View Full Version : Cop gets a Ticket....

04-22-2008, 11:40 AM

what do you guys think???

04-22-2008, 12:03 PM
I hope the lawer gets raped. What a sissey. And "In the Butt" LOL

04-22-2008, 12:07 PM
He was in his patrol car right?

Okay what's the big deal.

He can't be that far away from it.

I'd understand if he was in his POV that it would be a problem.

Mi Beardo es Loco
04-22-2008, 12:10 PM
I hope the lawer gets raped. What a sissey. And "In the Butt" LOL

On Myspace!!!

honestly though. I know cops break the law all the time and I'm totally against the cops thinking they're above the law but police officers DO need to be near their patrol vehicles at all times so this will probably get thrown out. He probably should have just went to another place to eat and canceled the order. Honestly though, if I was in the cops position I would have done the same thing. There's a Mexican place right near my house that has a very small parking lot and if it's full I sometimes park in the handicapped spot, but I'm in and out iin about 30 seconds because I usually order ahead. To bust someones' balls over 30 seconds is just a jerk move.

04-22-2008, 12:24 PM
I HATE cops but if he was just ordering his food and waiting for it to be ready I don't see the big deal. BUT I wanna look into this some more cause the cops in NY take sh!t too far.

04-22-2008, 12:33 PM
if you put yourself in a situation where you break the law, you should expect to deal with consequences, regardless if you are an enforcer of it. he is still a Citizen On Patrol...

04-22-2008, 12:48 PM
I say fine him. The police out here do nothing but give tickets and make you wait 8+ hours for them to respond to anything, so i say that they need to be held accountable like anyone else is.

04-22-2008, 12:50 PM
I think the cop is guilty. I understand wanting to be next to his patrol car. But he needs to find another reastraunt then. You aren't above the law.

And what if the delivery guys trying to pull up and get his next load, and the cop car is there for 20 minutes while he waits in line, orders, sits there while chicken teriaki is made, and the delivery guy is fucked, and parking up the block 2 blocks cause the cop violated the 3 minute loading rule.

^guys, thats a run on sentence.

officers break the law non stop. they violate rights sometimes. So once in awhile they gotta pay the piper. no biggy, the judge will knock it down to nothing for him.

lesson learned, your orca whale cruiser dont own the road :)

04-22-2008, 02:20 PM
if that officer has to run to his car which is 3 blocks away to respond to my car being stolen by some jackass, then i would be thoroughly pissed

04-22-2008, 02:28 PM
Did the cop pay for his Japanese food? Doubtful:madfawk:

04-22-2008, 02:31 PM
A reasonable person would find this lawyer to be a retard, the police need to be able to get to their car as fast as possible in case of emergency. This makes it a privilege...

steve shadows
04-22-2008, 02:34 PM
The Lawyer is setting an example.

He as well as the police officer have a duty to uphold the law

04-22-2008, 02:39 PM
to ask a cop to park somewhere else we have to ask them to take a break from their job

when your house is being broken into and your wife is home alone, do you want the nearest cop to be on break?

and it is a privilege for cops to be able to do things like that, that are in the gray areas of our law, because they have one of the worst jobs out there, thats why they always act like complete dicks

04-22-2008, 02:39 PM
Am I the only one who gets annoyed when news sites put videos up instead of just having text that I could read in 5 seconds.
Instead, I had to wait for like a minute's worth of ads for boner pills to see this.

04-22-2008, 02:51 PM
Im going to park in the handicap spot, because ill only be in for 30 seconds, i need to be by my car in case of an emergency, my tv show is about to come on.
Do i have a right? no

Law is still the law. If he was on duty and responding to something when he parked there, then it should be ok.

The cop figured "What hte hell ill stop real quick to get a meal, no one will bother me"

They do it all the time. The only reason cops get away wiht quick stuff like that is because we citizens dont know all the laws... This lawyer who happened to be there, knows the laws, and decided to do something. Hopefully its a wake up call to those officers who take advantage of their powers.

Why would the cop be getting food if hes ON DUTY?? he clearly had to be on his break.

04-22-2008, 03:15 PM
^I totally agree with it.

We never gave cops/paramedics... specail treatment when I worked at mcdonalds. If they had to leave after they paid, I had no problem giving them there food when they came back(made again).

04-22-2008, 03:23 PM
what in the world is up with that lawyers facial expression and mouth movement. he looks nervous as shit.

04-22-2008, 03:47 PM
Police officers job is to protect,serve, and uphold the law. It's kind of hard to do that when you don't have a problem breaking them, excuses or not. If I can't get let off by giving the cop an excuse he shouldnt either. (MP is one of my additional duties btw)

04-22-2008, 03:48 PM
I don't understand how citizens arrest, or a citizen issued ticket works. How would the lawyer give the cop a ticket? He goes and tells the cop that he is breaking the law and that he needs to write himself a ticket? Or does he call the popo and tell them that one of there boys in blue is parked in a loading zone?

Either way, I know he is just making an example, but what a prick. There could have been different, better circumstances to do so. It is pretty important that a cop is as close to his car as he can be when he is not in it.

04-22-2008, 03:51 PM
I don't understand how citizens arrest, or a citizen issued ticket works. How would the lawyer give the cop a ticket? He goes and tells the cop that he is breaking the law and that he needs to write himself a ticket? Or does he call the popo and tell them that one of there boys in blue is parked in a loading zone?

Yeah anybody here know how that works?

04-22-2008, 03:56 PM
probablly gonna just get a slap on the wrist...ive seen officers drive recklessly and do many other violations...they rarely get charged unless its major

04-22-2008, 04:01 PM
Bottom line is he broke the law, and he should pay for it, just like everyone else. Noone is above the law!

04-22-2008, 04:29 PM
The cop needs to be close to his car. That is the bottom line. When little Jimmy gets shot 2 miles away and the cop has to run to his car a few block away instead of catch the bad guy / save little Jimmy would we citizen arrest the cop for not staying closer to his car?

This is just taking things way to far. Just a bunch of crap.

04-22-2008, 05:36 PM
I understand he can't be too far away from his car but he needs to pick a different restraurant that suits his needs. I'd like to drive across town to go to my favorite pizza joint but I can't because I only have 1hr to get to lunch, eat, and get back to work. I go some place close. Rules are rules.

04-22-2008, 07:47 PM
I understand he can't be too far away from his car but he needs to pick a different restraurant that suits his needs. I'd like to drive across town to go to my favorite pizza joint but I can't because I only have 1hr to get to lunch, eat, and get back to work. I go some place close. Rules are rules.

I agree...If the restaurant was too crowded he should go somewhere else like a drive thru. Chances are that he would not have given any of us a break so why should he get one?

04-22-2008, 11:14 PM
Yah the lawyer was a dick (and he did look nervous as shit), he did something that probably few would actually do. If you parked in the loading lane and that cop pulled up, he would have given you a ticket. If he is on the clock he shouldn't be getting food, he should be in his car waiting to respond to an emergency instead of wasting more time running from the restaurant to his car. Its a shitty situation but he clearly did the wrong thing.

04-23-2008, 12:08 AM
If he is on the clock he shouldn't be getting food, he should be in his car waiting to respond to an emergency instead of wasting more time running from the restaurant to his car. Its a shitty situation but he clearly did the wrong thing.

Some departments don't have a designated meal time. The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department don't have a designated meal time, but the LAPD do.
It'll be interesting if the lawyer has to ever call the police for assistance.

04-23-2008, 01:18 AM
big shit he was in a loading zone, it wasn't like he was in a handicapped zone where someone who needed it couldn't get their. i side with the officer on this one even for all the times they hassle me or give me a hard time i recognize their jobs are stressful especially in SD where they get paid pretty much nothing. my .02

04-23-2008, 02:32 AM
I hope the lawer gets raped. What a sissey. And "In the Butt" LOL


But wow, if the guy was just ordering food, and parked in a handicapped spot for a bit, then why should anyone really give a crap...and i find it funny that this video is in the "BREAKING NEWS" section of cnn's news site, lol

04-23-2008, 02:42 AM
yah but the cop should set a good example for the environment, I aggree with you guys that he should be near his car, the few seconds wasted runing to his car could be life and death, BUT HE WAS GETTING FOOD ON DUTY. He coulda at least chose a drive through restaurant.

I could imagine tho the lawyer actin a lil bitch when the cop came out.. *in low voice* "uhhh officerr,, uhmmm do you know know that you hmm, parked in a loading zone?"

Don Nguyen
04-23-2008, 03:58 AM
Personally, I wouldn't care.

However, for discussion sakes, I think the cop deserved the ticket. The way I see it is the cop is on break, therefore he should be considered "off duty". If it was a real problem for a cop to be close to his car all the time, he would be required to pack and bring his own lunch. Then he will never have to worry about not being close enough to his car, in order to respond to emergencies.

With some of the way you guys are putting it, that means the cop should have his cop car next to him all the time, while he's at home, while he's on vacation, etc, etc. Rules are rules, and the law is the law. Once we start making exceptions for things, when and where do they end?

It's convenient to say that if your car/house/etc was getting broken in to, then you'd like to have a cop be able to respond to that situation as quickly as possible. However, it's not like there's only one cop car patrolling the streets and whatnot. If you really wanted to nick pick it, saying that every second counts, then you should be trying to convince the government to allow everyone to own guns. Maybe that's a bit extreme, if you are going to try and factor in every possibility/chance for everything out there, might as well throw that in.

How many times have you guys seen cops pull off some sort of illegal maneuver, where you knew he was most likely just using/abusing his powers, and not doing it in order to respond to some sort of emergency? Haven't any of you guys seen Super Bad, remember the cops in there? haha.

04-23-2008, 06:02 AM
I'll buy the excuse for needing to be close to the car, but what about breaking traffic laws with no lights or siren on?

04-23-2008, 08:01 AM
Or the fact that he probably could have called his order in and came to pick it up when it was ready, instead of waiting for it.

04-24-2008, 02:29 PM

Megan says: "In Portland, OR a private citizen issued a parking ticket totaling $540 to a police officer who illegally parked in front of a Chinese restaurant while picking up his takeout. Turn about seems to be fair play!"

"If he had acknowledged and corrected his error, we could have avoided this whole thing," says [Eric] Bryant. "But instead, he kept watching basketball and told me he wasn't doing anything wrong."
Now, using ORS 153.058, Bryant—as a private citizen—has initiated violation proceedings against Officer Stensgaard. Bryant alleges Stensgaard was in violation of state statutes on illegal parking, illegal stopping, obeying parking restrictions on state highways, and illegal operation of an emergency vehicle or ambulance—the violations carry fines totaling $540.

Officer Stensgaard has received a Multnomah County summons to appear in traffic court on May 23. Meanwhile Bryant denies he is just stirring up trouble.

"Citizens should be concerned that he used his status as an officer of the law as justification for breaking the law," he says.

Here's the rest of the storry CNN didnt mention, the lawyer actually tried to ge the cop to do the right thing and he still wouldnt budge. I guess the officer had to park there so he could watch "the game" and kleep and eye on his car.