View Full Version : Official Ghost In The Shell live action movie thread V1.0

04-16-2008, 04:08 PM
Just heard there's going to be a live action Ghost in the Shell movie. Here are the details i do know:

Steven Spielberg will be directing the movie with the help of DreamWorks in a 3D feature. They hope the movie will make a splash in the wave of anime movies coming up next year. Along with DragonBall (August 2009), Akira, and Battle Angel.

Spielberg had this to say: “Ghost in the Shell is one of my favorite stories… It’s a genre that has arrived, and we enthusiastically welcome it to DreamWorks.”

I think making this a 3D flick will be perfect with the anime futuristic feel. Lets hope its good. I will be posting actors as soon as they become available.

sources http://www.filmjunk.com/2008/04/15/dreamworks-remaking-ghost-in-the-shell-as-a-3-d-live-action-movie/

drift freaq
04-16-2008, 04:10 PM
As long as he does a good job with it and not the bullshit like Speed Racer.
Ghost in the Shell is one my all time favorite Anime's

04-16-2008, 05:01 PM
yeah I never really got into anime but I watched some Ghost in the Shell and it was pretty sick

04-16-2008, 05:11 PM
I remember watching the first one when I was like 10 or 11 and being like.

"OMG titties"

04-16-2008, 05:15 PM
i'm looking forward to the live action akira two-parter, myself. GITS looks sweet too, but isn't it being made by dreamworks? i thought it was going to be CGI

04-16-2008, 05:21 PM
my first initial thought about this is "the fuck, americans always gotta copy something"...

but after thinking, it could be cool. They better not water it down PG13 rating though. Togusa is one of my favorite characters.

04-16-2008, 05:22 PM
cant wait.

here's the back of my neck. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=95311959&albumID=927969&imageID=7057483

you'll need myspace to see it unfortunately...

04-16-2008, 05:27 PM
Yay! My favorite anime!

I heard news about this, but didn't think it was going forth!

04-16-2008, 05:30 PM
pretty sweet.

i loved the sac series <3

04-16-2008, 06:07 PM
As long as he does a good job with it and not the bullshit like Speed Racer.
speed racer looks pretty whack, but i'll go watch it anyways. hopefully, ghost in the shell is sick. they are making a dragonball Z movie as well which i hope is gonna be good.

04-16-2008, 08:23 PM
jesus, if it's cgi they better have masamune shirow up in this bitch. it better look like the latest appleseed movies too.

04-16-2008, 08:54 PM
As long as he does a good job with it and not the bullshit like Speed Racer.
Ghost in the Shell is one my all time favorite Anime's

Took the words right out of my brain. Bad ass, I'm stoked to see it.

04-16-2008, 08:54 PM
yea the sac series was AWESOME

04-16-2008, 09:03 PM
speed racer looks pretty whack, but i'll go watch it anyways. hopefully, ghost in the shell is sick. they are making a dragonball Z movie as well which i hope is gonna be good.

Dragon Ball will be rated PG-13 for violence. Just like all the Spider-Man movies were. I can start a Dragon Ball thread if you want. I know a lot of information. We make all of these posters where i work. I've even seen the images to the new Hulk movie. Let me know

04-16-2008, 10:19 PM
If he is staying loyal to the newest anime and the original manga the new movie should be nothing like the first one.

I hope it looks nothing like appleseed. That shit bears no resemblance to the manga. Shirow's style doesn't come through with that style of 3d.

To be honest I think GITS would do much better as a high budget tv show(but not on NBC, ABC, etc...). There is just to much background info and detail that is important to understanding it to get in a 2-3 hour movie.

04-16-2008, 10:30 PM
yea the sac series was AWESOME

Damn straight. I hope they find a way to use the same voice actors as the series. It's one of the ones that I actually watch in english. lol

Baka Sama
04-16-2008, 10:49 PM
Dragon Ball will be rated PG-13 for violence. Just like all the Spider-Man movies were. I can start a Dragon Ball thread if you want. I know a lot of information. We make all of these posters where i work. I've even seen the images to the new Hulk movie. Let me know

Please update us with info on the Dragon Ball movie :bigok:

I never really like GITS. Overly complicated for no reason but great animation
Speed racer looks ok. I actually think it might be good.
Dragon Ball has no hope what so ever. It will suck balls.
I have high hopes for Akira just because of Dicaprio.
Macross.... I hope hope hope they wont screw up. PLEASE!!

04-16-2008, 10:59 PM
All anime is overly complicate for no reason.

Perhaps it's just the Japanese mentality, or something lost in translation, but some of the story arcs in anime seem so...I don't know...random.

I'll hold my reservations about this project. GITS was a great animated movie. I guess I'll have to wait and see how it translates through Spielberg's hands.

04-17-2008, 12:14 AM
Its kind of late. I'll start on the Dragon Ball thread tomorrow. I have a full cast list too. So. be ready.

04-17-2008, 12:40 AM
The story in gits isn't overly complicated, it is politically driven. SAC in particular has an over arcing story that entails an investigation along with other cases that help build the characters and setting. While a third of the episodes do not pertain directly to the main story they help you understand the characters better, as well as give hints at what the story is leading to.

In the original GITS, if you where to pull out one of the asides you will lose part of the bigger picture that is the puppeteer.

I've read the original manga about 16 times btw :D

04-17-2008, 12:40 AM
i wonder if it will follow the gits movies, or sac.. since the sac doesnt follow the movie since Major is alive in sac...

i hope it stays true to an asian cast and set in tokyo-ish? i dont remember where the anime took place.. but it would be stupid if they put a blonde chick as the major lol

knowing hollywood, the major will be asian, and will involve a love story with batou who is a white guy lol

would be badass if they made movie about Black Lagoon, id say its on par with GITS, just not as big.. but twice the gritty raw action

04-17-2008, 01:00 AM
You just brought up a very complicated subject.

The original movie and its sequel(s?) are a slimed down version of the manga. I don't like them because they are streamed lined way to much and are also devoid of any of the originals humor.

Stand alone complex is a what if/prequel to the manga. It starts out as a what if the major never met the puppet master but the end of the first season starts nearly identically to how the manga starts. To fully understand either you need to see/read both(in my opinion).

The short version would be that the movie, manga, and SAC(and second gig) are each in their own universe. They all bring a different perspective on the same(almost) series of events.

If you haven't noticed I don't like the first movie much. It is kick ass in and of itself but it doesn't quite live up to its source material to me.

Edit: +1 for alita too. I've been waiting for 6 years already so hurry up with it Hollywood!

04-17-2008, 08:02 AM
All anime is overly complicate for no reason.

Perhaps it's just the Japanese mentality, or something lost in translation, but some of the story arcs in anime seem so...I don't know...random.

I'll hold my reservations about this project. GITS was a great animated movie. I guess I'll have to wait and see how it translates through Spielberg's hands.

That is because you are used to the mindless dribble that plagues the American film and tv industry. At least with anime, the good stuff like gits, you have to think a little and actually care about the characters to know what is going on. I wish I spoke Japanese because I bet a lot gets lost in the translation. I bet Spielberg does a good job especially if he is a fan of the series.

04-17-2008, 11:14 AM
OOOOoooOOOooOO sweet. looking foward to this.

beeracing s14
04-17-2008, 01:05 PM
what i want spielberg to do is Midnight Wangan live!

04-17-2008, 05:22 PM
imagine the horror if hollywood did a wangan midnight.......................................... ... it would be a commercial to whatever car company sponsers it lol

04-17-2008, 05:25 PM
That is because you are used to the mindless dribble that plagues the American film and tv industry. At least with anime, the good stuff like gits, you have to think a little and actually care about the characters to know what is going on. I wish I spoke Japanese because I bet a lot gets lost in the translation. I bet Spielberg does a good job especially if he is a fan of the series.

lol i've seen just as much mindless dribble on japanese tv.

04-17-2008, 07:21 PM
I remember watching the first one when I was like 10 or 11 and being like.

"OMG titties"

Not just any titties but CYBORG tities!

All anime is overly complicate for no reason.

Perhaps it's just the Japanese mentality, or something lost in translation, but some of the story arcs in anime seem so...I don't know...random.

I'll hold my reservations about this project. GITS was a great animated movie. I guess I'll have to wait and see how it translates through Spielberg's hands.

Loved the original movie, love SAC (and the awesome soundtrack) and never got around to finishing 2nd Gig. Could be good.

Now Alita, I turn into a 12 year old girl at an NSync concert for. I've loved this manga/anime since I first laid eyes on it over a decade ago. And it's Cameron so you know it'll rock. :drool:

04-17-2008, 08:30 PM
"i though what i'd do was, i'd pretend i was one of those deaf-mutes"

i love how G.I.T.S can make you think a lot watching it..

04-17-2008, 08:32 PM
Now this is the type of show you can make good for a real life movie. Hope it turns out good.

04-19-2008, 03:51 AM
All anime is overly complicate for no reason.

Perhaps it's just the Japanese mentality, or something lost in translation, but some of the story arcs in anime seem so...I don't know...random.

I just hate when they have to recap what happened in prior episode(s) which just fills up the time space for lack of new devolpement lol
Freaking Naruto did that shit all the time, always having to reminisce and shit

04-19-2008, 06:43 PM
DBZ had one of those like every 9 or 10 episodes. I hated that shit. You wait for 2 weeks for a new episode and it just recaps the last 2 weeks of reruns.