View Full Version : might be starting a University funded racing club,

11-14-2002, 05:22 PM
We have to draft a Constitution, get a university staff member to be a club advisor, and then get approved by the Student Government! If approved we can request funding from the Student Government, up to the amount of $10,000! What i want from you guys is what would you want in a a racing club?
I am thinking of taking $5,000 of that fundng and buy a project 89-90 240 and build it to SCCA ITS specifications. I have been told that the SOHC S13 is a proven winner in that class so it would be a great starting point.
With the remaining $5,000 I figure we could buy spare parts, an open trailer, tires, etc. It should also be enough to cover at least a half season of entrance fees at the races, as well as compensate the members who have to drive to the race tracks.
I used to be involved with the Boy Scouts, and we used to have free car washes, we would work for about five hours and make at least $300 in donations. I figure if we do this every month it will also generate enough money for use to have parties, and buy enough tickets for the 12hrs of Sebring race!
These are obviously just rough, rough, rough ideas, and would love to know what you all would do with the money! In the Event policies that i was given they specifically mentioned Motor Vehicle Races, in their defenition of a Hazardous Event. That being said, they shouldn't have to much of a problem with use hosting a small self supported autocross race (using SCCA specifications, Hopfully people are honest) We would have to get event insurance and that would be expensive, but that just means we have to work harder at fund raising to make it happen.

Please list your ideas,

11-14-2002, 07:59 PM
Sounds ambitious.
However, SOHC's run ITA, not ITS.  They are more competitive in ITA than the DOHC is in ITS.  They do well, but I wouldn't say they're dominant.  And buy a car somebody else has already built for the class...much cheaper.  It'll take at least $5k just to get it track worthy...and probably another $5k to even think about being competitive.
Good luck!

11-14-2002, 08:08 PM
I second Lance's comments.  Also, have you considered that in order to race, someone in the club needs to have a competition license?

It's going to be extremely tough building a car under budget, but you could buy an already built Spec RX7 with spares and possibly even a trailer for a few grand.

As for holding autocrosses, we had a club at RPI that held autocrosses.  They also held TSD rallies.  Check out their web site (http://www.rpi.edu/dept/union/sportscar/public_html/index.html) for ideas.

11-14-2002, 10:26 PM
I'm in the motorsports club at Rose-Hulman and it's a blast.  Right now we've got an 86 RX-7.  We just got the ported housings back the other day and started building the engine yesterday.   In the spring we want to autocross in SCCA with it.

11-15-2002, 06:44 AM
Congrats on an awesome idea.  Around here, there is a club from James Masison Univ. (madison motorsports) that is a constant presence.  They had the same goal as you and are gradually working toward it.  I know they've got a website - also, don't be afraid to email them.  They've got a good running group and may be able to hook you up w/ a lot of info, forms, and advice.  For starters, the group regularly works flag stations at track days - which earns them free track time.  Its a job that sucks to do alone, but is awesome if you have a couple friends doing it... oh yeah - and if you are a starving student - it gives you a way to get on track w/o $$$$$.

As for the car, Lance is right - ITA is domintated by an sohc s13 (Stretch has been winning for years, although there are no other 240s in the top three at the runoffs (CRXs)).  My advice is to buy one used.  You may be able to pick up a used ITA 240 for $5-7,000 or so (you will spend $15K to build one that good - IF you know exactly what you are doing). AKA is dead on about the Spec Rx7, too.  If you really want to get something that is ready to track, you can pick up a competitive Spec RX-7, trailer, and spares (parts car, etc.) for about 5K.

But I also agree that first things first, you guys need to get to the track and drive.

11-15-2002, 02:45 PM
I have been thinking a little more about holding autocross type events, and ran across a few bumps.

I was thinking we should base them off of the SCCA events, and go by their class specifications. I personally haven't been out to an autox event YET, so i don't know all that goes on. How do they make sure everyone is in the right class? Do they do visual inspecions before each race to make sure only legal modifications have been done, or do they go on the honor system?

Instead of holding the races in parking lot (ours aren't very big) I figured we could block off some of the unused streets on campus and setup a road course. Is anyone involved in their student government? I am wondering how hard it would be to convince them to let us do this? I am 99% sure that since this kind of thing classifies as a hazardous event, we will have to get some kind of insurance! I think it would be a very smart idea to have an ambulance standing by just in case, and have members at each turn with radios to call for help if it is needed! Should we get some kind of automated timming mechanism or should we just use a regular stop watch?

I am not a big fan of going to car shows, because most of them feature all show and no go cars! That is my biggest pet pieve! What do you guys think? Should try and setup car meets? I went to the all nissan meet in tampa this year, and it was pretty cool, but it would have been better if I could have stayed with the pack! But that is off topic.

I am thinking of starting a club message board were i can poste questions and get feedback from fellow students as to how they would like the club to be setup. Were can I go and get a free program to use, without having millions of pop-up adds. A few are understandable but some of them are rediculous. Do they come with instructions on how to set the forums up or do i need some kind of help?

Sorry this is so long, but I just want to get as many opinions as i can. Thanks for your time,

11-15-2002, 06:19 PM
I seriously doubt a University street road course would fly.  If it is of any size, it would effectively shut down the campus.  Campuses also have lots of pedestrians, so you'd need baracades around the entire course.  Besides, I would be a tad reluctant to run my car at its limits in the confines of a city street course...with its curbs, signs, sidewalks, buildings...and I have almost 3 years experience.  It would be a nightmare for a novice...especially if he manage to wrap his car around a street lamp post.  SCCA courses are designed with at least 25ft. of clearance from stationary objects...this will not be accomplished on a street course.  
Is there a small airport in the area?  It'd probably be difficult to talk them into letting you use it, but it's worth a try.  What about a mall or supermarket...something that's not open at least one day of the week?  You may could talk them into letting you borrow the parking lot on Sundays or something.  I'm sure there would be some liability concerns...don't know how you'd work it out.  At any rate, you need to keep it to open areas.
Maybe you could contact the closest SCCA region and see if they could help out.  Our region is based in Jackson, MS, but we hold events in Grenada (about 150 miles away) sometimes and they've held some on Mississippi State University campus in the past too (also about 150 miles from Jackson).

11-15-2002, 06:34 PM
I am a member of the Golden Eagle Sports Car Club. (http://www.gescc.com) We have a professor who helps us out. Basically, we put on an autocross in the commuter parking lot every 2 weeks or so. Members usually run free, and we get people who drive up to 1.5 hours to race.We put up flyers and usually get other students to join. I am pretty new though. Alot of members also do SCCA events. I think it bas been around since the 70's. We just rewrote a 20 year old constitution. I think the University matches whatever we spend, dollar for dollar.

I would try and hold events rather than a project car.

Good luck,
(PS, you can see where I got my ass whooped up if you click on the link and go to "Results" <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('> )