View Full Version : The OFFICIAL Rant Thread

04-19-2008, 01:45 PM
I think we need a thread for people just to bitch about whatevet is on their minds, be it girlfriends, work, family, whatever is grinding your gears

So letting the bitching begin:madfawk:

I'll start with this, Its sucks havin to drive around in a black box (89) cherokee that sucks so much gas I can barely move it, instead of the 240 I am savin up too buy, meanwhile, I have seen a few 240's around here, s-13, and 14, in horrible condition being driven. One zenki i saw had scrathes all in the paint, a dented bumper, it wasnt washed.....juss ugh...it bothers me to see somethin I appreciate juss being abused and mistreated by people who dont realize what they have:bash:

04-19-2008, 02:17 PM
What really grinds my gears is stupid people. They are just so stupid!

04-19-2008, 02:38 PM
i guess that's why they're called stupid people :D

btw, regarding stupid people...right now there is a discussion in the german S-chassis board going on about some guy who's going to paint his car in the same color somebody else already has ( candy green or something), and and now he's all angry and calling him names and whatnot, i mean seriously?! those guys live hundreds of miles apart, who cares if their cars are painted the same color?

sometimes even grown men can act like children.

that's why i hang out on zilvia so much lately...just much more fun to read and discuss...and the zilvia OT has some of the finest random threads i've ever seen :D like powdering your balls, pedobear and so on...

04-19-2008, 02:40 PM
One zenki i saw had scrathes all in the paint, a dented bumper, it wasnt washed.....juss ugh...it bothers me to see somethin I appreciate juss being abused and mistreated by people who dont realize what they have:bash:

Its easy to say that about something when you don't have it.

04-19-2008, 02:41 PM
1. Fuckers that curls at the squat rack.
2. Fuckers that can't park.
3. Fuckers that claims multiple benches at the gym with their keys, cell, towels, then walks around.
4. Fuckers that incorporate religion into a normal conversation, I don't give a fuck if god helps them, and I don't give a fuck if they want their god to help me either.
5. See the opening door thread.
6. Fuckers that drive at 10 mph below the speed limit in the left lane.
7. Stupid neighbor that ass peddlin' and having 5-6 different guys visit in one night, one after another.
8. The fat cow upstair that thinks her floor is a fucking trampoline.

04-19-2008, 02:41 PM
You want to "Blog" about why your life sucks, and rant about things that bother you?

Then do it on MySpace, until someone gets upset at what you have to say and beats you up or kills you. That seems to be the way MySpace works now-a-days.

Whatever the case may be, Zilvia.net is not your Blog Spot.


...in the butt, on MySpace.