View Full Version : Stock Trading Thread

04-09-2008, 05:14 PM


04-09-2008, 05:22 PM
i thought to do day trading you must have a minimum of a couple thousand to start trading.

other wise investing in stock and switching your placements through like e-trade isnt a good way to trade stock.

i think trading currency is minimum $250.

anyone who knows more about this chime in please and fill me in.

04-09-2008, 05:35 PM
Are you talking day trading or swing trading?

Pattern day trading you need $25k min.

04-09-2008, 05:50 PM
i thought to do day trading you must have a minimum of a couple thousand to start trading.

other wise investing in stock and switching your placements through like e-trade isnt a good way to trade stock.

i think trading currency is minimum $250.

anyone who knows more about this chime in please and fill me in.

i started with less than a grand on scottrade. i took it all easy, kept all my money in blue chips, for a very long time. about a year ago i got a little more active, and now i monitor my stocks while i'm at work. all you ford haters, i made 8% from thursday to monday :D

to really see gains, though, you do need several thousand in. but start small. don't even put money in if you haven't done it before. give yourself a fake grand of capital, and write down your trades. and don't fudge your numbers. do it for a month. don't forget that it's 7 bucks a trade, buying or selling.
Money magazine wrote a good book on stock trading. it's about 20 years old but it's worth a read, it's about 120 pages. find it.
oh, and go watch Wall Street. it's the Fast and the Furious of the stock market. and maybe Boiler Room, too. that one has vin diesel even >.<

make a yahoo account if you don't have one. finance.yahoo.com is invaluable. make a portfolio, track the stocks you're interested in.

get a subscription to USA Today. throw away everything but the Money section. and if you have Adderall, try reading the WSJ. it's fucking BORING, though.

04-09-2008, 05:53 PM
hey busted who do you trade with

ive been wanting to start day trading a bit but i thought you have to have an initial couple thousand

04-09-2008, 05:57 PM
well.... you do. i don't day trade with my own money, actually. that's where my dad comes in. but if you just want to get your feet wet, i use scottrade.com. 7 a trade, $500 minimum.

04-09-2008, 06:03 PM
^ My boss suggested scott,

I might actually use some extra money and go into it,

he also suggested schwab, they have attached banking which is awesome.

04-09-2008, 06:05 PM
i believe e trade has attached banking too

04-09-2008, 06:09 PM
e trade's 10 bucks a trade, no shanks. plus there's a scottrade outlet right down the street from me, so if something fucks up i can go yell at a real person, which is great

04-09-2008, 06:17 PM
man you guys lucky to trade for so low..my company requires me to use their account..costs me about $35 a trade and no day trading..right now im in Visa, which has great potential.. if i were to day trade, i would definitely be in some commodities or etfs...

04-09-2008, 10:21 PM
search nub http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=167590
hahaha dont hurt me =[

04-09-2008, 10:58 PM
Haha I remember that thread. What'd you end up doing? How is your portfolio now?

To the OP,
I highly recommend Zecco. There was a review by one of the writers on pfblogs.com (great resource as well):

The way to make money in the stock market is to buy and hold, and there is a big difference from being a trader and being an investor.

Do you really want to spend your summer researching your stocks, constantly reading every piece of info thats released about it, checking the ticker 3,4,5 times a day to see if its changed? That's the life of a trader. An investor finds a reasonable stock and keeps it for a long period of time, letting the power of compound interest run its course. Investors are in it for the long haul and a day, week, or month's loss is insignificant seeing as these people tend to hold stocks for much longer. Everyone in the market should include buying/selling fees, taxes, and %inflation in their ROI(return on investment) so you can see how trading less benefits the investor in the long run.

I can list a ton of books out there. But the bottom line is that you need to find a strategy and risk tolerance that you are comfortable with. Picking stocks by throwing a dart at a list of ticker symbols is as likely to make you money as an active investor on wall street. Also, PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS.

04-09-2008, 11:00 PM
^ I was also looking at Zecco.

04-09-2008, 11:01 PM
haha i ended up not doing any of it. I got too scared to jump into so much that i just scrapped the idea. mayb when i have more free time haha thanks for all the advice tho. at least now i have a better understanding of stock trading than i did before

04-09-2008, 11:04 PM
damnnn, first a BMW, now your trading stocks on wallstreet. Your INSANNNEEEE!!!

04-09-2008, 11:34 PM
damnnn, first a BMW, now your trading stocks on wallstreet. Your INSANNNEEEE!!!


Im trying to work on a porsche track car also... :loco:

04-09-2008, 11:38 PM
shiiit, i wish i was half the man you are =(

04-09-2008, 11:44 PM
aziankingz, I really disagree with the Visa stock. Here's why. Unless you got in at the IPO price ~$44, then it wasn't much of a deal. Buying an IPO when it is available to the public (~$63) is no the same as buying at the IPO price. Everyone who got in at the real IPO price will sell after their 30-60 day hold is over and Visa should gain support again at $50-55. Like I always say, PAST PERFORMANCE IS NEVER AN INDICATOR OF FUTURE RESULTS. Mastercard is a completely different company and its very unlikely that Visa will experience the same success that the Mastercard IPO encountered. Additionally, its only a matter of time (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/22/business/22homes.html?_r=2&amp;ei=5087&amp;em=&amp;en=16460d2108a9e643&amp; ex=1203829200&amp;pagewanted=all&amp;oref=slogin&oref=slogin) (2nd quarter 2009 for most markets) when those overextended homebuyers can't afford to pay the rest of their bills and it starts affecting credit lending companies. Buyer beware!

Sil-abc, just do paper stocks (stock simulator) at places like investopedia.com and see how you do. Vanguard index funds are where I keep my money. Not the best returns, but very safe and super low expenses.

For everyone wanting to get in the market, now is the time to do it. While youre young. If anything, start with a Vanguard Roth IRA and open a Target Retirement account and start socking away money into that. There are fees if you maintain a balance less than $10,000 but they will automatically select stocks for you and rebalance the asset allocation for your portfolio as you get older (more risky as youre young and safer as you near retirement). You can contribute up to $4000 for 2007 (up to April 18th) and $5000 for 2008.

Its not how much you save but WHEN you save. The earlier, the better, to let compound interest (http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2008/04/02/the-extraordinary-power-of-compound-interest/) take effect!

04-10-2008, 12:01 AM

What's your risk level? If you're looking at something that is likely to do well, look into emerging markets funds.

As for specific stock picks check out Vanguard Diehards (http://www.diehards.org/welcome.htm) forum for all the latest rumors and speculation.

Personally, my time is worth more than anything else, so I choose NOT to actively manage my portfolio as a trader. I select funds and have the fund managers do the worrying for me. I diversify by selecting index funds instead of putting all my eggs into one basket, and always dollar cost average (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dollarcostaveraging.asp). While the market is down and everyone is panic selling, I buy. Not losing any sleep because one stock is doing bad frees me up to worry about other things like fixing something on my 240 or planning for an upcoming driving event.

04-10-2008, 12:30 AM
^ Nice info, I hear you on time, Im not looking to go crazy, I'm prob going to put money into solid physical companies (utilities etc.) that I use currently, and maybe Play with a little on the wild side.

Thanks for the Link!

04-10-2008, 01:00 AM
I was going to dabble into this a year or so back.
I had the financial backing of my cousin.
He was willing to give me $30k to start with, but I had to intensively do my research.

I read a couple of books here and there, but all in all it got too confusing, too quick.
I was also studying for my engineering, that's why.

I've always wanted to do it, but I can't seem to save enough money to actually get going.

I'm TERRIBLE with budgeting, too much wants.

I was gonna use E*Trade.

I might do it in a year or two, but house is my priority as of right now.

04-10-2008, 01:17 AM
penny stocks if you wanna day trade. just cop lots of shares and keep an eye on it.

i use e*trade. had a couple of shares of google when it was at ~175 :-/

04-10-2008, 05:14 AM
i heard penny shares are very risky

04-10-2008, 07:54 AM
ziptie, thanks for the input. I didnt invest too much into Visa, as it is just something I believe will have future potential growth. Visa's business model is the same as mastercard, as they both make money through their credit card transactions. So everytime you use your visa/mastercard to buy car parts from an internet source, they make money through a transaction fee, which is charged to the bank card/financial institution. A good thing while in this volatile market is, visa and mastercard will not endure risks during a credit crisis such as this..the financial institutions are the ones who will be hit with the losses when card holders can not pay off their debts/bills. Visa/Mastercard will surely see a drop in earnings, but in this day and age, electronic purchases/bill pay is king, which makes Visa and Mastercard a good buy for long term investors. I am sticking to this for the long run anyway..wait until we are out of this recession..

04-10-2008, 11:01 AM
i heard penny shares are very risky

as in all things in life, high risk=high reward.

for instance. yesterday i bought a good chunk of Xerium Technologies. and when i'd bought it, they'd already had a huge spike, but had come down a bit.. i got in for $1.74. i just sold it all for $1.90, a 9% profit. and here's the thing... my GOAL profit for any given trade is 3%. between this and ford, i'm weeks ahead on my goals :D

04-10-2008, 11:23 AM
why F? is it because the price is only about $6/share? you could be in for a nice ride though..just quickly looking at the charts..but fundamentally speaking, automotive companies are not a good buy to me right now with dollar falling, and oil prices rising.

04-10-2008, 11:58 AM
why F? is it because the price is only about $6/share? you could be in for a nice ride though..just quickly looking at the charts..but fundamentally speaking, automotive companies are not a good buy to me right now with dollar falling, and oil prices rising.

a "good buy" is entirely subjective. i don't hold stock for more than a week at a time, preferably only days at a time. Ford showed me a 50 cent gain, so i sold. maybe they'll go up more in the weeks or months to come. maybe they'll drop, but that's not my concern. i made my money and got out. so to me, ford was an excellent buy.

04-10-2008, 01:08 PM
how many shares did you buy to make .50 gain an excellent buy? do you concentrate on one stock at a time or do you pick a few and hedge your weekly positions?

04-10-2008, 01:43 PM
how many shares did you buy to make .50 gain an excellent buy? do you concentrate on one stock at a time or do you pick a few and hedge your weekly positions?

an 8% jump is a good buy no matter how you slice it, especially when i only aim for a 3% gain.

i usually only focus on one stock at a time, unless i see something else that looks like a good venture. my trading style can be extremely risky, but the gains are worth a little sweat.

04-10-2008, 01:49 PM
my trading strategy was pretty risky too at times but i learned my lesson there..

04-10-2008, 02:36 PM
My girl is an FA for wachovia securities PM me if you need some financial advise(<-- haha FA) i'm sure she would love to help...

04-10-2008, 02:46 PM
as in all things in life, high risk=high reward.

for instance. yesterday i bought a good chunk of Xerium Technologies. and when i'd bought it, they'd already had a huge spike, but had come down a bit.. i got in for $1.74. i just sold it all for $1.90, a 9% profit. and here's the thing... my GOAL profit for any given trade is 3%. between this and ford, i'm weeks ahead on my goals :D

well, who wants to see what getting hosed looks like? shit's up to 2.09 now. i got out too soon.
i still made a profit, but could have made some serious bank today. fuck :/


04-10-2008, 05:01 PM
hey busteds13 u need to get with me on AIM, im finally starting to get back into day trading and could use some tips at stocks u are also looking at

04-10-2008, 05:57 PM
well, who wants to see what getting hosed looks like? shit's up to 2.09 now. i got out too soon.
i still made a profit, but could have made some serious bank today. fuck :/


wow, yah they are,

We should make a Stock watching THREAD! hahah, give secrets and ones you've been watching hoping something magical happening, you know what I mean!?

I trust you guys................ :keke: :coolugh: :keke:

04-10-2008, 06:18 PM
wow, yah they are,

We should make a Stock watching THREAD! hahah, give secrets and ones you've been watching hoping something magical happening, you know what I mean!?

I trust you guys................ :keke: :coolugh: :keke:

lol i can see how that would end.

04-10-2008, 06:31 PM
lol busted..thats not called getting hosed..getting hosed is more like you buy 1000 shares of a stock at 90 and in 3 days it drops to 80 something..that is called getting hosed..

stiizy, your gf can give free financial advise?

04-10-2008, 10:13 PM
The s2ki forum has a stock watching thread and I've been wanting to get one going on zilvia, I know we've got some smart people on here and some people who are investing there money in some good places.

I use Scottrade but Im in the suck zone right now :(

04-10-2008, 10:14 PM
The s2ki forum has a stock watching thread and I've been wanting to get one going on zilvia, I know we've got some smart people on here and some people who are investing there money in some good places.

I use Scottrade but Im in the suck zone right now :(


If we get enough people, I think I'll start one.

04-10-2008, 10:20 PM
i think theres already enough of us. :coolugh:

04-10-2008, 10:31 PM
Hey guys if you want to get your feet wet, Check out Sharebuilder. you dont need 25k or even 1k to enter. You can to do an installment plan. My advise for investing right now is the best time, Economy is down so the stocks are down. Find stocks or companies you like. Say you like shopping at walmart invest in walmart there stocks are on the rise right now anyways cuz the economy sucks. I read alot of reports and what not, check out MSN.com and check out their Caps section.

My stocks yesterday rose almost 100% and I ended up making $400. Ive only been in the market for 4 months but ive been reading and watching about it for almsot a year.

04-12-2008, 10:33 AM
kind of in the same vein... i've got an interview at scottrade next week! they're headquartered here in STL :D

04-13-2008, 12:08 AM
what will you be doing at scottrade? broker?

04-13-2008, 01:44 AM
I use TD waterhouse. Been out of the mix for a while though.

For a change of pace check out forex.com. Trading in foreign currency is a

bit more exciting than stocks IMO. The web site also allows you to become

familiar with trading by practice trading. Not many sites, if any allow you to


04-13-2008, 02:29 AM

Im trying to work on a porsche track car also... :loco:

If your really gonna do that, you can hit me up...one of my really good friends runs Tech Trix Motorsports in Anahaim...he maintains 4 of the cars that race for Porsche Club of America...and just recently started racing in the Boxter spec class himself...he does amazing work...

04-13-2008, 09:43 AM
I trade derivatives through http://www.optionsxpress.com

There are things I like about them, like low buy in, cheap rates, and simple interface.

They give referral bonuses so PM me if you're interested in opening an account with them.

04-13-2008, 12:47 PM
what will you be doing at scottrade? broker?

i'm interviewing for tech support, but if it works out, i'd have no problem studying for a series 7 and series 63... but i'm not going to get ahead of myself :D

04-13-2008, 08:10 PM
nice...hook me up with some free trades..my gf has an account with scottrade.. good luck with your interviews

04-13-2008, 09:10 PM
i'm interviewing for tech support, but if it works out, i'd have no problem studying for a series 7 and series 63... but i'm not going to get ahead of myself :D

Hoooooooooook it up ! C=

04-13-2008, 10:06 PM
Hoooooooooook it up ! C=

heh. if i actually get this job i don't know what i'll do... i've been working for at&t for almost a year now as a "client support associate", and it's been nothing but watching tv and movies ALL FUCKING DAY at my cube. i can churn out three movies a day easy... it's like what i'd do if i was unemployed, except i have to put on a polo shirt. i don't know how i'll take actually having to WORK for money again >.<

04-13-2008, 10:08 PM
heh. if i actually get this job i don't know what i'll do... i've been working for at&t for almost a year now as a "client support associate", and it's been nothing but watching tv and movies ALL FUCKING DAY at my cube. i can churn out three movies a day easy... it's like what i'd do if i was unemployed, except i have to put on a polo shirt. i don't know how i'll take actually having to WORK for money again >.<

You can be muh sh00gah daddy big booooiiiii

oh yeah

04-13-2008, 10:10 PM
You can be muh sh00gah daddy big booooiiiii

oh yeah

only if we touch peens
guess i'll go see if the new USA today is out yet, and post up all the penny stock for you guys to peek at

04-13-2008, 10:28 PM
lol your at&t job sounds pretty awesome.. i would love that kind of job, but then again it sounds like a dead end one...and doing nothing all day in a cube can get tedious...

04-13-2008, 10:31 PM
only if we touch peens
guess i'll go see if the new USA today is out yet, and post up all the penny stock for you guys to peek at



04-13-2008, 10:32 PM


No you can't touch peens with him...

he's mine :keke:

04-13-2008, 10:34 PM
busted, are you still going to promote penny stocks? haha..

04-13-2008, 10:40 PM
guys calm down, we can all touch peens, just form a line

new USA today hasn't been delivered yet unfortunately >: (

in other related... guys, check out Wall Street Warriors on Mojo HD. it's kind of dry but pretty damn interesting.
also, i just bought "Greed is Good: The Capitalist Pig Guide to Investing" off Amazon.. it's a few years old but supposedly a good read

edit: i completely forgot it was sunday, newspaper won't have stock listings. i'll post up tomorrow night and show you guys what i'm buying and we'll see if i can make any money with people watching

04-14-2008, 11:15 AM
lol busted..thats not called getting hosed..getting hosed is more like you buy 1000 shares of a stock at 90 and in 3 days it drops to 80 something..that is called getting hosed..

stiizy, your gf can give free financial advise?

yeah i'll talk to her bout it i think i have my STi sold so i'm gonna dump some into the market..

04-14-2008, 12:40 PM
lol your at&t job sounds pretty awesome.. i would love that kind of job, but then again it sounds like a dead end one...and doing nothing all day in a cube can get tedious...

i dunno man, we're having a dinosaur coloring contest right now. my Hot Rod Raptor is in the lead

...i'm not fucking kidding, we really are having a dinosaur coloring contest

04-14-2008, 12:41 PM

On friday I was skating in my engineering building (work), I love this super hard carpet, it makes like no noise, yet its quick to ride on.

04-14-2008, 01:14 PM
lol dinosaur coloring contest..sounds like fun..when is milk and cookies time?

04-14-2008, 01:46 PM
between naps and that game you play on the parking lot with a parachute

04-15-2008, 11:09 AM
alright guys here's a few i've been watching today:


Ambac Financial Group. check out that crash. they're at an alltime low right now.

Aquila Inc. i have a chunk in this, i bought it at 3.32 this morning.


Bearingpoint has dropped about 6% today. i might get in low here in a minute.

moneygram's pretty low at the moment, they're having an alright day, but there's a lawsuit coming up. i'm not sure if it'd be wise to touch this stock at all.

Ford had a big spike at open, now they're down a bit. if they go down a little more i might get in before close.

expressJet holdings

Thornburg Mortgage. if you've seen the news in the last six months you can guess why this stock is going down hard. i wish i had the balls to pick some up and hold it.

Xerium Technologies. i made some money with these guys last week. then they had a nice boost that i missed out on, and now they're crashing down again. might be time to pick up some more.

it'd be awesome to be able to trade at this level some day.

now then.

here's what's happening.

right now i have some Aquila (ILA) stock, that i bought on an upswing this morning. that may have been a bad move. so i need to pick some more.
if Ford drops below 6.65 today, i'll buy.
Xerium lost 8% so far today. we'll see where they are at close and i may pick some up.

aaaaand fuck it, i picked up some Bearingpoint (BE) for 1.65. we'll see how that pans out too.

ILA @ 3.32
BE @ 1.65

04-15-2008, 11:54 AM
so far so good..2 more hours to go..today is really anybody's game..

04-15-2008, 12:04 PM
do long as they don't totally bottom out before close, i'll be happy. i'll put in sell orders for a decent percentage on both, and then hope i hit them. with any good luck, they'll be sold before i even wake up tomorrow (i usually don't even look at my stocks until the market's been open for a couple hours, because i sleep until about 10am central).

04-15-2008, 12:06 PM
do you place buy/sell limit orders or are you monitoring it?

04-15-2008, 12:07 PM
you should short the mortgage stocks..

04-15-2008, 12:11 PM
Too many posts to read, but I wanted to chime in and say that I have a virtual stock game going at http://vse.marketwatch.com. It gives me an idea on how my stock would be doing if I had the capital.

As far as real stock, in terms of long-term (5+ years) I'm looking at FRE , VLNC and ICE. I would use TD Ameritrade, but something happened with my account, so I'm just chilling with ING.

04-15-2008, 12:13 PM
do you place buy/sell limit orders or are you monitoring it?

i just set limits, it seems to work out better if i make the decision beforehand, instead of getting greedy and hoping for crazy spikes. although, sometimes i'll set a sell limit for a decent gain for like, half the stock, and then another one for a really nice gain, just in case.

it's all about removing human error. holding something because you think the stock could go for a ride is a great way to miss out on an acceptable percentage. i'm doing this to make steady profits, not to hit a jackpot.

you should short the mortgage stocks..
i would like to try my hand at a little short selling.

04-15-2008, 12:29 PM
i havnt shorted anything yet, but if i were to short..i would go with china stocks..i longed china stocks for a swing trade and got burned within 2 months..

04-15-2008, 12:40 PM
annnnd bearingpoint is up to 1.75. i wish i'd done this with the big account so i could sell right now... let's hope it stays up through close. this is why swing trading sucks sometimes.

04-15-2008, 12:42 PM
what do you use to research? you research with your scottrade account or with yahoo finance?

04-15-2008, 12:49 PM
what do you use to research? you research with your scottrade account or with yahoo finance?

i do all my research through yahoo finance and USA today. sometimes i pick up the journal, but it's such a boring read... my dad gets investors business daily, sometimes i pick up his copy when he's done with it, it seems more informative than the WSJ.

edit: but there it is, guys. that ten cent gain is going to make me more money than i'll make here at my dinosaur coloring bullshit desk job in the next week.

04-15-2008, 02:30 PM
i need to start doing this

04-15-2008, 03:04 PM
and there you have it. today i bought:
ILA @ 3.32
BE @ 1.65

at close:
ILA @ 3.38
BE @ 1.79

didn't make much on Aquila, but Bearingpoint made me 8.5%, which is a really nice percentage for one day. i'll sell both at open tomorrow and pick some new ones.

04-15-2008, 07:36 PM
I started at the beginning of the year with ameritrade. it was cool because i got 500 free trades during the first month. it's $4 after that.

anyway, i lost a lot of money day trading. i made a lot at the beginning, but the stock split and i wasn't able to sell because the ameritrade faggots didn't recognize the split until a week after the other trading companies did. i got fucked in the AZZHOLE, and lost a lot of money after that.

04-15-2008, 07:38 PM
the only thing i made money off of was a gold etf: dgl

i also spent a lot of time on hotstockmarket.com which is a forum for day traders. it's cool because smart people will do your DD for you. but it sucks because smart people will puff up a stock so they can sell once everyone drives up the price. do your background searches on members with a lot of posts, and find the ones who've suggested good stocks.

04-15-2008, 08:42 PM
I started at the beginning of the year with ameritrade. it was cool because i got 500 free trades during the first month. it's $4 after that.

anyway, i lost a lot of money day trading. i made a lot at the beginning, but the stock split and i wasn't able to sell because the ameritrade faggots didn't recognize the split until a week after the other trading companies did. i got fucked in the AZZHOLE, and lost a lot of money after that.

$4 a trade and 500 free trades? so you're trading with 25k plus then, right? sweet, what are you looking into right now, and how long do you normally hold?

04-15-2008, 08:55 PM
haha. 25k yeah right...

i started with 2k.

i'm holding my penis right now. usually for 2 minutes.

04-15-2008, 11:48 PM
haha. 25k yeah right...

i started with 2k.

i'm holding my penis right now. usually for 2 minutes.

....so how were you day trading then?

04-16-2008, 12:00 AM
when you sign up, you get 500 free trades in the first month, with 2k acct minimum.

you also get 100 dollars for each referral. so if you want an acct, i will hook you up. (actually you can hook me up lolz)

04-16-2008, 12:14 AM
and there you have it. today i bought:
ILA @ 3.32
BE @ 1.65

at close:
ILA @ 3.38
BE @ 1.79

didn't make much on Aquila, but Bearingpoint made me 8.5%, which is a really nice percentage for one day. i'll sell both at open tomorrow and pick some new ones.

good work !

04-16-2008, 10:15 AM
and there you have it. today i bought:
ILA @ 3.32
BE @ 1.65

at close:
ILA @ 3.38
BE @ 1.79

didn't make much on Aquila, but Bearingpoint made me 8.5%, which is a really nice percentage for one day. i'll sell both at open tomorrow and pick some new ones.

well, here's the round trip!

ILA: bought 3.32, sold 3.42. 3.01% gain.
BE: bought 1.65, sold 1.79! 8.4% gain!

who's your caddy!

04-16-2008, 11:06 AM
lol really nice gains..what is in your account for today? how many shares do you invest for each position? 1000?

04-16-2008, 11:32 AM
lol really nice gains..what is in your account for today? how many shares do you invest for each position? 1000?

well, the bearingpoint was more than that, but let's not get into details.
as far as what's in my account now.. nothing. i'm not really feeling anything today. i may put in some buy orders for tomorrow morning, i'm not sure just yet.

04-16-2008, 12:01 PM
So, what do you think?

Should I do TD, or something else?

I have to go into TD this week and clear out a minor account and xfer them back to my father, and while Im there I can start up a new.

04-16-2008, 12:09 PM
So, what do you think?

Should I do TD, or something else?

I have to go into TD this week and clear out a minor account and xfer them back to my father, and while Im there I can start up a new.

eh, ameritrade's fine, it's huge, i've never heard anybody complain. i just like scottrade because i've never had an issue to date, and their customer service is great.

04-16-2008, 03:54 PM
well, here's the round trip!

ILA: bought 3.32, sold 3.42. 3.01% gain.
BE: bought 1.65, sold 1.79! 8.4% gain!

who's your caddy!

so is that like, if you had put 1000 into it and made 3.01% gain thats of the 1000? so you make like 30 bucks for that and 80 for the other

I'm probably way off, pardon my ignorance

04-16-2008, 04:10 PM
so is that like, if you had put 1000 into it and made 3.01% gain thats of the 1000? so you make like 30 bucks for that and 80 for the other

I'm probably way off, pardon my ignorance

no, you're right. you also have to subtract brokerage fees for both trades (buy and sell), which, in my case, is 7/trade, so 14 for each stock. and while 80 bucks may not sound like a lot, first of all that's if this trade had only been done with a thousand dollars, and second... that's one trade that took one day.

04-16-2008, 04:15 PM
eh, ameritrade's fine, it's huge, i've never heard anybody complain. i just like scottrade because i've never had an issue to date, and their customer service is great.


Tomorrow I think I gotta visit their office so I'll start up one, Maybe I can try to get some goodies included, we have a couple large accounts with them, I did that with my bank account and its pretty fee-free.

04-16-2008, 04:47 PM
no, you're right. you also have to subtract brokerage fees for both trades (buy and sell), which, in my case, is 7/trade, so 14 for each stock. and while 80 bucks may not sound like a lot, first of all that's if this trade had only been done with a thousand dollars, and second... that's one trade that took one day.

no that is still really good haha you kidding me

~100 bucks a day trading

thats better than most jobs paying under 10 an hour haha

04-16-2008, 05:01 PM
no that is still really good haha you kidding me

~100 bucks a day trading

thats better than most jobs paying under 10 an hour haha

yeah... sadly i can't make it happen every day, or i WOULD quit my job... that'd be nice. and of course, sometimes you do lose money (although i've been on a hot streak for a while now)

04-16-2008, 06:10 PM
knock on wood man!

just keep at it you seem to be quite intelligent about your choices

your money is bound to grow, keep at it! i admire it

04-16-2008, 07:10 PM

Well hopefully tomorrow I get to go down to TD, and if its ok, I might make a dedicated Stock Trading Thread, if its ok w/ you guys.

04-16-2008, 07:39 PM
knock on wood man!

just keep at it you seem to be quite intelligent about your choices

your money is bound to grow, keep at it! i admire it
:D <3


Well hopefully tomorrow I get to go down to TD, and if its ok, I might make a dedicated Stock Trading Thread, if its ok w/ you guys.

just change the name of this one, make it easier on future zilvians

04-16-2008, 09:12 PM
if you day trade google, baidu, apple, mastercard, etc you will make thousands a day, but thats if youre a huge risk taker and have enough capital to cover or at least half that capital of the purchase and trade on margin.

04-17-2008, 06:24 PM

Went to TD Today,

I have to fax a new app on monday to xfer my old stuff to the new account, but I have about 27,000 in the old one, 7k is going back and 20k will be in some I have in there, I will check my Port soon.

I will keep some large ones, but I think I might sell a couple free up some funds, and buy into some stuff to play with.

04-17-2008, 07:49 PM
nice! keep us posted. and somebody change this thread title!

04-17-2008, 08:49 PM
cant wait to get back in the game!! :hyper:

04-17-2008, 09:22 PM

if you feelin like a pimp obama go an brush ya shoulders off

04-18-2008, 10:29 AM
anyone notice google lol...good earnings and now its up almost $100

((sr)) kelly
04-18-2008, 10:32 AM
im going to start doing currency trading... i want my money in something other then the US dollar

04-18-2008, 11:16 AM
why did i post the obama thing in this thread. oops
anyway, i'm staying out for today, i'll get back in monday. it's been a good week, no need to overdo it.

04-18-2008, 11:38 AM
damn youre missing a great day in the market

04-19-2008, 03:54 AM
anyone notice google lol...good earnings and now its up almost $100

yeah fluckkkkkkkkk



04-19-2008, 08:59 AM
yeah fluckkkkkkkkk



jesus... 20% on google overnight.. i would not have expected that.

04-19-2008, 10:53 AM
it happens everytime googles earnings report comes out

04-19-2008, 01:00 PM
it happens everytime googles earnings report comes out

Maybe we can watch out for next time? :duh:

ugh, I need to clear some shit out of my port.

Ive had Fleetwood since 98, when it was like $22/Share, and now since the way fuel is etc. No one wants to buy a fucking motorhome.... its at $4.08/Share............... :( Fuck it, such a mad loss... I have ~100 shares....

This was when my dad was buying into american shit and whatnot, I need to revamp this port and renew, Although I do have some good shit in here,

He invested in a Company who goes out and scouts where to dig for oil, That is whats keeping my port alive..

04-19-2008, 01:29 PM
lol next time the price for google will probably be around 700/share!

04-19-2008, 01:33 PM
lol next time the price for google will probably be around 700/share!

20% is 20%..

04-19-2008, 01:41 PM
Probably like 650~

We will see, its gotta have a cap somewhere.....

Also, updated Title!

04-19-2008, 01:50 PM
end of last year it was at 700, are you planning to buy some? i wished i had enough capital to get in on that..

04-19-2008, 01:54 PM
I could, but only maybe a couple shares...

Heres where Im at right now, before I start redoing it and cleaning...

Im up at all ends which is cool, but overall with the smaller portions Im down, but the good thing is my large holders are the biggest in my port, Im going to sell off the crud put a little more funds in it and see what I can play with. Overall Current Market Value @ $22,500~


04-19-2008, 01:54 PM
Also, updated Title!

well played

so what's everybody looking at for the coming week, i'm not set on anything yet

04-19-2008, 01:58 PM
I still have to update my account, so Monday I will be sending in some stuff, hopfully next week I can try it out.

Lets see if we can put our brains together and find some cool niches! :P

I have a question,

I want to buy into Samsung, but since its not a US Market, I can only find it on Korean / Germany Market, how will I go about purchasing that?

Should I just ask my broker, or is there an easier way?

04-19-2008, 05:11 PM
I have a question,

I want to buy into Samsung, but since its not a US Market, I can only find it on Korean / Germany Market, how will I go about purchasing that?

Should I just ask my broker, or is there an easier way?

call your broker, i've never traded anything but NYSE... i'm sure it's possible.

so what about media related to trading/finance? movies, tv, books? list off what you know.

Wall Street (gordon gecko, "greed is good", all that shit)
Boiler Room (nick cage's brother from gone in 60 seconds scamming dudes. the soundtrack makes it worth watching, the story's not much)

Wall Street Warriors (documentary style show on MojoHD following people in various trading-related professions)

and here's a list off google

Following are some I found, along with links to description pages on
the Internet Movie Database. Obviously, some have more to do with the
stock market than others do, but all of them have at least one central
figure who is involved in the market.

Wall Street (1929)

The Family Man
(disillusionment of an investment broker)

American Psycho
(homicidal stock broker)

Other People's Money
(ins and outs of hostile takeovers and such; the play was better)

The Bonfire of the Vanities
(main character is financial wizard)

The Cheat
(charity money used to buy Wall Street investments)

The Day the Bubble Burst
(historical TV drama about that day)

Stocks and Blondes

Changing Lanes
(one of my favorite movies; story involves questions about business

The Wheeler Dealers


The Crash
(yes, that crash)

The Boss' Wife
(stock broker has affair with title character)

Net Worth
(trying to get rich quick)

Buy & Cell
(that's jail cell for stock fraud)

Wanda Whips Wall Street
(just what it sounds like, rated X)

Don't Tell the Wife
(stock fraud)

Wolves of Wall Street
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0339918/ what have you guys seen that didn't suck?

04-21-2008, 11:21 AM

Im thinking about putting some play money into my account, any Good Stocks (cheap) to play with Busted?

04-21-2008, 11:29 AM
haven't bothered doing any research today, i've been monitoring a couple stocks i've been playing with although currently don't own any... Bearingpoint, Ford, and Xerium Technologies are all stocks i've recently bought and sold

Bearingpoint had a spike recently, they're coming back down, don't touch it

Ford just keeps going up, apparently people want to Drive One

Xerium just put out their earnings and dropped a bit, i might pick some up

04-21-2008, 11:33 AM
Idk whats going on with my stocks But i invested with 4 stocks about 5-6 months ago when they were down a real lot. but for the past 2 weeks they been hitting all new highs and whatnot. Im pretty happy.

this is the things i look at when shooping and researching stocks.
What their P/E ratio is, dividend, Net income Vs DEBT. What kind of things are going on right now in the news. Anything else i should look for

04-21-2008, 11:39 AM
damn i wished i jumped on google...

04-21-2008, 03:21 PM
Doesnt everyone?

Its not that well off as of yet, it still hasnt peaked, it was @ 750plus~ last year...

but if your talking from get go, uhhh yeah, would have been nice.

04-21-2008, 03:40 PM
i believe the peak was around 750..but i wont be surprised if google surpasses 1000/share..

04-23-2008, 12:42 PM
and here we are again. frankly i can do no wrong... picked up some ILA at 3.46, it's sitting at 3.50 right now. not big, but at least i'm not losing out. if it goes over 3.60 i'll be happy.

05-05-2008, 10:26 PM
I'm going to be getting $1,500 in free money next month...

Should I risk it in el stock marketo? Hitting 2k would be awesome...

05-05-2008, 10:38 PM
do it

make your free money grow

05-05-2008, 10:42 PM
I'm thinkin about it.

Invest in shell.

Get like 10 shares... lol

05-05-2008, 10:45 PM
Do it!

You will have fun. :)

05-05-2008, 10:47 PM
Yeah... I need an SR :keke:

05-05-2008, 11:04 PM
go for it, it's a good ride and it's more respectable than gambling :D

05-05-2008, 11:05 PM
If I lose money though.

Then I'd be pissed lol.

Investment research onward...

brown eyes
05-05-2008, 11:09 PM
finally a thread I can chime in on..

Everybody, get on board w/ Visa.. this baby is going to the mooooooon

Also all bank and airline companies are at bargain prices!

and SBUX, TIE and PFE

05-05-2008, 11:45 PM
finally a thread I can chime in on..

Everybody, get on board w/ Visa.. this baby is going to the mooooooon

Also all bank and airline companies are at bargain prices!

and SBUX, TIE and PFE

visa looks like it's at at least a 3 month high, what's your theory on it going higher? i'm interested but i usually don't put my money in higher priced stock, i like to stick to the cheap shit :)

05-06-2008, 12:04 AM
Im scared of airlines.

05-06-2008, 12:05 AM
i cant wait to get back into it. =*) happy tears.

brown eyes
05-06-2008, 09:03 PM
busted s13: momentum and hype.. Visa is the worlds largest processor of credit card transactions. The way I see it, recession or not, people are going to use credit cards. Everytime a Visa card is slid, they get paid. Look at Mastercard, does that company really command $300 per share? I don't think so, but again, momentum and hype.


MA and V babyyyyyyyyy

Get on board before it tanks

AMR, LUV, DAL, NWS <--- on sale!

05-24-2008, 10:23 AM
thought i'd bump this up

haven't been making my percentages lately, but i'm not losing anything. everything's just sitting.
i decided i need to start working harder towards getting $25k in my account, so i'm doing a medical study for $3500.
and that's really about it.

05-24-2008, 11:01 AM
i dont have stocks, i have never even thought about it, but the new security trainee last night talked my ear off about how i should dump a shit ton of money into visa stock.


05-24-2008, 12:10 PM
advice? don't just put money into the market without doing your homework

don't put money anywhere because some guy said so, just don't do it.

you'd be better off in a mutual fund

05-24-2008, 12:13 PM
everybody seems to think visa is a good buy lately because of rising cost of living and blah blah blah. it'd be more of a long term investment, that's for sure.

05-24-2008, 02:15 PM
yeah thats just pure speculation

nothing is a sure bet as i'm sure busteds13 knows

just for anyone that plans on investing into a stock needs to realize its a gamble

a gamble that most people are not in the position to make when they don't even have $500 in a savings account

05-24-2008, 03:46 PM
^ seriously.

05-24-2008, 04:18 PM
man visa..i got in at 60...it went up to around 89 and now its back down to 75..sad sad sad!!

06-11-2008, 05:26 PM
What you guys think of Etrade Right now? Buy ? all You zilvia Traders... chime in!!!

06-11-2008, 07:06 PM
did you not read this thread?

we already discussed e-trade

scottrade is recommended by zilvia

06-23-2008, 12:50 PM

just made ~42% on Parker Drilling (NYSE PKD). i rarely do a "longterm" (for me three months is a long time), but it paid off for sure!

06-23-2008, 01:45 PM
wow damn

nice one busted

are you up to 25k yet?

06-23-2008, 01:57 PM
wow damn

nice one busted

are you up to 25k yet?

nah, still got a ways to go on my own account.

07-18-2008, 10:41 AM
Bumping this, just set up a zecco account with some money. I'm still doing my research and will probably start with penny stocks, how have people been doing lately?

08-23-2008, 01:21 AM
busteds13, how many trades do you do a week?

you're NOT classified as a pattern day trader, correct?

08-23-2008, 01:27 AM
busteds13, how many trades do you do a week?

you're NOT classified as a pattern day trader, correct?

i'm not. but my dad can do day trading, so occasionally i commandeer his account when i think there's going to be some solid activity. we've actually both been pretty idle for a while now, i've been too busy trying to buy a house and all kinds of other silly shit. i plan to get heavily back into it this fall.

08-23-2008, 01:33 AM
okay, so when you say 3% goal, you're talking 3% while holding shares for ATLEAST one week


08-23-2008, 01:49 AM
okay, so when you say 3% goal, you're talking 3% while holding shares for ATLEAST one week


it can happen that way, but i frequently sell stock the same week i buy.
edit: actually, i've gotten away with a couple round trips in one day on my own account.

01-31-2011, 06:55 AM
I bought five 80 call option contracts two weeks ago for 0.50 each.

Exxon Destroys Earnings (XOM) | Benzinga.com (http://www.benzinga.com/news/11/01/819409/exxon-destroys-earnings-xom)

Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This should pop, I am so pumped I got in early. There is some big time resistance at 80 though, so it might be tough busting through.

01-31-2011, 08:08 AM
hey busted look what xrm is at now, 20 bones.

shoulda gone in for the long haul

02-01-2011, 12:05 AM
anyone do options?

Im paper trading them right untill i can save up to cover margin

02-01-2011, 01:55 AM
anyone do options?

Im paper trading them right untill i can save up to cover margin

I do! With the leverage they provide it's definitely the way to go, but they do have their risk. Make sure you read up on how to trade them. Paper trading is a very smart move.

Who are you trading with?

I am with tradeking and they are pretty good for options.

02-01-2011, 02:23 AM
really digging micron tech, low budget technology stocks ftw.

02-01-2011, 12:10 PM
Im trying thinkorswim, and the paper trade with CBOE.

Whats your reasoning when you sell an option?

02-01-2011, 03:42 PM
Im trying thinkorswim, and the paper trade with CBOE.

Whats your reasoning when you sell an option?

My brother is with thinkorswim and has nothing but good things to say about them. I have always wanted to try them, just been with tradeking so long never got around to trying them. I am definitely going to try them at some point. Let me know what you think of them.

What do you mean by your question, sorry kinda confused. You mean why do you sell vs let the option expire? Or are you talking going short (put option)?

I ended up buying another 5 contract of feb 19th 85 calls on XOM this morning on the cheap. XOM already popped to 84 with plenty of days left before expiration. The 80 calls I bought for $0.50 are now trading at $4.00!!!!!!!!!

When I posted about earning a couple days ago XOM was at 79 it's now at 84. I hope some of you guys bought some calls that day.

02-01-2011, 10:18 PM
I mean like what piece of news or whatever info or hunch triggers you to want to sell or buy any put or call.

I buy or sell before confrence calls and sell iron condors so even if bad or good news i profit.

02-02-2011, 12:20 AM
For me I use mainly technical analysis to buy and sell. I use support and resistance levels that I draw on a chart, Bollinger Bands, Fibonacci levels, etc etc.

I really like looking at japanese candlestick charts. Read up on them if you have never looked at them. Lots of bull and bear signals can be seen in a candlestick chart.

That said I still look at the other two types of analysis (Fundamental and Sentimental). A chart isn't going to tell you if some crazy bad news is going to come out. So you have to stay on top of it. Also with an oil stock news like what is going on in egypt and what oil is trading at is a good idea to know.

Iron condors and other strategies like it are great on a neutral stock. Just be sure you are not doing it on stock that is trending in either direction cause you will lose, unless you roll one side.

02-02-2011, 03:08 AM
I'm thinking about making the dive into the stock market. Will definitely keep tabs on this thread.

Should I just open an account at Charles Schwab? There's one right next to my work.

02-02-2011, 09:12 AM
I'm thinking about making the dive into the stock market. Will definitely keep tabs on this thread.

Should I just open an account at Charles Schwab? There's one right next to my work.

My suggestion is to start paper trading first to get an idea of how things work. Its real time but just with fake money. Try the simulator.
investopedia.com has one

02-22-2011, 07:49 AM
When I posted about earning a couple days ago XOM was at 79 it's now at 84. I hope some of you guys bought some calls that day.

This stock is a machine!!!!!

It's now sitting at 86+ on 2/22 9:45am

02-24-2011, 09:53 AM
Anybody have trouble with investopedia? It might be becuase my internet is really slow but for some reason it always says my pw and username are wrong. Have to click links like ten times and refresh just to get to trade stock page. Might just be me.

02-24-2011, 10:04 AM
I've thinking about buying stocks for a long time know, seems that its a risky venture, but it could also pay off. This is my first time buying, who do you guys recommend buying from, I was thinking of buying small shares from a known company such as Nike,Boeing, etc....What do u guys think?? I don't have too much expertise on finances.....

02-27-2011, 12:50 AM
I've thinking about buying stocks for a long time know, seems that its a risky venture, but it could also pay off. This is my first time buying, who do you guys recommend buying from, I was thinking of buying small shares from a known company such as Nike,Boeing, etc....What do u guys think?? I don't have too much expertise on finances.....

Before putting any money into the market I would read till your eyes bleed. Bunch of sites that explain how the markets work. Read, read and read... and when you think you know enough, read some more. Start paper trading, bunch of sites that you can do this on. In the end it's just glorified gambling.

I have been making bank on XOM but it's really starting to make me nervous as of late. It's whipsawing like crazy. I think I am going to trade AMD for a bit. Plan on buying some calls on monday.

pink godzila
02-27-2011, 01:13 AM
0100, any good stock you recommand for short and long term?

02-27-2011, 09:02 AM
I have been paper trading for awhile now, and been doing decently, what online sites do you use for trading? Few of my friends are using e trade, and some are using schwab.

Also, whats a good starting limit to invest. I don't want to lose a shit load of money, but I want enough to make a decent gain.

02-28-2011, 12:49 AM
0100, any good stock you recommand for short and long term?

Oh man that is one thing I hate to do. I am probably the worst stock picker. The reason I hate to give stock picks is because I would feel terrible if my pick went in the wrong direction, and they do at times. I don't trade stocks long term so really can't help there. I think an oil stock like XOM is a good long term solid company to hold but not sure I would buy now. Looking at charts it seems overbought. Next charge up I think I am going to dump my shares of it, who know though it could keep trucking on up to 100 by summer. Maybe on a pull back I might buy some more options. Way too scared to short this with all the stuff going on in the mid east. Bent crude is above $114 just now this early monday AM, all due to Libya, which should be great for oil stocks this AM. XOM should see a pop today but sometimes OIL price and OIL stocks don't go hand and hand. If you got balls trade straight oil right now, but be prepared to loose your shirt or make major bank. Other stuff I am looking at is AMD and NFLX (off a major pop). I am usually only in a stock or option from a day to 4 weeks tops. Not really into the fundamentals of a company as I am not holding them for a long time. More intereasted in the technicals to find a stock that is trending up or down. Are you more intereasted in speculating (like me) or investing?

I have been paper trading for awhile now, and been doing decently, what online sites do you use for trading? Few of my friends are using e trade, and some are using schwab.

Also, whats a good starting limit to invest. I don't want to lose a shit load of money, but I want enough to make a decent gain.

Paper trading is good, the only thing it is missing is the fear. Once you have your real money on the line it makes you do stupid things.

I use tradeking, and also just opened an account with thinkorswim but haven't funded it yet, but they are suppose to be very good. I really like tradeking. I also play in the forex market when I'm feeling insane. I use AAAfx which have been great and offer a 200:1 leverage. Yeah that's enough leverage to hang yourself. :hsdance:

Amount of money... That is up to you, but I wouldn't put any money in the market that you wouldn't mind burning. With options and forex you can make a lot more on a lot less due to the leverage, but you can also lose a lot much faster than trading stocks.

02-28-2011, 01:08 PM
I have heard of AAAfx, but have never personally tried it out. Opening up a demo account now to test it out. I dont know much about it at all

Thanks for the advice!

02-28-2011, 03:19 PM
Cool, when you play with the demo account, be realistic with the amount of fake money you fund the demo account with. It will give you a more realistic view.

Read this from preschool to graduation and you should be good. Forex Training Online: Learn Foreign Exchange (FX) Currency Trading (http://www.babypips.com/school/)

04-28-2011, 01:58 AM
XOM earning this AM...