View Full Version : kuroichiyon

04-14-2008, 08:21 AM
purchased a gauge from him, great business person, very quick shipping

11-08-2008, 10:10 PM
well here is the story goes bought a rb33 crank with a udated collor perfect no spun bearings needs polising well get it looks like shit but ok looks are deciving send it to th machine shop its junk two spun bearings and can not be fixed no relpy from the guy that sold it and open paypal case great guy will never buy from him again and holding up a build in my shop again will people grow up sell good parts or lable them as bad parts ohh yea and on top of every thing elses it was a r32 crank

11-10-2008, 04:47 PM
purchased a gauge from him, great business person, very quick shipping

yea he still hasnt replyed for a refund or to paypal so i would say not so much a good buisnness guy if there is a problem with any thing i sell i offer a refund and i would think he would to seeing he didnt know what he was selling cause he bought it used

Sil-Eighty SE-K
11-10-2008, 04:55 PM
i bought 4 r32 gtr wheels off him.... fast ship good price.....

but nick (v8hunting) is not one to bullshit! so if he says thats what happened to him than thast the truth

11-15-2008, 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by kuroichiyon
Thanks for your interest in my R33 crankshaft. It is clean and has not spun bearings. I was told by a friend(professional enthusiest) that he would have the crank polished before installing it. He said he does it to all cranks before installing them in his engines. Shipping will be $35 to NH.
If you are interested my paypal is [email protected] ([email protected])



this is what he said hmmmmmm okay no spun bearing

I don't know what you expect me to say. I bought a used crank. I sold a used crank without using it myself. You bought a used crank. You had a "guy" check it out and you are telling me that he says it is unusable. I sold it to you with the same understanding that I had when I purchased it. That it was a good used crank. I am sitting here and I don't believe that it is unusable. Therefore I am not going to give you your money back. If you are unhappy with your purchase I am sorry, I am not a business and I am not a professional mechanic. I sold you the crank in good faith, the same good faith that I have purchased many things from forums before with.
If you feel it is necessary to contact your credit card company then that's what you need to do. You should probably let Paypal finish their investigation first though right?


hmmmmm the "guy" that check it out is a perfeconal machine shop
two spun bearings 3 and 4

11-18-2008, 09:06 PM
http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/5/l_997ae264b0f342118f0f04f2a4f79212.jpg (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.editAlbumPhoto&albumID=497207&imageID=8041299)

heres the crank 3 and 4 both have dark spots spun bearings 70 thosands of an inch off