View Full Version : where is the worst place you have lived.

04-24-2008, 10:50 PM
I thought about this the other day when i realized I moved back to Fresno, Ca a year ago from O.C area of California and realized how much Fresno SUCKS.

I have lived in Modesto, Fresno, Costa Mesa,Clovis, Garden Grove and of all those I think that Fresno is the worst.

I know it may hard for some people to believe that anywhere in California sucks, but the places do exist. So if you don't live in California, and you want to move, do not move to Fresno.

and as for anyone, who reads this and loves Fresno, I must say the people who live here and like have never really gone anywhere else and experienced life.
And I do realize that life is what you make it, but that rule does not apply here.

so where is the worst place you have ever lived.

04-24-2008, 10:52 PM
Wonderland Ranch.

Weird thing was...... the Jesus Juice. Didn't taste like juice.


04-24-2008, 10:55 PM
worst place I've lived... how about Phelan California... that's right... home of Serrano High School... originally Phelan High... sound it out

Xandy Boosts
04-24-2008, 11:01 PM
You know the song Regulators by Warren G?

This line
"So I hooks a left on the 21 and lewis"

I lived on Lewis, a block away from 21st.

All these kids who thinks it's cool to be wannabe gangsters and thugs don't know nothing about the real thing.

I barely moved outta there when I was 16. I'm 22 now. Glad to be out

04-24-2008, 11:12 PM
yeah I see a bunch of punk ass wannabe everythign in this town. for example tones of civics thinking they are bmw's and integras with kouki s14 front ends and everyone has to put stick on vents on there fenders. I dont know, plus people just act like asshole and the weather is terrible so is the job market, (even when the market is good)
people say fresno? fresyes, i say freshole, once you get here its like your stuck.

04-24-2008, 11:19 PM
i stayed in gallup, new mex. that place sucked a lot more than being on guam. there was hardly any chicks too :(

04-24-2008, 11:20 PM
i stayed with my sister in baltimore...they filmed the wire on her block sometimes...

Nice house in a baaaaaddd neighborhood.

Andrew Bohan
04-24-2008, 11:22 PM
hayward, ca

lived in an apartment on a semi-main street, about half a mile off the main ghetto street.

gunshots now and then
saw 26 police cars chase a u-haul once
people would ask me for drugs now and then (and i was the only white guy in the area. come on, don't ask the only white guy for drugs, he's probably cop)
my truck got broken into once and they stole my monster tach but left my deck
gf's car got broken into twice, 6 months apart. they took her deck and a pillow with jesus on it the first time. second time there was nothing to steal but they smashed the window out anyway.
lady would come by every morning at 7am trying to sell tamales, yelling "TAMALESS!!!!" fucking annoying
ice cream carts passing by all day in the summer with their bells ringing.
no ac and hella hot
around 4th of july people would constantly be lighting off fireworks right under people's windows
ugh, glad to be out of there

04-24-2008, 11:25 PM
In a tent in 120 + degree weather.

04-24-2008, 11:25 PM
born and raised in south central LA. i thought life was good there, but i didnt realize how great life really was and how fucked up it is in the ghetto until i moved out of there when i was 16. im glad i was raised there though, learned a WHOLE LOT!

04-24-2008, 11:30 PM

04-24-2008, 11:36 PM
When I was in the Navy, I lived in a couple pretty shady apartments in some really shady neighborhoods of Norfolk, VA. Most people were Section 8, guy that lived across the hall sold a LOT of coke, but I didn't really get messed with 'cause I was the only white guy, and I had a bomb GSXR - lots of "hey man, show me somethin", or "what it do cracka? pop it up!", but hey, it only got stolen twice, and by people outside the 'hood.

The good part of living in the 'hood is that when people that don't belong there come through, you can always tell. People's lights come on, doors open, bird sounds/calls, etc. I miss that. Now that I live in a nice neighborhood, I have the feeling that my neighbors would watch through their windows as my garage got broken into, and not even call the cops.

Xandy Boosts
04-24-2008, 11:38 PM
born and raised in south central LA. i thought life was good there, but i didnt realize how great life really was and how fucked up it is in the ghetto until i moved out of there when i was 16. im glad i was raised there though, learned a WHOLE LOT!

My parents used to own a Donut Shop in South Central LA hahaha. We finally sold it 2 years ago but I was workin there since I was in the 6th grade.
Yea, it's real bad there. I would be friends with the kids that was my age, then as soon as I got into high school, I find out they're all in prison for murder n shit. :eek3:

04-24-2008, 11:58 PM
My parents used to own a Donut Shop in South Central LA hahaha. We finally sold it 2 years ago but I was workin there since I was in the 6th grade.
Yea, it's real bad there. I would be friends with the kids that was my age, then as soon as I got into high school, I find out they're all in prison for murder n shit. :eek3:

so funny you metnion bad neighborhood and donut shop.
I live in a semi bad neighbor hood, there are gangmembers everywhere, and I work at my friends donut shop.
Ill read the newspaper and recognize the faces and names of people arrested in armmed robberies and murders and shit like that as customers who came through my work.
Ive been followed home a few times, and there is graffiti on everything, the cement, walls , posts, and trees, cars, treashcans, damn near everything. but all in all its not too bad. the weirdest thing is I always feel like I am being watched. I live by this park where drugs are sold on the regular, and whenever I walk at night cops stop me and think I am a lunatic or lost because white people don't walk around this hood at night.

It is weird when you grow up in a shit hole. you do learn alot. nd andrew was right about the being able to tell who is not from where you live. my neighbors see everythign so if someone fucks with my car or house I know someone has always seen something. and yes there is always a guy selling chicharones and icecream and tamales and it is hot as fuck , and when the 4th comes around you don't need a calendar because for days before and after all you hear is gun shots and fire works. and the ghetto bird is over my house as much as the clouds are.

but when i go to places like NewPort and Irvine I think " damn these people got it good, and don't know jack about ghetto and hood no matter how much rap music they listen too. "

04-25-2008, 12:07 AM
the united states....

Xandy Boosts
04-25-2008, 12:14 AM
mmmm ghetto food

mango with the chili peppers
corn with that cheese and chili peppers (this got my mouth watery right now, I loved this stuff)
and these kinda chips that looked like horse carriage wheels and they put hot sauce like tapatio on em, mmmmm

and mexican ice cream, the vanilla with raisins are bomb. I know a store in Long Beach that sells em. Those guys that ring bells on bikes sell em for $1-$2. You can still buy em for .50 cents at the store that makes em. Dozen for $6.

04-25-2008, 12:14 AM
West Virginia.

Nothing for miles and miles and miles...

...and miles and miles.

04-25-2008, 01:04 AM
the worst place I'VE lived at was Boulder Creek. It's way out in the woods with all the crazy shit you can expect. red necks, KKK faction, racists, dope labs, pot farms, dead bodies show up randomly...but it ain't that bad.

04-25-2008, 01:16 AM
6 months on the U.S.S. Kearsarge i.e. floating pile of fuck, or shit or any other expletive you could possibly think of in a combination, then coming to the realization that once i got off of the damn thing i'd be stuck in virginia which has a whole nother rash of harsh words for me to dish out towards the place, the real home is on the otherside of the country

04-25-2008, 01:20 AM
When i was younger my family lived next door to one of the biggest meth dealers in vegas. We actually lived about 10-15 minutes from the naked city, which is probably the worst part of vegas

Nobody really knew until one day swat came rolling down our street from both ends. I was like 6 or 7 i think? and we were packing to go to disneyland for the weekend and we hear some random noises from outside. So my brother and mom walk outside and come running back inside and start freaking out, my dad and i have no idea whats going on, but we start freaking out too. Seconds later we hear this loud ass bang and then another one. A few seconds later our neighbor is at our kitchen window bashing on it with fists trying to break in to our house thinking he could get away from swat. Didn't work....

Swat comes busting in our house looking for our neighbor and we try and tell them he's in our backyard, but for some reason or another they kept misunderstanding us. Eventually they caught him and later that night we went to disneyland lol.

Turns out when they threw the stun grenade, our neighbor jumped from his second story roof, into our backyard. And thats a pretty big fucking jump.

About a year later, another incident with the same neighbor. My mom was going to some training thing for her work, so we dropped her off at the airport. As we are coming home we go to turn onto our street we find out that our house is blocked off by crime scene tape. We end up making it to our house and find out two people were shot in our front yard in a drive by...all they told us was it was something involving a bad drug deal or something. This all happened within an hour and a half of us leaving to take my mom to the airport.

3 weeks later we put the house up for sale. It sold the first week, and we dipped to a quieter end of town.

04-25-2008, 01:26 AM
Concord, Norcal. Nothing out there at. basically a trailer trash suburb out in norcal. to make matters worse, i lived right next to K-mart. you can imagine the ambiance. No culture at all, and the chicks were all fat & ugly. But still, id imagine it pales in comparison to the OP's suggestion of Fresno.

04-25-2008, 01:28 AM
West Virginia.

Nothing for miles and miles and miles...

...and miles and miles.

don't you at least have the friendly mountain folk from the applachains?

04-25-2008, 01:34 AM
Rawalpindi, Pakistan....

04-25-2008, 01:43 AM
In a van down by the river
eh couldn't resist

04-25-2008, 02:00 AM
The worst and best place I've lived is Korea. It was an awesome shit hole.

Fresno isn't that bad but I do live very close to clovis so I see a totaly different side of it than you.

04-25-2008, 02:06 AM
Rob, Fresno isn't that bad...

OK, well maybe its a lil on the ghetto side but what place isn't?

PS: Gimme your coils :)

04-25-2008, 02:35 AM
Reno, NV.

Reno 911 is not a joke.

Andrew Bohan
04-25-2008, 02:37 AM
lol reno

i went to reno once, just cuz i was at tahoe with nothin to do for a day.

we were there for like 2 hours tops, and a guy got shot in the street

04-25-2008, 02:39 AM
lol reno

i went to reno once, just cuz i was at tahoe with nothin to do for a day.

we were there for like 2 hours tops, and a guy got shot in the street

haha.. jesus, yeah its all good being by tahoe and all but jesus..

04-25-2008, 02:49 AM
well i've lived in Ichihara-shi, Chiba, Japan; San Jose, California; and i stayed in Missoula Montana for 4 months.

those four months feels longer than the 16-odd years i've spend in San Jose.

and San Jose sucks balls compared to Chiba, or pretty much anywhere for that matter.

04-25-2008, 03:25 AM
i lived all over CA .... from the Bay to LA, LB... to the central valley in modesto.... MODESTO is where the Bay shits on honestly.... nothing goin on there other then cow tipping... Most of Ca central valley is horrid.. no one honestly who has ventured thru it. would admit to saying hey this area is nice i wanna live here forever... they just stay because their cheap... or got stuck somehow...its like being in the midwest...

best place to live in CA is norcal im talkin the bay area.... not anywhere near eureka or redding... nice weather nice scenery more nice people... and left winged.. for the most part...

so u lived off of 21st and lewis, kinda by the PCH cool shit.... how about them Rollin 20's? have you ever ventured that dried out flood channel ?

Andrew Bohan
04-25-2008, 04:00 AM
i stayed in Missoula Montana for 4 months.

missoula, yea

if you drive 60 miles down the 93 you'll get to darby, which is a huge shit hole, but it's the last trace of civiliaztion for a while.
10 miles past that there's a dirt road that goes off into the hills. another 10 miles or so up that way is a dude ranch where i worked for a summer.

cool place to visit, but i wouldn't want to live way out there, unless i had a couple rally cars. hella sweet dirt twisties everywhere

04-25-2008, 04:03 AM
dont forget the sheep....drew.... =) im pretty sure the internet would be ur best friend if theres no action around...

Andrew Bohan
04-25-2008, 04:06 AM
that was before the internet

and there was action around luckily :love:

04-25-2008, 04:22 AM
homestead, florida. this place fucking sucks. its seriously still segregated here. everything east of US 1 (dixie highway) is all gated communities and golf courses, and everything west is super ghetto and scary. i wouldn't go out at night alone on the west side. the only good part about this place is that the racetrack is here. every place i've lived in cali > this place.

Dirty Habit
04-25-2008, 06:48 AM
Never ever come to Ohio.

04-25-2008, 07:31 AM
Worst place I ever lived was Oakland, a neighborhood in Pittsburgh ( I went to U. Pitt).

It was fun because I could piss on the walls of buildings in broad daylight and no one gave a shit or looked twice, but other than that it didn't have much going for it, lol. It's America's own Beirut.

04-25-2008, 07:55 AM
lower east side, manhattan..one of the projects around there..it wasnt too bad..unless you love roaches and people mugging you in the elevator..

04-25-2008, 09:02 AM
Ive lived in nice stable suburbs my whole 23 years =D

04-25-2008, 10:21 AM
Monroe projects in the bronx 4 blocks away from where they shot diallo like 48 times 2 blocks away from the 43rd(murder-third) precinct ..ghetto as hell i was there for about a year when i was 19 had a 2000 Si with shit always missing off of it every other week like my mirrors.moldings ...even my lower tie bar like damn someone took the time to jack my shit up unbolt it then put the bolts back in lol..and the roaches were called crackheads

04-25-2008, 10:31 AM
i used to live in saint louis, but then i moved a mile up the road to saint louis. and then i moved a couple miles over, into neighboring saint louis. i'd have to say saint louis was the worst, though.

04-25-2008, 10:54 AM
I used to live on 46th street off Atlantic in Long Beach. it wasnt the worst but it wasnt the nicest. we moved when they found 3 dead bodies in the pond at the park across the street from my house. they ended up putting a police substation in the park because of the dead bodies.

04-25-2008, 11:29 AM
i lived in a pickup that was parked in a barn in china texas. it was right next to the best shroom field to ever exist on this planet ever though, so i didnt mind THAT much...

04-25-2008, 11:34 AM
East LA...ghetto south part...

04-25-2008, 11:58 AM
Downtown Detroit.

04-25-2008, 12:40 PM
beijing in the rural areas of shun yi district. It was a shithole becuase the pollution was horrible everyday. just going outside for the day was like smoking 1 pack a day. but there was a lot to do so i guess it wasnt that bad

04-25-2008, 12:43 PM
ive spent almost all of my childhood summers in Guyana, south america...which was considered a 3rd world county at the time...i belive its a british colony still. it was interesting, i saw a kid pull a knife on a 6 foot man in the middle ofh te market...pretty sweet.

04-25-2008, 12:46 PM
Never ever come to Ohio.

...or Michigan.

Cabela's is 20 minutes away from me!



04-25-2008, 12:47 PM
EAST OAKLAND, CA nothing but hoodrats, crackheads, wannabe gangsters[all the OG's are too old] that hang out in the streets, sometimes drug dealers be on the the streets. you'll see scraper bikes to scrapers[cars], and the car's have so much bass/subs in the car the whole car shakes and your windows in the house will shake[forgot to add, these fuckers put speakers in the grill so you will hear that shit from a mile]. also the hookers on international blvd. you won't be surprised if you hear gunshots at night going off the hook. oakland is a example of the real GTA: san andreas. i don't know how it's like in LA, but east oakland is GHETTO.

04-25-2008, 12:50 PM
East orange new jersey was pretty shitty.

alot of shooting and shit.

04-25-2008, 01:29 PM
Worst place I lived were the one-ways in Norwalk, CA. I'm glad I got out of there.

Mi Beardo es Loco
04-25-2008, 01:53 PM
worst place I've lived... how about Phelan California... that's right... home of Serrano High School... originally Phelan High... sound it out

I believe we played you guys in football my senior year. I graduated from Bloomington.

Fontana, Ca is probably the worst place I've lived. Not only was it a shit area but some "investor" was buying all the houses around me and splitting them in half, so 2 families would move in. There were so many cars blocking the street and kids running around, it got ridiculous. Really, the last straw was people started parking their cars in our driveway, then giving us attitude when we would close our gates.

04-25-2008, 02:15 PM
Rhode Island is pretty boring...

A Spec Products
04-25-2008, 02:22 PM
Honolulu, HI

Los Angeles, CA

Orange County, CA

I can't say anything bad about anywhere I've lived

While in LA I used to live on Ellendale near USC, which by most people would consider "bad" but I never had a problem with it

04-25-2008, 02:26 PM
North Long Beach

F&M Bank literally across the street was robbed many times.
They even shot through the armor truck a few times.
yeah, serious business.

04-25-2008, 02:28 PM
Mean streets of Woodland Hills, CA. HAHAHAHAHA
Oh I forgot my dad used to live in North Hollywood, right across the street from the epic bank robbery, that was probably the worst place that i've "lived" but not that bad besides that robbery.

04-25-2008, 02:31 PM
My back yard, dogs are always tripping and causing all kind of ghetto noise. They do all that crazy shit like sniff and drink alot.LOL Always shouting shit at me.LOL Worst I have lived would have to be Arizona

04-25-2008, 02:35 PM
New York (Brooklyn) (17 yrs)
East New York (Brownsville)

Early 90's BK was no joke. Hand skills were put to the test DAILY.

North Miami Beach (2 yrs)
Liberty city

Where everyday's a :bite: LOL

04-25-2008, 02:41 PM
yeah i live right down the street from gary


04-25-2008, 02:48 PM
Orlando, FL is the worst place I have ever lived.

It's either South Florida or nothing.

04-25-2008, 02:54 PM
North Long Beach

F&M Bank literally across the street was robbed many times.
They even shot through the armor truck a few times.
yeah, serious business.

the F&M off atlantic and del amo???? if so thats right where i used to live.

04-25-2008, 04:55 PM
to contribute more to the shithole of a town I currently reside and where i was raised.
my neighbor who lived across te street from me was shot in a drive by, and than the kid next to that neighbor got shot in the arm cause he is a shit talking drug dealer ( and according to him they aimed at his heart but he pulled a fuckin matrix and they hit the arm instead)
than the neighbor on the other side of that guy just got caught for murdering some guy for his blazer and hideing out in the mountains with 50 or more marijuana plants.
the cheif of polices nephew was arrested for selling drugs, and than some kid got shot by a cop at a local high school, after attacking a cop, and there was a pipe bomb at a local shool yesterday. and I almost forgot to mention kids that jump out of cars in broad daylight with masks on their faces and tag up peoples cars and buildings.

thats right, drink it up, its delicious, come to fresno to join the legions of people that love to merinate in shit and filth.

04-25-2008, 05:22 PM
florence and la brea

04-25-2008, 05:33 PM
p town and lp

04-25-2008, 06:27 PM
Ramona, CA

It was like 90% white people, and just about everyone I met was all about White Power. Kind of lame. I worked graveyard shift at a gas station so I met the best people the town had to offer haha...

This one tweaker named larry would tell me stories about living in this creek bed with a bunch of other tweakers. One night he wanted me to drive him to some farm to steal anhydrous amonia to make some meth. Started showing me how we had most of the ingredients to make it in the store... lol

Another night he runs into the store all fucked up babbling about trying to steal a drive shaft off a jeep in the apartments I lived in. I wonder if he is still alive...

Such a wierd fucking town.

04-25-2008, 06:41 PM
Ramona huh I knew a couple of people in Ramona but I always though Santee had the rasict in SD county.

04-25-2008, 06:44 PM
Currently where I live now is the worst place I've lived. Pacoima, CA. The area is so-so, but it's the people in my complex that really make things bad. No respect at all for one's property. I've had my tools stolen rather than my parts which is just a low blow for a small time diy guy like me. I've also woken up to find little kid shoe prints all over my car. I have a carbon fiber hood mind you. Really trying to move out of here by summer.

04-25-2008, 10:43 PM
In a college dorm 35 people sharing a 12 stall (6 shower 6 stalls) bathroom, no cable, throw up, hair shavings (not always face) in the sink, and around the toilet on a weekendly basis, which would be there for three days if it happened on friday, cuz cleaning crew didnt work weekends.

04-25-2008, 11:19 PM
Let me think...

This place.... yeah... this place is the worst place I've ever lived.

04-25-2008, 11:24 PM
Washington State, anything and everything has gone wrong here. the legislature here will bend you over proper and do you all sorts of wrong.
im outta here soon.

04-25-2008, 11:28 PM
Saigon right by Thi Nge bridge, worst freaking shithole ever. Water smell like crap, beggers everywhere, no running water, dark mud that smelled like liquid turd. Oh yeah, once in a while people would jump off the bridge to commit suicide and after a while they would have to fish the bloated body out of the river.

04-26-2008, 12:51 AM
Stockton, CA... seriously, don't ever get stuck here... ever.

04-26-2008, 02:06 PM
In a college dorm 35 people sharing a 12 stall (6 shower 6 stalls) bathroom, no cable, throw up, hair shavings (not always face) in the sink, and around the toilet on a weekendly basis, which would be there for three days if it happened on friday, cuz cleaning crew didnt work weekends.

yeah same with the cal poly pomona, dorms, don't ever make the mistake of paying to live in one of those.

Andrew Bohan
04-26-2008, 04:34 PM
ahaahh i lived in dorms my freshman year.

it's basically like jail except you can leave whenever you want.

04-26-2008, 04:57 PM
Mosul, Iraq what can I say its a war zone.

04-26-2008, 05:00 PM
Virginia, What can I say... It's full of idiots stealing hondas and now our s13's and s14! And the funny thing is that they turn around and sell the shit on forums.. We catch them pretty much every time :D

04-26-2008, 11:05 PM
The womb, and a brief stint in my mothers vag.

04-27-2008, 02:44 AM
The womb, and a brief stint in my mothers vag.
yea, ive been they're too, its horrible. kidding B===D~~

Andrew Bohan
04-27-2008, 02:48 AM
ahah i was waiting for someone to make that joke

04-27-2008, 10:16 AM
Drayton Valley (canada/alberta)

Its a rig pig town. My girlfriends parents lived there and 1 summer she convinced me to move there. It wasn't my first time being there but wow that place is depressing when you there for long periods of time. Its a Rig pig town so you get a bunch of douche bags trying to hit on my girlfriend whenever we go to a bar, even the fucking lounge at boston pizza. Really there was nothing to do, go to a movie at night and maybe play golf during the day or work out when i wasn't working.

lol that lasted 1 month before i said fuck this shit. my girlfriend and I broke up cause i didn't give her any "notice" hell when you are so depressed that you don't want to do shit and just sleep. hell i was so tires cause that bitch wouldn't let me be when i had to work at 4 in the morning.

aww i could ramble on about this long long story and i hope i am never in that situation again

04-27-2008, 11:56 AM
6 months on the U.S.S. Kearsarge i.e. floating pile of fuck, or shit or any other expletive you could possibly think of in a combination, then coming to the realization that once i got off of the damn thing i'd be stuck in virginia which has a whole nother rash of harsh words for me to dish out towards the place, the real home is on the otherside of the country

Yo my Stepdad, is Kenneth D'ambrosio MM1 on the Kearsarge he took me and my little bro on the ship a couple years ago, long story short I couldn't do it bro hahaha.

04-27-2008, 11:58 AM
where i live now, shreveport louisiana, total shithole.

Previously, i lived in the "poor" area of fort collins colorado, which is like upper-middle class housing here.

04-27-2008, 12:44 PM
dayton ohio, the suburbs here are decent. but there is very little going on economically once GM and delphi close down their plants in a few years we will be the next theiveland or detroit. our shop is in the hood, i live in the hood. i get to see homeless people more then customers, and watch dope fiends choke on pistols while im pumping gas, yelling bet you wont shoot! as the dope boy gets startled at a fat white guy yelling at him, not shook because we see this shit all the time.

04-27-2008, 12:51 PM
the F&M off atlantic and del amo???? if so thats right where i used to live.

this was off Artesia and Indiana.
which is right next to intersection of Artesia and Downey

04-27-2008, 01:10 PM
this was off Artesia and Indiana.
which is right next to intersection of Artesia and Downey

lol, thats right next to where i work. Downey and 70th

04-27-2008, 01:18 PM
Lodi, CA.

gawddamn it's sucks here.

04-27-2008, 03:06 PM
so seeing as how ghetto shit happens on the regular over hear, I would like to share.

so a few weeks ago I am at subway and there is this girl infront of me holding a baby, and i notice she has writing on her back. so i look closer and it says skeet. so i say the first thing i think of, "oh shit, someone skeeted on your back!"
she looks back and says"yeah, so?"

than I go to BevMo and when I leave I see this g35 with a license plate says skeeet with a heart at the end.

so yeah , so ghetto. so not classy, so gross. thats Fresno.

04-27-2008, 03:19 PM
I lived in concord right behind the safeway at treat and clayton, it wasn't that bad, now when I lived in Antioch, that is a shit hole of a town. I saw someone that had been shot at 3pm in broad daylight just laying on the sidewalk bleeding and called the cops. A guy a few streets over from us was arrested for drugs and they found some dead girl in his closet. Gun shots every night. Major tweekers, my girlfriends rear windsheild getting smashed out 2. Damn antioch is bad.

Concord, Norcal. Nothing out there at. basically a trailer trash suburb out in norcal. to make matters worse, i lived right next to K-mart. you can imagine the ambiance. No culture at all, and the chicks were all fat & ugly. But still, id imagine it pales in comparison to the OP's suggestion of Fresno.

04-27-2008, 06:24 PM
Orlando, FL is the worst place I have ever lived.

It's either South Florida or nothing.

florida has some scary places. opa laka is the coolest name for a scary place, i almost came off the i95 exit when i first saw the sign just because it sounded cool.

04-27-2008, 06:54 PM
Concord, CA

29 palms, CA

Jacksonville, NC

Bossier, LA

worst is prob bossier, i really want to go back to 29 palms. i miss the desert.

04-27-2008, 09:41 PM
living in an aircraft carrier for 7months