View Full Version : Thugs selling magazine subscriptions...

Xandy Boosts
04-25-2008, 09:00 PM
who are these assholes?

first guy came knocking, I told him my parents aren't home, and I lied and said I wasn't 18 so he wouldn't bother me. 5 minutes later my parents come home and one guy in his "team" noticed them I guess and came back.

I opened the door again and asked to talk to my parents, I kept saying no she's busy. Argument happens and he goes man whatever then, the he mumbles some shit and goes away. I mean seriously, who are these people? I didn't listen to their damn story but I bet it's the same damn thing, "Oh I need money to buy books for school," or "oh I need money to go on a trip to get out of the ghetto."

I feel like calling the cops, not because I'm scared of em but because I want to hassle em for pissin me off while I'm trying to watch the playoffs.

Are these guys scammers like the guys in the white vans selling speakers?

04-25-2008, 09:06 PM
just do what i do
speak a different language

04-25-2008, 09:06 PM
Sounds pretty suspicious to me... Just ignore them.

04-25-2008, 09:07 PM
just dont open the door.

04-25-2008, 09:08 PM
lol gotta have some fun with them
if they wanna waste ur time then waste their time back at them

04-25-2008, 09:12 PM
One time, this chick interrupted a party we were having with that shit.
We invited her in, sat down and completely changed the subject, back to whatever we were doing before she broke it up... A spades game and talking cash shit about one another over beer. We offered her one, and everyone in the house knew to let me drive the responses when she tried to get on her little presentation.
Eventually, she just let herself out.

04-25-2008, 09:15 PM
lol reminds me of office space

they arent scammers....just door to door sales ppl who get payed commission, some company does recruiting at my school to get kids to sell kitchen knife sets door to door....its gotta be a shit job

04-25-2008, 09:17 PM
yeah speaking in a different language works, but its more fun to rip up your tshirt and smear yourself with fake blood before you come flying out the door with a kitchen knife in your hand only to haul ass down the block. and it helps if you're yelling random shit about satan.

Dirty Habit
04-25-2008, 09:18 PM
Kids doing this used to come around all the time when I was in college. Why try to sell to college kids...Esp. at a state school? We have no fucking money. If we did, it was spent on rent/food/alcohol.

They would always ask if they could buy pot from us too. It was hilarious.

04-25-2008, 09:20 PM
Turn on the sprinklers.

Xandy Boosts
04-25-2008, 09:22 PM
I'm a pretty big guy myself but this guy was a pretty big somoan so I didn't want to do anything that you guys are suggesting haha. he gave me attitude so I gave an attitude back thats all then left.

04-25-2008, 09:30 PM
Fuck, this happens to me ALL the god damn time. Whatever happened to those decent looking, quiet, quick to leave salesman? It used to be "No, I'm not interested" and most they'll do is push a pamphlet on you.

I generally open my garage to work on my pile or when friends come over, whatever. These thug looking guys just barge right the fuck in and start talking about the shit they're trying to sell and no matter your response, they keep pushing. When they finally get the message 15 minutes later, they mumble shit and leave. Logic says to leave if your target isn't interested right? They could be out asking other people instead of pushing their god damn magazines/miracle cleaners/vacuums on me.

04-25-2008, 09:33 PM
I HATE THOSE PEOPLE! usually when you tell em your not interested, they go off upset, always wondering if they gonna do something to you later..

What i fear is some times they ask about my car since its in the driveway, like "is it turbo? " or "do you drift?" ... i just say its stock and i just got it etc lol..

Forreal I know these people doing it so they can better themselves, but why the fuck do whatever program they are in, send em to peoples houses door to door? Esp its usually the fucked up kids..

04-25-2008, 09:38 PM
The girl I had was legit, I only let her in cause she had some nice tat tats. After talking to her I brought 2 subscription only cause she was from N.C. (verified after I saw her SSN) Books came a month and a half later right when I was going to start making fraud calls. Usually they send girls cause they know people will let them in. The Kirby vaccum people are notourious for this! Girl come to the door wearing nice exposed clothing, and ask to clean your carpet. I don't wear shoes in the house and my carpet was 3 months old. But she still persisted/ I agree she says she will come back in 10 mins with the cleaner. 10 mins later she come back with some dude and a fucking vaccum.(I laughed when I saw it was a kirby) After telling him 3 times no matter what I won't buy it he still cleaned alot of shit in my house, car, couch, blinds and the fucker even tried to clean my dog! 2 hrs later I offered him a beer while he packed his shit. (I came out ahead)

P.S Kirby will pull dirt from anywhere but 1-2K aint worth it because they will sell the same vacuum for 500.

04-25-2008, 09:51 PM
we dont get many salespeople around me mostly jahovas witness and people running for mayor and junk like that
last one that came i answer the door and say i dont speak english in german
he responds to me in german
in my head im like awww fuckkk
after a few min of conversating in german my brother come up and starts talking about how a donkey stole his pancakes and that he has to save the syrup queen long story short he ended up leaving and we followed him around

04-25-2008, 10:41 PM
So true about them guys in the white vans selling speakers. Just the other night I had a guy in a white Astro van drove up to me in a Wal-Mart parking lot and said if I wanted some 13" speakers.

But about those people that tries to sell them magazines and stuff, it had happened to me once. It was two lady and it was dark when they came. I opened the door and they was like they are trying to sell those magazines in order to afford a trip to Hawaii. The only thing that made me close our front screen door was they were acting strange. And by I mean strange, is one girl would look back down at the street while the other one is talking to me. It was as they were giving a sign for someone to barge in. I had a weird feeling so I told them I'm not interested and they brought in the "race" thing and I just closed the door on them. I had a strange feeling about it, especially during night time and the way they acted.

Just tell them, Not interested and if they want to mumble things, let them. They know where you live and you don't know where they live so just let it be. That's the way I think of it.

04-25-2008, 11:23 PM
i sold kirby's for two weeks.
lets just say i felt like a douche :-/

04-25-2008, 11:56 PM
My parents bought a Kirby from a door to door salesman, its the best vacuum we have ever owned.

It pisses me off how people take advantage of old people though, pulling that bullshit "if i sell 1000 subscriptions I get a scholarship."

04-26-2008, 12:07 AM
Answer the door naked.

They wont come back.

04-26-2008, 12:30 AM
i used to be addicted to crack
but now im off and trying to stay clean.

04-26-2008, 01:29 AM
anyone ever get a guy going door to door selling steaks?
i took a look at the meats he had in his truck while guy was talking to my dad and they sure looked yummy

04-26-2008, 01:38 AM
How about this one. I have ADT at the house and some younger guy who says he's an ADT salesperson comes to my house at around 7:30pm asking if have home security. This was in winter and it was dark already.

First off, there's a fucking sticker that says ADT right on the front door. Second, wouldn't he have known not to go to my house if we are already subscribers (maybe not)? Anyway, he didn't look too professional. He was wearing some wool sweater and was holding a metal clipboard. Thats it. I was suspicious.

So after I told him that I'm already a subscriber, I started asking him some questions. I asked him why ADT sends out their salespersons in the evening? He said its standard procedure b/c alot of homeowners are working during the day and the evening is the best time to get in touch with potential customers. Ok, makes sense. By this time he figures out I'm getting suspicious of him. He says, "If you don't believe me, I can give you some information/my card." He then makes a half-ass attempt to open his clipboard while I say to him, "Nevermind, its just that I've never had a salesperson come so late in the day. Thats it." I thank him and shut the door.

Something was still bothering me so I looked from the balcony to where the parking area is and I don't see an ADT vehicle anywhere. I go outside and see him waiting for the neighbor to come out. I ask him where he was coming from. He said he's from Socal. I said, "where's your ADT van, they usually come in a van?" (installers do anyway). Then, HE STARTS STUTTERING hella hard, saying to me that he lives in the area. I thought he just said he's from SOCAL??? By this time, I'm like WTF??

So I head inside and call ADT to find out whats really. I asked the rep if they send out salespersons during the evening. He asked what time and I said just 15 min. ago. "No, we don't have salespersons coming to your door at this time of the evening sir, I would shut the door on him and notify the police.

Called PD, looked outside and dude was ghost. The next day I let my neighbors know wussup and I never saw the guy again.

Sorry for the extra long post but be aware folks, people will rob you!!!

Andrew Bohan
04-26-2008, 01:45 AM
i had a preppy white guy come by once who wanted to sell me newspaper subscriptions so he could go to paris. i told him if he bought enough stickers from me, i'd go to paris with him, but he didn't wanna do it.

then some ghetto white guy came buy and wanted me to get free trials of magazines so he could get books for college. i told him he doesn't need to be in shitty programs like that and he get books in better ways.

then the mobile bbq food guy came by once and wanted to sell me steaks and chicken. i told him i'd never heard of a mobile bbq food guy before, but i probably would have if he had stickers on his truck, so i told him all about that, but he didn't go for it.

i guess i'm inspired by the muslim guy who'd invite the jehova's witnesses into his apartment whenever they came by, and tell them all about how islam is the right way. fuckin great, i love it.

so basically, whenever someone comes by to try to get you to do something, try to get them to do something too.

i had the security guy come by once, but i told him i didn't want it. it never occured to me he might be casing the place. hmmm

Xandy Boosts
04-26-2008, 01:57 AM
i had a preppy white guy come by once who wanted to sell me newspaper subscriptions so he could go to paris. i told him if he bought enough stickers from me, i'd go to paris with him, but he didn't wanna do it.

then some ghetto white guy came buy and wanted me to get free trials of magazines so he could get books for college. i told him he doesn't need to be in shitty programs like that and he get books in better ways.

then the mobile bbq food guy came by once and wanted to sell me steaks and chicken. i told him i'd never heard of a mobile bbq food guy before, but i probably would have if he had stickers on his truck, so i told him all about that, but he didn't go for it.

i guess i'm inspired by the muslim guy who'd invite the jehova's witnesses into his apartment whenever they came by, and tell them all about how islam is the right way. fuckin great, i love it.

so basically, whenever someone comes by to try to get you to do something, try to get them to do something too.

i had the security guy come by once, but i told him i didn't want it. it never occured to me he might be casing the place. hmmm

:bowrofl: trying to sell your stickers to them back, thats great haha

04-26-2008, 06:52 AM
I was home during the summer in 04 for about 2weeks with no parents so i had a chicky come and spend the night.. needless to say a Mormon came to the door trying to sell me his bible and tell his shpell... well i was only wearing a towel since i jus got of the shower with the chicky like 3 min prior and jus before i could tell him no thanks my hook-up buddy come up behind me in a towel aslo and grabs my ass and she says nice and load.... "you ready for round two?" the mormon dude jaw jus dropped lol
He was like... uhhhh nevermind
hahahhaha best day EVER!

04-26-2008, 07:56 AM
just do what i do
speak a different language

I answer with my .45, the sound of a round chambering right before I open the door says "I'm not interested". Works with with homeless people too who hang around the gas station and bug you while you pump.

04-26-2008, 07:59 AM
I just answer the door in my assless chaps and a set of handcuffs... don't ever have a problem with them leaving or coming back... I have no idea why.

I was home during the summer in 04 for about 2weeks with no parents so i had a chicky come and spend the night.. needless to say a Mormon came to the door trying to sell me his bible and tell his shpell... well i was only wearing a towel since i jus got of the shower with the chicky like 3 min prior and jus before i could tell him no thanks my hook-up buddy come up behind me in a towel aslo and grabs my ass and she says nice and load.... "you ready for round two?" the mormon dude jaw jus dropped lol
He was like... uhhhh nevermind
hahahhaha best day EVER!

if he was mormon you are incorrect on two accounts... first off, he wasn't trying to sell you his bible... they don't sell them, they are free and second of all, it wasn't his bible, it is the book of mormon. mormons use the king james version of the bible just like much of the rest of christianity. and yes, even mormons can respect the fact that some things are more important... namely a girl in a towel requesting round number 2.

04-26-2008, 10:37 AM
i dont know man............ i'm getting pretty sick of it myself. i mean.... if i'm not interested just walk away. no need for dirty looks and mumbling bad words. geez. i was respectful when i declined. meh. whatever. but yeah, the rude ones piss me off.

beeracing s14
04-26-2008, 10:43 AM
with the price of gas soon enough they wont be roaming the streets.

04-26-2008, 10:45 AM
if he was mormon you are incorrect on two accounts... first off, he wasn't trying to sell you his bible... they don't sell them, they are free and second of all, it wasn't his bible, it is the book of mormon. mormons use the king james version of the bible just like much of the rest of christianity. and yes, even mormons can respect the fact that some things are more important... namely a girl in a towel requesting round number 2.

i wasnt being literal about selling the "book" i was jus saying he was tryin to give to me but the a sales type speech to go with it... i guess he was from a more conserv family couse it def bothered him.. and i called his bible bc shit i call my book of s-chassis info my bible.. in all it was good day for ass and bothering annoying door knocking ppls o and i thought mormons didnt belive in pre-marital bang bang

04-26-2008, 11:19 AM
If she's hot, Just zone out and stare at her then invite her in ;):naughty:

04-26-2008, 11:32 AM
I worked for one of those types of things for a day years ago.

Just FYI, more than 75% of these people are scammers.

We would "sell" newspaper subscriptions. Rather than you getting your newspaper subscription, our "boss" would pocket the money and toss out the card you filled out for it.

Yeah...that's why I only worked that for a day.

I found out towards the end of the night, which is when I stopped going door to door...and called my friend for a ride home.

Straight up bullshit.

04-26-2008, 01:00 PM
I had 2 chicks trying to sell me some knock off smell goods once. I told them that if they fucked each other, I would buy a bottle. They thought i was playing.

04-26-2008, 02:54 PM
i thought mormons didnt belive in pre-marital bang bang

most religious sects don't believe in pre marital bang bang... doesn't mean individuals in those sects don't do it...:naughty::naughty:

04-27-2008, 08:55 AM
I usually just stare, and when they start talking I talk too, sometimes i'll imitate what they say but in a dorky way...they usually get the point. If i'm in a bad mood i'll say "dude seriously, don't you have ambition in life? Why don't you get a legitimate job or go to school or something, damn"

If i'm in a good mood I just say "I was at a friend's house and someone came by with this offer, i'm not interested but thank you have a good day" and then usually they just bite their lip and walk away.

04-27-2008, 09:21 AM
I love Jehovah's Witnesses. When they ask me if I believe in heaven or do I think the end is coming, I just say no and ask them if they know anything about Scientology or do they believe that Xenu is the leader of the galactic federation.

04-27-2008, 09:40 AM
most religious sects don't believe in pre marital bang bang... doesn't mean individuals in those sects don't do it...:naughty::naughty:

Quoted for truth :bowrofl: Some of the best lays I've had were Mormon girls :whip: Let me tell you, they weren't that Mormon.

04-27-2008, 10:06 AM
Quoted for truth :bowrofl: Some of the best lays I've had were Mormon girls :whip: Let me tell you, they weren't that Mormon.

this also quoted for truth... my wife is a raging bitch... she's mormon... but she was always a hell of a lay

04-27-2008, 10:37 AM
Here's a story from our local news.

Door-to-door salespeople arrested in Yamhill County

11:46 AM PDT on Saturday, April 26, 2008


Sales arrests

After weeks of citizen complaints, police in McMinnville arrested four members of a door to door sales force.

Shaquanna Johnson of Fort Lauderdale, Florida was booked on theft and forgery charges for allegedly stealing a prospective customer’s checkbook last Friday.

Derrick Toliver was arrested for selling marijuana in the parking lot of the Paragon Motel in McMinnville, where 75 employees of the T & B Sales Co. are staying.

Two more employees were arrested for ID Theft for using phony names to obtain health care at a local hospital.

In addition to the arrests, authorities throughout Yamhill County said they’ve received dozens of complaints from citizens over aggressive sales techniques.

“People will come to the door, knock on the door, and refuse to leave without a sale,” said Cap. Ken Summers of the Yamhill County Sheriff’s Office.

Large passenger vans drop off the salespeople in a residential area, and police say the young people aren’t picked up until they meet their sales quota.

One McMinnville police detective working on the case said there are two sets of victims: one made up of customers, the other comprised of the young salespeople. The two arrested for ID theft reportedly were refused medical care when they told their superiors they were sick.

The Georgia sales company has been coming to Yamhill County for years, but this is the first there have been arrests and such a large volume of complaints.

T & B’s co-owner says she will not tolerate criminal behavior, and that the four who were arrested are responsible for themselves. “They’re grown people, they make their own decisions and we don’t condone that,” said Melinda Burgess.

Burgess said the company has always made plenty of sales in Yamhill County.

The four facing charges are being housed at the Yamhill County Jail. They will be arrainged on Monday.

04-27-2008, 10:41 AM
I had a friend who did this for like a day a couple years back. he was selling vacuums door to door and then they were headed to the hotel, on the way two of the other guys started smoking meth in the van. he called me and i had to go pick him up.

second scenario. freshman year of college i came home to my apartment and my roomate had this girls shirt off and they were in the living room. he didn't say much for about two months, then one day we got three magazines in the mail. come to find out he suckled on the fun bags and signed up for three subscriptions. next month comes around no magazines, next month is the same. they stole his 36 dollars and sent one free issue. he did get to play with random jugs though

04-27-2008, 10:48 AM
i told him if he bought enough stickers from me, i'd go to paris with him, but he didn't wanna do it.

but i probably would have if he had stickers on his truck, so i told him all about that, but he didn't go for it.

so basically, whenever someone comes by to try to get you to do something, try to get them to do something too.


04-27-2008, 11:33 AM
second scenario. freshman year of college i came home to my apartment and my roomate had this girls shirt off and they were in the living room. he didn't say much for about two months, then one day we got three magazines in the mail. come to find out he suckled on the fun bags and signed up for three subscriptions. next month comes around no magazines, next month is the same. they stole his 36 dollars and sent one free issue. he did get to play with random jugs though

haha whatever it takes to make a sale

04-27-2008, 02:43 PM
i wasnt being literal about selling the "book" i was jus saying he was tryin to give to me but the a sales type speech to go with it... i guess he was from a more conserv family couse it def bothered him.. and i called his bible bc shit i call my book of s-chassis info my bible.. in all it was good day for ass and bothering annoying door knocking ppls o and i thought mormons didnt belive in pre-marital bang bang

This "paragraph" made my head explode trying to make sense of it...

fuckin hangovers.

04-27-2008, 04:19 PM
airsoft ak-47 usually scares them right off if you yell at them with a red neck accent, or a random sex toy with chocolate smeared on it with a german accent.(my buddy told me about the second one)

04-27-2008, 05:09 PM
This used to happen in my dorm all the time except people kept trying to sell me drugs.

04-27-2008, 06:53 PM
This used to happen in my dorm all the time except people kept trying to sell me drugs.

thats actually convenient though, i wouldnt be so pissed about random knocks at the door if i thought it was that.