View Full Version : Cop shoots kid at local highschool after being attacked by kid with a bat

04-17-2008, 09:36 PM
Another case that proves you don't take a bat to a gun fight.


so, some parents said some stuff that says, " cops shouldn't shoot kids in front of kids" NO, you don't attack the police and expect to not get shot.

some stupid parents are always makeing some lame ass excuses and trying to blame other people for there childrens actions.
anyway, I don't think this stuff happens everyday. so i thought i would share.

04-17-2008, 09:40 PM
WoW! That's some crazy stuff.

04-17-2008, 09:41 PM
population control, we are killing off the really stupid and angry. One kid at a time.

sucks for the family though, I can't imagine it feels good to lose you're child.

04-17-2008, 09:43 PM

was it a shoot and KILL?

04-17-2008, 09:47 PM
its a position no law enforcement officer wants to be put in. in the end and in that situation its about going home at the end of this shift. I feel for all parties involved.

04-17-2008, 09:48 PM
holy crap...damn

04-17-2008, 09:49 PM
Shot and killed. That shit is crazy.

04-17-2008, 09:50 PM
I am a 2A supporter and usually support the cops with stuff like this. If it were me I would have used something less than lethal (tazer, pepper spray, bean bag gun, etc). You have to do what you have to do though. I give the cop props for having the stones to do his job.

Nevermind, read further and it was a broken bat...which in my book is no longer a blunt object. I would have shot his ass too.

04-17-2008, 09:50 PM
could've shot his leg..

04-17-2008, 09:51 PM
could've shot his leg..

Could have hit is femoral artery. Outcome could have been the same.

04-17-2008, 09:52 PM
well think about it, if some idiot comes at me and i have a gun and he hits upside my head with a bat and than as im on the ground, he raises it up to smash my head in Im gonna smoke him too. forget it, and i totally agree that it is population control, natural selection.
but anyway now there saying the kid might have wanted to die. if so that makes him a little smarter than i previously thought.

04-17-2008, 09:53 PM
could've shot his leg..
you cant, if cops are gonna shoot they have to shoot to kill

if you shoot his leg, he can still turn around and sue you no matter what

04-17-2008, 09:54 PM
I am a 2A supporter and usually support the cops with stuff like this. If it were me I would have used something less than lethal (tazer, pepper spray, bean bag gun, etc). You have to do what you have to do though. I give the cop props for having the stones to do his job.

F that, and as you used your pepper spray he would have bashed your brains in, than that crazy kid would have had access to two guns. so they dont even know if he wanted to get the guns and shoot up the school or what. not normal. and yeah i feel for both the family and the cop.

04-17-2008, 09:56 PM
If those border patrol cops would have just done the job right and killed that drug smuggler they stop they wouldnt be in jail right now. if your going to pull your gun you better be willing to use it, and if you shoot you shoot to kill.
the cop is very lucky that the first blow to the head didn't kill him.

04-17-2008, 09:57 PM
If those border patrol cops would have just done the job right and killed that drug smuggler they stop they wouldnt be in jail right now. if your going to pull your gun you better be willing to use it, and if you shoot you shoot to kill.
the cop is very lucky that the first blow to the head didn't kill him.

im surprised he even let the kid hit him at all :rl:

04-17-2008, 10:00 PM
Wow...some of you need to think about it...if you getbeat on the head with a baseball bat, how much time do you think you have to react to it. Thats assuming you didnt get knocked the fuck out from the get-go. Would you really sit there and think about your options in your head? SHould I tase or shoot him? Where shoud I shoot him? What will his family think? Will I get fired? Whys the sky blue? Why are we in Iraq? FUCK NO...you shoot his ass and defend yourself!!! Instinct simply kicks in...

04-17-2008, 10:21 PM
F that, and as you used your pepper spray he would have bashed your brains in, than that crazy kid would have had access to two guns. so they dont even know if he wanted to get the guns and shoot up the school or what. not normal. and yeah i feel for both the family and the cop.

Very good point, because I'm sure if the kid would have gotten a hold of the gun and gone on a shooting spree everyone would have been blaming the cop for not shooting him. :squint: The kid was a danger to everyone around him, I'm not happy he died, its a sad situation, but the cop did what he had to do.

Mi Beardo es Loco
04-17-2008, 10:41 PM
Just another example of parents raising a fucked up child and, sadly, a cop will lose his job by doing his job as a protector of the peace. What kind of fucked up parents raise a child to bash a cops' head in with a bat then make excuses for him? I want to know what the witnesses say about it. minor or not, if you're attempting to KILL a police officer then you deserve to die a slow painful death.

04-17-2008, 10:49 PM
actual the police chief stands behind all his guys and says that it was selfd defense, and the guy is on stress leave. he will not lose his job.

04-17-2008, 10:58 PM
wow thats just crazy...

Devil Man
04-17-2008, 11:04 PM
he deserves it. if you have the balls to attack an officer like that and you do get killed, you deserved it.

04-17-2008, 11:12 PM
why not shoot to kill? you got hit in the head with a bat. the hit form the bat alone can cause severe damage even kill you.

if you people didnt read, the kid was on medication for depression so he was effed up in the head. who knew what he would have done after if the cop didnt shoot.

04-17-2008, 11:21 PM
I don't feel any remorse for that stupid kid. He had it coming after hitting a police officer on the HEAD with a f'n bat. Crazy shit.

04-17-2008, 11:28 PM
You bring a (bat) to a gunfight
Winning's unlikely
Follow me, go ahead, I'm watching your shadow
The snakes in the grass get caught by the rattles
Skadattle, slam, you been defeated
You're messing with a guerilla
Who told you to beat it
Bleed it, Beep it, whatever you want
Make a million dollars
Go ahead and punt
You still get no respect
It just don't matter
Rat-ta-tat-tat and all the punks scatter

behind you
So you better (uh)
Watch your back
(watch your watch your watch your back
(watch your watch your watch your back)
(watch your watch your watch your back)
(watch your back watch your back)
(watch your watch your watch your back)
(watch your watch your watch your back)
(watch your watch your watch your back)
(watch your back watch your back)

04-17-2008, 11:47 PM

Fuck that cunt

04-18-2008, 12:55 AM
I'm surprised this made Zilvia.

I don't think the cop was out of line shooting the kid but he should have gone for a less lethal method first. It is unfair to compare him to soldiers in Iraq because it is their job to kill. The cop's job is to protect. The means the the attackers life as well as his own.

Again, I don't fault the officer. The training and methods need to be reassessed especially concerning law enforcement at schools.

Lastly I want to say that if the cops find it necessary to tazer people needlessly(don't taze me bro) why can't they use them in the proper situation?

04-18-2008, 01:43 AM
let me break it down for you folks: http://www.google.com/search?q=police+assisted+suicide&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7DELA

04-18-2008, 11:49 AM
damn.... that sucks....... shit happens.

04-18-2008, 11:50 AM
.......... wow i would have finished the job

04-18-2008, 11:59 AM
see what happened was the kid saw a bulletin on myspace the cop wrote which is why this started... lol

and i gradutated from roosevelt high school, but the one in upstate

04-18-2008, 01:04 PM
some stupid parents are always makeing some lame ass excuses and trying to blame other people for there childrens actions. anyway, I don't think this stuff happens everyday. so i thought i would share.

Bad parenting (period)

04-18-2008, 01:09 PM
this kid was probably a bad seed in the first place... growing up in cali now a days and going to highschool out here, its not hard to see that he could have just been another person with crap respects to life, could have hung with a crap crew or even a crappy home with nothing to look forward to.

Some of these parents are not even smart or bright themselves to even care whats going on, let the schools and society raise their kid ... lol

Cop did his job. Defending himself, of all the people this kid could have attacked, he decided to go for the cop. I dont care if the bat was broken, it sounds like it was attempted to be fixed since they said it was tapped up. I seriously doubt its easy for a kid at school to just randomly grab a baseball bat unless he was on the baseball team or they had them out..

Hopefully thats the end of this story and no lawsuits or claims of racism pop up.

04-18-2008, 01:10 PM
I usually don't defend cops, but in a case like this, like fliprayzin240sx said, how long are you gonna sit there and think of your options? Not long enough to get beat the fuck over the head by some crazy ass kid.

Why are there like 4 threads on the first page of Off-Topic about crazy as kids?

No lie, I'm honestly getting pretty damn worried. This makes we want to completely reconsider having children.

Such a sad sad world we live in. :(

04-18-2008, 01:11 PM
Perfect story.

I'm just sorry that the officer has to perhaps face the mental trauma of killing somebody.

But, bottom line, the kid got what he deserved.

If you want to mess with the law, be prepared to deal with it.

case closed.

04-18-2008, 01:54 PM
damn this shit is crazy but the cop had to protect himself, feel bad for the family though

Andrew Bohan
04-18-2008, 02:43 PM
if you hit me with a bat and knock me down, you better believe i'll kill you.

shoot to injure makes no sense

04-18-2008, 04:56 PM
Are police officers seriously instructed that if they have to shoot they should kill, no matter what the situation?
It's hard to say what really happened in this case, but that just seems a little too harsh of a rule if they seriously aim to kill in all cases instead of just immobilizing the target by aiming for a shoulder or leg or something, if possible of course, sounds kind of scary that it's better to take a life just in case to prevent a lawsuit.

Mi Beardo es Loco
04-18-2008, 05:01 PM
Are police officers seriously instructed that if they have to shoot they should kill, no matter what the situation?
It's hard to say what really happened in this case, but that just seems a little too harsh of a rule if they seriously aim to kill in all cases instead of just immobilizing the target by aiming for a shoulder or leg or something if possible, sounds kind of scary that it's better to take a life just to prevent a lawsuit.

It's how the cops are trained. You DO NOT pull a weapon on some one unless your life is in danger and if you intend to shoot him then you better shoot him where you're sure he won't get up. If there was any other option but killing the subject, I'm sure the cop would have taken it but killing the kid was most likely his last option or he would have been knocked out and the kid would have proceeded to bash in his skull with that bat.

04-18-2008, 05:03 PM
F that, and as you used your pepper spray he would have bashed your brains in, than that crazy kid would have had access to two guns. so they dont even know if he wanted to get the guns and shoot up the school or what. not normal. and yeah i feel for both the family and the cop.

Have been hit with many bats/hockey sticks/etc? You have to be a slow retard to let someone land a solid hit to your head. Have you had a face full of pepper spay or mace before?

04-18-2008, 05:37 PM
Have been hit with many bats/hockey sticks/etc? You have to be a slow retard to let someone land a solid hit to your head. Have you had a face full of pepper spay or mace before?

if your not being hit from behind.

04-18-2008, 05:42 PM
you should not assault a cop with any kind of weapon, period!
regardless the actual cause, the kid made a really bad decision

04-18-2008, 07:10 PM
if your not being hit from behind.

Have you shot many pistols? You have to face the target and aim at it. Odds are if you are being hit from behind you are not going to "sense" him with the force, turn around, and shoot the attacker.

Baka Sama
04-18-2008, 07:19 PM
Have you shot many pistols? You have to face the target and aim at it. Odds are if you are being hit from behind you are not going to "sense" him with the force, turn around, and shoot the attacker.

The report said the cop was hit with no argument before hand. Which means he didnt expect it or see it coming. I cant imagine how it feels for someone to knock you in the head as hard as they can with a baseball bat. The fact he hit him in the head means he was trying to kill him. Trying to kill a cop means death. Sorry for the family.

:smash: = :nono: = :rl:

04-18-2008, 07:35 PM
And here is some more info from todays paper.


so aparently the kid was one fry short of a hapy meal.

So reading some of the responses to this iI think,

this kid was not a kid he was 6'2 220 and brought the weapon to school and had a crocadile dundee knife in his pants, and before going in for the kill he asks the cop" what are you going to donow? " and when he attacks the cop shoots him, and as he is dieing he keeps repeating kill me. so not normal, ad i can honestly say that i feel more for the cop, cause he had to shoot some kid at schoool infront of other kids. but like it has been said, it all boils down to repect, comon sense and how you raise your children.

they tried contacting the kids parents all day, and it took hours to get ahold of them. and what do the parent say? the same ol shit that the colombine shooters parents said, "we had no idea ourt kid would do this, or they were such angels"

its bs

04-18-2008, 07:38 PM
What the fuck makes people think it's ok to hit cops? Jebus Crisp.

There was this guy in Orlando a year ago who ran over a cop that was on the side of the road. Ran over the motherfucker and just kept going. You know what his excuse was? He was afraid what was going to happen to him so he ran. Now he's rotting in jail.

Oh oh oh. There was another story about this guy that got pulled over for speeding and opened fire on the officer. Swat eventually caught up with him and shot him 67 times with automatic weapons :)

Dont fuck with the police. They dont play around.

04-18-2008, 09:51 PM
Don't blame the parents. I seen a lot of parents try really hard to raise there kids right, and still many turn up to be fuck ups. I wouldn't assume it was the parents fault without more info, its clear the kid was just nuts.

04-18-2008, 10:51 PM

The cop had no choice. Just look at his head.

1) the kid was 6'2" and 250, larger than the cop
2) he hit the cop from behind in the head

He had a death wish. Unfortunately, that cop has to live with this for the rest of his life.


And yes, cops are trained to kill if they shoot. Firearms are lethal force. If you use lethal force, you are supposed to kill. No shooting in the leg or in the arm - have you ever tried to hit a moving target with a handgun? Let alone a moving target moving towards you with a bat trying to bash your brains? Good luck hitting the leg or arm. Maybe with a shotgun. Cops aim for center mass. Why? Because if they miss, someone in the background gets hit, which is even worse.

Andrew Bohan
04-18-2008, 11:45 PM
^^ wtf? who takes a pictures of a picture? scan that shit at least

04-18-2008, 11:58 PM
^^ wtf? who takes a pictures of a picture? scan that shit at least

That pic is from the press conference where the chief showed pics.

04-19-2008, 12:11 AM
And yes, cops are trained to kill if they shoot. Firearms are lethal force. If you use lethal force, you are supposed to kill. No shooting in the leg or in the arm - have you ever tried to hit a moving target with a handgun? Let alone a moving target moving towards you with a bat trying to bash your brains? Good luck hitting the leg or arm. Maybe with a shotgun. Cops aim for center mass. Why? Because if they miss, someone in the background gets hit, which is even worse.

He speaks the truth. You guys are bitching about the shoot to kill, but imagine the uproar when a cop aims at some guys arm or leg and misses, hitting an innocent person... You would then say "they should shoot to kill".

04-19-2008, 12:22 AM
crazy pic.. yah that cop not only lives wiht the memory, but that could have injured the cop, fracture his skull etc.

04-19-2008, 12:57 AM
He speaks the truth. You guys are bitching about the shoot to kill, but imagine the uproar when a cop aims at some guys arm or leg and misses, hitting an innocent person... You would then say "they should shoot to kill".

Imagen if he reached for pepper spray or tazer first. He would be a hero who used better judgment and non lethality in a tense situation.

It comes down to training, should our protectors automatic thought be shoot to kill? In hind sight all involved would be better off if he had not killed him. The kid could have gotten the help he need for his mental instability and the cop would be able to sleep at night.

I would like to reiterate that I DO NOT fault the cop but the training he reflects and the mentality of law enforcement as a whole.

04-19-2008, 04:05 PM
Imagen if he reached for pepper spray or tazer first. He would be a hero who used better judgment and non lethality in a tense situation.

It comes down to training, should our protectors automatic thought be shoot to kill? In hind sight all involved would be better off if he had not killed him. The kid could have gotten the help he need for his mental instability and the cop would be able to sleep at night.

I would like to reiterate that I DO NOT fault the cop but the training he reflects and the mentality of law enforcement as a whole.

if you try to kill a cop it should mean instant death, and it does thats why when people try to kill the cops( this means acting to , like reaching for something you have hidden when the cops say freeze, you get iced that is how it is and how it should be.
and think about this, pepper spray is not always effective, and it would have to be in the face, the chest is a much larger target that is why the cop shot him there and not in the pinky finger or the belly button or ear or at the tip of a strand of hair.

Andrew Bohan
04-19-2008, 06:36 PM
if the kid wanted to live, he woulda either brought a gun or worn a bulletproof vest.

or swung harder. as big as the kid was, he should been able to kill the cop with one swing. but he didn't

04-19-2008, 06:53 PM
sad sad sad but if i was the cop i would've prob. done the same to protect my damn self..