View Full Version : ever been arrested for doing dumb shit then posted a thread looking for sympathy?
04-20-2008, 03:11 PM
last monday, which was like any other lazy monday, i decided to hit up this morman parking lot that has like 25 yard planters you can slide around, i hit it a couple times and then i hit it nice, possibly one of my smoothest drifts thus far, feeling proud of myself i throw my cigarette down in a victorious manner and started to make my way towards the exit to continue with my regular monday activities.
who do i see pull in the parking lot upon my attempted exit?
California Highway Patrol
i was told to get out of the car with my hands in the air
asked if i "thought i was fucking funny"
cuffed, searched, i was cooperating every step of the way to my fullest ability it was when i decided to say "no officer", to one of his drug inquisitions, that he responded with "its sergeant!" and slammed my face on his hot black hood with authority
i was then under rigorous drug questioning from several different officers for about ten minutes while i calmly waited in the back of an extremely uncomfortable crown victoria, with my hand cuffed rather uncomfortably behind my back and only wondering if they were going to pop my hood and know what an SR20 was
with me being suspected of doing drugs my car searched for drugs but with the facts that i do not use drugs nor do i have drugs in my car the cops were rather upset and settled on the basic notion that i had "just lit up" or had been "toakin doobies" as they refered to it
they then called a tow truck, from the same tow company i had my car towed with last time, which was a parking violation because my stupid fucking high school never thought it would be a good idea to make parking spaces that would suit the schools driving population,
but anyways
with me having to go to high school, pay off my car and insurance and gas and do all the other shit i need to do , i dont have enough money to spend on this bullshit
but thats the least of my worries
thus far in this incident i have been arrested for reckless driving as a misdemeanor, had my car towed, am facing a court date on 5-25 where i will probably louse my license for a good amount of time, seeing as how california cracks down on minors like me, and after i do get my license back will have to pay an arm and a leg for insurance
for what?
for fucking going sideways in an empty parking lot
makes sense right?
04-20-2008, 03:17 PM
It makes perfect sense to me.
What you were doing, WAS ILLEGAL!
Now granted, the officers may have over reacted a bit, and you may have been just as cooperative as you made yourself out to be in this little story. Neither of those negate the fact that what you were doing is illegal.
Now your car is towed, you've been arrested, you have a court date, and you've helped to strengthen the stereotype of wreckless drifters.
Good job.
Time to grow up, kid. "The Man" wouldn't have shown up if you weren't acting like an idiot.
I mean, Hell, let's take a look at your profile...
mischevious teenager"
#1. It's spelled mischievous.
#2. Sounds like the perfect profile to get arrested for acting stupid. :duh:
04-20-2008, 03:17 PM
Fucking makes sense to me. Keep it on track and stop making s-chassis owners look like common delinquents.
The sidewalk’s for regular walkin’, not for fancy walkin’ and the same goes for the parking lot
04-20-2008, 03:28 PM
so your telling me you have never hit up a parking lot before?
04-20-2008, 03:30 PM
so your telling me you have never hit up a parking lot before?
Nope never.
Justice served.
Thank you for your cooperation.
04-20-2008, 03:32 PM
You are clearly not genius material.
04-20-2008, 03:35 PM
so your telling me you have never hit up a parking lot before?
No, and definitely not a church parking lot, which are ALWAYS watched by someone.
I don't personally drift, but if I did, even here in the middle of nowhere, North Carolina, I can find track events.
Now, you've already stated "I can't afford this bullshit", so you probably can't afford Track Days, which ultimately means, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO DRIFT. Because if you don't pay to go to the track, your going to get caught on the streets and have pay anyway.
04-20-2008, 03:42 PM
Wow lucky you didn't get Trespassing and Destruction of Property.
What you were doing was illegal.
04-20-2008, 03:43 PM
i was almost arrested this month, it was right around the corner of my house, like 1min away. I was on my way to willow for the 626 event and me and my friends were pulled over by this super a-hole cop. He asked if we were gonna go "street race" i said no sir we are on our way to a race track. He didnt believe me and continued on by taking me out of the car and searching me for drugs then blammed me for Tp-ing a house down the road. But yea drifting on a parking lot is ILLEGAL. Keep in on the track plz
04-20-2008, 03:44 PM
Um, Errol, you do realize that you were drifting:
1. right next to one of the busiest streets in Fallbrook
2. in the parking lot of a church bordered by residential housing
Come on, dude. You had to know this was a possible outcome.
Now my ass will have to deal with more heat in Fallbrook. Thanks.
04-20-2008, 03:46 PM
Um, Errol, you do realize that you were drifting:
1. right next to one of the busiest streets in Fallbrook
2. in the parking lot of a church bordered by residential housing
Come on, dude. You had to know this was a possible outcome.
Now my ass will have to deal with more heat in Fallbrook. Thanks.
This kid is doing the tuner equivalent of cock-blocking you. That sucks
04-20-2008, 03:47 PM
with me having to go to high school, pay off my car and insurance and gas and do all the other shit i need to do , i dont have enough money to spend on this bullshit
but thats the least of my worries
your right, your biggest worry is you still owe me 500 bucks for that car.:squintd:
but really..
04-20-2008, 04:08 PM
yeah that wasn't to smart at all bahhh
04-20-2008, 04:10 PM
making doughnut isn't consider were serve! but you sure showed JOHN SMITH WASSUP!!!! LOL
04-20-2008, 04:14 PM
I love when people bitch about being arrested.
04-20-2008, 04:15 PM
You're an idiot. What do you expect.
What pisses me off even more is that you're a North County person. Tsk Tsk. Way to make us look bad.
04-20-2008, 04:16 PM
Even if everyone on this forum drifted in parking lots, it would still be illegal, and it would still be stupid.
Unless it is YOUR parking lot, AND it is gated so there is no public access, you aren't allowed to drift on it.
hell even if it is yours, there are noise ordinances and shit that will make it hard to do anyway.
04-20-2008, 04:19 PM
that make sense to me too, if i live next to the parking i would call cops on you too. if i am just chilling at the church, i would call cop on you too.
blame at school don't have enough parking space? what about get to school earlier to get spaces? guess what, it is same way when you go to college or works.
I am sorry what happened to you, but you must realized the system does not has to work with you. it is you must work with the system. you violated it, you have to pay for it in some way.
04-20-2008, 04:19 PM
yeah when you do justified stupid stuff you get it
04-20-2008, 04:23 PM
Ummm I'm sure most of us have drifted in parking lots before.
I know I did my fair share prior to going to track events.
But I did it with the knowledge that if I got caught there was no one to blame except for myself. Hell I've been caught before. I paid my fines and I learned my lessons. The lessons were that track drifting is still cheaper and safer than street drifting. Therefore, I haven't street drifted in two years now. I take it all to the track.
Oh and when I got caught I didn't make a thread about it complaining about the attitude of the cops. Their cops, some are dicks and some are cool.
It's like a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get.
04-20-2008, 04:24 PM
i hit it a couple times and then i hit it nice, possibly one of my smoothest drifts thus far, feeling proud of myself i throw my cigarette down in a victorious manner .
you are an idiot. drifting on a parking lot = illegal. you need to train in track not on streets that will endanger other people or other drivers.
i did some drifting on parking lots but im aware of getting caught and i will suffer consequences for violating the law. but then since i start investing more money to my car now i dont want all that time and money go to waste and getting my car tow for some stupid parking lot drifting. LOL
04-20-2008, 04:38 PM
Notice the O and lack of A in that word.
04-20-2008, 04:40 PM
I never got arrested but had to be taken in Jail for missing a bench warrant for a traffic ticket. Spent 8 hours but no record was added which keeps me clean.
04-20-2008, 04:43 PM
Well you been flamed enough as it is so I am not going to do it anymore. Your lucky you werent charged with a felony like it is here in VA (destruction of private property, street racing, disturbing peace, blah blah blah). I dont do drifting but I know someone who got caught doing it.
Your best bet is to get a lawyer, and if the officer cussed at you at any point you can bring that up to his superior and your lawyer too, since they cant do that.
Have some common sense next time too, drifting on street is basically street racing, so either do it in the middle of nowhere or just dont do it.
04-20-2008, 04:51 PM
Lol I wish he popped you for littering after you "i throw my cigarette down in a victorious manner" AHAHAHA.
04-20-2008, 04:55 PM
I've been detained several times for fitting the discription of a male asian the pd was looking for...shit I fit Every discription of any asian male the pd will be looking it sucks being awesome.
04-20-2008, 04:57 PM
Lol I wish he popped you for littering after you "i throw my cigarette down in a victorious manner" AHAHAHA.
I think it's like a $1k fine for that shit.
I tossed my cig out the window on the freeway once while there was a chp in the lane next to me. I didn't know. He gave me a look.
Then he moved on.
Trust me getting arrested at a young age will affect you more than you realize. Socal is the last place you want to get popped for pulling stupid crap like this. That's the whole reason they stop most people here because they assume we all do this. Thanks for not doing it on a public street and running into someone but damn.
BTW You did something to get arrested for edit the title or delete the thread man up!
04-20-2008, 05:57 PM
last monday, which was like any other lazy monday, i decided to hit up this morman parking lot that has like 25 yard planters you can slide around, i hit it a couple times and then i hit it nice, possibly one of my smoothest drifts thus far
And this ladies and gentleman is why insurance is so high till you reach 25
04-20-2008, 06:08 PM
live and learn. personally......... i cant afford to loose my license or pay hefty fines right now. work m-f 9-5 and have a lot of bills. even though it may suck, if you dont want problems, obey the law.
04-20-2008, 06:38 PM
*lol, i had originally posted some drunken rambling shit.*
04-20-2008, 06:45 PM
he responded with "its sergeant!" and slammed my face on his hot black...
whoa buddy.. keep that to yourself. :keke:
but yeah, justice was served.
Dirty Habit
04-20-2008, 08:46 PM
100% of the time you get arrested, its for doing something. 99.9% of the time its for doing something illegal.
04-20-2008, 08:51 PM
i've been caught with definite reason to arrest me, and been let go
but not the other way around
and you broke the law guy
04-20-2008, 09:10 PM
dammit this thread title is way misleading. and why do people still think that zilvia is the place to find sympathy for doing something stupid/illegal/etc. shit if i'd been arrested for street drifting, the last thing i'd want is for the fine folks at zilvia to find out. shit, this kid may as well just buy a shirt that states "i have little to no common sense, stay at least 200 yards away at all times".
bottom line: you broke the law and got busted. kwit whining. you live in socal, where a majority of the entire nations amateur drift events are held so thats no excuse, especially cuz this arrest is gonna cost more than 4 or 5 drift days would've, and you should be damn thankful that you didn't get a littering ticket too!
04-20-2008, 09:12 PM
i hope you learned your lesson, get all of that stupid bs out of your system now when you're dumb and young. you at least have that excuse at your age.
04-20-2008, 09:19 PM
well, fuck me right?
how many negative rep points can i get to i wonder?
keep going!
04-20-2008, 09:34 PM
ooooh, bad idea. zilvians r usually happy to spread those magic red squares around. i'll help! :keke:
04-20-2008, 10:05 PM
so are you gonna fuck me or not?
04-20-2008, 10:06 PM
mmm high school....young dumb and full of cum, problems with authority and cant understand why cops are cramping your style, thinking you have a right to be somewhere and cant understand why you get in trouble if the only person that could get hurt is you.....its part of being a punk kid, hopefully you grow out of it and look back like man i was a retard
dont act like you didnt know what you were doing was wrong....and you refused to have your car searched????? please tell me you at least had drugs in your car, because if you didnt and you just did it because "you know your rights" then your an idiot.....shit even when i was in high school I knew that if you refuse a search then there was a chance theyd just impound your shit until they could get a warrant, or just bring dogs and do it on the any scenario youd be fucked
so here is a tip from me to you that will save you a lot of butt hurt in the future..ready? COPS CAN DO WHAT EVER THE FUCK THEY WANT! you think im kidding? that cop assaulted you when he slammed your head off the car, do you think any lawyer would take that case? they are the law so they can fuck you over 10x worse than any thing you could ever do to them.....if you have nothing to hide then just cooperate. Every single person Ive ever seen really have their balls busted by a cop was not cooperating, so they end up getting fucked, cuffed slammed up against the cruiser etc etc....dont be a jackass, you arent defying the system cause in the end the cop will win and he goes back to work while you get to drive your nikes to school. My exhaust is loud as fuck and backfires constantly, I get pulled over all the time but walk away with warnings cause im not an idiot, shit ive been pulled over hammered on my way home and let go...if i gave the cop an attitude and didnt cooperate most likely wouldnt have a license by now
04-20-2008, 10:11 PM
so are you gonna fuck me or not?
i'm gonna start a thread in the wtb section for wtb internet aids, just so i can give em to you. til then you'll just hafta be satisfied with that last red square i gave u.
04-20-2008, 10:29 PM
dont act like you didnt know what you were doing was wrong....and you refused to have your car searched????? please tell me you at least had drugs in your car, because if you didnt and you just did it because "you know your rights" then your an idiot.....shit even when i was in high school I knew that if you refuse a search then there was a chance theyd just impound your shit until they could get a warrant, or just bring dogs and do it on the any scenario youd be fucked
i never refused to have my car searched
and i didnt have anything in it anyways
how bout you fucking read the whole thing next time and not just assume
cause it makes an ass (out of) u (&) me
04-22-2008, 12:39 AM
You reminded me of my "friend" that got soooo rediculously angry for failing his driver's test for speeding 5mph over and had to wait 7-days to retest
04-22-2008, 12:47 AM
you got arrested for doing something stupid and illegal....not for no reason
04-22-2008, 12:47 AM
Send the D.A. in his county a link to this. They won't even need the police report.
Do something illegal, then post on a public online forum about it.
Were all cases this easy, ...
04-22-2008, 12:50 AM
Send the D.A. in his county a link to this. They won't even need the police report.
Do something illegal, then post on a public online forum about it.
Were all cases this easy, ...
hahah good point. man, and he can't do much about it seeing as he's on time out.
04-22-2008, 12:52 AM
Correction: information should be sent to his local sheriff, or if possible, the investigating officer. I don't think evidence should go directly to the D.A.
A moderator could provide his IP and contact info directly to the authorities...
Fallbrook Substation
388 East Alvarado St
Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 451-3100
FAX (760) 451-3141
Bonsall Office (760) 724-0869
04-22-2008, 12:56 AM
he got pinked.....LOL
04-22-2008, 12:59 AM
your right, your biggest worry is you still owe me 500 bucks for that car.:squintd:
but really..
Wow, classic and utter failure. So if he still owes you $500, does that mean this cars still registered to you? Cuz that would freakin suck. Then again, you can probably get it back from the tow yard and sell it again. But double then again, itll probably cost more to get it out than you would selling it.
04-22-2008, 01:53 AM
i cant beleive that you would represent the s13 in such a manner, how many times have you seen tokyo drift?
i agree, this kid is an idiot, and is now facing severe consequences for illegal and immature actions, and in a church parking lot... c'mon man
its people like you that make it hard for the rest of us. it just goes to show how one person can make an entire community look like criminals
but to go through the time to make this kids already pathetic life worse really says something character
the fullest extent of my humility towards him will be this little red square
04-22-2008, 08:32 AM
Fallbrook Sheriff's Department won't do anything. Trust me, I've called them in to much bigger things and they 1. took 35 minutes to pick up the phone 2. took another half-hour to get here and 3. didn't do what they were supposed to for a couple days. Also, the call I was supposed to get never came.
04-22-2008, 08:48 AM
"Throw my cigarette down in a victorious manner." Comedy gold, A+, would read again.
edit: Also, littering is a crime; at least they were kind enough not to charge you for that one.
04-22-2008, 12:46 PM
He hasn't committed a felony, the max I bet would be a year in county, and that would be a stretch.
Fine + probation, maybe a couple days on lockup if they haven't already let him walk.
04-22-2008, 04:02 PM
-Never been arrested
-Never drifted, slid, roasted the tires, or done a brunout in a parking lot
04-22-2008, 04:07 PM
I've been arrested 24543645632 times.
but never about this bullshit.
Keep it on the track.
04-22-2008, 04:15 PM
so are you gonna fuck me or not?
that sounds so nasty coming from a dude. UGH!
you sound like a drunk chick i just took home. NO HOMO. :keke:
anyway back on the topic, you're in high school? damn you're as bad as those honda[no offense i love honda's] ricer's revving up on any damn modded car they see on the road. you drifted in a empty parking expecting no one to hear your tires screeching? have some common sense dude. you deserved that ticket, and millions more until you grow some balls to take it to the track you broke bloke.
04-22-2008, 04:33 PM
Sigh...only a newb would admit getting caught for doing something stupid on a a forum like zilvia and look for sympathy. Let alone disclose the penalties. Welcome to the school of hard knocks
04-22-2008, 04:37 PM
YES......... i love ninja edits
04-22-2008, 04:43 PM
If I were you I would be less worried about the crimial charges and worry about the civil wrongs. The church can technically sue you for trespass to land and recover (meaning you pay them money).
04-22-2008, 05:28 PM
It's pointless to sue the damn kid. Even if they win a billion dollar judgment, how would you collect? Seize his $1000 shitbox? Lol.
04-22-2008, 05:36 PM
Ha ha , I know the fallbrook police chief and his daugther, but even then I would never drift in a church parking lot. If your parents have some money and need a good lawyer to keep your dumbass out of jail
04-22-2008, 10:28 PM
It's pointless to sue the damn kid. Even if they win a billion dollar judgment, how would you collect? Seize his $1000 shitbox? Lol.
The judgements on trespass are small unless they claim damage to the property, so ya his shitbox would probably do just fine to take the rubber off their pavement! Plus this crap goes on your credit report.
04-22-2008, 10:44 PM
Ha ha , I know the fallbrook police chief and his daugther, but even then I would never drift in a church parking lot. If your parents have some money and need a good lawyer to keep your dumbass out of jail
It's a small town. Everybody knows everyone.
As far as I know on the subject it was a run in with CHP, and not the local Sheriffs Dept. The church is not suing him. The only thing in question is his license and driving record at the moment. Not to mention his insurance rates haha.
Just let this thread die.
It's pointless to sue the damn kid. Even if they win a billion dollar judgment, how would you collect? Seize his $1000 shitbox? Lol.
Haha no but they can attempt to sue his parents. Does he own the car legally?Trust me people can sue you for damn near anything and get away with it even if the judges/attorneys know there just out for a buck. I was being sued for a 3 mph fender bender with no damage done to either car after the cops came refused to write me a ticket and the driver signed a statement saying no damage done! These fuckers tried for 3 years to sue me or my mom for this finally they ran out of money. For some reason I am more afraid of the CHP that the local PD.
04-22-2008, 11:19 PM
The judgements on trespass are small unless they claim damage to the property, so ya his shitbox would probably do just fine to take the rubber off their pavement! Plus this crap goes on your credit report.
Not even worth it to hire a lawyer. Maybe there's someone in the congregation who'll handle the suit in small claims court.
04-22-2008, 11:20 PM
Not even worth it to hire a lawyer. Maybe there's someone in the congregation who'll handle the suit in small claims court.
There is no suit for them to handle. It wasn't called in by the Church. It was just a CHP officer doing his routes on the busiest street in Fallbrook. So I would assume all this talk about law suits and stuff is useless.
04-22-2008, 11:27 PM
Yeah, it is.
04-22-2008, 11:34 PM
Yeah, it is.
Don't mean to come off as a douche bag, but it's just kind of pointless since I don't think any of that's going to happen because I probably would have heard about it..
I suppose this thread could be used a learning tool for anyone who wants to hit up parking lots and then post threads about it though...haha
Btw, I love the Title edit lol.
04-23-2008, 12:37 AM
yeah i'm pretty sure none of thats happening, plus the mormons are way to nice to sue.
its true everyone in this town knows everyone.
can i sue him for him still owing me 500 bucks on the damn car after 6 months. jesus.
04-23-2008, 12:43 AM
can i sue him for him still owing me 500 bucks on the damn car after 6 months. jesus.
Technically you probably could.
But that'd be a dick move lol
04-23-2008, 12:44 AM
haha yeah thats true. but dammit!
hey elliot do you need to smog your car or has it been smogged already and passed with flying colors?
maybe this should be done in PM
04-23-2008, 12:48 AM
haha yeah thats true. but dammit!
hey elliot do you need to smog your car or has it been smogged already and passed with flying colors?
maybe this should be done in PM
It's already been smogged.
04-23-2008, 12:52 AM
and it passed easily?
i was thinking that if i take my car back to "that one special place" to get it smogged your car would help out nicely and i was maybe pay you for your services.
04-23-2008, 12:56 AM
and it passed easily?
i was thinking that if i take my car back to "that one special place" to get it smogged your car would help out nicely and i was maybe pay you for your services.
Son... that shits illegal.
If you have a daily why are you even smogging it? Just register it as non-op and track the shit out of it...
04-23-2008, 01:01 AM
Son... that shits illegal.
If you have a daily why are you even smogging it? Just register it as non-op and track the shit out of it...
... jesus christ! are you saying that everyone who runs a non KA engine in there car and has another car should be only tracking it!
come on, of course i could do that, but it would be even better if i could register it and smog it, and track the shit out of it.
04-23-2008, 01:07 AM
... jesus christ! are you saying that everyone who runs a non KA engine in there car and has another car should be only tracking it!
Well technically yes. But we both know that's certainly not the case haha.
04-23-2008, 01:10 AM
ok well eff it, hopefully the guy just hooks me up.
on another note, you'll need to see my car in a few weeks when the flywheel, driveshaft, koyo, and Kaaz are done.
04-23-2008, 01:13 AM
ok well eff it, hopefully the guy just hooks me up.
on another note, you'll need to see my car in a few weeks when the flywheel, driveshaft, koyo, and Kaaz are done.
Yeah I heard about all that. If you need an extra pair of hands and a wrench lemme know.
I'm getting my new exhaust, flushing and replacing every fluid, and detailing my whore within the next week or so.
Fallbrook 240 photo shoot? I think so.
04-23-2008, 01:16 AM
Yeah I heard about all that. If you need an extra pair of hands and a wrench lemme know.
I'm getting my new exhaust, flushing and replacing every fluid, and detailing my whore within the next week or so.
Fallbrook 240 photo shoot? I think so.
A. yeah an extra hand is always a plus.
B. Buddy Club?
C. We just had 6 at dennys.
Justins S14, Jesse Rotherts Hatch, Burges Coupe, Eddies Coupe, Matt Philips Hatch, Errols Hatch. Looked pretty ridiculous, especially next to the Honda boys cars.
04-23-2008, 01:16 AM
A. yeah an extra hand is always a plus.
B. Buddy Club?
C. We just had 6 at dennys.
Justins S14, Jesse Rotherts Hatch, Burges Coupe, Eddies Coupe, Matt Philips Hatch, Errols Hatch. Looked pretty ridiculous, especially next to the Honda boys cars.
Why the fuck didn't you call me? Yeah ordering the Buddy Club in a few days.
04-23-2008, 01:19 AM
hah i dont know man, best part was burge went up to his house to grab mine, he gets up there, then i realize .. fuck man there is no radiator on it anymore and call him freaking out and he answers right when he gets in the car. I was like DONT FUCKING TURN IT ON!!
04-23-2008, 01:21 AM
hah i dont know man, best part was burge went up to his house to grab mine, he gets up there, then i realize .. fuck man there is no radiator on it anymore and call him freaking out and he answers right when he gets in the car. I was like DONT FUCKING TURN IT ON!!
god this shit got off topic.
04-23-2008, 01:27 AM
true, but maybe thats a good thing, alright i'm off to study for my atstronomy test.
04-23-2008, 05:59 AM
I hope he got atleast $1k for the fine cuz thats what hes looking at atleast. Then on top of that, 30 day impound of his car will fucking kill him. Care to guess how much thats gonna be? Looking at close to $3k.
So lets do the Math, $4k for a $1k shit box, plus the part where his insurance is gonna triple itself. Think $300-400 a month.
Best bet, hire a lawyer and get it dropped or atleast not make it to your driving record. Beg for traffic school!!!
04-23-2008, 08:07 AM
Matt Philips Hatch
WTF, I have a friend named Matt Philips living in SD. Does he play guitar? =P
04-23-2008, 08:59 AM
Sooooooo. Is there a SR20, S13 going to auction soon in Fallbrook??
And I love how his locals blasted him in the first page, LMAO. They must know this kid, and he must be off his meds.
A.D.D much:rofl:
04-23-2008, 09:35 AM
if he needs to sell it for money, i say he should sell it back to me for what he owes me. or else he'll just be going into more debt.
04-23-2008, 11:04 AM
That's funny. You might as well of had drugs in your car too. ahahahahahah
steve shadows
04-23-2008, 11:12 AM
edit: Also, littering is a crime; at least they were kind enough not to charge you for that one.
Littering and?
04-23-2008, 11:44 AM
Littering and?
04-23-2008, 12:31 PM
ive only ever been arested for trumped up charges for a fight i got into...
Assault and Battery, resisting arrest, attemting to leave the scene of a crime, and indecent exposure (dont know what that was about, we both had clothes on) and a few other things which were eventually dropped. Being arested sucks, but you prolly shouldnt make a post about it, especially here of all places.
04-23-2008, 02:51 PM
its true everyone in this town knows everyone.
I don't know you guys, really.
The only other 240 owner in Fallbrook I know/knew is/was Drew, and I haven't talked to him in a year or more. I don't even know if he owns a 240 anymore.
04-23-2008, 04:41 PM
I don't know you guys, really.
The only other 240 owner in Fallbrook I know/knew is/was Drew, and I haven't talked to him in a year or more. I don't even know if he owns a 240 anymore.
Well there are like 6 of us with 240's, and I have seen at least 5 or 6 more.
There are so many in this little damn town. What the hell is happening. To bad most the other ones are auto s14's :keke:
From what I know Drew King still has a white coupe with a blown ka.
04-23-2008, 04:44 PM
Drew King is gone, married and gone. Was a nice guy and taught me a lot about my car. Was always willing to help and had the most knowledge.
KA24DES- what is your name?
AND THAT AUTO S14 HAS A NISMO STICKER!!! so cut it some slack!
04-23-2008, 04:45 PM
Drew King is gone, married and gone. Was a nice guy and taught me a lot about my car. Was always willing to help and had the most knowledge.
KA24DES- what is your name?
AND THAT AUTO S14 HAS A NISMO STICKER!!! so cut it some slack!
Dude there are like 2 more of them now. Ones powder blue and the other one is on 18's with massive spacers...
04-23-2008, 08:02 PM
I don't know you guys, really.
The only other 240 owner in Fallbrook I know/knew is/was Drew, and I haven't talked to him in a year or more. I don't even know if he owns a 240 anymore.
yeah man, drew moved to L.A. and got married
he hasnt ran his little white s13 in a while cause he hasnt wanted to replace the engine that he blew
04-23-2008, 09:38 PM
hahahah your a dumb ass.
good thing you got rolled out, you might've hurt somebody or yourself
04-23-2008, 09:47 PM
I love when people bitch about being arrested.
Yeah just take it like a man...if u do something be man enough to accept the consequences
04-23-2008, 10:36 PM
KA24DES- what is your name?
Steve, class of '04.
I've heard that Drew talks about my car, I know Errol knew about it.
04-23-2008, 10:39 PM
Steve, class of '04.
I've heard that Drew talks about my car, I know Errol knew about it.
We should all like toooooootally hang out :ughug: hahaha
04-23-2008, 10:41 PM
friday night meet at dennys?
04-23-2008, 10:47 PM
friday night meet at dennys?
I don't want to get our cars fawned over by the sketchy ass honda boys.
04-23-2008, 11:12 PM
fellow local dudes, i believe you guys should move your chatter to the regionals...
theres already thread there on local meets within san diego...
04-23-2008, 11:31 PM
^agreed. go reginal guys
This thread only needs one bump a day. That way everyone can easily check it for the day the op is off his ban.
Then everyone can throw some more neg rep at him.
04-23-2008, 11:31 PM
dont' ruin our fun.
steve whats your last name? culver? Matt's older brother? since your only 2 years older than me i might know ya.
04-23-2008, 11:40 PM
dont' ruin our fun.
it's already been ruined :rolleyes:
04-24-2008, 07:56 AM
WTF, I have a friend named Matt Philips living in SD. Does he play guitar? =P
I was serious about this question. =P
04-24-2008, 08:37 AM
dont' ruin our fun.
steve whats your last name? culver? Matt's older brother? since your only 2 years older than me i might know ya.
Yeah, I'm Matthew's older brother.
steve shadows
04-24-2008, 10:03 AM
04-24-2008, 10:24 AM
04-24-2008, 11:28 AM
And the postwhore bs closes it down...
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