View Full Version : Its Monday! Who's hitting the gym?

04-21-2008, 12:03 PM
I Just want to see how many of you guys go to the gym. I'm about to go claim my squat rack and put in some quality time (quality pain). Happy Monday y'all.

04-21-2008, 12:06 PM
what OT thing could I possibly discuss w/ men on the internet that might not have been taken before.....

whewww its pointless waste of bandwith day!

04-21-2008, 12:08 PM
i was gonna workout earlier, but i over slept. which is usually the case.

04-21-2008, 12:09 PM
i've got free weights and an exercise bike in the basement, and i ride my road bike "when i can" (which lately has been never)

04-21-2008, 12:09 PM
BJJ 7-9pm booyah

04-21-2008, 12:11 PM
Did this morning. Would go for an afternoon run, but it's pouring, and I'm not that hardcore.

04-21-2008, 12:21 PM
The gym is for the low self-esteem men out there who feel as though they need to go to a place where they may somehow raise their self-esteem by pumping out irons next to some other guy who has the same issue as themselves.

Or you could be like a real man like myself and eat jelly donuts as I'm typing this.

04-21-2008, 12:24 PM
The gym is for the low self-esteem men out there who feel as though they need to go to a place where they may somehow raise their self-esteem by pumping out irons next to some other guy who has the same issue as themselves.

Or you could be like a real man like myself and eat jelly donuts as I'm typing this.


Isn't it cheaper to buy weights and work out at home??? I mean what's the difference between the sidewalk and a treadmill???

04-21-2008, 12:27 PM

Isn't it cheaper to buy weights and work out at home??? I mean what's the difference between the sidewalk and a treadmill???

if you work out at home you don't get to say "not now chief, i'm in the fuckin' zone" to the check in guy

04-21-2008, 12:29 PM
I just started going over the last month, but I only like to go mid day so I don't see all those super buff dudes that eat steroids.

04-21-2008, 01:05 PM
Isn't it cheaper to buy weights and work out at home???

Usually. I go to the rec center though, $55/year :)

I've been working out at home for a while now, but just started back at the rec center. Way more equipment, and I don't want my apartment to smell too much like a sweat locker.

04-21-2008, 01:34 PM
yeah i gotta a weight set and exercise bike in the house with a pull-up bar so monday is when i start working out what i ate and drank over the weekend..

Vision Garage
04-21-2008, 01:40 PM
The gym is for the low self-esteem men out there who feel as though they need to go to a place where they may somehow raise their self-esteem by pumping out irons next to some other guy who has the same issue as themselves.

Or you could be like a real man like myself and eat jelly donuts as I'm typing this.

Haha. Damn you Jack, what are you trying to say. I hit the gym 3-5 times a week. :(

P.S. I also know how to make that jelly donut you are eating!

surge s14
04-21-2008, 01:52 PM
im building a my gym started form scrach the paint was falling off the walls. the floor was coming up its still a work in progress :)
i installed a boxing bag, and a speed bag. today im gonna set up my pull up bar....

Vision Garage
04-21-2008, 01:59 PM
Pix or die! haha. Seriously, if i worked out by myself, i wouldnt be able to motivate myself.

04-21-2008, 02:12 PM
always down to workout but never have the motivation or i just get lazy...

04-21-2008, 02:12 PM
Haha. Damn you Jack, what are you trying to say. I hit the gym 3-5 times a week. :(

P.S. I also know how to make that jelly donut you are eating!

I'm just saying.

Seriously though I used to hit the gym everyday. I got big within a few months and it stayed like that for a year. Then I stopped because all my buddies left the island and that was like 6 six ago. That's seriously the last time I went to the gym.

But on the real. The main reason I stopped going was because I got buffed and cut, but I just got tired of the ladies using me for my sexy bod. I want them to get to know the real me. The sensitive side of me. Come see the softer side of Jack.......

04-21-2008, 02:21 PM

Isn't it cheaper to buy weights and work out at home??? I mean what's the difference between the sidewalk and a treadmill???

I wish I could workout at home. Its kind of hard when I live in an apartment upstairs, and the apartment gym doesn't have much.

Oh yeah, I've got a stationary bike at home for cardio so I don't have to go to the gym for that.

04-21-2008, 02:22 PM
I'm hitting the books today, I usually work out tuesday/thursday


04-21-2008, 02:26 PM
i haven't been to the gym in a week and a half cuz i strained my neck. but before that i was going 4 times a week. i feel like a lazy ass now and can't waiti to get back to the gym. i pay $24 bucks a year for 24 hour fitness.

04-21-2008, 02:33 PM
Isn't it cheaper to buy weights and work out at home??? I mean what's the difference between the sidewalk and a treadmill???

i agree with the treadmill part though i like to know my speed, distance and all that fun stuff, its easier to pace myself. i dont see how someone can justify a treadmill imo.

to me there is a huge difference between free weights and mechanical and exactly what home set you have. i preffer the gym, i feel there is more i can do and get done in the same amount of time. i hate going when the gym is busy with meatheads so ill go late nights or early mornings when its only a few, tho i havent been in awhile.. getting through the front door is the hard part, the rest is cake. have a good work out

04-21-2008, 02:48 PM
BJJ 7-9pm booyah


04-21-2008, 02:51 PM
i used to work out at least 3 times a day on the treadmill and machines in the gym in my condo..but after you stop doing it for a while..its hard to get back into the routine..how do you guys keep up with your workout schedules? the only workout i can keep up with is bed workouts and lifting a fork..

Mi Beardo es Loco
04-21-2008, 02:57 PM
I'm just saying.

Seriously though I used to hit the gym everyday. I got big within a few months and it stayed like that for a year. Then I stopped because all my buddies left the island and that was like 6 six ago. That's seriously the last time I went to the gym.

But on the real. The main reason I stopped going was because I got buffed and cut, but I just got tired of the ladies using me for my sexy bod. I want them to get to know the real me. The sensitive side of me. Come see the softer side of Jack.......

what a man :ghey:

04-21-2008, 02:59 PM
I go 4-5 times a week after i get off work. im going today in a half an hour to be exact

04-21-2008, 03:04 PM
i'm going after work. I wanna look like dis!!

http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/8/85/The.Way.Of.The.Dragon.1972.Bruce.Lee.flex.front.jp g

04-21-2008, 03:11 PM
Today is my rest day.

04-21-2008, 03:31 PM
i work at a gym..

04-21-2008, 05:38 PM
i was going to......... but i'm too damn tired today. usually take mondays off anyway. the rest of the week fer sure. get buff.

Baka Sama
04-21-2008, 05:47 PM
Today is my rest day... Then its Golds in the morning. Then as soon as my friend burns me a copy of P90X its home gym time.

04-21-2008, 06:02 PM
I hit the gym this morning.
I usually go during the weekdays lift weights and then run on the track.
weekends I usually hit the pool.
I Figure if I'm paying for it (tuition) I might as well use it.

04-21-2008, 06:41 PM
U shouldn't be worried about how you "look". Work hard on getting stronger.

Appearance is a result of strength/fitness.

04-21-2008, 06:45 PM
if you work out at home you don't get to say "not now chief, i'm in the fuckin' zone" to the check in guy


04-21-2008, 06:47 PM


04-21-2008, 06:57 PM
The gym is for the low self-esteem men out there who feel as though they need to go to a place where they may somehow raise their self-esteem by pumping out irons next to some other guy who has the same issue as themselves.

i like going to the gym because i feel better about myself physically and mentally. is that bad?

Isn't it cheaper to buy weights and work out at home??? I mean what's the difference between the sidewalk and a treadmill???

not when you have access to a network of world class gyms avaliable for free. i even get to count workouts as work hours, and i get monday off next week to run a half marathon. suck it bitches! i also get a better work out using the variety of machines and weights at a gym.

but to answer the original question, i missed PT monday morning because of our UCI but managed to sneak in a 3 mile run after work. that half marathon is going to kick my ass.

i agree with the treadmill part though i like to know my speed, distance and all that fun stuff, its easier to pace myself. i dont see how someone can justify a treadmill imo.

it reads and stores your heart rate and the GPS will track and calculate your speed, pace, elevation, etc. it's really a big toy, but it's handy on long runs.

04-21-2008, 07:25 PM
once i get a job imma look for a new gym.. my gym closed down mid last year, but it was only $15 a month with no contract, and was never packed.. i freaking loved it... It gave me something to do at night besides moping around on a lonely night.

some guys can say the gym is pointless, which is fine. But once you attend, its something you like to do. Its a Hobby, which your body also benefits. Not only does it make someone feel better, it builds up confidence in their everyday schedule, weither it be that they feel they look better etc. YOUR SLEEPING HABITS WILL IMPROVE

Gym vs. workout at home - may cost more, but your more motivated to use the equipment.. You would buy workout equipment for home, probably use it a few times, then it end up collecting dust. Sidewalks are free yes, but i can pace myself to do 10minute sessions on a treadmill which is easy, where as when im running, i might slow down and power walk and get tired and end up walking lol.

04-21-2008, 07:29 PM
i even get to count workouts as work hours

I wish. =-\

I feel terrible and have no energy if I stop working out. On mornings when I get my workout in, I get so much more done the rest of the day and I feel 10x better.

That P90X program looked interesting, but it looks like a lot of jumping around and we have a 3rd floor apartment without much space =-\ Right now I do a combination of: lifting at rec center, running outside (weighted or unweighted), and ring training at home.

04-21-2008, 07:35 PM
U all forgot about the fine ass bitches who go N workout at the gym:wackit: :wackit: :wackit: Nothing like a good taco de ojo.LOL

04-21-2008, 07:59 PM
i'll be there later tonight, after the game

04-21-2008, 08:07 PM
I pay $12/month at this small gym i go to. I usually go in the mornings and then if I get bored at night I go again since is like 2 min down the street from my house. It just feels to get off your ass and get some exercise.

04-21-2008, 08:19 PM
ballys 3-4 times a week.

04-21-2008, 08:41 PM


The guy reminds me of Reme from Unique Whips.

Well, for me, I guess it's...CALIFORNIA ROLL!

04-21-2008, 11:40 PM
I go at least 4 times a week sometimes 5

04-21-2008, 11:50 PM
today was supposed to be legs day but i hate that so now its arms and back hehe... but thats gonna change back next week =(

04-22-2008, 12:02 AM
if you work out at home you don't get to say "not now chief, i'm in the fuckin' zone" to the check in guy

hahahha that is the funniest thing i have heard all day..just saw the video yesterday too

04-22-2008, 01:33 PM
hahahha that is the funniest thing i have heard all day..just saw the video yesterday too

what video? i dont know what everyone's referring to!!

04-22-2008, 01:46 PM
dayym todayys chest annnnd back :faint:
ah! 5 days a week yesterdayy was
tomorrow issss arms and shoulders.
yayyy for working out....

04-22-2008, 04:20 PM
Mon:chest Tues:Bi's&forearms Wed:Tri's&abs Thurs:legs Fri:back & shoulders Sat:rest Sun:rest

04-22-2008, 04:23 PM
yeah, i grunt when i get my fuckin swell on at the gym

04-22-2008, 04:27 PM
what video? i dont know what everyone's referring to!!

go to youtube and punch in "my new haircut"

surge s14
05-10-2008, 07:43 PM
Pix or die! haha. Seriously, if i worked out by myself, i wouldnt be able to motivate myself.

ill take some on Monday:) but beware its not finished

surge s14
05-14-2008, 08:07 PM

05-14-2008, 09:05 PM
I might have to take my shirt off on friday so i've been doing cardio/weights 2x a day and cutting back my calories.. Lost a few pounds and feelin' good

Omarius Maximus
05-15-2008, 12:11 AM
I used to lift heavy as hell, to gain mass. I've hit goal as far as size/mass, now I'm trying to hit 8-9 percent body fat.

I circuit train mostly, focus on my core. Trying to build power...I want to be superhuman.


05-15-2008, 12:41 AM
if you lift all those sets of variaties like in that video, isn't that for building endurance?

05-15-2008, 12:53 AM
if you lift all those sets of variaties like in that video, isn't that for building endurance?

Endurance is where its at. No point to look swoll and fatigue quickly.

Omarius Maximus
05-15-2008, 01:01 AM
Yeah, it's cardio and endurance, but depending on the weight, you can also build muscle. The key is not to go too heavy, not too light. Too heavy, and you break down too much muscle, have to dedicate lots of time for recovery, lessen the workouts per week. Too little weight, and it's almost aerobic. Find a nice medium and your lightly breaking down muscle, (thereby slowly gaining it) while decreasing recovery times and building endurance/cardio. Best of ALL worlds.

In physics, power (symbol: P) is the rate at which work is performed or energy is transmitted, or the amount of energy required or expended for a given unit of time. As a rate of change of work done or the energy of a subsystem, power is:
P=w/t p=power w=work t=time

traditionally, a guy who can squat 400lbs once would be considered "powerful". For me, it's how much you can do over an hour. How heavy can you go, how much can you do in an hour while alotting yourself roughly 5 minutes total for breaks? That, my friend, is power.

05-15-2008, 02:16 AM
i prob should, its hard for me to go on a regular basis.

05-15-2008, 06:40 AM
BJJ 7-9pm booyah

BJJ is the shit theres a gym right by my work

05-15-2008, 07:05 AM
Recently I've been trying to go every day. Think I'll have a rest day on Sunday.

I alternate Cardio and Muscle training. Yesterday was pure Cardio, so today I think I'll do shoulders and back

05-15-2008, 07:49 AM
i joined the gym once, i fucking hated it.