View Full Version : good dentist office...SOCAL

04-08-2008, 11:59 PM
:bite: can anyone reccomend a good dentist's office in Socal? got a tooth problem. I've heard western dental is shitty. Any other places to recommend?

A Spec Products
04-09-2008, 12:15 AM
I have a friend who is a dentist in Huntington Beach

Anyone interested PM me and I'll link you up with the info

04-09-2008, 12:20 AM
I go to a dentist in Huntington Beach as well. Located on Beach Blvd. Next to Hoag Hospital Center (somthing like that). It's pretty close to the beach.

04-09-2008, 12:55 AM
I am in school of dentistry of Loma Linda University (San Bernardino). although i cannot see patients yet, but my school has really good rate and faculties. It is a Christian school, so they wont f*ck you over. and yes we fix a lot of western dental's patients, they did very shitty jobs. most of students and faculties have tremendous experiences because we take care the whole inland empire (where has most of welfare people live at!) and we also have many patients from LA, OC, or SD.

If you have dentiCal....most of private dental offices will not take it. Some places like western dental would take welfare dental care, but they just want to spend minimize time with you in order to maximize their profit (they have quota to meet).

If you want some referral of student, just pm me.

04-09-2008, 01:03 AM
my uncle has his own practice in Woodland hills area off the 101 i think its off de soto if i remember correctly, i go up there to get my stuff done from San Diego, he does implants and other surgical procedures too, PM me if you want more info

04-09-2008, 01:39 AM
normally id recommend Scott Kubota in West LA (around Westwood Blvd @ Pico iirc). good doc, plus the hygenist he has does painless teeth cleaning (uses liberal doses of painkiller :D ) however, he has something along the lines of a 2-3 month wait. not an option if you need something in a hurry.