View Full Version : Mother's power ball or Meguair's dual action

04-25-2008, 01:25 PM
now this is not a general car care thread, but i wanted any feedback from people that have used either of the products: Mother's power ball or Meguair's dual action for waxing, buffing out scratches, etc.

i started thinking about this yesterday when i noticed a scuff/scratch on my passenger door. looks like someone may have brushed up against it with a hard non-abrasive material (let's say...neighbor's trash can??... solely for the sake of argument). doesn't look like any paint has been scraped off but looks more like dried soap or when you wet sand 1000 grit something. .. that hard hazy feel, so i wanted to know how i would buff this thing out.

i tried washing it off but doesn't seem to work, so i may need to buff it out, but ive never had experience with this so any help would be appreciated

ps this is a two part thread it seems =)

hmmmm...wondering if this should be in the off topic chat now

04-25-2008, 01:30 PM
Get a real two handed buffer don't get a crappy 20 dollar mount you put on your screw driver.....they don't work worth shit not even for cleaning wheels like they say on the commercial....they almost work as well as the mr clean auto car dry LOL!!!

04-25-2008, 01:32 PM
mothers power ball, with 3m scratch remover. works wonders, if the scratch is too abrasive. maybe try a clay bar as well and polish it up with some nu finish

04-25-2008, 01:38 PM
i used the power ball with the mothers mag/aluminum polish on my wheels and it didnt do shit! i got better results from hand buffing. now for paint, i use a 2 step buffer with compound and wax. That will take just about anything out. get a padded buffer and use with compound on the first go around, wipe away, and use a foam buffing pad with some polish wax, or carnuba wax and it will be perfect again.

04-25-2008, 01:41 PM
the powerball works for super light polishing (say, after you wash the car and clay it a bit). its not meant for anything heavy duty or serious polishing work. we used it after a 2000 grit wet sand and it worked fine for that. if you have a bad scuff i say look elsewhere for sure.

and the mr clean auto dry works incredibly well. i haven't dried a car with towels since i got one in like 2004.

04-25-2008, 02:00 PM
DA buffer with some foam pads and the right polishes. Go to town on the scuff and you should be good.

04-25-2008, 02:07 PM

the general concensus i seem to be getting is powerball = light light scratches
another type of polisher for bigger scratches or scuffs

would these work let's say when im taking off wax? my shoulders feel like they're gonna fall off after i finish waxing... and i feel like imma die if i washed, dried, detail sprayed, and then waxed the whole car...

i used the power ball with the mothers mag/aluminum polish on my wheels and it didnt do shit! i got better results from hand buffing. now for paint, i use a 2 step buffer with compound and wax. That will take just about anything out. get a padded buffer and use with compound on the first go around, wipe away, and use a foam buffing pad with some polish wax, or carnuba wax and it will be perfect again.

which 2 step buffer? is that similar to the meguiar's dual action polisher? im just afraid that since i have never had experience, i'll burn my paint let's say when i just want to remove my wax

the powerball works for super light polishing (say, after you wash the car and clay it a bit). its not meant for anything heavy duty or serious polishing work. we used it after a 2000 grit wet sand and it worked fine for that. if you have a bad scuff i say look elsewhere for sure.

and the mr clean auto dry works incredibly well. i haven't dried a car with towels since i got one in like 2004.

the mr clean auto dry, does that affect the wax at all?

04-25-2008, 02:15 PM
I used the powerball the scratch X and the wax. The wax works I can say with no doubt I guess I was using the other products in correctly. Maybe u I should try this again.

04-25-2008, 02:27 PM
the mr clean auto dry, does that affect the wax at all?

not as far as i can tell. i don't know how it works. you just mist the car with the magic water after final rinse and the car dries by itself with no streaks or spots. then wax as usual.

04-25-2008, 02:35 PM
any reviews on the meguiar's polisher? any other recommended polisher for basic waxing on and offing?

04-25-2008, 03:07 PM
so many gimmicks in this thread.

if you're waxing your car, get a tin of carnauba, a towel, and your hand.

04-25-2008, 03:28 PM
which 2 step buffer? is that similar to the meguiar's dual action polisher? im just afraid that since i have never had experience, i'll burn my paint let's say when i just want to remove my wax

2 steps, i said it in the post. 1=compound 2=wax use compound with yellow fuzzy pad, use wax with foam pad. If the scratches arent very deep and/or your worried about burning the paint just do step 2, it's impossible to burn the paint with the foam pad (at least the ones here at work, their blue) if step 2 didnt work then do step 1 then 2

the mr clean auto dry, does that affect the wax at all?


04-25-2008, 06:05 PM
i have used both with plastic poilish to make my stock zenki s14 headlights look like euro glass head lights. good shit.

04-25-2008, 07:07 PM
i have used both with plastic poilish to make my stock zenki s14 headlights look like euro glass head lights. good shit.

My friend used the powerball on my f4i exhaust, and piping. He used the Mother's mag polish, (I think it was called that). Came out blinging. Mother's power ball is best for hard to reach places, since it adapts to the size of the area you are polishing.

04-26-2008, 03:04 AM
original poster...PMed u