View Full Version : greddy gauge

04-12-2008, 12:06 AM
is anyone running a non machanical Greddy oil pressure gauge ?? what did u wire it up to?? i need help trying to wire it up...i dont know what to hook the wires up to.

04-12-2008, 12:09 AM
non mechanical = electrical.

Sounds like you're missing the 'sender unit'. That's the thing that plugs into your vacuum/temp/pressure source, and wires into the gauge.

04-12-2008, 07:14 AM
i got that installed allready, i have it plugged into my greddy block adapter plate, but i dont know how to wire up the gauge to the power sources, i have a black, white, red and orange...i have never wired up any gauges before...

but i know that...

black is ground
white is parking light source
red is 12V power source
orange is ignition power source

but now what do i plug up the white, red and orange wires up to?

04-12-2008, 08:27 AM
the directions are here

go down the 'meters'


04-12-2008, 09:10 AM
i got that installed allready, i have it plugged into my greddy block adapter plate, but i dont know how to wire up the gauge to the power sources, i have a black, white, red and orange...i have never wired up any gauges before...

but i know that...

black is ground
white is parking light source
red is 12V power source
orange is ignition power source

but now what do i plug up the white, red and orange wires up to?

i somehow don't get your problem...but if you're looking for sources to wire those cables to, then:

ground = chassis
parking light source = i used the ashtray light
12V + ignition = i guess you can take those off your radio power supply.

04-12-2008, 09:38 AM
thats what i dont understand the parking light source...whats that all about?? and my ashtray light doesnt work haha

04-12-2008, 10:21 AM
its so the gauge light turns on once you turn on the parking lights. i guess you could wire it up to the driving lights as well but then it wouldn't light up when your cluster lights up.