View Full Version : Everyone check it

LimeLite Racing
04-09-2008, 04:58 PM
Check out my band, and let me know what you think. ears beware if you dont like hardcore/ death metal....add us while youre on there... we just did a show with all shall perish not too long ago as well as shows with walls of jericho, as blood runs black, many others...buy merch show love!


04-09-2008, 05:00 PM
haha, Walls of Jericho, how many guys tried to hit on the singer?
also, its a pretty good CD, i'd buy it if the damn recording is better, the drums are horrible.

DO you guys have CD's?

LimeLite Racing
04-09-2008, 05:02 PM
we are working on a new legit recording we got endorsed by a studio whos gonna make us a baller cd.... christy is a bitch

04-09-2008, 05:03 PM
I liked it until the weak inhales. Drummer needs to step up his game haha.

Not my cup of tea but I can appreciate it man. Keep on keep on.

04-09-2008, 05:05 PM
Walls Of Jericho singer is sexy. I've never met her but its not too late. You guys sound freakin' dope. Hit me up when you get your recording done. That shit sounds sick. Keep up guys.

04-09-2008, 05:05 PM
I'll check it, I'll be back with the review ;)

LimeLite Racing
04-09-2008, 05:09 PM
inhales are my fav. walls of jericho used to be sick...till christy sprained her ankle and bitched for days to every band on the tour, me and nick from as blood runs black told her to grow balls and she flipped shit...oh well.. blasting speed thank you very kindly... that was our first recordings...inhales and drums may have been weak in opinions lol, but hey it got us endorsed with a studio as well as a top secret tour hitting mid 08 so keep youre eyes peeled!
downshift thank you kindly sir.

04-09-2008, 05:10 PM
inhales are my fav. walls of jericho used to be sick...till christy sprained her ankle and bitched for days to every band on the tour, me and nick from as blood runs black told her to grow balls and she flipped shit...oh well.. blasting speed thank you very kindly... that was our first recordings...inhales and drums may have been weak in opinions lol, but hey it got us endorsed with a studio as well as a top secret tour hitting mid 08 so keep youre eyes peeled!

Maybe we'll see you on the road over Summer :love:

LimeLite Racing
04-09-2008, 05:11 PM
lol whats the band name? **edit: my buddy eddie from all shall perish told me my pig squeals were extravagently projectent with amazing brilliance lol. and hes the pig squeal master!!!!! but live sound beat the shit out of the recording....so hit us up for a dvd from jan 22nd whisky with perish

04-09-2008, 05:13 PM
Sounds good. Need better pics ;)

Check out my band: http://www.myspace.com/devilswalk

04-09-2008, 05:15 PM
lol whats the band name? **edit: my buddy eddie from all shall perish told me my pig squeals were extravagently projectent with amazing brilliance lol. and hes the pig squeal master!!!!! but live sound beat the shit out of the recording....so hit us up for a dvd from jan 22nd whisky with perish

Yeah that's what I hate. My band is pretty dependent on having that knock you off your feet in your face loudness. You know the feeling of live instruments and cheap recordings can't pick that up.

http://www.myspace.com/simpleasthatmusic (it's like old school hardcore) Were doing a summer tour, so like I said hopefully we'll cross paths.

LimeLite Racing
04-09-2008, 05:15 PM
brutal! i dig the shirt mitch from suicide silence is my homedawg! suicide silence for life!

04-09-2008, 05:15 PM
Sounds good. Need better pics ;)

Check out my band: http://www.myspace.com/devilswalk

you guys are THIS close to being nu-metal. please dont let that happen, b/c you're pretty ok now, for toughguy hardcore

04-09-2008, 05:20 PM
fuck nu-metal ...no way near it.... never will be... we all grew up highly influenced by old school hardcore and punk and hard fucking metal ..., and stepped it up a notch a little more brutal.. and fuck toughguy hardcore too i had my nose broken by fsu at a donnybrook show
I'm a skinny ass white kid with long hair and never even got touched at a Donnybrook show haha.

04-09-2008, 05:21 PM
2 Stepping is the way to go.

Along with flarekicks to faces :keke:

04-09-2008, 05:27 PM
2 Stepping is the way to go.

Along with flarekicks to faces :keke:

Yeah I knocked some fool out at Facedown Fest. Spin kick to the temple lol.

LimeLite Racing
04-09-2008, 05:27 PM
YEAHHH!!! thats my shit!!! hahah i tore ligaments in my foot at a show last week..spin kicking suckas!!! some fuckheads face was misshapen or something cuz my foot is fucked!!!!!! it has really affected my drifting and hardcore dancing abilities temporarily

04-09-2008, 05:30 PM
Yeah a couple months back I had to play a gig with a hairline fracture in my elbow. That was fun...

04-09-2008, 05:32 PM
Haha. Gotta love them.

I like to spin kick the pansy fuckers that stand out side the pitt, punching people at random while everyone ravishes each other.

Its the best ;)

LimeLite Racing
04-09-2008, 05:56 PM
lol fuck yeah! man i dislocated my shoulder by some dousche bag before a show..my buddy popped it back into place, then i went back on the dance floor and kicked the guys tooth through his fucking lip! another show i fractured my wrist mid set..stay brutal...

04-10-2008, 12:44 PM
Is this the kind of stuff you guys are talking about?


Because if so...wow...that's...unique. So the object is to hurt each other, but sorta with the beat of the music, but you don't really have beef with anyone? Just trying to wrap my head around this.

LimeLite Racing
04-10-2008, 12:57 PM
I will clarify....i dance at shows to kill people! hahah jk! but yes the object is to...just...dance...

04-10-2008, 03:25 PM
hell yes, the GWVF video.
FYI, NJ Bloodline is shitty live

and kids that dance to hurt people purposefully is why the hardcore scene is full of so many fucking newjack posers.

04-10-2008, 04:47 PM
and kids that dance to hurt people purposefully is why the hardcore scene is full of so many fucking newjack posers.

For sure. I dance cause it just feels right. If someone happens to get in my way while I'm doing so oh well. Stand in the back.

If I see people being an asshole in the pit I usually let em know whats up, unless they are some huge skinhead mother fucker.

04-10-2008, 05:44 PM
thats what its all about. Dancing to hurt people = too much of a pussy to actually fight someone.

now if you're too close and you get kicked in the face on accident, dont bitch.

Also, don't bitch at me for drinking beer if you're straightedge and a 110lb vegan 17 year old. You will get punched and then laughed at, in that order.

kids these days :(

LimeLite Racing
04-10-2008, 05:49 PM
damn guys i was kidding... if were not hardcore dancing were break dancing.. it doesnt fucking matter what you do its all about the support for youre peers and bands and i totally agree i cant even go see donnybrook without getting my nose broken because someones always out to start shit or fuck people up intentionally...

LimeLite Racing
04-14-2008, 02:13 PM
Well regardless...for anyone who is down we are playing a show in palmdale on monday with Evergreen Terrace and Blood Stands Still. come out and check it out in person!

myspace.com/slaughtersolution has been updated

04-14-2008, 03:37 PM
holy shit, ET is still playing shows?
you guys are a little too metal to be playing with bands like that. Let me know when you have a CD out, i'll buy that shit TOOT SWEET

04-14-2008, 04:37 PM
holy shit, ET is still playing shows?
you guys are a little too metal to be playing with bands like that. Let me know when you have a CD out, i'll buy that shit TOOT SWEET

They just put out Wolf Biker last summer. They are a little more metalcore now.

LimeLite Racing
04-15-2008, 01:46 PM
Yeah evergreen terrace is still doing shows man! and theyre still sick as hell. but yeah ill let you know as soon as our cd releases..
we finally updated our myspace. check out the video. click the videos tab on our music player.

LimeLite Racing
06-12-2008, 11:50 PM
They just put out Wolf Biker last summer. They are a little more metalcore now.

Damn I just read this post man, I enjoyed Wolf Biker, but I hadn't heard it until Craig the guitar player gave it to me...Pretty good in my opinion.

Slaughter Solution hits the studio next week.

Also everyone check this.

Crappy recordings, but hey its all good:

we need another guitar player and bassist. I'm out in San Diego, but it would help the musicians to try out in the Antelope Valley area, Lancaster, Palmdale, etc.... pm me for details if you're down.

LimeLite Racing
08-28-2008, 09:55 PM
Here's the update:
We signed to Melophobia Records and have an album releasal in September.
To anyone in the Palmdale area on Saturday, come see us play with:
Darkest Hour
Parkway Drive
After the Burial
Fuck the Facts
Left to Vanish

++++many more

we got a combination of The Grinding Into Cataclysm Tour, meets Thrash and Burn.

One night only, the only time you'll be able to catch all these bands together.

Be there!!!!

MySpace.com - Slaughter Solution - LANCASTER, California - Hardcore / Death Metal / Grindcore - www.myspace.com/slaughtersolution (http://www.myspace.com/slaughtersolution)

08-28-2008, 10:29 PM
Dayumn son, makin a name for yourself haha.

Darkest Hour and Parkway Drive though...

LimeLite Racing
08-31-2008, 12:49 PM
yeah elliot dude you should have been there! i sang with darkest hour for a few moments there, they saved my phone for me when i lost it. and they're the greatest dudes alive. we were talking about hitting the road, but i can't say anything more.

08-31-2008, 04:30 PM
yeah elliot dude you should have been there! i sang with darkest hour for a few moments there, they saved my phone for me when i lost it. and they're the greatest dudes alive. we were talking about hitting the road, but i can't say anything more.

I think a few of my buddies were at that show.

I wasn't really down for a show though, just got my wisdom teeth out so I just kicked it at a party, don't wanna risk gettin hit in the face :bigok:

Lemme know whats up. Simple As That is on permanent hiatus. I am filling in for another band right now. It's a lot more metal. Kinda like if August Burns Red and Pennywise had a baby lol.

LimeLite Racing
09-01-2008, 10:37 AM
I think a few of my buddies were at that show.

I wasn't really down for a show though, just got my wisdom teeth out so I just kicked it at a party, don't wanna risk gettin hit in the face :bigok:

Lemme know whats up. Simple As That is on permanent hiatus. I am filling in for another band right now. It's a lot more metal. Kinda like if August Burns Red and Pennywise had a baby lol.

lol that sounds sick. i have to hear it. san diego here i come!