View Full Version : american owned oil companies / terror free oil

04-24-2008, 08:58 PM
i've been doing some reading online recently about a bunch of topics like home-made hydrogen production for automotive applications, how ethanol is just a scam for corn farmers to profit, etc, so i got to wondering what, if any, oil companies were american owned. (not that getting fucked out of $4 a gallon by an american is any better...) so i thought i'd share some of the more interesting stuff i found. hopefully not a repost but if it is, i'm sure i'll hear about it.

04-24-2008, 10:51 PM
Ethanol is not a scam. Its just that its the crop that most grows here that we can use is Corn. Brazil has sugarcane that grows all over the place thats why they use that. Oil companies by oil from each other, you can be pumping at Citgo and get Mobil gas...

04-24-2008, 11:45 PM
but shell has V- power...
listen i live about an hour and a half away from columbus OH where the inventor of a water powered motor vehicle was poisoned by two agents for who knows who, well who loses money if we all convert to water? oil companies, thas it an thas all, the buyamerican list was 90% american, so who most likely did the dirty deed? an american co. so i am not gonna happily support some money crazed oil mafia.

goes something like that...

04-25-2008, 08:10 AM
Ethanol is not a scam. Its just that its the crop that most grows here that we can use is Corn. Brazil has sugarcane that grows all over the place thats why they use that. Oil companies by oil from each other, you can be pumping at Citgo and get Mobil gas...

Growing corn is very hard on the soil. Not to mention all the fertilizers we would have to pump into the soil to get it to grow fast enough for our consumption. Environmentally speaking it will create another dust bowl because eventually our soil will not be able to grow anything. IIRC it takes more ethanol to run a car than gas. The prices would even out because we would be using twice as much ethanol. We'd still be paying the same for whatever fuel we use. SCAM

04-25-2008, 01:12 PM
I think hydrogen will be the alternative fuel to come out on top, if full electric doesn't beat it to the punch. Its a shame we arent already putting it into full effect. you can thank the oil companies for that.

hydrogen is 0 emissions, and can be produced with a machine about the size of a refrigerator. These could easily be placed in houses, all you need is a water line, and electricity.

production is simple - water becomes a gas, gas gets combusted, combustion turns back into water.

04-25-2008, 01:25 PM
Electric will eventually win out, just because it's always going to be more space/weight efficient to store electricity on a vehicle (which has no definite physical weight or space demands) than it will be to store any sort of fuel with actual mass (gas, hydrogen pellets, ethanol, whatever).

I mean sure, the batteries take up space, but that's something that can be engineered away. You can't engineer away the fact that 10 gallons of gasoline weighs "x" and displaces 10 gallons of space (under normal compression, I guess).

It's also always going to be more efficient and clean to generate your power in a dedicated plant than it will be to generate the same amount of power in a vehicle that has to move and drive. Power plants don't have the same engineering constraints on them that an onboard engine does and thus can afford to make fewer efficiency sacrifices.

04-25-2008, 01:27 PM
if our cars are powered by water its over for the big oil cats

04-25-2008, 01:36 PM
if our cars are powered by water its over for the big oil cats

It's been done. Why doesn't the mass public know this? Because the government has guns...

I swear I read about it. Just don't remember if it was an article or book.

04-25-2008, 01:40 PM
how ethanol is just a scam for corn farmers to profit, etc, so i got

Do you have any idea how little farmers make? Like I really hope this isnt a serious statement.

steve shadows
04-25-2008, 03:19 PM
Ethanol is not a scam. Its just that its the crop that most grows here that we can use is Corn. Brazil has sugarcane that grows all over the place thats why they use that. Oil companies by oil from each other, you can be pumping at Citgo and get Mobil gas...

Ethanol is a scam in the respect that it kills food production and ruins the fields for harvest in places outside of Brazil. It works in Brazil, it really should not be championed anywhere else.

+ The joules of energy out of a volume X of Ethanol is up to 60% that of Normal "fossil" fuel.

04-25-2008, 05:58 PM
Do you have any idea how little farmers make? Like I really hope this isnt a serious statement.
this is a quote from an article in rolling stone. i side with it. a link to the full article follows the quote.
"So why bother? Because the whole point of corn ethanol is not to solve America's energy crisis, but to generate one of the great political boondoggles of our time. Corn is already the most subsidized crop in America, raking in a total of $51 billion in federal handouts between 1995 and 2005 -- twice as much as wheat subsidies and four times as much as soybeans. Ethanol itself is propped up by hefty subsidies, including a fifty-one-cent-per-gallon tax allowance for refiners. And a study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development found that ethanol subsidies amount to as much as $1.38 per gallon -- about half of ethanol's wholesale market price."
http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/15635751/ethanol_scam_ethanol_hurts_the_environment_and_is_ one_of_americas_biggest_political_boondoggles/1
now if that doens't sound like a scam to boost the price of corn, i dunno what does. have you paid attention to the rising cost of food lately? we're not in a drought. theres no giant swarms of locusts or anythig devouring our crops. but an artificially created demand for an unnecessary and non-beneficial product is causing the cost of corn and many other foods to increase drastically. now, i'm all for renewable energy, but as long as we're using corn ethanol instead of sugarcane ethanol (which is far cheaper and offers far better combustion) than i'll stay convinced its just a scam.

Baka Sama
04-25-2008, 06:10 PM
It's been done. Why doesn't the mass public know this? Because the government has guns...

I swear I read about it. Just don't remember if it was an article or book.


^ There is the link. Its crazy that somebody killed that guy just last year for inventing a water powered car. Does anyone know anymore info on this? I would love to buy the hydrogen booster setup thats being sold and see if it'll work on a cheap geo metro.

04-25-2008, 06:17 PM

^ There is the link. Its crazy that somebody killed that guy just last year for inventing a water powered car. Does anyone know anymore info on this? I would love to buy the hydrogen booster setup thats being sold and see if it'll work on a cheap geo metro.
my brother and i r gonna attempt it this summer while i'm on unemployment. but on a hyundai, not a metro.

Baka Sama
04-25-2008, 06:46 PM
You might wanna ship it to a "friends" house :keke:

You dont want people tracking down where it was sent to.

Im gonna buy it this summer just to have it and put it on something in the fall when I have the funds. You should make a thread and keep us updated here on how it goes. Imagine having that hooked up on an insight.

04-25-2008, 07:00 PM
You might wanna ship it to a "friends" house :keke:

You dont want people tracking down where it was sent to.

Im gonna buy it this summer just to have it and put it on something in the fall when I have the funds. You should make a thread and keep us updated here on how it goes. Imagine having that hooked up on an insight.
very wise! + rep 4 u. ya if we attempt it i'll try to document it as best i can.

04-25-2008, 08:41 PM
as long as you dont have plans to make $ by mass producing you should be safe-ish
do you own guns?
some water vids (http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=water+powered+car&hl=en&sitesearch=)

04-25-2008, 10:26 PM
Ethanol is a scam in the respect that it kills food production and ruins the fields for harvest in places outside of Brazil. It works in Brazil, it really should not be championed anywhere else.

+ The joules of energy out of a volume X of Ethanol is up to 60% that of Normal "fossil" fuel.

Well thats makes more sense than just calling it an outright scam, and the only ones that think ethanol is a solution are politicians, engineers know better. Its a temporary solution.

I think hydrogen will be the alternative fuel to come out on top, if full electric doesn't beat it to the punch. Its a shame we arent already putting it into full effect. you can thank the oil companies for that.

hydrogen is 0 emissions, and can be produced with a machine about the size of a refrigerator. These could easily be placed in houses, all you need is a water line, and electricity.

production is simple - water becomes a gas, gas gets combusted, combustion turns back into water.

No, it will not. Pure hydrogen does not occur naturally on earth. It takes a lot of energy to produce hydrogen. Especially through electrolysis (removal of hydrogen from water). So by using hydrogen all your doing is moving the pollution away from coming out the exhaust of a car and have it come out of a smoke stack in a factory.

if our cars are powered by water its over for the big oil cats

I don't think so. Don't we have water management problems now? Imagine if we needed it to power our cars. I reading of places that expect to have big shortages in the not too distant future.

04-26-2008, 07:13 AM
Ethanol-corn shit will fuck us up more than it will help us long term and people are already feeling the effects world-wide (non western-countries you've never probably heard of because you dont care). People in the west just don't give a damn and live in a fantasy ideal world of saving the world with 'great' ideas.

Food (nont fuel) farmers are suffering, food shortages will increase, prices will increase, it destroys fertile lands for other products, a crap load of other shit.

When the GOVERNMENT the likes of the governments in the 'modern western world' pushes for 'saving humanity' or 'saving the planet' (LOL!) with such creative ways and yet has been ignoring up until yesterday water based fuels, hydrogen, electric and all other 'alternate fuels' until now, then something is up and something is fishy..

Hah just how the many western governments were ignoring 'global warming' (not that I buy into it myself fully to be honest), but NOW they are FULL OUT, FULL FORCE going into this shit... making new laws, new taxes, HAH. When it comes to now marketting it, profitting from it, making money oh man it becomes LAW.

You can BUY and SELL carbon credits (lmao), just like on a stock market, how cool. And of course the soon to be all over the world carbon taxes and other such valuable things to save nature. Pay to pollute. Wow thats so smart. I don't even believe in global warming completely before, as its bolstered out, ive seen all the films, documentaries for and against and all the things, and yet here we are... its all money and business.

For those that wana get rich quick, invest in carbon credits that's the future of our beloved politically screwed up earth.

04-26-2008, 09:05 AM
Corn Ethanol offers little energy.

Sugar Ethanol has about 3 to 5 times more energy than Corn Ethanol, but because the US has no major sugar production industries, we're idiots and ignore the facts and go for just the cheap, weak corny shit.

We don't want to give money to sugar producing countries like Brazil, "lets support our farmers even more!", at the cost of the american public, for equal volume, lower energy-density bullshit. IMO ethanol is a scam.

Baka Sama
04-26-2008, 12:31 PM
Water/Petrol powered Skyline
