View Full Version : Depression sets in...

04-10-2008, 11:45 PM
A thought creeped into my mind today, that kind of made me sad. I'm almost 30, being that today, I turned 28. I am still into cars/bikes, as much as I was when I was 17 (which was when I got my license), but when are you too old to be in? That and all these other thoughts are just swimming around, like sharks in my head. Things like, what job am I going to get to ensure a good future, girls/girlfriends (which I haven't had in years). I'm at a point in my life, where I just don't know what to do with myself... Living on an island doesn't help much, either. The most driving I can do is around the island. Maybe I need a vacation, away from here. Japan sounds nice. Flame away.

04-10-2008, 11:51 PM
but when are you too old to be in?.


fuck women.

keep your priorities straight.



advise from somebody nine years younger than you.

ps. a vacation sounds nice though. although i love hawaii (me and every other Japanese person in the world.

04-10-2008, 11:51 PM
Want some xany bars?

Hit up some vacation time and get your priorities straight. A good day spent in the grass, looking up at the sky can do wonders, clear your head brother.

Oh, and if their are absolutely no girls in your life at the moment. GET LAID.

04-10-2008, 11:52 PM

dont think!!!...FEEEEL

04-10-2008, 11:55 PM
too early for midlife crisis buddy

04-10-2008, 11:57 PM
Come on those muscle car guys don't seem to hang up the keys to their cars at a certain age.... In fact i think they just spend more the older they get as they have run out of things to do.

Just imagine years from now there will be a bunch old guys with nothing better to do than build S chassis or other random imports. It will be weird and funny.

04-11-2008, 12:03 AM
fuck women.


Fuck women.

04-11-2008, 12:04 AM
dude, you live in frickin HAWAII!

i've had the same ideas. until i meet friends who are well into their 30's and 40's that are still into cars/bikes/cartoons/videogames/single/career, etc. then i don't feel so bad. so, think of someone in your life who's older and in the same situation, if not worse and you'll feel better, sounds fucked up but its true. that's life for ya.

...seriously, HAWAII, i always thought people there are always chill and relaxed without a worry in the world.

04-11-2008, 12:09 AM

A lot of those dudes are like 30's, 40's, 50's and still wrenching on their cars like they were when they got one brand new back in the 70s! Inspiring, really...

04-11-2008, 12:16 AM
your never too old for cars
You dont need a girlfreind, you need a freind for your little jhonny. You think your bummed now... get emotionally involved.
Just work for the govt. Its hawaii. Eat doughnuts, look into holes, and wave traffic on! Best job ever

04-11-2008, 12:17 AM
I was at that point in life a few years back, so I moved out of state and went back to school (after 6 years of fucking around). Now I could honestly say that I'm happy even though I'm broke, I haven't play with my car for months (don't really care to either). Good luck man, sometime getting away for a while does help.

04-11-2008, 12:17 AM
PROOF....Our Hero!!!

04-11-2008, 12:18 AM
Smoke some herb and go fucking surfing.
Realize how lucky you are to live on a beach.

04-11-2008, 12:19 AM
And like how old is Nomuken?????
Still monkeying around and he has a family!

04-11-2008, 12:21 AM
Yeah, Nomuken's 42, 43?

Yashio Factory's Oka-chan is 50 something and he competes in D1GP and works on cars.

Don't even have to mention Inada Daijiro and what he's accomplished.


I'd start worrying at 38.

I think you still have a lot of time to settle and start a family.

04-11-2008, 12:48 AM
for real yo. women fuck your shit up. get laid just to keep a smile on your face, smoke some of that primo hawaiin shit (dont act like you dont know) and be happy with life. (you've survived this long, take a gotdamn break)

im all for advancements in technology and medicine and shit, but i think constantly striving for the newest best thing to ever exist puts too much strain on our under-evolved brains. we all need a breather man, i

m 23 have a kid and shit so i've got a good feel for what stress is. know what i do when it gets to be too much? i pack up a tent and go camping for a day or 2. best. shit. evar.

so here's what you do: (assuming you already have your education out of the way)
1.take care of all your automotive shit
2.take care of your housing shit.
(1 & 2 can be done in either order)

3.having a woman constantly beside you is kinda nice, but highly over-rated (everyone who is single wants to be involved, everyone who is involved wants to be single) so worry about that shit way later

4. kids are cool,(when they're your own) but they also suck hardcore. dont have a kid till you're @ least 40

04-11-2008, 12:54 AM
1. fuck women...all of them...on the island you have a fresh batch every few hours baby...
I have a buddy who does kayak tours...bangs a new broad once a week...
lol...no joke....kids a pimp...not hard when your a tanned up "local" ladies love it up...

2. future...dont plan to hard bro...alot of people live there life to retire....8 percent life that long to enjoy it...the rest wasted there lifes trying to retire...live each day like a dream...you can do it... your in hawaii!
go to kaui! sit on a my top...smoke the brighest neon bud you can find...and chill...

I am 30 myself...and still act like I am 6 ...I have 7 toy cars...yeah I know!
Live it up brudda!

04-11-2008, 12:54 AM
You're 28 and having these thoughts? :rofl:

Dude Norm (usdm180sx) is living proof that it doesn't matter what age you are you can always have a big boy's toy in the garage. I mean hell, he's like what 70 now? :rofl: Just messin' Norm :keke:

04-11-2008, 04:01 AM
dont have a kid till you're @ least 40

I would not recommend that the mother of this kid also be over 40, unless you want a kid with Down Syndrome.

I think camping is a good idea. Just get away from the day to day stuff and relax, let your mind wander. You live in Hawaii! I know it gets old after a while, but still. Imagine the anger I felt every day we had single digit temps up here in Chicago, and you'll feel better about your life. Playing with cars isn't something you should feel obligated to grow out of. Shoot, I won't have a real income until I'm older than you, and I definitely plan to squander some of it on various automobiles and related shenanigans.

04-11-2008, 04:26 AM
Damn, not everyone on Zilvia is an :mrmeph: :keke:
But, on the serious tip, thanks for all the advice. A lot of peeps are telling me to smoke buds, although in Hawaii we do have the best chronic (no competition). I don't smoke, and I haven't for years. I do admit, that I roll once in a while, and I might just want to soon. (If I have to explain what rolling is, you don't need to know.) When I started out in the scene, everyone was sooooooo into it. All my friends, etc. Then, a few years down, people started dropping like flies. The building cars fire in me, hasn't died down like theirs. I have had thoughts about selling my S, when times were hard, and I didn't have money for parts (which I still don't, so donate to my paypal if you want :bigok: ) I could never do it though. I have never completed a car before, and my 240 will be the one. I just want to be able to look at it one day, and say "It was fucking worth every penny, tears, sweat that I put into it". It's just hard paying bills, and trying to build a car. I will make a build thread, when I can afford a digi cam, so check it out, and let me know what you guys think. For all you guys saying "You live in Hawaii, blah, blah, blah", it's gets played out real quick. In Hawaii, everything is so expensive, you don't really get to enjoy your surroundings. Although I heard that Japan is way worse, so where i'm at isn't that bad. The other thing that sucks is that i'm legally blind, so without my contacts, I can't see shit. That's why I no longer swim at beaches. Might pet a shark, not knowing better. We should do an exchange program: I go to Japan, and someone can come to Hawaii!!! Let me know if anyone is down. :keke:

04-11-2008, 04:36 AM
Dude Im 25 and Im single just from the night before, Im nowhere going to think about regret about anything in life but sould have done more girls.LOL Live life and find a girl thats going to except you.Thats what think.

04-11-2008, 04:37 AM
Sorta in the same situation as yourself, but i'm 30. don't really mind being in cars really. it's a cool hobby with a lot of diversity and depth. you can learn a lot, which can be applied to other disciplines and towards a career if that what you want. On the other hand, I do think it's a bit silly to spend all your $$$ on fun parts, live on ramen, and have no life.

The girlfriend thing bugs me too. Not so much worried about tail as I am some sort of intimacy. Haven't had a meaningful relationship in several years. the short flings I've had were a complete waste of time and $. It's getting to be even worse than being single. But then again I've just come to terms that I just might not be the type for that sort of thing. So what? I'd like to think there's more to life anyways. If something comes along, great. If not, no big deal.

The career is also a concern. I have a BA in Pysch which is almost worthless (but somewhat useful since I dropped out of HS). I've been in admin hell for the last 8 yrs. Good thing I'm fed up now, instead of say 10-15yrs later. I don't really have a passion for anything that's practical in terms of earning a living. I just think I'm going to go back to school to study something meaningful and that pays well. Mechanical/aerospace engineering or teaching comes to mind.

Not so sure if vacation is the best way to deal with depression. I used to think similarly. Last yr I went to New Orleans. This yr I went to Prague. I had a good time for sure in both cases, but felt no different soon afterwards. I tried retail therapy too. That only mad things a lot worse. Even decided to get an evo this yr. It's fun and I enjoy it, but having fun and bieng depressed isn't neccesarily mutually exclusive. I think its completely different. drinking didn't help in the long run either.

I think the key is to differentiate between distractions that will lead to further depression, or those that are temporary and make little difference, and those that are really healthy for you.

Not to say distractions arn't good at all, but I think only the constructive ones like finding a new better job, going back to school, hanging out with friends, learning/working on a new skill/art, exercising, etc will lead to more positive things in life you can focus on. easier said than done of course, but you have to try somewhere, or at least that's my opinion.

But anyhow, depression is an interesting subject. Sometimes a lot of it has to do with neuro-chemical imbalance, genetics, as well as the environment. try to work things out by yourself if you can first. If things don't improve or get worse, there's no shame in seeking help.

04-11-2008, 08:05 AM
It gets weird when you get older. I'm about to turn 30 in August. There are some things that I say, "f-it, I'm not growing up". I took some time off to get my priorities straight, got some dogs, found a nice girl, got a house, almost done with my degree now. I think I found the balance I was looking for. I still get to play with cars and video games but I get to do grown up stuff too. Get off the island and see the world. I recommend Costa Rica, remarkable beautiful country. Parts of it are very third world, but it makes you appreciate how nice you have it. Get a dog so you have something else at home to distract you from yourself and thoughts.

04-11-2008, 09:27 AM
go back to school to get higher eduction, in which you will:
1. ensure better job opportunity
2. meet more people
3. find out what direction you would like to go
4. meet some smart chicks
5. screw smart chicks

or just start own your business if you have money, but it is risky.

04-11-2008, 09:41 AM
go back to school to get higher eduction, in which you will:
1. ensure better job opportunity
2. meet more people
3. find out what direction you would like to go
4. meet some smart chicks
5. screw smart chicks

or just start own your business if you have money, but it is risky.

Just needed to add

6. meet some dumb chicks
7. screw them too
8. Driiiiiiiiiiiink

04-11-2008, 09:54 AM
Your too old when you don't enjoy it anymore.

If you're not there, don't worry about it.

Fuck other people.

04-11-2008, 09:59 AM
I feel where your coming from i'm about to be 26 and even i think of things like this.. but i will never leave the scene..

As for career its always good to have more than 1 option lined up i currently work for univision (yes the spanish channel) and this isn't my last stop..keep your resume out there you never know when your dream job will find you..but you gotta hustle and want it..

As for the girl thing well i cant help you with that..but the right girl is probably like your best friends sister or something that was my case lol..

And vacation yea i need one too i'm also going to japan found a deal for 1300 buck airfare and hotel included for 6 nights... take the trip its worth it to leave everything here as soon as you board the plane and leave it here while on vaca...

04-11-2008, 10:09 AM
fuck that. do what you want. if you love cars/bikes then stick with it. you're never too old for anything. fuck what other people think. as long as you're a good person.

04-11-2008, 10:11 AM
I think I'll start worrying when I turn 58

04-11-2008, 10:11 AM
^^^ ditto.......

04-11-2008, 10:24 AM
And like what was mentioned... "xany bars" won't help much in the long run. I'm sure you know it, but when you come down, you'll want another to get you happy again. And really, benzo's sometimes aren't the best things for depression. What with making you careless and often times even more down, you could wind up doing something you wouldn't have the chance to regret. Herb, on the other hand.

Like everyone else has said though, for sure... just be a good person and do what you have to to keep yourself happy.

Another thing to remember, something to humble yourself... think of the people out there that are in a whole lot deeper tub of shit than you are. The Major Depression and Bipolar sufferers who don't really have a reason to be shitty. Since you have a general idea about what freaks you out, you have chance to make it right. Don't take/fall back on meds. They suck ass.

04-11-2008, 10:28 AM
first off...

go to rite aid or any supplimental store with pills...

get some 5htp!! trust me..!

when there is a love .. the spark never dies...

04-11-2008, 10:29 AM
Well I have a different response, take it for what it is, everyone has their views on life, purpose, whatever -- obviously. A little bit of a different response.

Regardless of job I would be married, having a family and still have hobbies (eg; cars). I'm 23 and married for two years, no kids yet but hoping to get some kids soon. My major is computer animation/media, however, to put it short and not have to retell the whole story behind it, I no longer am interested in that and I've reverted back to computer science oriented crap/IT/etc... and I'm into an office job now, IT, all self thought so no education on it but I'm eating through certifications right now.. soo thats what that is job-wise. I even worked at a warehouse, just to show my wife I'm working, regardless, until I could find a better job even though I told my wife its a waste of time (at the time we were in my family's home, now we're renting our own place).

I prefer to be working and not have to have my wife working, paying for her education though and well now she started working a little too, gets almost as much as i do lol which is nice, but honestly I rather be making double and not have to have her work.

I love children so they are definitely on the list of to do things haha, its a work in progress if you know what I mean lol.

From the way I see it, you are lost in life, looking for purpose, where has all the time gone by. Others are offering the typical YO FUCK it MAN YO ITS COOL, answers, but if I'm not mistaken they are not seeing it from the way I see it at least... whether you are 15, or 30, or 40 or 60, you come to think about life more profoundly... life is not about 100k/yr, life is not about driving a ferrari, banging a hundred women you don't know, being a slave to mortage for 20-30 years until you retire and die.

It's fine to have a nice car if you can afford it, it's nice to have a nice house, it's nice to have a 100k/yr job, thats all fine as long as you realize some things in life and dont make these things i nlife, otherwise you're just a drone like every other global citizen of society x, of the planet that we call earth who lives their life according to the feel of the moment, for the instant, for the split second and not for the long term.

I started thinking about life from when I was 12, more deeply. Different things like... where do we come from, where are we going, what is in space, imagining infinity and hitting that limit really striking fear in you, pondering upon the microverse, macroverse, pondering about human nature, studying/learning/readying history, science, cultures, religions, politics, philosophy, people, world issues. Not from school but on my own from books/etc..., from a very young age I looked at life like this.

While in school, in elementary even, but most especially high school ESPECIALLY high school and then ultimately college and post-college, including now... I looked at and look at how other people live their lives, see life, act, behave... whatever.

In high school you see everything that most adults don't see and don't believe as they are goody goods but not really. You'll see drugs, you'll see alcohol, you'll see flirting,fuucking, crazy things, parties, whatever, guys showing off to other guys in front of girls, my dick is bigger than your dick, whether literally or their car or their muscle/body (which now in contrast is a kid body compared to my own adult body lol but still you know, CHECK OUT MY PECS YO, CHECK OUT MY BICEPS YO YO)..

I could beat up every next guy in high school as a. I was always the biggest b. I am a black belt/mixed martial arts (yaya im outta shape now i cant kick shit and need to get back into shape but we're talking back then). But I didn't get involved with that sort of thing. I didn't even have my driving license although I knew how to drive. I didn't bang chicks, nor get drunk nor go to parties to fool around yet I was the average kid still, but a little better in grades, manners, maturity, whatever.

Looking at the atmosphere around me it led me to explore life to try to find my place in it all.

Short story short, I actually became Muslim in 2003. I do believe in God, no one forced me to that, I looked at how people are, I understood why some people are the way they are, the action and reaction of many things. All these things combined. Even my understanding of psychology, sociology led me to Islam. So many different things...

You are one of many of my colleges at work who are in their 30s who THINK I am in my 30s, but find to a surprise that I am 23 and married/etc... Most of them what do they do, they are frickin 30 okay... they are unmarried, fucking around, clubbing, renting some place or some even own a house, kind of unhappy even if they are married... the life style... the lack of understanding of life, the lack of understanding of other people. They feel kind of confused in their life. What am I doing. I was just 20, not too many years ago, what happened, where am I heading. Heck even if you think you can go on like that, when you hit 50, 60, whatever, what then, wait for death, keep drifting lol, sure go ahead but, you get my point.

It is the cultural norm in western societies to pretty much either and/or fuck around until you're mid-30s get some degrees/doctorates/certificates/whatever while you're at it, 'have fun' and then maybe considering 'settling down' aka maybe marrying, then maybe just maybe after a while having some kids, just hustling to get more money and more money and more money, mortage, showing off the house, cars, whatever, retiring, then waiting for the death bed, and then waiting for death itself for that last breath.

It's pretty normal for me to see and hear all the comments from the people here in response. Fuck women, fuck whatever, just do your thing enjoy yourself. Sometimes you need to step back from other people too. No one can really answer you inside, especially not zilvia.net :P I am just giving an alternate insight, I could talk forever and willingly in more detail if you want... but I just don't think taking a vacation to loosen up from stress will help you long-term if you go back to doing whatever you are doing until you are then not 30 but 40 lol.

You need to understand life first, your purpose, and then go from there, drifting is not a purpose in life its a hobby and in some guy's cases a job as thats all they do to earn money haha... but you don't wana end up like the hundreds of every other guy guys that screw around think they are so tip top in their life, golden, 'th3 sh1t' until they have a cane and can't walk no more. Life goes at you so fast. I can't believe that I am in the stage I am at my life and I am 23 only, I am way ahead of the game than alot of 30 year old guys in this society. Job-wise, car-wise, family-wise, whatever, its because I chose not to f around and know my purpose in life, this life is just temporary its not 'live your life to the fullest', 'this is the only life so live it', kinda crap, at least to me its not. It's just a test. I believe in God, and God provides for us all. Can give and take as a test, but mostly just gives and we do not realize it.

We are born powerless to parents, taken care of, then we get a little power in life and we think we are on top of the game, get arrogant whatever, but wow... we hit 50s+ and we start shivering, crumbling, I feel sorry for those who still feel arrogant at that age about life if they have alot. Sooner or later they will lose memory, shake, shiver, need their diapers changed too and my wife is a nurse so yeah... how many people she has at work they use to 'party' in the 70s in las vegas and whatever else, thinking they're the shit, gold, houses, cars, whatever of that time all the bling and now they need DIAPERS man!!!

Maybe some of you were even thinking oh screw that if I'm rich I can do whatever, or something. Well I know a guy who is same age as I, he has THREE girlfriends at the same time and they DONT know about each other, this guy parties, clubs, the whole shabang, has his own business. One of them lol he wants to marry so he'll probably have to dump two of them soon haha. What he is doing is wrong, but none the less, let me tell you for sake of the story... at the same time he has so many hoochies hoes from clubs that he bangs all the time. He has money, houses (S!), business and hoes. He is stressed in his life, he is unhappy in his life. Think again. He thought he is on top of it all, top of the game but thats not life.

You think you want ex number of girls to bang, money to burn, whatever, thats not life man. Life is not about sleeping, eating, working and fucking.

That's what the majority wants you to believe, it's thrown at you left and right in media, music, news, tv, movies, magazines, whatever else, but its a big deception.

If you live life any of these ways you'll be happy in the moment, regret soon after and be unhappy in the long term.

I myself am not a very good Muslim, although I'm struggling to be better... but at least I have a thing or two to say and I hope its good for all.

Like I said having a hobby, a nice car if you can afford it, whatever nothing is wrong with that... but its not life. This is but a test, and the more straight you live this life the better you will come out in this life and in the next. Believe me.

I just had to say what I had to say after seeing some people's comments. I've been around, 4 continents, multiple countries, so many different people, cultures, I am familiar enough with the yo yo crowd too, whatever you want... some people just don't see it this way, but, to put it simply, sooner or later every one of us will learn it whether we be 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or heck even our death bed, what life really is.

All guys/girls go into depression if there is something wrong in their life and if they realize the way they were living was wrong or they made mistakes or wasted so much of their life, so many years of their life, but its never too late to change around.


Speaking of becoming Muslim check this out lol.. Napoleon from Outlawz who became Muslim and his story, some things may seem confusing to some of you people as generally mos tpeople dont even KNOW anything about Islam, that being said hey... check it out, he tells about his life story VERY INTERESTING be patient and listen through no really: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Uqkje02Df0 Did you know Dave Chappelle and his whole family also became Muslim? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZapZMR5Cws

04-11-2008, 10:38 AM
+1 for not sleeping around and then regretting what could come from that too.

04-11-2008, 10:38 AM
Hawaii has a high suicide rate because of being on an island where you can't just "get away". Not trying to be a dick, but just honest. Take a vacation to the mainland and see how you feel. If you actually feel better physically, its probably just your environment. Cars and hobbies have nothing to do with it. They just aren't taking you mind off the underlying cause. Its worth a shot, but not to another island.

Before anybody thinks I'm making this up, I had a friend that felt the same way after 3 people he knew hung themselves. He came back to the mainland and started feeling better. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing..

04-11-2008, 10:46 AM
Hawaii has a high suicide rate because of being on an island where you can't just "get away". Not trying to be a dick, but just honest. Take a vacation to the mainland and see how you feel. If you actually feel better physically, its probably just your environment. Cars and hobbies have nothing to do with it. They just aren't taking you mind off the underlying cause. Its worth a shot, but not to another island.

Before anybody thinks I'm making this up, I had a friend that felt the same way after 3 people he knew hung themselves. He came back to the mainland and started feeling better. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing..

I'm sure that'll make him feel better. lolz

Dirty Habit
04-11-2008, 11:34 AM
Come to Ohio.

For being the "Heartbeat of America", this place is DEAD as fuck.

Your life will never look so good.

04-11-2008, 11:38 AM
Don't let any woman get the best of you. They are evil and make you more depressed. Just make your dick happy while your still young. Cars will always make you happy.

04-11-2008, 12:32 PM
Please if your depressed go seek help. my aunt killed herself 2 weeks ago and battled depression for many years. its been a horrible time in my life and i wouldnt want anyone else to have to deal with this.

04-11-2008, 12:40 PM

Took this pic down in Key West.

Pretty spot on from where I am now.

I'm still young and so are you.

Just live your life a 1/4 mile, errr, as it comes.

04-11-2008, 01:31 PM
although i'm only 21 yrs old, i kinda get those feelings every once in a while... right now i feel like my life has come to a stop...nothing really happens that helps me to carry on. over winter my car build was keeping me going but i'm afraid that once the car is back on the road, my life will be the same every day. same old boring, not-so-well-paid job, friends that don't have time for me, and parents who wouldn't want anything more than to kick me out from home.

i don't have a GF atm, sometimes i wish i'd have one, sometimes i'm glad that i dont. sleeping around is not really my thing and besides, i dont think that it would help in dealing with those problems...

so i can understand you, but unfortunately, can't really give you an advice (i actually hope to find some here in this thread)

04-11-2008, 06:01 PM
I also forgot to mention, that i'm bi-polar. But then again, who isn't? Everyone has their good/bad days. For me, it's just a little more extreme. Although I have to say this: When I go home, and see my cats, everything is better. On the other hand, when I go home and see my dogs, everything sucks. I hate dogs. Can't stand them. I don't think I need help, I just need a purpose. I know I will find my calling, question is, when? I'll just continue building cars, and living life one day at a time. Whatever happens, happens. I know that's not the best attitude, or decision, but it works for me.

04-11-2008, 06:17 PM
Just live your life one day at a time.
The more you stop and contemplate things the more they get to you.
(at least that is how I am)
Find out what makes you happy and stick with it.
If you feel like you need something new/different in your life than by all means find out what that new/different addition needs to be in order for you to be happy.

You're young and have plenty of time left.
Enjoy every minute of it.
Don't get discouraged :)

04-11-2008, 07:22 PM
Another thing I wanted to mention, is that i'm not going to kill myself. I love my mom, way too much, to put her through something of that nature. Just thought i'd throw that out, since several peeps have mentioned suicide.

04-11-2008, 08:08 PM
I also forgot to mention, that i'm bi-polar. But then again, who isn't? Everyone has their good/bad days. For me, it's just a little more extreme. Although I have to say this: When I go home, and see my cats, everything is better. On the other hand, when I go home and see my dogs, everything sucks. I hate dogs. Can't stand them. I don't think I need help, I just need a purpose. I know I will find my calling, question is, when? I'll just continue building cars, and living life one day at a time. Whatever happens, happens. I know that's not the best attitude, or decision, but it works for me.

that is why i said you should go back to school and find out what is your purpose. at least you are temporary feel secure about your future, expanding your personal network and been productive. i think if you continue doing what you are doing now, you are just barrier yourself away from opportunities.

04-11-2008, 08:56 PM
that is why i said you should go back to school and find out what is your purpose. at least you are temporary feel secure about your future, expanding your personal network and been productive. i think if you continue doing what you are doing now, you are just barrier yourself away from opportunities.

Well, next year i'm going to try and apply for the police department. A job like that, will make me feel good about what i'm doing. Which in turn, will lead to a better attitude, and outlook. I've wanted to be a police officer for a while now, it's just going to be weird, being on the other side of the law. Maybe, they will let me use my 13 as a patrol car. :x:

04-11-2008, 11:39 PM
I was at that point in life a few years back, so I moved out of state and went back to school (after 6 years of fucking around). Now I could honestly say that I'm happy even though I'm broke, I haven't play with my car for months (don't really care to either). Good luck man, sometime getting away for a while does help.

same here man, i've been messing around for 6 years and i'm finally going back to school. it's crazy! time waits for nobody.

04-11-2008, 11:47 PM
Well, next year i'm going to try and apply for the police department. A job like that, will make me feel good about what i'm doing. Which in turn, will lead to a better attitude, and outlook. I've wanted to be a police officer for a while now, it's just going to be weird, being on the other side of the law. Maybe, they will let me use my 13 as a patrol car. :x:

do you have BA or BS degree? what about going for FBI or CIA? so you can make polices your bitch

04-12-2008, 02:38 AM
do you have BA or BS degree? what about going for FBI or CIA? so you can make polices your bitch

With my record, I have no chance with either.

04-12-2008, 03:36 AM
I'm 20 and I feel old. =(

04-12-2008, 12:59 PM
I also forgot to mention, that i'm bi-polar. But then again, who isn't?

Are you bipolar? As in, been to the doc and got slapped with the medicine stick? Or do you feel that you may be bipolar just by self-diagnosis? I wouldn't dare ask something like that, but the "who isn't" thing really threw me off. If you are, you know DAMN well that everyone isn't. Even from time to time.

If you are/were on meds... did you quit taking them? Err... PM if you don't wanna respond to something in front of people and shit.

04-12-2008, 01:27 PM
How much is rent in hawaii?

Dude I would love to just chill on the beach everyday.

Wake up, work, chill out somewhere. Plus hawaiian chicks are pretty damn hot :)

04-12-2008, 03:46 PM
you dont need to get married or have a gf to be happy man.

all a man needs to do in life is have a job, pay bills, take care of the house/apartment.

you can do what you want when you want. go out and have fun man.

Mi Beardo es Loco
04-12-2008, 05:15 PM
don't worry about the whole age thing. If you were really concerned with the car, money, and woman issue then I would suggest you really bare down and focus on a career. Maybe go take a couple college classes in management or something useful. You could have a passion for cars but put that off for a while. Try to scrounge up enough money for a down payment for a house/property and better your life.

I know EVERYTHING is expensive in HH but if you get your money situation together everything else will fall into place. Cali had a hell of a market peak and I was living in my car for a little while. I've now got a awesome place, about to buy my first house and plan on buying a fixing properties for investment purposes almost immediately after I move in.

I think it was Confucius who said:
The next time you're having a bad day remember this
You're a Siamese twin
Your brother, attached to your shoulder, is gay
You're not
He has a date coming over tonight
You only have one ass

He was a very wise man :)

04-12-2008, 10:43 PM
I didn't read everything in this thread but, no you're never too old. Muscle car guys tinker with the cars they grew up with. We grew up with these cars and thats why we like it.

There's like 80 year old people into Formula One, the fascination and enjoyment that we have with cars and motorsports doesn't belong to one age group.

The only time I thought someone was "too old" was when you can tell they're trying to impress the younger guys. The ones that mod their cars tastefullly for themselves never come across like that. Don't mod your cars to impress the younger guys.

Do things you are passionate about. Dedicate your time and effort into that.

As far as women, if you want a gf you have to get out there and try and meet some new girls, they're not gonna fall out of the sky and into your lap (that'd be sweet, huh?). There's lots of single girls your age. Just don't rush into marriage or "settle" for someone.

If there's something you want to do or accomplish, go for it. I know its cliche, but its never too late. Its better late than never and always remember there are others in a worse position than you so enjoy yourself.

Definitely take a vacation, 2 weeks atleast. Sometimes you have to step back, meditate, analyze, and then execute.

Dirty Habit
04-13-2008, 09:16 AM

Hows the 78 and sunny treating you. :mrmeph:

04-13-2008, 12:23 PM
who is the asshole left negative rep for me and left the comment
"boo, scumbags of the earth agencies" ?

Dirty Habit
04-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Lol. Thats nuts.

04-13-2008, 12:42 PM
dude... my old boss is into cars... he's still modding and racing the track... he's 65... he used to drive around the job site like it was an indy track.. you never have to grow up man... hold on to the dream...

04-14-2008, 05:20 AM
Are you bipolar? As in, been to the doc and got slapped with the medicine stick? Or do you feel that you may be bipolar just by self-diagnosis? I wouldn't dare ask something like that, but the "who isn't" thing really threw me off. If you are, you know DAMN well that everyone isn't. Even from time to time.

If you are/were on meds... did you quit taking them? Err... PM if you don't wanna respond to something in front of people and shit.

I was on meds for a little while. Didn't even help. Made me feel nauseous, and shit. Didn't get happy. I'm just saying, that everyone is bipolar, on different levels. For some, you need meds, and counseling. For others, it's nothing abnormal, and you don't need help. It's been a few days, and I feel a little better about things. Ordering a lot of parts for my car, (paying out of my ass), but i'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

P.S. I love snow.

04-14-2008, 07:34 AM
I'm 28, turning 29 this year. I've gone through some big changes since I started feeling like you a little over a year ago when I was 27. Here's some info/advice I hope you find useful.

On the subject of females; I almost lost interest in dating until recently. See I had my gf of 7.5 years dump me when I proposed circa 2005. Since then, I admit I had been less than enthusiastic about the whole dating/marriage thing. I've had a couple relationships since then with my most recent one ending when I found out she was seeing someone else (on valentines day too haha). Yay. What I've come to realize is that I've been dating the wrong people. They were all simply the first ones to talk to me and show interest while I was single - a time when most of us are feeling lonely and are seeking (whether we realize it or not) acceptance and reassurance. Now that I understand those concepts, I'm much more confident around females b/c I KNOW that they're not all right for me and that THEY have to meet MY standards before I lend them a piece of my heart. So far, this has helped me get laid a lot while not having to worry about committing to the wrong people. I haven't met Mrs Wonderful yet but I don't care either. I'm focused on getting my degrees while saving some money to travel - so far I have enough to travel for a about a month (alone, comfortably), something the ole' ball and chain will generally frown upon.

On setting goals; I'm working on a BS in Intl Business and another in Marketing. This is because I got sick of my field of study and my previous major. IT world is not for me and my boring day job keeps me from enjoying most of my days.

On cars; I've never felt like I was too old to mess with cars although I'm beginning to feel like I've outgrown 240's. I'm a Nissan boy so the next obvious choice is 350z. Either way, there's no cap on ages and messing with cars...not in my book anyway. And if anyone has something to say about that, to hell with them b/c this hobby makes me happy. :)

On drugs; rolling or smoking herb to feel better will only set you back in the long run. If you don't learn to cope and feel with things sober, you can end up on a path that only leads to future problems and possibly addiction. I'm not trying to be mr xXx b/c I'm not that guy at all, but you are asking about depression and mentioned drugs so there's my POV. I don't drink and I feel like we all need a release here and there so I'm not usually opposed to a celebratory bowl. Just don't do it all the time.

A few changes I made in my life helped overcome depression and even make me excited about the future.

1. Go to the gym and eat healthier. As cliché as that advice sounds, I can honestly say it has affected my life positively more than anything else. Until i changed my diet and realized mine was shit, I used to deal with hypoglycemic states and a general lack of energy - both of which lead to feelings of depression. I'm not trying to be a body builder or anything...just healthier and happier. Sodas, greasy/fatty foods, sitting around all day all = lethargic/tired states which are proven to trigger depression.

2. Set tangible goals. Having a goal like "i want to lose weight" is good and grand but gives you nothing tangible to strive for. My goals when I started this whole ordeal were tangible, solid goals (eg; quick smoking, get a degree in intl buss, run a mile in under 8 mins). They give you something real to strive for which tends to work out better than arbitrary goals - again, this is proven.

3. Don't expect instant gratification. This is important. Its highly unlikely that you'll accomplish everything you want on the first shot or even the 2nd. You will more than likely stumble and fall over a few times before accomplishing what you desire. That's OK though. Failure is a part of the learning process. Just pick up the pieces, modify your approach, and try try try again. In the end, you'll feel more accomplished about everything in life with this attitude.

steve shadows
04-14-2008, 09:43 AM
fuck women.

literally and your ego will be fine.

men are appreciating investments, so don't worry

you will just get more attractive with age, set some high goals, and go for it.

04-14-2008, 10:29 AM
first off...

go to rite aid or any supplimental store with pills...

get some 5htp!! trust me..!


I started taking those recently. This last 5 years I seriously lost interest in just about anything I was passionate and competitive about. Even my relationships, I just didn't care about anything anymore. Lots of anxiety too. Started that 5htp supplement and I do notice an improvement in my mood and attitude. I've been a lot more positive lately and have more clarity. Hard to explain but it is like someone turned the volume down on the noisy room in my head. Give it a try, if it doesn't work your problem is more serious and you should see a doctor.

My vote is still for getting the hell off that island for a while.

300hp owen
04-14-2008, 10:40 AM
dude stop worrying.
I had the same ideas in my head at almost 30 yrs old.
now @ almost 35, I have a great wife, a house w/ a 2 car garage and an STI out front with an LS1rx7 inside. I dont have as much time to race or go to meets but I still love cars and modding as much as ever. I was lucky enough to NOT marry the gf I had for a few years and then I met the right girl for me and life is damn good.

no need to bail on one of your lifelong loves (cars!) in order to feel more grown up. just be more grown up (repsonsible) in how you practice your love of cars.

haha, the big 3-0 can be a hard b-day for a lot of people, it was really weird for me as I saw my social life dwindle down to not so many true friends, everyone was busy with their own family (newlyweds), new kids, new houses, busy with work and too tired to go out, etc.

04-14-2008, 10:57 AM
^I already have that happening to me. Almost all my old friends have moved, started families, or are otherwise too busy to "be friends." All my friends now are in some way shape or form a result of drifting...and I'm starting to feel like that old guy in the group lol. I dont really care though - can't fight the clock!

04-14-2008, 10:59 AM
I think I'll start worrying when I turn 58

soooo next year :eek3d: :D

04-14-2008, 11:10 AM
^I already have that happening to me. Almost all my old friends have moved, started families, or are otherwise too busy to "be friends." All my friends now are in some way shape or form a result of drifting...and I'm starting to feel like that old guy in the group lol. I dont really care though - can't fight the clock!

I swear most of my friends are from the car hobby now. I've dropped off the earth with my hockey buddies. I haven't played competitively in years. I'm getting the itch again to play but I need to drop at least 80Lbs.

04-14-2008, 12:08 PM
I started taking those recently. This last 5 years I seriously lost interest in just about anything I was passionate and competitive about. Even my relationships, I just didn't care about anything anymore. Lots of anxiety too. Started that 5htp supplement and I do notice an improvement in my mood and attitude. I've been a lot more positive lately and have more clarity. Hard to explain but it is like someone turned the volume down on the noisy room in my head. Give it a try, if it doesn't work your problem is more serious and you should see a doctor.

My vote is still for getting the hell off that island for a while.
+1 yep.. location and vibes is what sets it for you... no joke.. get out of that island..

you need to boost your serotonin levels.. change your diet that increases it

04-14-2008, 03:00 PM
I was on meds for a little while. Didn't even help. Made me feel nauseous, and shit. Didn't get happy. I'm just saying, that everyone is bipolar, on different levels. For some, you need meds, and counseling. For others, it's nothing abnormal, and you don't need help. It's been a few days, and I feel a little better about things. Ordering a lot of parts for my car, (paying out of my ass), but i'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

P.S. I love snow.

Well, with the bipolar deal... watch the spending! :wiggle: You'll be further than broke in no time and all that shit. It sucks, you probably know already.

I'd have to agree that everyone will have a few mood swings... but, I'll agree to disagree about everyone being bipolar -- just on different levels. Just my $.02. To a lesser degree is, of course, cyclothymia. Under that add/adhd (especially adhd) can fuck with your moods bad enough to mess up your life. Then, the "normal people" mood swings happen.

And yeah, some of the meds will definitely lay waste to your life. Too, a lot of the little side effects like what you mentioned wear off with a little time. And you know the meds don't work overnight. Sometimes it may take months to get to a therapeutic dose. And depending on which side you fall on, some meds/kinds of meds work better depending on what kind of bipolar symptoms you suffer from. So, if you start feeling "those feelings" don't fuck around with them or let them fuck with you. Hit up a doc and try something before you have a psychotic episode and really fuck shit up. Lamictal is a good anti-epileptic to start on if you need it. Just start at a really low dose and work your way up slow to avoid bad side effects.

IMO, I don't think it's worth paying for therapy type shit if you have a mood disorder. Just as well-off to talk to family or a trust-worthy friend. Since talking won't ultimately change your chemical make-up...

If you ever need to say something but think everyone would think you're way crazy and don't wanna just tell anyone. Even though I'm 11ty billion miles away and you don't know me... I know I'd be glad to converse with you and I know theres a ton more here that would be glad to do the same. And believe me when I say there is absolutely NOTHING you could possibly say to make me think badly of you. And if you ever do decide to go the medicated route again, give me a shout. I've been on a FEW different meds in the past few years... and I know people that have taken a SHIT ton more than I have. So, I could hopefully tell you at least SOMEthing about what you'd be getting into.

Always remember the love you say you have for your mom... always. That's the shit that will get you through even the toughest times. You'll always have someone that cares.

P.S. Snow as in water-snow or coca-snow? lolz :eek3:

04-14-2008, 06:57 PM
The Game.

You just lost.

haha jk.

Seriously though, some good posts here and some crazy ones.

Here are my thoughts:
1. Don't let anyone else tell you to give up your dreams. Do what makes you happy or else you will resent the other person for holding you back.

2. Think positive. I have been with lots of women, but only a couple meaningful relationships. I'm almost 25 and single. Right now I'm alone, but definitely not lonely. I am free to do what I want, when I want, with whoever I want, without answering to anyone.

3. Like someone previously said, you need to set some goals and stay busy. If you keep doing what you're doing now, the results will be the same. Go out more, find new hobbies, go back to school, work out, eat healthier. You'll have more energy, look better, meet new people, and have more things to talk about since you do so much.

4. Remember there are more important things to life than cars. You want to drive the car, not let the car drive YOU. Cars should be a hobby but it shouldn't run your life and you shouldn't spend all your money on it.

5. When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar...and the beer:

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes." The professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends, your favorite passions--things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else--the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house, and fix the disposal. "Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented.

The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers."

04-14-2008, 10:47 PM
as far as i can see, you're in need of two things:


Fresh Aero and some TE37's