View Full Version : Ashlee Simpson knocked up...

04-16-2008, 08:21 AM

Ashlee Simpson is pregnant and plans to get married next month at a private residence in Southern California, a source close to her family tells PEOPLE.

Simpson, 23, is engaged to Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz, 28, who initially blasted pregnancy rumors as a "witch hunt."

But on Tuesday, Simpson, sidestepped the rumors during an interview with MTV after taping TRL in New York, saying simply, "Some things you want to keep personal."

And now the source tells PEOPLE that not only is Simpson pregnant, but that she's planning to have her wedding in May at a friend's house in La Jolla, Calif., north of San Diego.


04-16-2008, 08:30 AM
and we should care ..............


04-16-2008, 08:39 AM
need more pics

04-16-2008, 08:57 AM
and we should care ..............

Some people think it's interesting news. Most of us don't care about either of them and like seeing downfall, or some may like one or both artists and think "Oh no, downfall of music!!!" or some might think "ahh, something to pass the time with while I do nothing."

Either way...relax, man. Right?

It continues to baffle me that people over the age of 11 don't seem to realize where babies come from. I mean, sure, they may have planned this, but the quick engagement seems pretty telling. Tons of people are bumping uglies everyday and not getting pregnant, why not follow their lead?

04-16-2008, 08:59 AM
Eh...thats what I said...ashley simpson...Yay. As long as she doesnt turn into the next Britney Spears. Some people just dont need to be having kids...

Koopa Troopa
04-16-2008, 09:19 AM
So is she going to lip sync at her wedding too?

04-16-2008, 10:43 AM
trying to be like everyone else eh? what a surprise.

04-16-2008, 10:50 AM
need more pics

i like this car

04-16-2008, 11:25 AM
...sheesh, it's about time.

04-16-2008, 11:27 AM
i give 2 shits really, no offence to the OP

04-16-2008, 11:31 AM
I thought that she was cute when she first came out.

Then after the nose job she got hot looking.

Her marrying emo boy, whatever, congrats.

04-16-2008, 11:36 AM
Pregnant is the new skinny.

one more vagina destroyed.

04-16-2008, 11:43 AM
Honestly, who cares? They are probably going to get divorced, and the child will grow up abusing drugs, and being exactly like their parents. Stars make me sick. All the money in the world, and they don't even know what to do with themselves. I know money doesn't make you happy, but it sure helps. I have no respect for people, that can't respect themselves. If you aren't happy with your life, donate all your money to a charity, then jump off a building, blow your brains out, etc.

04-16-2008, 12:04 PM
Ashlee who?

Oh wait, now I remember the little sister of that blonde bitch on TV being a douchebag with her now ex husband as if I gave a fuck about her or her life.

She's the next whatever the fuck her first name is Spears.

04-16-2008, 12:07 PM
Good thing about knocked up chicks is that at least you know they put out.

04-16-2008, 12:08 PM
So is she going to lip sync at her wedding too?

Haha, owned.

04-16-2008, 12:09 PM
Good thing about knocked up chicks is that at least you know they put out.

plus you can't get them pregnant again.

04-16-2008, 12:42 PM
I'd rather do Jessica. Ashlee isn't hot.

04-16-2008, 12:51 PM
I'd rather do Jessica. Ashlee isn't hot.

definately, broad is so hurt she did a nose nose job, and fuck! that didn't help at either!

04-16-2008, 01:42 PM
this country needs to put birth control in the water

04-16-2008, 01:42 PM
this country needs to put birth control in the water


04-16-2008, 01:46 PM
i don't believe it. I need to see her vagina.

04-16-2008, 02:09 PM
fallout boy sucks

04-16-2008, 02:14 PM
this country needs to put birth control in the water

haha seriously..this country's morale has fallen so low, its sad.

Dirty Habit
04-16-2008, 02:23 PM
haha seriously..this country's pants fallen so low, its sad.


fallout boy sucks


...or some may like one or both artists and think "Oh no, downfall of music!!!"

That was 1982. Death rattle in the early 90's. Fucking flat line since 95.


04-16-2008, 03:24 PM
Hey, if the kid ends up emo like dad...

... he'll be one of the first I don't blame for it. A legit emo? Go figure. :keke:

04-16-2008, 03:36 PM
whenever i hear her name, i think of the episode of family guy where she lip sings, and they play "OLD MAN RIVER"....CLASSIC :rofl:

04-16-2008, 03:58 PM
I couldn't care less.

04-16-2008, 04:09 PM
Wow she still alive?????:gives:

04-16-2008, 04:11 PM
Who cares about any celebrity. All of them are the same.

Christina Aguilera is damn fine though!

04-16-2008, 04:18 PM
Christina Aguilera is damn fine though!

uhhh.... NO! Ugh..
