View Full Version : at 70 you should lose your license

04-26-2008, 04:10 PM
FUCKING OLD PEOPLE. when they're not driving the wrong way down a parking lot, or getting double wide handicap spaces installed at the grocery store because they can't park straight, or murdering people by driving through farmer's markets, they're rearending me. i FUCKING HATE old people, they should not be allowed to drive. scenario.

on a two lane road. an emergency vehicle comes cruising in the opposite direction, siren blaring, lights on. everybody pulls over and lets him pass. while i'm still stopped, waiting for the person in front of me to go, this old fuck behind me just hits the gas from a dead stop and plows into me like i wasn't there.
so i pull over and get out of my car and ask for insurance information. old fuck's wife is all "you should have moved the light's green, turpey turrr!!" all raving and old and shit. so i ask for insurance info again. douchebag hands me an expired insurance card. i'm now late for work, the damage is barely noticeable, and i'd been meaning to repaint the back bumper anyway. so i write down the info off the expired card, and the old man swears he's up to date. the old bitch starts asking for my info. i tell her i'll give it to their insurance agency, or the police if they don't have insurance, and get on my way.
yes i should have called the cops right there to get an accident report. but again, the damage is brutally minor, and i'm obviously not at fault. i might still get the shaft though. and even a police report wouldn't change that.


04-26-2008, 04:14 PM
give em all sub 50cc scooters that way they can only hurt themselves (and as an added bonus, they can only get on the road when the weather is super perfect)

but yeah, ive thought the same thing before, especially after my grandmother took my car to the store and blacked out backing down the driveway.

good thing there was a pine tree there to put a taco shaped dent in my car...i mean...save her life...

it was my 66 bug too, so when she hit it, she hit it hard enough that i had to change pulleys on the engine because they got fucked by the body panel hitting them while they were spinninng...

04-26-2008, 04:15 PM
At 70, you should just die. Nobody needs to be 100+ years old. They don't contribute anything but sewage and annoyances. They take too much upkeep. The human body wasn't designed for a century of use, and it's apparent looking at the aged lump of skin and tissue that we call a 'great, great, great grandparent.' Just get to 70-80 and keel over.

04-26-2008, 04:18 PM
FUCKING OLD PEOPLE. when they're not driving the wrong way down a parking lot, or getting double wide handicap spaces installed at the grocery store because they can't park straight, or murdering people by driving through farmer's markets, they're rearending me. i FUCKING HATE old people, they should not be allowed to drive. scenario.

I whole heartedly agree. Just yesterday some old motherfucker driving like a manic almost ran me into the center divide! Almost killed my baby, and the two fine beezies with me.

Just make a bus system specifically for octogenarians or some shit.

Soylent Green ftw...

04-26-2008, 04:24 PM
I whole heartedly agree. Just yesterday some old motherfucker driving like a manic almost ran me into the center divide!

Just make a bus system specifically for octogenarians or some shit.

Soylent green ftw...

somebody should throw an old faggot fuck festival in a big open area, like at 2pm before they go to sleep. metamucil and denture glue for everybody. and then while they're all loading up on fiber and gluing their teeth, IN COME THE SCOOPS and they all get shoveled up and turned into fucking food.


04-26-2008, 04:30 PM
i would make them re-take their drivers test at like 50, then 60, and 70

04-26-2008, 04:33 PM
i would make them re-take their drivers test at like 50, then 60, and 70

nonononononononooooooo! every year! dont give em 10 whole years to start sucking! who can say how much damage would happen in 10 years!

04-26-2008, 04:33 PM
i would make them re-take their drivers test at like 50, then 60, and 70

i think that you should be fine up through 70, and then you have to take it once a year. i'm sure there are plenty of non-retarded, pants-pooping old people out there. but we need to weed out the depends adult diapers, briefs shitting crew.

04-26-2008, 04:34 PM
My favorite is the "Old man McGee Middle Finger"

I once had this guy almost sideswipe me so i honked at him. He rolls his window down and screams "GO TO HELL YOU DARN ASSHOLE!" Then proceeded to give me the finger. I dont know, seeing old people give you the finger is like winning the lottery...you still can't believe it happened 4 weeks afterwards.

I think there should be a mandatory drivers test every 2 years after you hit 60 years old.
*edit* nevermind, someone already beat me to it hahaha.

04-26-2008, 04:39 PM
i think it should be every other year after 60 you need to take a 30min road test

30min every other year is not that bad. it would eliminate a lot of traffic around here

04-26-2008, 04:41 PM

04-26-2008, 04:44 PM
I think not only old people but everyone should have to go back once every 5 years to take a driving test and make the driving test harder than it is to cut down on stupid people that shouldn't be driving anyways.

04-26-2008, 04:47 PM


04-26-2008, 04:49 PM
Few years ago When i had my S14, I was making a left turn at a 4 way stop sign road cross. as I was turning in front of an old men with a buick, he just drove his car forward and dent my front passenger side bumper corner. As soon as he ran into me, i can see his wife turn around and gave him a punch. The old fuck said the damage was not bad and maybe i should just chill because he does not have money to repair it for me. so my bro told me maybe i should just let him go because the damage was too light to claim the insurance . ....so I just let him go without asking any repair. the old dude was very happy.

Another story of mine is when i brought my brand new solara which was not even a month old yet, i got right side impacted by an old men in an old subaru who came out from the side road (i was at a main street). He was only looking at his right side but not his left side (the direction of where i am coming from). I saw his visual direction and i horned hard to warn him because i could see his car was lightly moving forward. Later the old man accused me ran the stop sign, but the good thing is police report noted it was clearly his fault (i don't have damn stop sign on my road) and his insurance finally fixed my car after investigation.

04-26-2008, 04:49 PM
well wait until you get to 70!

04-26-2008, 04:55 PM
When i had my S14, I was making left turn at a 4 way stop sign road cross. as i proceed making left turn in front of him, he just drove his car forward and dent my front passenger side bumper corner. As soon as he ran into me, i can see his wife turn around and gave him a blow. old fuck said the damage was not bad and maybe i should just chill because he does not have money to repair it for me. so my bro told me maybe i should just let him go because the damage was too light to claim the insurance too. ....the old dude was very happy.

when i had brought my brand new solara which was not even a month yet, i got side impacted by an old men who came out from the side road (i was at a main street) who was only looking at his right side but not his left side (where i am coming from). I saw his visual direction and i even horned hard to warn him, i also had witness that i was driving straight and sound my horn before the collision. Later the old man accused me ran the stop sign, but good thing police report noted it was clearly his fault (i don't have damn stop sign on my road) and his insurance fixed my car.

You need to learn proper english, I can't understand word your saying.. :hammer:

Anyways, Old people should die at like 50. They're completely useless..

04-26-2008, 05:05 PM
It bothers me sometimes... but I'm just like... "they're old" so whatever. Haha. I've saved so many old people from getting in accidents it's ridiculous(by moving out of their way, stopping for them, etc.).

One time I'm going down this one lane road as I exit off of a main road. I get to the end where it's a stop sign. There's someone facing me, but they can only go left, in front of me, into a little crescent(if they went straight it would be into oncoming traffic on a major road... aka the one I just came off of. I can go straight or right.). I'm waiting... waiting... give the old man the wave. He just stares at me. I'm just like wtf and go straight. I look in my rear view mirror and he's just cruising down this one way exit the wrong way. I drove back out onto the major road and miraculously there was no 10 car pileup like expected.

It blew my mind though. Did he not notice it was impossible for two car to fit... hence ONE WAY. OH, and the signs?! He would have had to basically pull a u-turn to get onto the road once he got to the end.

I just don't plan on getting that old.

04-26-2008, 05:05 PM
I agree, my crazy grandma took her drivers test and got 100% but only had to take the written half. Make them take the full driving test with the most nazi guy at the DMV, get them off the road.

So many bad drivers out here in Alabama and 90% of them are old as fuck.

04-26-2008, 05:18 PM
well wait until you get to 70!

haha for reals:aw:

04-26-2008, 05:38 PM
old people are cool!

they just shouldn't drive.

04-26-2008, 05:41 PM
give em all sub 50cc scooters that way they can only hurt themselves (and as an added bonus, they can only get on the road when the weather is super perfect)

but yeah, ive thought the same thing before, especially after my grandmother took my car to the store and blacked out backing down the driveway.

good thing there was a pine tree there to put a taco shaped dent in my car...i mean...save her life...

it was my 66 bug too, so when she hit it, she hit it hard enough that i had to change pulleys on the engine because they got fucked by the body panel hitting them while they were spinninng...

just one of many hysterical comments i've read this week on zilvia hahaha

edit: just finished reading every other post and i am literally sitting on the couch laughing to myself.

My dad's motto is:

WATCH out for people driving Buicks, Crown Victorias, people with Handicapped plates, and when you can't see the head of the driver over the seat.

God i can't stop laughing

04-26-2008, 06:39 PM
You need to learn proper english, I can't understand word your saying.. :hammer:

Anyways, Old people should die at like 50. They're completely useless..

lol sorry i was not really pay attention while i was typing. fixed

04-26-2008, 07:01 PM
sorry bout the old people hitting you, but every person that hits you will belong to some group. for example the last asshat (and only one) I have hit or been in an accident with was a mexican. so should I say that all mexicans can not have a drivers license? no. ofcourse not.

I often think the same thing, but know that some day I might be 70, and if i can't drive I will gut myself with a spoon.

I think they should have more frequent tests from D.M.V due to how quickly there physical conditions can change.

once again sorry bout your accident. let us know if you fix it.

04-26-2008, 07:22 PM
sorry bout the old people hitting you, but every person that hits you will belong to some group. for example the last asshat (and only one) I have hit or been in an accident with was a mexican. so should I say that all mexicans can not have a drivers license? no. ofcourse not.

I often think the same thing, but know that some day I might be 70, and if i can't drive I will gut myself with a spoon.

I think they should have more frequent tests from D.M.V due to how quickly there physical conditions can change.

once again sorry bout your accident. let us know if you fix it.

i've been hit by:
my friends (THREE TIMES, so whiteyX3)
high school girls on cell phones (HSGOCP X2)
old guy (old guy x1)
hoosier in a truck (rednex X1)

but i still think that old people should be tested annually for competence. because they're deteriorating.
i also think that it should be infinitely harder to GET a license in this country.

04-26-2008, 07:26 PM
At 70, you should just die. Nobody needs to be 100+ years old.
But if there are no people over 70 then who will vote?!!

04-26-2008, 07:49 PM
Old people are funny. Because they're so senile, they say whatever the fuck they want. Plus, they usually have good life experience stories.

04-26-2008, 07:51 PM
Likely someday you'll be that old, and the roles will be somewhat reversed, just remember that. lol

I think mandatory re-testing for anyone over say 55 or so is a good idea. Make them do a medical and/or road test every 2-3 after. If they don't like it? Tough, they just have to realize they're aging. My grandfather took it like a man, realized there was stuff he couldn't do anymore.

04-26-2008, 08:06 PM
I have to agree, some old people are unbearable. They're always bitching about 5 cents of tax and shit. Keep up with the times!

But hey, some of them are sweet. Always nice to meet nice old people.

04-26-2008, 08:22 PM
I've had an old person run a stop sign and nearly side swipe me and another one cruising in the center divide almost causing a head on collision (if I didn't get out of the way..lucky no cars behind me).

I think not only old people but everyone should have to go back once every 5 years to take a driving test and make the driving test harder than it is to cut down on stupid people that shouldn't be driving anyways.

That sounds like a good idea.

04-26-2008, 11:44 PM
Unfortunately, old people run the country. A majority of them vote, while people our age hardly vote. So a majority of the politicians who get elected are assclowns, and as a result retarded laws get passed.

Politicians are scared to pass laws that would require sexagenarians, septuagenarians or octogenarians to test every year. They know who controls the elections.

As for people saying old people should die at 60, don't you have grandparents? Would you want them dead at 60 as well?

04-27-2008, 12:52 AM
the lack of respect for the elderly in here is despicable.

the elderly are easy to pick on because:

1. they're not you or anyone with which you identify
2. they have different values than you
3. they are, for the most part, unconcerned with what you care about

people should die at 50? wow.
soylent green? you watch too much tv.
calling someone a faggot and hoping he dies in a fire over a traffic accident? grow up.

it doesn't matter if you're venting. it's uncouth. but it's to be expected, unfortunaly from this generation.

Unfortunately, old people run the country. A majority of them vote, while people our age hardly vote. So a majority of the politicians who get elected are assclowns, and as a result retarded laws get passed.
they're assclowns because the elderly vote? flawless. i respect the wisdom of experience age offers. witness the failures of the baby boomers.

04-27-2008, 01:07 AM
You need to learn proper english, I can't understand word your saying.. :hammer:

Anyways, Old people should die at like 50. They're completely useless..

lol my dads 50 and he is in to 240's and drifting. haha, so not all of em! this thread is full of win. made me laugh.

04-27-2008, 02:09 AM
LOL at this thread.

Fyi, i did a persuasive speech in my oral comm. class last semester on why some old people shouldnt be allowed to drive . The professor thought it was hilarious and yet very informative and persuasive. I made a petition form and some other bull shit as my hand outs and what not. It was awesome. The whole class wanted to sign the form and have me send it in somewhere too. I ended up getting an A on the whole thing.

anyway, the way i see it, if you cant see, hear, simple multi-task (change lanes while looking over your shoulder) or simply drive the fucking speed limit, your ass shouldnt be on the road. I dont care how old you are. I swear though, if one more 89 year old in a tan buick regal slows down the entire san diego morning commute, i'm going postal. I have soooo many near accident stories from old people being old people and stupid WOMEN ON THEIR FUCKING PHONES, its ridiculous

I totally respect the elderly though, i just think SOME of them shouldnt be allowed to operate a motor vehicle cuz its a hazard to theirs and public safety. Simple as that.

04-27-2008, 08:35 AM
My town has a handful of elderly community neighborhoods, so they are everywhere around here. While I haven't had any bad run-ins or anything yet, I've had some pretty close calls. The one thing that bothers me now is when they cruise 10 under the speed limit and brake for everything. If you want to drive that slow, whatever, at least pull over and let the other people who have to get places pass you. I deal with them everyday on my way to work. My job is 20 minutes away, it takes me 30-35 minutes to get there.

04-27-2008, 08:58 AM
the lack of respect for the elderly in here is despicable.

the elderly are easy to pick on because:

1. they're not you or anyone with which you identify
2. they have different values than you
3. they are, for the most part, unconcerned with what you care about

people should die at 50? wow.
soylent green? you watch too much tv.
calling someone a faggot and hoping he dies in a fire over a traffic accident? grow up.

it doesn't matter if you're venting. it's uncouth. but it's to be expected, unfortunaly from this generation.

they're assclowns because the elderly vote? flawless. i respect the wisdom of experience age offers. witness the failures of the baby boomers.

Uh oh, somebody missed Matlock this morning.:love:

04-27-2008, 08:59 AM
Dude all i have to say is WOW.. I can't believe some of the stuff im reading right now... All should die at 70 and 50? Old people are a waste of life? What the fuck is the matter with you guys?!?! So your grand parents all should die in horrible fires and accidents? Why don't u walk up to your grandparents and say hey "Fuck u grandma/grandpa you guys are a waste of fucking life so just die already... I don't give two shits about you anyways cause ur an elderly human being... Sure they do cause some accidents and can be annoying at times but cmon people... They are still human just like you just because they can't fully function properly anymore makes them a waste of life? I Wish i still had my grand parents... I wish they lived to be 100 plus years old... Not die at fucking 60 and 70 which they did by the way... Some of you need to check your self's...

04-27-2008, 09:08 AM
I know a few good old drivers

But the majority I see need to stick to hoverrounds.

I like old people, cause I can walk up to them and say "you're gonna die soon!"

04-27-2008, 09:14 AM
so i pull over and get out of my car and ask for insurance information. old fuck's wife is all "you should have moved the light's green, turpey turrr!!" all raving and old and shit....

^This part killed me :rofl: So by their logic, if they don't move fast enough, I should be able to get up under them and put them into a wall NASCAR style right? At least my old man was "MAN" enough to say, "I can't see so well, I'm not going to drive anymore" with out anyone even having to say anything to him. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

04-27-2008, 09:24 AM
...calling someone a faggot and hoping he dies in a fire over a traffic accident? grow up...

I agree with the term "faggot" or any other term being unnecessary for an incident as minor as this but from our perspective our generation gets the shaft.

Most of our cars (240's, z's, ae86's, etc) will be immediately written off as "totaled" any time there is an accident, the old people (who are usually well off, financially secure, great insurance, and own tank SUV's) go back their lives and discounts like nothing happened. Meanwhile we are left with a paper weight that we must now fix or swap everything over to another shell and or quit and move on.

I can relate to both sides but I feel the pain of losing a car you put your heart and soul into. Granted this didn't happen in this case but happens frequently enough to generate that emotion.

The elderly need regular assessment of their driving abilities annually in order to exercise the "privilege" to drive.

04-27-2008, 09:53 AM
...it doesn't matter if you're venting. it's uncouth. but it's to be expected, unfortunaly from this generation.

they're assclowns because the elderly vote? flawless. i respect the wisdom of experience age offers. witness the failures of the baby boomers.

Wisdom of experience and actually having a brain are two entirely different things. Either they vote party-line, or they vote exactly how the AARP tells them.

Just because they're old doesn't make them infallible or excessively smart. They're just older versions of this generation who've made the same mistakes and fallen for the same political tricks.

They've undergone the same lackluster driver's license testing.

About a year ago, I was pulling out of my street, which is a relatively blind intersection, and was immediately greeted by the sight of a Suburban passing none other than my grandmother. Of course, this meant that the Suburban was bearing down on me in my lane, and if I hadn't have gotten my ass over RIGHT THEN, or the Suburban had pulled out just a little while later, I would probably be typing this from a wheelchair or the grave.

Moral of the story: my grandmother shouldn't be driving. She has cataracts in both eyes, drives 30 or 35 in a 45 zone, and pisses people off to the point that they pass her and almost kill me.

Driver's license testing should be mandatory every two years for EVERYONE and every year for people over 65.

Hell, let's add a sticker to the plates of people with DUIs so the police can recognize them and pull them over at will while we're at it.

04-27-2008, 10:42 AM
Wisdom of experience and actually having a brain are two entirely different things. Either they vote party-line, or they vote exactly how the AARP tells them.

Just because they're old doesn't make them infallible or excessively smart. They're just older versions of this generation who've made the same mistakes and fallen for the same political tricks.

but they care enough to vote. here's a little secret, 2/3 of the country votes the party line. there's nothing wrong with it. it's how it works here. i never said anyone was infallible, but i did say that older generations are wiser and more experienced than us. therefore they deserve our respect.

04-27-2008, 11:32 AM
man............. you guys are some mean mofo's. i <3 my 90 year old grandma.


ahahahahaahahah. no seriously though. yeah i know what you mean. i got rear ended as well. old guy said his "foot slipped off the brake". idiot. got a couple of paint chips. whatever.

04-27-2008, 12:54 PM
yea beware of buicks and lincolns

04-27-2008, 12:58 PM
to address my critics:
when i say "faggot" or "gay" as an insult... it's not for fear of homosexuals, or hate of them. do what makes you happy. i have no beef with gay people.
but i'm tired of people being overly sensitive. there was a time when i could say "that's gay" about something and it was understood that shit was weak. i miss that time. the right to call old people faggots is where i draw my line in the sand.

also, i still hate old people. they're not all Mr. Miyagi. they're more Mr. Magoo than anything. if Mr. Magoo couldn't control his bowels.

04-27-2008, 01:33 PM
but they care enough to vote. here's a little secret, 2/3 of the country votes the party line. there's nothing wrong with it. it's how it works here. i never said anyone was infallible, but i did say that older generations are wiser and more experienced than us. therefore they deserve our respect.

They may be wiser, but they're no smarter.

04-27-2008, 01:53 PM
they're assclowns because the elderly vote? flawless. i respect the wisdom of experience age offers. witness the failures of the baby boomers.

I was referring to the generation gap. And yes, I think most politicians are assclowns not because elderly people voted for them, rather because their focus is reelection - courting votes. And by courting those votes they cater to their constituency (that votes) - OLD PEOPLE. If young people voted, they'd give a damn about our concerns. That was my point.

Are you satisfied with the politicians in office today? I don't know about you, but I'd much rather have someone closer to my age in office with concerns similar to my own. But because younger people don't typically vote in large percentages, I am stuck with people like Nancy Pelosi representing me in Congress.

It was a big deal when Clinton (Bill) got elected because he was the first President not of the WWII generation. He was the first boomer president. The torch passed from the greatest generation to the boomers. And nothing changed.

I do respect age and I do respect wisdom, but that doesn't mean I have to accept the ends or the means.

04-27-2008, 02:03 PM
but they care enough to vote. here's a little secret, 2/3 of the country votes the party line. there's nothing wrong with it. it's how it works here. i never said anyone was infallible, but i did say that older generations are wiser and more experienced than us. therefore they deserve our respect.

Respect and experience have little to do with shitty driving. You could have a Ph.D. and 50 years of driving experience and still drive like a fucktard. If Parnelli Jones rearended me, he'd still be at fault.

04-27-2008, 02:32 PM
but they care enough to vote.

They care enough to vote because they have nothing else to do. Seriously sitting around with old people is the saddest thing ever. Unless they are on vacation they just sit around waiting to die and watching day time tv...

04-27-2008, 03:13 PM
At 70, you should just die. Nobody needs to be 100+ years old. They don't contribute anything but sewage and annoyances. They take too much upkeep. The human body wasn't designed for a century of use, and it's apparent looking at the aged lump of skin and tissue that we call a 'great, great, great grandparent.' Just get to 70-80 and keel over.


04-27-2008, 04:04 PM
Not really a matter of age, its just deterioration of reflexes. It'll happen to all of us. Personally I'm not as quick as I was 6 years ago, its just experience has increased at a faster rate than my reflexes have decreased. Even a professional racer will eventually drive like shit, just because their body is physically losing it's ability to react appropriately in a given situation. I mean there should be more stringent standards placed on people of older age groups, but that would fall under discrimination, which we all know is bad. Hell, if we discriminate against old people, we should also be discriminating against asians, valley girls who talk on their cell phones, and soccer moms who attempt to discipline their children while driving. They're all banes on the road, so we should make it harder for them to keep their licenses too, right? Can't discriminate in this country anymore, and unfortunately, people will always bond together with similar people, unite and call it discrimination. That's just how America works.

04-28-2008, 10:48 AM
i might still get the shaft though. and even a police report wouldn't change that.

I'm not sure that would happen. He's probably up to date but just doesn't have the updated card, and there's really no situation whatsoever in which being rear-ended can be your fault.

I say make them pay just because they were dicks.

NOTE: Didn't read past the 4th post, so if this already happened and I'm an idiot....so be it.

04-28-2008, 03:17 PM
fuck that

when I become old I can do whatever I want and get away with it



04-28-2008, 04:13 PM
There sure are a lot of callous short sighted idiots on here.

Old people should die because they cause accidents once in a while??

I would give up my 240 to be able to hang out with my Grandparents one more time......

I can't believe the attitudes on here!

04-28-2008, 04:24 PM
There sure are a lot of callous short sighted idiots on here.

Old people should die because they cause accidents once in a while??

I would give up my 240 to be able to hang out with my Grandparents one more time......

I can't believe the attitudes on here!

I met my gparents when i was 3.

They're now dead. :mad:

04-28-2008, 04:34 PM
that sucks that a person like that hit you. you should report it to their insurance company anyway (if they have one.) or either that file a police report. i got hit by an old person. i was in a costco parking lot signaling for a parking spot, and this douche bag backs up into me. i'm like wtf? you didn't see my car sticking out from both sides of yours? then he has the nerve to tell me it's my fault cuz my car is too low. idiots...

06-27-2008, 11:10 PM
i know how you feel and old black lady hit me in her car and smiled and drove off

06-27-2008, 11:52 PM
old people driving fails..

06-28-2008, 12:02 AM
according to this guy, the responsibility free senile years are the best


when else in your adult life can you shit your pants in public?

06-28-2008, 12:38 AM
My favorite is the "Old man McGee Middle Finger"

I once had this guy almost sideswipe me so i honked at him. He rolls his window down and screams "GO TO HELL YOU DARN ASSHOLE!" Then proceeded to give me the finger. I dont know, seeing old people give you the finger is like winning the lottery...you still can't believe it happened 4 weeks afterwards.

I think there should be a mandatory drivers test every 2 years after you hit 60 years old.
*edit* nevermind, someone already beat me to it hahaha.

That made me LMAO!!!!!

New sig quote!!!!

EDIT FOR OPINION: To be honest, it's not discrimination to make the elderly take tests. That's in the interest of safety. I've gotten into with a few old people for driving like assholes, and I've told them point blank- you're too fucking old to drive. My grandmother understood this when she started getting cataracts. Driving is as much a privilege for a stupid teenager as it is for an old person. That old guy that plowed through that farmer's market should have gotten a much worse punishment than what he got- that's what would have happened to anyone younger.

Also, if old people are gonna bitch and moan about the government limiting their driving privileges and make them take more tests, then they're being selfish and not thinking about the general population and who they put at risk. The fuckers know they're getting old, take responsibility for that shit.