View Full Version : PPL w/ stretched ears

04-11-2008, 12:09 PM
wut size are your ears and how do you plan on closing them.....

i was at 7/16's then started working for Toyota and now they closed to about a 6......they wont go any further.....
have you guys heard of any ways to close them up?:bow:

only good pic but these are double zero's........

04-11-2008, 12:37 PM
currently 1 inch and STOPPING


as of right now its pretty much "dont know, dont care"

there was a guy who posted in the tattoo and piercing thread that he had his ears cut and sewn for about $600, but that was a "hookup" price through a family friend

i figure, ill just be the old guy with the saggy ears to match his saggy balls :keke:

04-11-2008, 12:43 PM
yeah i have heard of people cutting them and sewing....
my friends worked for a vets office and thats what he did he scratched the inside up and sewed them up.....
but now they have the shape of footballs and look like a person's as$

04-11-2008, 12:45 PM
dude your ear is bleeding all over your shirt!

04-11-2008, 12:46 PM

04-11-2008, 12:57 PM
nah, thats just rag. lol

04-11-2008, 01:00 PM
yeah, that was the day after i put those double flares in, i had rotated the plug when i wasnt supposed to and....blood

04-11-2008, 01:03 PM
I like Duffs ear holes... give me something to grab while..... nevermmind

04-11-2008, 01:03 PM
i had like 00 or one size bigger (cant remember exactly), but they were big enough for tunnels.

they closed up all the way. i have little indent in my left because i had had it pierced way longer than the right, you cant even tell i ever had my right ear pierced/stretched

04-11-2008, 01:06 PM
i had like 00 or one size bigger (cant remember exactly), but they were big enough for tunnels.

they closed up all the way. i have little indent in my left because i had had it pierced way longer than the right, you cant even tell i ever had my right ear pierced/stretched

after 00 it's 7/16....thats what i had and they wont close all the way
that's :bs:

04-11-2008, 01:09 PM
after 00 it's 7/16....thats what i had and they wont close all the way
that's :bs

it is probably mostly because my ears never fully healed. i went from a standard post (18g?) to a 00 in t-minus 2 seconds with a tapered half moon thing and some neosporin for lube lol. i just kept them in until they stopped bleeding and then put some tunnels in. i kept them in there for maybe 2 or 3 weeks and then took them out. havent worn anything in my ears since. probably the stupidest thing i could have done, but i didnt care.

04-11-2008, 01:13 PM
reconstructive surgery will be your friend in this case. DONT JUST SCUFF UP THE INSIDES AND SEW THEM UP! like ^^dude^^ said it will look like a football+ass.

when i go in for "big interviews" the person interviewing me always asks me about my ears and i tell them its a religious thing(i totally plagarize from this site http://www.partywatch.co.za/2007/11/07/this-is-the-newest-post/) and they shut up pretty quick. the tattoo's dont usually get many questions though...

04-11-2008, 01:22 PM
i had mine in for a year and kept letting them close, cuz the plugs would fall out over night and the wholes would close in a matter of hours.........
now i have this weird lump in the back of one ear......it looks like a stretched anal hole lol.......its kinda grose.......but who looks at the back of people ears.?

04-11-2008, 03:02 PM
vitamin e oil

04-11-2008, 04:11 PM
im not stretched to the extreme, but i am at a 2g and have been for about 2 years. never really wanted to go any bigger since it still can look normal once i take it out.

i always wondered what people were planning on doing with the big plugs.
when your at the huge sizes, do you guys take them out at all? or anything? someone post a picture of your ears without them in. i wanna see.

04-11-2008, 04:18 PM
wut size are your ears and how do you plan on closing them.....

i was at 7/16's then started working for Toyota and now they closed to about a 6......they wont go any further.....
have you guys heard of any ways to close them up?:bow:







sorry i just couldn't help that

I guess now you've learned to think twice about making semi-permanent decisions........ vitamin e isn't going to do shit, it barely works on stretch marks so to think that vitamin e would magically make your ear look like it used to....

anyway, good luck with your shitty shituation

04-11-2008, 04:26 PM
:keke: ew smelly ears..

i was at 5/8, untill i joined the army...its been like 4 years since, and now it looks like 2 big slits on my lobes, i can probablly still throw some 2 or 4 gauges on. ...kinda like setting a bead for a rim hehe good times..

04-11-2008, 04:27 PM
currently 1 inch and STOPPING


I thought that was part of the shirt.

Bad ass blood splatter pattern haha.

04-11-2008, 04:37 PM
i always wondered what people were planning on doing with the big plugs.
when your at the huge sizes, do you guys take them out at all? or anything? someone post a picture of your ears without them in. i wanna see.

i wear a different set of plugs to sleep that arent as "bulky"/heavy then when i wake up i wash my ears and slip in my nicer plugs...but here's a pic i took right now of my plug outta my ear








:ugh: how is that a "pwned" picture? he's showing his plugs

04-11-2008, 04:41 PM
how is that a "pwned" picture? he's showing his plugs

I think cause he's saying he needs to close up his holes he's owned. Not the picture. Does insurance cover the procedure used to close em?

04-11-2008, 04:48 PM
I'm currently at 0 but I had mine close when I originally stretched to 2 from 4.. the plugs i was going to put in had huge ass flares and wouldn't fit after i tapered up, well, I let them heal back to a size 10 and had to slowly go back up.

Anyways, try using a taper that's a size bigger and then putting in smaller jewlery, you should be able to get the holes smaller. Tapering up causes microtears which will need to heal... of course.. for most people, 00 is the point of no return and you may just be SOL.

04-11-2008, 05:27 PM
after 00 it's 7/16....thats what i had and they wont close all the way
that's :bs:


moving on...you have some kick ass insurance if they're all "hellz yeah! lets get them ears fixed!" most insurance doesnt cover lasic eye surgery anymore because they've classified it as "cosmetic"

and i will say this, stretched ears are/were a sign of wisdom. i take pride in mine.

if someone doesnt want to hire me because i have ink/gauges then i'd rather not work for them, its that simple.

and im going to throw this out there as well. i have completed my apprenticeship in piercing and im 80% through with my tattooing apprenticeship, so if theres something you want to ask, or need clarified et c. just pm me. it'll be like you're helping me study!

quick edit: if you need your ears to look normal, but think gauges are super rad, GET SOME FLESH TONED PLUGS.

04-11-2008, 05:35 PM

if someone doesnt want to hire me because i have ink/gauges then i'd rather not work for them, its that simple.

righttttttttttt.... so say aftear reading your resume and application you turned in for ernst and young, management decides to seriously consider you for a highly esteemed position. They then interview you in person and find that your physical appearance does not fit in their company culture and you lose your chance to earn say 100 grand a year (starting pay is usually around 40+ grand a year at ernst and young and just to be considered you need approx 3.5gpa).

Now, working for a company like Ernst & Young means prestige and big bucks, would you seriously rather not work for them because you have ink/gauges and they don't like that??? I don't have a problem with your preference, just with your logic.


I said PWNED because his ears are stretched and now he can't go back. Stretching your ears is one of those things you should make sure you really want to do because nothing will ever heal the same. Especially when you do something like that

04-11-2008, 06:03 PM
I don't have a problem with your preference, just with your logic.

yeah dude no worries, i can understand how my logic seems flawed, but alot of my thought process has to do with the way i was raised and the way i live now.

i am a minimalist by nature. money is nice, but its not necessary. i have no problems getting by and things are def. gonna pick up when i get a license to ink. i simply dont tolerate people who judge me based on my appearance. i have excellent people skills (i even learned how to turn them on/off!!) and had i decided to graduate from my dad's shitty idea of a school, i would've been @ the top of my class.

but, in this world, being polite, smart, and speaking well isnt enough. to get by you have to look the part. and i simply dont agree with it when someone will preach tolerance to my face and say i look like a junkie when my back is turned (true story). the world is biased, and life is unfair, i decided to say "fuck it" and make the system work for me. (which is why i started to pierce/ink in the first place)

and ill leave you with this: judge judy damn near has a body suit inked up under those sexy judicial robes. (im not kidding)

04-11-2008, 06:25 PM
I had about 2 00's on my lobe, 2 0's, and a 2g. it's been eleven yrs since I took the jewelry out. the 00's never closed up entirely, but look like a tiny slit. I can still poke a 6-8g piece through, but don't intend on doing so. 2g's seems to have closed up but there's a slight mark.

I also did my conch (middle inside of ear, cartilage) to a 00. it's now the size of 0 or so after about 8 yrs or so. cartilage doesn't heal as well. my old piercing, when I wanted it to look subtle was a glass plug. otherwise I had buffalo claws. ppl rarely noticed it, and even when they did, they thought it was a hearing aid.

I also stretched out my septum (nose ring in the middle) to a 00 once, and its about 2g now. again, it's not noticeable at all with nothing in there.

Back then I liked piercings, but knew for sure I would also get bored of it eventually (which i did). i'm glad I didn't go all out.

04-11-2008, 08:57 PM
I have a 14g in my left ear... My right one filled in when I was trying to put the 14g in it so I left it out... I want to go up to a 2 and stop... I hear anything up to a 00 will fill in naturally.

04-12-2008, 01:21 AM
I hear anything up to a 00 will fill in naturally.

everybody heals differently then others, i have 14 gauge snake bites that i took out over a year ago, and the holes STILL havnt closed, i got a friend who went to 1/2inch gauges and his ears closed completely, you cant even tell he ever had his ears gauged...

so dont always go by what you hear

04-12-2008, 01:26 AM
everybody heals differently then others, i have 14 gauge snake bites that i took out over a year ago, and the holes STILL havnt closed,

I had 12g and I still have a hole. Oh well, so it goes.

04-12-2008, 01:29 AM
yeah dude no worries, i can understand how my logic seems flawed, but alot of my thought process has to do with the way i was raised and the way i live now.

i am a minimalist by nature. money is nice, but its not necessary. i have no problems getting by and things are def. gonna pick up when i get a license to ink. i simply dont tolerate people who judge me based on my appearance. i have excellent people skills (i even learned how to turn them on/off!!) and had i decided to graduate from my dad's shitty idea of a school, i would've been @ the top of my class.

but, in this world, being polite, smart, and speaking well isnt enough. to get by you have to look the part. and i simply dont agree with it when someone will preach tolerance to my face and say i look like a junkie when my back is turned (true story). the world is biased, and life is unfair, i decided to say "fuck it" and make the system work for me. (which is why i started to pierce/ink in the first place)

and ill leave you with this: judge judy damn near has a body suit inked up under those sexy judicial robes. (im not kidding)

it's a good trait to learn how to difuse a heated situation. i thought you were going to get all defensive about my opinion but surprisingly you didn't. obviously, you seem to be one of the more intelligent people on zilvia.

04-13-2008, 12:52 AM
i agree it does kind of look bad or weird but like tattoo's and men bleaching/dying hair..... it's becoming alot more accepted in society....
i got the job and i am not worried about my ears.
i just wanted to know if anyone has closed them up since i have heard of no other way to close them.........

everyone does heal differently cuz we all have different skin. my ears look indented.......

the other ears looks gross from behind, it has a lip to it........i think i hurt my ear when i used a plug to go from a 00 to 7/16 and either i stretched the skin back or the skin tried to grow over my ear....idk maye i'll post a pic but i know what everyone is gonna say..."that $hit is nasty!!!"

04-13-2008, 12:56 AM
at least its not cauliflower ear...

04-13-2008, 01:03 AM
at least its not cauliflower ear...
hahaha funny cuz my ear has a bubble in front idk it looks weird.

04-18-2008, 12:49 AM
Biggest i've been: 5/8"
Currently: 7/16"
Plans: Stay 7/16" till some time in May...then slowly stretch back to 5/8...wait a little...then 3/4"

04-18-2008, 12:59 AM
I had an old friend that had some plugs, they smelled like shit! What causes that smell?

04-18-2008, 01:00 AM
being a nasty ass and not washing your ears

04-18-2008, 01:29 AM
yuck, ya they smelled so bad... like...gag reflex bad.

04-18-2008, 01:35 AM
using a natural porous material will keep them from stinking as well. bamboo (personal favorite) or bone or wood. its like toejam in ur earhole. moisture and dead skin paste with bacteria for that extra kick.

one thing if you use bamboo. its really hard to go back to using store-bought stuff because when you use it, you throw out all hope of ever having super correct measured holes. for instance you wouldnt say "yeah, its 00" you would say "somewhere around 00, probably bigger"

04-18-2008, 02:25 AM
i pop my double zeros in on the weekends, it hurts for a minute but by sunday night they feel like they are gonna fall out.

I think i may go bigger soon.

04-18-2008, 03:03 AM
Silicone doesn't really smell...

I control the smell by showering and oil rubdowns daily at least once.

04-18-2008, 03:13 AM
I had a ear ring once...shit was sick. 15 years ago.
smelly ears? eeewwww any puss?
you girl starts kissing your neck til she gets to ya ear then
baby , whats up?
you sick today?!
yea hun was bad food!!!! , i gotta go...
never looks back...

is there a reason? you would do this?

04-18-2008, 03:17 AM
roflmao, I had mine to 5/8" and they closed up to about a 6 gauge. Had my tongue at 2 gauge for awhile 2, and 6 gauge in the top cartilage. I also pierced my own nipple. My never smelled funny or bad, lol. Thats some pretty sick stuff there. Washing is good.

04-18-2008, 03:23 AM
is there a reason? you would do this?

To give stupid people who think their opinions are fact something to talk about. :wiggle:

And my ears don't smell really. And if they smell I have to take out my earring and basically shove it up my nose to just get a hint of it. Mine smell like cottage cheese. Skin cells die. Death causes smelliness.

04-18-2008, 09:20 AM
I have cauliflower ears and a 6 guage, I think its 6. luckily my cauli is only on one side and has not come outside of my ear like some guys get, ill post a picture in a minute.

that was when I got home from work the next day

this is after I drained like 1/10 of a cc outta it.

now I wear my high school headgear haha

04-18-2008, 10:36 AM
mmm headgear

04-18-2008, 10:52 AM
Take care of your ears

You only have 1 pair

04-18-2008, 12:38 PM
shit yeah, headgears is the best, slide right outta triangles.