View Full Version : oil..when it's gone in the new future and our world..and prices at the pump

04-10-2008, 08:46 PM
i'm posting this because it was pointed oit to me on another local forum. I being a person living around oil and cars all my life understand this. i do not look forward to what our world will become, and when it will. this is a long but very good read. makes you think and really understand the prices at the pump. i can't even begin to imagine the world without oil. everything we know will be gone.... it makes me sick. but here you go for the few people that will probably actually read it. the few people that will tho will know the truth tho. some is better than none and one is better than none.


enjoy it while it lasts i know i will.....

04-10-2008, 09:04 PM
not worried one bit

neither should you

04-10-2008, 09:17 PM
Agreed, we are fine and if anything were to happen, there are ways around it

04-10-2008, 09:28 PM
yep, the world has the technology to exist without oil, but the oil companies are worth so much money they won't let the technology come to light. Now, let the oil run out and those very same companies will start marketing new said technology. It's all business.

04-10-2008, 09:33 PM
When that happens you will prob be long gone too

04-10-2008, 10:25 PM
There is one and only one reason we pay so much for gas. The big oil companies are making more profit than every. It has nothing to do with a limited supply(that's BS any way) and every thing to do with having 80% of what you pay at the pump going to some one's pocket.

It is a known fact that big oil has killed off any competitors for alternative transportation in America. There used to be electric rail cars in most major cities. Then the big three and standard oil "donated" buses and filling stations.

04-10-2008, 11:45 PM
can't wait to swap my ka for some hydrogen nuclear powered motor.

04-11-2008, 08:14 AM
Just remember, oil is decaying animals from millions of years ago. When humanity wipes itself out or gets wiped out we will be oil for whoever dominates our planet next. Yaaaay

Not a whole lot we can do other than conserve and drive more fuel efficient cars. The entire system is designed to keep you in debt and driving the same gas guzzling vehicle.

04-11-2008, 08:22 AM
iunno i've had a few friends that work for oil companies, they say we're long from running out (in our lifetimes at least)

04-11-2008, 09:10 AM


04-11-2008, 09:23 AM
Dude oil will never be gone. Just north of you guys in Canada, there is about 3 TRILLION more barrels available using today's technology. Then with all the new ways to get it out we won't run out for a long long time. We will kill the planet long before then.

04-11-2008, 09:28 AM
I think all of us will be dead by the time there is virtually no oil. The next wave of oil surplus will come from oil shales and Shell is leading in the technology to harness this resource.

I'm not worried...it just means I adjust my lifestyle...but that happens regardless with time.

04-11-2008, 10:11 AM

i love it. thats exactly what i was thinking :bigok:

but yeah...... DOOK said it best.

04-11-2008, 11:10 AM
i love it. thats exactly what i was thinking :bigok:

but yeah...... DOOK said it best.


seriously, by the time we're out of oil, it won't matter. kind of like how coal will be irrelevant in 20 years (in first world countries anyway), but we'll still have it.

04-11-2008, 11:18 AM
Wow the douche bag has the balls to reference himself. Site is just to sell books on the same crap and doomsday supplies.

All his crap is based on this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olduvai_theory

04-11-2008, 11:49 AM
I think like everyone else... let's just worry about it when the time comes haha.
If you think about the future to much you'll forget about the present.

Dirty Habit
04-11-2008, 12:01 PM
I think like everyone else... let's just worry about it when the time comes haha.
If you think about the future to much you'll forget about the present.

Amen to that.

Its 2pm on Friday, and I'm enjoying a cold one, about to take a nap in my hammock. I couldn't agree more.

stupid nissan
04-11-2008, 12:11 PM
there is also a lot off oil off the coast

04-11-2008, 12:29 PM
I don't have time to read it right now, but a couple comments. first, we're not going to run out of oil tomorrow. it will last for quite a bit still. The problem is that oil will get more and more expensive to produce. All of the easily drilled oil is already pumped/being pumped. The oil that is left is harder to get at and more expensive to refine. Also, up to this point, really the only major consumers of oil have been the first world countries. As china and india become more wealthy (~2 billion people), their demand for oil is increasing, further raising the price of oil.

The price of everything bought and sold in the world is affected by the price of oil. And when the price of oil goes up dramatically, it hurts.

04-11-2008, 12:41 PM


The funny thing about this is already happening because look at all the beat up wanna be Bosozuku cars.LOL Sorry guys I had too.:rofl: But they want attention. More then gas.

04-11-2008, 12:55 PM
The funny thing about this is already happening because look at all the beat up wanna be Bosozuku cars.LOL Sorry guys I had too.:rofl: But they want attention. More then gas.

you sir, just got repped.

04-11-2008, 12:56 PM
if many of you actually read through the article. it says near the begging many people dont realise how much every bit of our life depends on oil supply. which bush government, and oil companys have reported depand increase of 350% over the last 30 years and we can only find and produce about 4% of what we will need in 2015.

it also shows that everything you see touch and feel that hasnt come or grown naturally, has either been a production of oil or second hand of oil. everything you eat wear, sit and sleep on. has touched a petrolium working fueled machines.

and yes i live in canada. here in saskatchewan in the oil sands we just produced a new technologie that pumps Co2 into the ground and raises the oil from the sands. In this prodiction tho aswell. canada holds almoste every precious metal and materail known to man. diamonds, gold, fresh water, oil, grain land, potash. you name it it's here. but with growing US at our door. our fresh water is being taken away and our oil and raw materials are being bought out by american investors. so in turn we sell it to US you guys manufacture it and we buy the product back.

they say. if canada cut US and every other country off completely sold nothing and kept everything. we eould have enough oil and materials to keep our current country's population going as it is for over 350 years. which is nice but i dont think our government has the balls to do it. if they did US would attack us aswell, in the fight for servival. and last remaining world resources in large quanteties. as they have for iraq and afganistan. the 2 largest remaining oil reserves. if you read the like above it talks about US and world war. why the US is doing what its doing. why they dont publicly tell people what there doing. aswell as the government make to much money with high fuel prices. but if my predictions are right by 2012-2015 money will be worthless and the world will be at war... not with countries but with itself. do i hear roadwariors playing in the background?

04-11-2008, 12:56 PM
im not saying that to beak anyone or any nationality im simply stating a point made in the guys theory in the link above.

04-11-2008, 01:39 PM
im not saying that to beak anyone or any nationality im simply stating a point made in the guys theory in the link above.

Point? What point? He just threw out a bunch of shit to see what sticked. Cause your towns major exports are oil and natural gas, potash, kaolin, sodium sulphite and bentonite they stuck with you.

It's all FUD.

04-11-2008, 02:12 PM
theirs supposedly a 200 Billion Barrel Field in North Dakota, estimated value $40/barrel. At current consumption it should last anywhere from 29 - 114 years.


04-11-2008, 02:38 PM
well either way if it does happen or when. enjoy what you got and smokem em if you got em lol

04-11-2008, 09:02 PM
As oil becomes more costly to extract and refine, other options will begin to look more attractive, such as solar (which, up until now, has required an unattractively high amount of upfront capital investment).

That said, regardless of how long our oil lasts, our cars will likely become primarily electric before too long. It is inherently more efficient to produce energy at large power plants and then simply use batteries in cars than it is to actually be producing the energy IN the vehicle, due to economies of scale. Once the battery technology exists to be able to allow an electric vehicle to go for as long between charges as current vehicles can go between fill-ups, we'll all be driving electric.

Powerplants can be designed far more efficiently when they don't need to fit within the confines of a vehicle. It'd be much simpler to use energy from somewhere else rather than going to the trouble to actually generate it onboard.

All this said, the whole oil scare doesn't really freak me out all that much. The United States really only uses oil for transportation, as only 3% of our electricity is generated by the burning of foreign oil. We're a coal-burning nation at heart, and we've got shit-tons of that. If oil goes to $500/barrel, we can still afford to keep the lights on, unlike most of the rest of the world. If we find a way around this whole transportation issue (i.e. the aforementioned battery technology), we'd be almost wholly insulated from any sort of oil scare.

04-11-2008, 09:10 PM
None of this really matter anyways were all going to die in 2012...duh :bash:

When it comes to making a profit have faith in the human race. When there is no more money left in the oil game it will surely move on to the next best thing that makes them money. So I'm not gonna worry about it. Shit comes to shit were all fucked anyways, best top just kick it and enjoy life.

04-11-2008, 09:16 PM
None of this really matter anyways were all going to die in 2012...duh :bash:

When it comes to making a profit have faith in the human race. When there is no more money left in the oil game it will surely move on to the next best thing that makes them money.
haha i read that book...

04-11-2008, 10:40 PM
As oil becomes more costly to extract and refine...
what? whats this? i srsly doubt it, it doesnt cost more to make a fire and drain the fluids....

04-12-2008, 12:08 AM
Popular Mechanics had an issue a couple months back that disproved a lot of what was in that link. Even with China growing like they are, we still have 100 years or more of oil left. People don't realize that all the oil fields in the world that are "depleted" are only 1/3 empty, but in the 70s and 80s the technology didnt exist to extract that 2/3 of the remaining oil. Today we have that technology.

04-12-2008, 06:36 PM
i'm posting this because it was pointed oit to me on another local forum. I being a person living around oil and cars all my life understand this. i do not look forward to what our world will become, and when it will. this is a long but very good read. makes you think and really understand the prices at the pump. i can't even begin to imagine the world without oil. everything we know will be gone.... it makes me sick. but here you go for the few people that will probably actually read it. the few people that will tho will know the truth tho. some is better than none and one is better than none.


enjoy it while it lasts i know i will.....


did you know that 60% or things (i.e. clothes, plastic, food ect.) are extracted from corn itself...meaning that we don't have to rely mainly on this earth compound when we can extract it from corn...

04-12-2008, 06:38 PM
I think like everyone else... let's just worry about it when the time comes haha.
If you think about the future to much you'll forget about the present.

Im with you,LOL Hey when it runs out let have your car.LOL:keke:

04-12-2008, 06:51 PM
Im with you,LOL Hey when it runs out let have your car.LOL:keke:

Haha ok... it will be all yours!

Signum Temporis
04-12-2008, 07:19 PM
or we can design engines that run on compressed air :) = 0 emissions

in the meantime i wish gas prices would go back to 98cents a gallon

04-12-2008, 08:15 PM
or we can design engines that run on compressed air :) = 0 emissions

in the meantime i wish gas prices would go back to 98cents a gallon

how do you compress the air?

04-12-2008, 08:21 PM
how do you compress the air?

Hopes, dreams, and this bad boy:


04-12-2008, 08:23 PM
what bad boy?

04-12-2008, 09:45 PM
or we can design engines that run on compressed air :) = 0 emissions

in the meantime i wish gas prices would go back to 98cents a gallon

There is a car out there that runs on compressed air. I saw it on this short lived TV show called "Future Car".

04-12-2008, 11:21 PM
There is a car out there that runs on compressed air. I saw it on this short lived TV show called "Future Car".

Yeah, but the point is that it takes a lot of energy to compress that air. The vast majority of the time, that energy comes from a pollution generating, fuel consuming coal or gas power plant. It's not a solution, plus those cars could NEVER meet American collision standards. They're practically made of tin foil to get their weight down.

04-12-2008, 11:35 PM
our whole society is based around money and media..

Money, we gotta make tons of it.. Produce millions of new cars a year so we can make money... *results in, well more cars on teh road*...

We gotta expand our manufacturing businesses, *more fuel, polution from manufacturing plants etc. but end result make more money.

We gotta build more streets/freeways to bring more people/money into our city.

ok take all of teh above, then multiply it by the number of millions of people/communities trying to do the same thing.
But we insist to fuck the future, do the best for ourselves, and provide our children with teh best, let them figure out what they gonna have to do for their own children.

I kinda hate that influence, its like a guy invents somethign great, then someone else has to copy his shit because they feel like they need to make money too. Then people jump on teh bandwagon. Microsoft got called a monopoly because people didnt like them because they felt they where not sharing the market/no competition.

You always hear about so and so auto companies having super lay offs because they didnt make their sales quota.. every car company projects to improve their sales.. then when they fall short, they lay people off or blame the economy.. fawk do they ever realize that maybe everyone just has a car? why the fawk do they always have to keep producing new shit.. ? so they can sell more and make more money!

But yah oil is different, we all depend on it, we chose to have to drive miles to work or go out at night... alot of unnecessary usage etc.. back in the day you grew your food and rode horses

04-13-2008, 12:42 AM
Money is the problem. END.

04-13-2008, 05:01 PM
its not designed to keep you in debt dumbass. cut your spending, increase your savings.. enjoy the interest via investing savings you shithead

I just wanted to respond to this because whoever said it wasn't man enough to leave a name. I don't really care if you approve or not but you were so hostile it gave me a lol.

The reason I said what I said in the post you commented on was for several reasons.

1st of all, most Americans cannot afford to buy a vehicle outright so they finance it. Most of them don't know how to negotiate so they over pay for it. Take into account that your vehicle, all vehicles, depreciate. So now if you were unfortunate enough to purchase one of those vehicles you are now upside down on your loan. Go try to trade that suv in with that much negative equity. You'll end up with the same payment or higher (usually higher) and in the end be shelling out the same amount of money every month no matter how fuel efficient you new ride is. You can't just "get rid of it." The auto financing industry is designed to keep you in debt.

2nd of all, most of us have decreased our spending. The problem is that most of our jobs aren't giving us cost of living increases. Fuel cost has doubled, costs have risen on everything because of that. Yet an hour of my/your work is still worth the same even though everything else has risen in cost. Take the minimum wage for example, thank god I haven't made that since I was a teenager, but if it kept pace and increased with the rate of inflation it should be about $9 an hour.

Lastly, how do you put money in savings when you live pay check to pay check? Most Americans live that way. Soon I will have to start paying on my college loans. If I was ethnic or made less I would have qualified for financial aid and had all of my education paid for. There goes any excess money I would have had for savings. For the record I don't waste money on frivolous non-sense. I drive a stock s14 with some minor mods, I own it free and clear. I still use my 25" tv from highschool, no fancy flat screens for me. I'm selling my truck too, so I can free up some money for "savings" like you said.

It isn't as cut and dry as you make it sound. How are people supposed to take you seriously when you post stuff like "dumbass" and "shithead" and run your mouth with nothing to back it up factually. Don't assume things about people...ass-u-me. Peace be with you friend.

Signum Temporis
04-13-2008, 05:04 PM
how do you compress the air? plug in the car and the alternator runs the engine in reverse

Signum Temporis
04-13-2008, 05:08 PM
Yeah, but the point is that it takes a lot of energy to compress that air. The vast majority of the time, that energy comes from a pollution generating, fuel consuming coal or gas power plant. It's not a solution, plus those cars could NEVER meet American collision standards. They're practically made of tin foil to get their weight down.

its not THE solution, but its part of one, theres not going to be one single and final solution to this issue... we can also generate enough electricity to power all of america+ some indefinitally by solar power alone, no one just wants to invest in it...

and keep in mind the first gasoline engine cars wouldnt pass todays safety standards... the design of the engine just needs to be refined like the gasoline engine once did, and even today is STILL being refined...

and producing the cars isnt all too expensive either, in the future that is, maybe right now theyd be because of supply and demand, but anyway u could sell them to individual assembly plants as kit cars and they could also be the dealership...

im an automotive mechanical engineering student right now and i plan on getting my masters in manufacturing engineering... the vehicle that runs on compressed air is a very promising alternative fuel... far more promising than even hydrogen, seeing how its incredibley expensive to refine and sell, and liquid hydrogen will probably never happen because then the consumer has to handle a cryogenic liquid lol...

point and case, shooting down ideas because they "seem" impractical is not a way to find a solution... u have to consider everything

04-13-2008, 06:19 PM
plug in the car and the alternator runs the engine in reverse

I hope that is some kind of joke. The car is refilled at special service stations that have a special high powered air compressor or at home with an onboard plug in compressor.

and keep in mind the first gasoline engine cars wouldnt pass todays safety standards... the design of the engine just needs to be refined like the gasoline engine once did, and even today is STILL being refined...

It's not the engine that wont pass safety standards. It's the fact that the car is literally held together at the seams by glue.

04-13-2008, 06:27 PM
It's not the engine that wont pass safety standards. It's the fact that the car is literally held together at the seams by glue.

Sounds like most peoples cars on here :naughty: haha

04-13-2008, 06:52 PM
Yeah, but the point is that it takes a lot of energy to compress that air. The vast majority of the time, that energy comes from a pollution generating, fuel consuming coal or gas power plant. It's not a solution, plus those cars could NEVER meet American collision standards. They're practically made of tin foil to get their weight down.

True, I was just mentioning it because its something that was achieved..just not on a production level.

What I'd really like to see is a shift to hydrogen fuel cell technology. I remember doing a report on it awhile back and it seems like the most logical next step since it can power infrastructures and vehicles.

Signum Temporis
04-13-2008, 07:19 PM
I hope that is some kind of joke. The car is refilled at special service stations that have a special high powered air compressor or at home with an onboard plug in compressor.

It's not the engine that wont pass safety standards. It's the fact that the car is literally held together at the seams by glue.

understand, the car your talking about is one model from one company only in a design stage...
and why do u think it would be a joke, its a plausible solution for compressing air, running the engine that decompresses air into mechanical energy backwards with electricity to turn mechanical energy into compressed air.

learn to read, i said "the first gasoline engine cars" that wouldnt pass safety standards... im saying that the engine design can be refined so the rest of the car doesnt need to be made out of "tinfoild" and held together by glue. even though the field of adhesives is also making incredible advancements, maybe u should read into it.

all im saying is, go ahaid and brush it off now, but when the technology comes out dont be suprised. theres ideas floating around to make this design better, but i cant share them over the internet haha

Signum Temporis
04-13-2008, 07:21 PM
True, I was just mentioning it because its something that was achieved..just not on a production level.

What I'd really like to see is a shift to hydrogen fuel cell technology. I remember doing a report on it awhile back and it seems like the most logical next step since it can power infrastructures and vehicles.

refining and producing hydrogen in mass production is extremely expensive... the only thing stopping hydrogen at this point is the cost of developing ways to manufacture it as it takes a LOT of energy to make even a little hydrogen

04-13-2008, 08:04 PM
yeah were just stuck with gas for awhilez...

Signum Temporis
04-13-2008, 08:32 PM
yeah were just stuck with gas for awhilez...

mmhmm... unless we descover some crazy material or can convert human shit into fuel, there arent going to be any other mass produced alternative fuel vehicles... theres the equinox, but its still only in development. BUT

gasoline engine design is now being developed with new technology giving us insight into the combustion process never known before and we are using it to engineer near zero emission gasoline engines

04-13-2008, 10:56 PM
To who ever neg reped me about big oil's profit percentages;

The oil companies should not be allowed to charge exorbitant prices while making huge amounts of profit per gallon(I'm talking to you Federal Trade Commission.) Obviously their gross profit is up, at any given moment there are more cars than previously all using gasoline. My point was that while more and more of our money goes to pay for gas they raise their profit percentage disproportional to the cost of oil.

In my local area ALL the oil is pumped and refined locally. Why I have to pay the open market price for gas in a closed market is beyond me. If there was anything I could do about it it would be high on my priority list.

Signum Temporis
04-13-2008, 11:04 PM
yup, money is a sick and twisted invention

04-14-2008, 06:22 AM
and why do u think it would be a joke, its a plausible solution for compressing air, running the engine that decompresses air into mechanical energy backwards with electricity to turn mechanical energy into compressed air.
Please tell me you never took a physics class.

Andrew Bohan
04-14-2008, 10:52 AM
even when rockefeller first went into the oil business, a lot of people didn't get into the business along with him because they thought the oil wouldn't last.

and that was like 140 years ago.

thinking there won't be anymore oil is not a new thing.

04-14-2008, 12:21 PM
we will be driving huge rc cars!!...

04-14-2008, 12:26 PM
I'm already researching how to mount a racing seat on top of my nitro methane powered RC truck... Im thinking seat brackets could be welded on top of the rollcage... what do you think?

04-15-2008, 06:13 PM
mmhmm... unless we descover some crazy material or can convert human shit into fuel, there arent going to be any other mass produced alternative fuel vehicles... theres the equinox, but its still only in development. BUT

gasoline engine design is now being developed with new technology giving us insight into the combustion process never known before and we are using it to engineer near zero emission gasoline engines

AMEN lol

1st of all, most Americans cannot afford to buy a vehicle outright so they finance it. Most of them don't know how to negotiate so they over pay for it. Take into account that your vehicle, all vehicles, depreciate. So now if you were unfortunate enough to purchase one of those vehicles you are now upside down on your loan. Go try to trade that suv in with that much negative equity. You'll end up with the same payment or higher (usually higher) and in the end be shelling out the same amount of money every month no matter how fuel efficient you new ride is. You can't just "get rid of it." The auto financing industry is designed to keep you in debt.

2nd of all, most of us have decreased our spending. The problem is that most of our jobs aren't giving us cost of living increases. Fuel cost has doubled, costs have risen on everything because of that. Yet an hour of my/your work is still worth the same even though everything else has risen in cost. Take the minimum wage for example, thank god I haven't made that since I was a teenager, but if it kept pace and increased with the rate of inflation it should be about $9 an hour.

Lastly, how do you put money in savings when you live pay check to pay check? Most Americans live that way. Soon I will have to start paying on my college loans. If I was ethnic or made less I would have qualified for financial aid and had all of my education paid for. There goes any excess money I would have had for savings. For the record I don't waste money on frivolous non-sense. I drive a stock s14 with some minor mods, I own it free and clear. I still use my 25" tv from highschool, no fancy flat screens for me. I'm selling my truck too, so I can free up some money for "savings" like you said.

It isn't as cut and dry as you make it sound. How are people supposed to take you seriously when you post stuff like "dumbass" and "shithead" and run your mouth with nothing to back it up factually. Don't assume things about people...ass-u-me. Peace be with you friend.


and ya ic i apparently now have -739 rep from my last 20 some posts somehow.... awsome.... lol

04-15-2008, 06:32 PM
OHH make that -993

05-05-2008, 09:32 PM
Bump with more info.

When I said BIG OIL was making to much profit I wasn't kidding. Exxon made $10.9 billion in profit in the last quarter. THAT is why we pay out the ass.


05-05-2008, 09:46 PM
Oil will never ever be completely gone.

Eventually it will get to a point where it will be so rare and cost so much money that other technologies will take over. The old bastards (probably us at that time) who have money will still want to run their SR20s and 4G63s and so will pay ridiculous amounts of money for it.

So yeah it will never be completely gone.... also because the earth is producing oil all the time.... granted its at a very slow pace but stil...

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-05-2008, 09:49 PM
Oil will never ever be completely gone.

Eventually it will get to a point where it will be so rare and cost so much money that other technologies will take over. The old bastards (probably us at that time) who have money will still want to run their SR20s and 4G63s and so will pay ridiculous amounts of money for it.

So yeah it will never be completely gone.... also because the earth is producing oil all the time.... granted its at a very slow pace but stil...

the most oil in the world is on the pacific coast of the United States up to Alaska. We just drill in the desert because no one gives a fuck about the Arabs. Sad fact.

05-05-2008, 11:07 PM
alaska is PITA to get oil ,though.

the most active place for earthquake and volcanos.

05-05-2008, 11:14 PM
None of this really matter anyways were all going to die in 2012...duh :bash:
just in time to enjoy our new "s16" that some people have been waiting for :keke:

we're not going to run out of oil ANYTIME soon. like mentioned before, north dakota and canada have tons of oil. we just dont extract it as much (if we do) compared to the middle east. im alright with $4 a gal. right now to fuel up my polluting machine.