think their little proxies and crap can keep people from sucking their bandwidth to a screeching halt? Think again.

04-27-2008, 10:20 PM
A rate cap is just stupid, they're just ignoring the problem they made depending on cable. Comcast is supposed to implement DOCIS 3.0 soon, thay may help. Verizon is also laying down massive amounts of fibre, priced similary to cable.

04-27-2008, 10:33 PM
None of this shit matters anyways after December 21, 2012.

04-28-2008, 01:59 AM
That wouldnt make sense.
I just read an article about how a internet company in Malasia. is going to be providing the highest internet speeds ever heard of for the whole country for free..
dont quote me on it but I think it was something absurd like 400 Mbps

rediculous speeds..
and the company is starting to spread in the US too planning on offering faster and WAYYY cheaper internet service than the current available

04-28-2008, 05:20 AM
reminds me of direct tv commercials.

Cept directv uses false statistics in their own commercial. Their HD goes as low as 6mb/s bitrate which is so full of artifacts it's a joke. Comcast lowest rate 13mb/s is dtv's highest.

13mb/s what DTV used to use when they had like 5 channels.

Dtv's "MOST HD EVER" At just 9mb/s

There's still plenty of dark fiber out in the world waiting to be wavelength multiplexed... If at&t wants to charge for p2p traffic then they can try and sort all that from the next mod where everyone hops onto port 80 and frames it with fake http headers for traffic id's.

04-28-2008, 08:48 AM
heck yeah cheaper and faster internet....

That wouldnt make sense.
I just read an article about how a internet company in Malasia. is going to be providing the highest internet speeds ever heard of for the whole country for free..
dont quote me on it but I think it was something absurd like 400 Mbps

rediculous speeds..
and the company is starting to spread in the US too planning on offering faster and WAYYY cheaper internet service than the current available

04-28-2008, 08:51 AM
If that shit passes, I'll just hop onto one of my neighbor's routers. From my living room I get 8 different unsecured networks, hell, half the time my computer switches to my neighbor's router without me even realizing it.

04-28-2008, 10:52 AM
Shit this may actually help make the kids of our future fuckin go outside and play for once. Remember, America THRIVES on reality tv and porn. What more than a faster connection to encourage them to be LESS active and live the stereotypical american lifestyle. ugh

Sorry, I'm just mad cuz i'm anxious to wait for GTA4 to come out hahaha