View Full Version : Global warming? SCAM.

04-06-2008, 03:44 AM
who else thinks its a scam? I sure as hell do.

how about a video to start things off. ( the last minute will make you shit your self if you know who David Mayer de Rothschild is)


All for some shitty UN world carbon tax and/or to fuck our economy up even more( cap-and-trade system). Now it makes sense. This isn’t the first time a "super power" has scared people with fear to get what they want.


04-06-2008, 04:08 AM
word. i love these videos you can only see on the internet. mainstream media just won't get into the facts because of their ties to government and their sponsors.

check this one out, it really opened my eyes to some shit.


04-06-2008, 04:33 AM
^^^ hahaha which would melt first ice or metal at room temperature?...hilarious.

04-06-2008, 04:51 AM
LOL. everybody loves conspiracy theories.

04-06-2008, 05:24 AM
ha, yeah i get it. I dont listen or read anything Alex jones really, but it was great when called out David Meyer de Rothschild in the end.







im just finding it funny that people are going to accept that its their fault, and lose alot of money through taxes for a natural occurrence.

04-06-2008, 08:11 AM
i think global warming is pretty silly. al gore is a joke. when all the music bands and actors were trying to 'speak out about global warming'. i was seriously saddened. everyone around me got sucked into that shit.

04-06-2008, 08:20 AM
whats the fucking truth eh?

04-06-2008, 09:29 AM
while i do believe that "global warming" is bs, i'm still in favor of minimizing humanity's footprint on the planet through conservation. but as long as corporations are the ones leading the conservation effort, they're going to continue just putting on a show to make themselves look like heroes while they divert millions and millions into their own pockets. like when logging companies are allowed to purchase protected forests claiming that they're going to "save them" but what really happens is they clear cut 90% of it in return for "saving" 10% of it.

04-06-2008, 09:37 AM
al gore makes me laugh.

he preaches global warming while he convinces everyone to drive a fleet of priuseses (ive already stated my problem with the prius, but if you missed it). http://greenmesh.com/2007/03/unraveling_the_hummer_vs_prius.php

and how much fuel do you think he consumes zipping around everywhere on a private jet? whats up gore? cant get there fast enough in the prius?


edit: whoever repped me on this, saying i need to "open my eyes", the Lord is watching you...and he's got my on a direct feed via satellite, which means I SEE YOU. and i just HAVE to ask, where did you score all that primo tranny porn?

04-06-2008, 10:16 AM
Ecobusiness has tapped a gigantic vein of gold.

Toyota is selling the shit out of its hybrids. Honda is selling the shit out of its hybrids. Everyone else is working on making hybrids, so they can sell the shit out of them.

What better way to sell products with a higher profit margin (not talking about hybrid cars, by the way... I understand their costs) is there than scaring the sheeple?

Seattle has decided that they're going to attempt to pass a law fining users of paper and plastic bags in stores 20 cents each bag in order to reduce environmental impact. This IS a tax. If it passes, it WILL NOT be optional.

Our taxes are funding some of these ridiculous programs. Ecovernment will cost you tax dollars. Ecovernment will increase the size of the bureacracy.

We all need to stand up and e-mail the shit out of the media and the government and ask them why they're such gigantic assholes.

04-06-2008, 10:27 AM
my opinion on this is rather it true or not u need to think about what we are doing to the world... we definitly arent helping it at all.... and something will have to happen our the human race will fall.. its sad but true.. and when i say that im not reffering to global warming im reffering the new age human life and our "needs". i cant say that im perfect by anymeans but i do realize we all need to reduce our footprint on earth..

04-06-2008, 10:41 AM
"global warming" isnt really the correct term, its actually global climate change, its not like places are just getting warmer. The extremes are getting more extreme etc. winters are getting harsher, summers are getting more stifling...you get the picture

as an environmental science major, i believe in the impact our presence on the planet has had on our environment. believe what you want, but facts are facts...conspiracy theories are just that...theories...

04-06-2008, 10:50 AM
he preaches global warming while he convinces everyone to drive a fleet of priuseses (ive already stated my problem with the prius, but if you missed it). http://greenmesh.com/2007/03/unraveling_the_hummer_vs_prius.php
hopefully in the next few years new advances in battery/energy storage technology will no longer require such terrible practices to be used. yes a prius emits less greenhouse gasses than a hummer but production of a hummer has less environmental impact. a prius is basically new technology. (over a hundred years ago the same argument could've been made: "yes, building an automobile is far more expensive and environmentally damaging then building a horse." ) hey, at least they're actively trying to go in a cleaner direction. my guess is that in the next few years we'll see more advances going in the direction that honda has with their fcx clarity model.

it seems that the divide is growing between those who really want to improve the quality of life for us and for future generations and those who just want to line their pockets while appearing to be concerned.
(sry i rant, but i hate seeing when greed overtakes a noble cause)

04-06-2008, 11:07 AM
as an environmental science major, i believe in the impact our presence on the planet has had on our environment. believe what you want, but facts are facts...conspiracy theories are just that...theories...
/\/\/\/\ i agree, but who has the correct facts? every lobbyist and organization will spout "facts" at you, but both of them still contradict each other.
fact: my bathtub water is hotter today then it was yesterday, therfore, it must be caused by global warming.
(longgrain plz don't think i'm trying to pick on you, i'm just tired of hearing/reading diametrically opposite "facts" from supposed experts on the subject.)

04-06-2008, 11:26 AM
keep on posting peeps, i have to write a 5 page essay on global warming (global climate change, as mentioned by LongGrain), the more info on websites and more discussion will help me out, on my part of opinion of the essay. Its about the kyoto protocol, whether the u.s. should join or not.

04-06-2008, 11:39 AM
global warming or not were all fucked sooner or later.

04-06-2008, 12:09 PM
Spider-Goats ... :eek3d:

04-06-2008, 01:05 PM
"global warming" isnt really the correct term, its actually global climate change, its not like places are just getting warmer. The extremes are getting more extreme etc. winters are getting harsher, summers are getting more stifling...you get the picture


just because there are people out trying to make money off of "global warming" doesn't mean it isn't occurring. people will always try to make money off of other people's concerns. that's like saying you don't want to go to a hospital because hospitals make money off of our fear of death. irrational.

i hate when people say "global warming is a natural process" no fucking shit? the earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling due to various pollutants being put into the atmosphere. at this point in the earth's cycle humans are speeding up the process of warming. this can be seen by examining co2 concentration in samples of ice pulled from antarctica. the graph doesn't quite look like the one that wing-nut, al gore, showed in his movie, but it is pretty damn close. personally, i'd rather support something that will become a new industry and will help the biosphere rather than sticking to the old technology of the 200 year old oil industry, which pollutes the place we live in.

people just need to do their own research with as little bias as possible to pull their heads out of their asses. and the money thing... welcome to the world - people make money off fear.

drift freaq
04-06-2008, 01:17 PM
word. i love these videos you can only see on the internet. mainstream media just won't get into the facts because of their ties to government and their sponsors.

check this one out, it really opened my eyes to some shit.


you sir are a mental midget, if you believe that video. hahahhahhahhaha I suggest you take some engineering classes and Physics while your at it. That video proves nothing but the guy that made it is a moron.

As far as Global warming goes weather Global climate change is not being affected by man as some claim fact is we ware dumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere faster than nature normally does. Given that fact curbing greenhouse gas emissions is a enviromentally healthy thing to do for the sake of clean air.

I see no problem at making stuff more eco friendly. Fact is I care out the world I leave to my children and their children. Its fantastically self centered,egotistical and selfish to just say oh there is no Global warming so we can just go on polluting.

Its not whether there is or not, its the realization we are poisoning the planet.
Now you fucks can go put your heads in the sand and say global warming or climate change is bullshit. Though it does not change the fact that we are polluting and we should change that.

04-06-2008, 01:29 PM
you sir are a mental midget, if you believe that video. hahahhahhahhaha I suggest you take some engineering classes and Physics while your at it. That video proves nothing but the guy that made it is a moron

Uhhhh... That was the joke, yes.

drift freaq
04-06-2008, 01:32 PM
Uhhhh... That was the joke, yes.

Uh ya but the way he posted it, truthfully gives the impression he went in for it.

04-06-2008, 01:58 PM
ever heard of GLOBAL COOLING (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_cooling)?

you know why, all the new people of today forgot about it and also ignore all the proof... used to be huge before most of our times.

Thank god for wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_cooling

anyway that video provided some good information. especially about how ice caps are melting on other planets.... thank god someone else knows this other than me :P

04-06-2008, 02:39 PM
id say plant more trees to balance out the co2 and make more oxygen. stop flattening all the hills. all rich people tries to make more housing instead of planting more trees.

drift freaq
04-06-2008, 02:45 PM
id say plant more trees to balance out the co2 and make more oxygen. stop flattening all the hills. all rich people tries to make more housing instead of planting more trees.

This would be a step in the right direction. Stop the clear cutting of the Amazon rain forest that certain South American countries allow to go on as well.

04-06-2008, 02:49 PM
it doesn't matter about the trees. they help but they only output about 10% or less of the oxygen. Algae or bacteria from the ocean is what produces more than 80%.

04-06-2008, 02:52 PM
Personally I'm more worried about having enough usable water for the entire population in a few years than global warming.

Granted they probably are related but if they both happen, the shit storm ensues.

Pretty soon we're gonna be oil-less, water-less, and baking alive. Cool. haha

drift freaq
04-06-2008, 02:55 PM
it doesn't matter about the trees. they help but they only output about 10% or less of the oxygen. Algae or bacteria from the ocean is what produces more than 80%.

Ya but you have to watch out for to much Algae/Bacteria in the ocean as it chokes off oxygen in the water. Which causes dead zones. Look up dead zones online to see this is actually already happening due to the warming of Ocean waters which increase's excess Algae growth.

When this Algae dies, it falls to the sea floor and turns into Bacteria. The Bacteria chokes off the Oxygen and pretty much kills off everything in the area. These dead Zones have appeared off the Pacific coast and have increased in the last few years. This does and has depleted fisheries. Less fish, less food supply from the Sea and for the Sea.

04-06-2008, 03:50 PM
Uh ya but the way he posted it, truthfully gives the impression he went in for it.

dude, it's maddox. and my style is called deadpan.

04-06-2008, 04:12 PM
dude, it's maddox. and my style is called deadpan.

I <3 our humor.



shit will open your eyes wider than the widest wide.

drift freaq
04-06-2008, 05:11 PM
dude, it's maddox. and my style is called deadpan.

Great, I am glad you think your deadpan is so funny. I don't find it so and I not knowing you, it did not come off that way.

Now I post important factual info about Algae and dead zones and this fool jinesz32 tries to neg rep me He writes "your dangerous to everyone go kill yourself". Ya this is why this forum is going down the tubes glad to see all the ignorance.
Oh and by the way jinees32 grey squares do nothing. LOL

04-06-2008, 06:05 PM
i'd like to blame scientology :jerkit:

04-06-2008, 06:09 PM
I really want Al Gore to get hit by a car.

Preferably by a hybrid car.

Ace Callaway
04-06-2008, 06:47 PM
i think global warming is pretty silly. al gore is a joke. when all the music bands and actors were trying to 'speak out about global warming'. i was seriously saddened. everyone around me got sucked into that shit.

That is very unfortunate. But Global Warming is like those PEDA fags, if you're not with them and you're a celebrity, they'll ruin your professional career. :down:

04-06-2008, 07:51 PM
ok its a very simple fact. with plenty of evidence to support it, this thing called THE GREEN HOUSE EFFECT. its growing stronger and stronger
this is 100% fact, no speculation, no predictions, no theories.

the SUN is getting hotter! lol.. wtf are they talking about... first off, this theory is OLD NEWS.. and is wrong. testing of the suns heat has been inconclusive and inaccurate


04-06-2008, 08:00 PM
Looking at the data, I see no trend of the CO2 levels going up BEFORE (a.k.a. causing) the trends in temperature

04-06-2008, 08:37 PM
has any one esle notice that recently "global warming" has become "climate change"?

You know why?

for the last 8 years (7 or 8 cant remember) overall average temps have gone DOWN... idk, seems like the loony liberals have been trying to cover their fuckups, like usual.

04-06-2008, 08:42 PM
just more crap to make the democrats more powerful and the normal americans poorer and more miserable.

you dont hear anything about the Zinc mine in tennesee that gore owns that is the highest polluting business in the state.

gore is making MILLIONS off of this bullshit, making people afraid to live the way they deserve to in this country.

sucks, we lose so many freedoms to this people every day and people love it.

04-06-2008, 08:52 PM
just more crap to make the democrats more powerful and the normal americans poorer and more miserable.

you dont hear anything about the Zinc mine in tennesee that gore owns that is the highest polluting business in the state.

gore is making MILLIONS off of this bullshit, making people afraid to live the way they deserve to in this country.

sucks, we lose so many freedoms to this people every day and people love it.

the second link i posted on page one covers all this...see? http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2006-08-09-gore-green_x.htm

this seems to be happening alot lately, someone comes in and re-covers what i've said @ least once or twice...i need to start posting in some sort of flashing rainbow text that you cant HELP but read...

04-06-2008, 10:43 PM
ok its a very simple fact. with plenty of evidence to support it, this thing called THE GREEN HOUSE EFFECT. its growing stronger and stronger
this is 100% fact, no speculation, no predictions, no theories.

the SUN is getting hotter! lol.. wtf are they talking about... first off, this theory is OLD NEWS.. and is wrong. testing of the suns heat has been inconclusive and inaccurate


Global Warming? New Data Shows Ice Is Back
Most snow cover since 1966
By Phillip Brennan

19 Feb 08 - "Are the world's ice caps melting because of climate change, or are the reports just a lot of scare mongering by the advocates of the global warming theory?

"Scare mongering appears to be the case, according to reports from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that reveal that almost all the allegedly "lost" ice has come back. A NOAA report shows that ice levels which had shrunk from 5 million square miles in January 2007 to just 1.5 million square miles in October, are almost back to their original levels.

"Moreover, a Feb. 18 report in the London Daily Express showed that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than usual, challenging the global warming crusaders and buttressing arguments of skeptics who deny that the world is undergoing global warming.

"As winter roars in across the Northern Hemisphere, Mother Nature seems to have joined the ranks of the skeptics.

"The northern Hemisphere has endured its coldest winter in decades, with snow cover across the area at its greatest since 1966.

"Around the world, vast areas have been buried under some of the heaviest snowfalls in decades.

"More than 100 villages were snowed-in on the island of Crete and temperatures in Athens dropped to -6 C before dawn, while the coldest temperatures were recorded in Kozani, Grevena, Kastoria and Florina, where they plunged to -12 C.

"If global warming gets any worse we'll all freeze to death."

See all of this great commentary by Phillip Brennan

here is a link that list more information to prove natural occurrence.


oh noes........ active volcano under the Antarctic ice?!? I hope Al Gore makes a “ An Inconvenient Truth 2” were he contradicts everything he said in the first one.


04-06-2008, 10:53 PM
this is probably the coolest thing to come from a floridian. i should know, i lived there. 1up for yo sandy ass! ;)

04-07-2008, 12:07 AM
oo how obvious....the whole time I was thinking we were the cause of global warming..when its really been the sun thats been getting hotter...lol, are you fucking kidding me? that video is such a joke. Global warming isnt true because the sun is getting hotter and then they cut and splice clips of al gore and that other guy and have a 30second blurb of some conservative talk show host ripping on him lol, ridiculous....

and would anyone care to state why exactly they dont like Al Gore? it seems like one of these general statments ppl make now...just like how people say they hate hillary...but then when you ask for a reason they dont have one....so someone please enlighten me

my favorite part of that video is by far...."co2....which plants eat" hahahaha as if something that exists in nature cant be dangerous if its over abundant. The downfall of this whole campaign is that they called it global warming....so you end up with all these retards running around going..."well its cold out today...duh its obv not real" when the issue as someone else pointed out is global climate change not warming, so you end up with changes in ecosystems and water shortages in places that do not have the resources to get more if it disappears. Will the doomsday scenario of a massive title wave rolling through downtown NYC happen? probably not. but we may see intense drought and intense flooding, and due to changes in water temperatures we are already seeing an increase in the number and severity of hurricanes and tropical storms during hurricane season. These changes in weather may not have as much of a drastic effect on places like the US and Europe as immediately as it will on poor nations who depend on agriculture...and as someone said( I wish I knew the authors name) If you think things like gold and oil cause violence and huge migrations of people...wait til the water runs out....Im if extreme drought occurs there are many places where you can expect to see a mass exodus of people and a huge migration into countries that have access to water...whether or not you believe its real or you believe that some how toyota moving a few more cleaner running cars is a scam somehow....we should all pray that its not real cause even if it doesnt affect our lives directly the worst case scenario is that a lot of poor an innocent people may suffer or even die

edit: just read fishhouse's post...its sad that someone 6years older than me is that retarded

04-07-2008, 12:26 AM
this thread is pissing me off. people just claiming shit with no proof. maybe you herd it on fox news or some other form of media. don't trust the media, it is just used to hype their personal interests. look at university studies if you want to find TRUE answers. from that formulate your OWN conclusion about the current global situation instead of brainlessly following other people's "research".

i just have to ask: WHO THE FUCK DECIDED THAT AL GORE IS THE SPOKES PERSON GLOBAL WARMING? it's just fucking stupid. within the scientific community, it is known that he is a fuck-head, but at least he's trying to do something good for the planet even if he makes a profit off it and is a world class hypocrite. it's more than you can say about bush vetoing every bill that has to do with the well-being of the environment.

an increase in co2 correlates to an increase in global temperature. i don't really think you can argue that... what is currently causing an increase in co2 in the atmosphere? humans. what could be changed to reduce the effects of global warming? the way humans live, which would be a good thing for them anyway since pollution harms humans too.

global warming sounds like another pointless argument. why wouldn't you want to do something better for your self, your earth, and your children? fucking stupid. people's heads are just filled with bull shit since they can't do their own CREDIBLE research.

04-07-2008, 12:27 AM
and would anyone care to state why exactly they dont like Al Gore?

i dont like al gore for 2 reasons.

1. it doesnt sit too well with me when someone says one thing then does another. (ive covered this in my post on page 1)

2. i met the man face to face. shook his hand and everything. and from observing him, he could'nt have appeared more dis-interested in people as a whole

04-07-2008, 01:06 AM
wow, i really am amazed by the level of ignorance in this thread.

04-07-2008, 02:20 AM
this thread is pissing me off. people just claiming shit with no proof. maybe you herd it on fox news or some other form of media. don't trust the media, it is just used to hype their personal interests. look at university studies if you want to find TRUE answers. from that formulate your OWN conclusion about the current global situation instead of brainlessly following other people's "research".

i just have to ask: WHO THE FUCK DECIDED THAT AL GORE IS THE SPOKES PERSON GLOBAL WARMING? it's just fucking stupid. within the scientific community, it is known that he is a fuck-head, but at least he's trying to do something good for the planet even if he makes a profit off it and is a world class hypocrite. it's more than you can say about bush vetoing every bill that has to do with the well-being of the environment.

an increase in co2 correlates to an increase in global temperature. i don't really think you can argue that... what is currently causing an increase in co2 in the atmosphere? humans. what could be changed to reduce the effects of global warming? the way humans live, which would be a good thing for them anyway since pollution harms humans too.

global warming sounds like another pointless argument. why wouldn't you want to do something better for your self, your earth, and your children? fucking stupid. people's heads are just filled with bull shit since they can't do their own CREDIBLE research.

if c02 correlates to an increase in global temperature, then explain why; 16 Jan 08: Ice returns as Greenland temperatures plummet, 4 Feb 08: Arctic ice isn't vanishing, and 19 Feb 08: Most snow cover since 1966. Why the in the hell are we seeing a sense of normalcy? Does this mean C02 has a cooling effect as well? If so, we are saved. (yeah right :rolleyes: )

Just for the record, im all about polluting less.

Im against the UN, their bullshit C02 Research (greatest hoax of all time), and their bullshit carbon tax.

“Schwank said at least “$10-$40 billion dollars per year” could be generated by the tax, and wealthy nations like the U.S. would bear the biggest burden based on the “polluters pay principle.”

“'Diminish future prosperity'

However, ideas like a global tax and the overall UN climate agenda met strong opposition Thursday from a team of over 100 prominent international scientists who warned the UN that attempting to control the Earth's climate was "ultimately futile."

The scientists wrote, “The IPCC's conclusions are quite inadequate as justification for implementing policies that will markedly diminish future prosperity. In particular, it is not established that it is possible to significantly alter global climate through cuts in human greenhouse gas emissions." The scientists, many of whom are current or former members of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), sent the December 13 letter to the UN Secretary-General. (See: Over 100 Prominent Scientists Warn UN Against 'Futile' Climate Control Efforts”

‘Redistribution of wealth’
The environmental group Friends of the Earth, in attendance in Bali, also advocated the transfer of money from rich to poor nations on Wednesday.
“A climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources,” said Emma Brindal, a climate justice campaigner coordinator for Friends of the Earth.

Calls for global regulations and taxes are not new at the UN. Former Vice President Al Gore, who arrived Thursday at the Bali conference, reiterated this week his call to place a price on carbon dioxide emissions.

In 2000, then French President Jacques Chirac said the UN’s Kyoto Protocol represented "the first component of an authentic global governance." Former EU Environment Minister Margot Wallstrom said, "Kyoto is about the economy, about leveling the playing field for big businesses worldwide." Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper once dismissed Kyoto as a “socialist scheme.”

'A bureaucrat's dream'

MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen warned about these types of carbon regulations earlier this year. "Controlling carbon is a bureaucrat's dream. If you control carbon, you control life," Lindzen said in March 2007. (LINK)

In addition, many critics have often charged that proposed tax and regulatory “solutions” were more important to the promoters of man-made climate fears than the accuracy of their science.

Former Colorado Senator Tim Wirth reportedly said in 1990, "We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing — in terms of economic policy and environmental policy."

It almost seems like somebody is reading from the book of Karl Marx. I know some of you out there can see the pattern in all of this.

04-07-2008, 02:31 AM
did you read my post?....global warming is just the name...they are referring to global climate change, not just ice melting...read what I wrote

04-07-2008, 03:38 AM
as I said before, I don’t read or listen must of Alex Jones stuff. I just thought it was great when called out David meyer de Rothschild.

global climate change not warming, so you end up with changes in ecosystems and water shortages in places that do not have the resources to get more if it disappears.

Global climate change is normal it’s a natural occurrence. Through out history we know that the Earth fluctuates from warm to cold, some periods more devastating than others. NATURAL OCCURANCE. People are not responsible for the climate fluctuating.

but we may see intense drought and intense flooding, and due to changes in water temperatures we are already seeing an increase in the number and severity of hurricanes and tropical storms during hurricane season. These changes in weather may not have as much of a drastic effect on places like the US and Europe as immediately as it will on poor nations who depend on agriculture.

Living on the Gulf Coast, I feel that hurricanes aren’t anymore severe than what a hurricane is. Not until I see a category 6 or 7, and tropical storms are never really severe. After the tropical storm hits a certain wind speed it becomes a hurricane.

as for droughts and intense flooding, I cant say from experience. Im sure droughts are still normal, so whatever, and intense flooding may occur in a area that is prone to flooding.

Big deal nothing out of the ordinary just normal stuff that happens on Earth.

If you think things like gold and oil cause violence and huge migrations of people...wait til the water runs out....Im if extreme drought occurs there are many places where you can expect to see a mass exodus of people and a huge migration into countries that have access to water...

If drinking water was such an issue that people would die, then Desalination is the only solution as of now. Actually its in use right now all over the world.


Koopa Troopa
04-07-2008, 04:01 AM
Oh no a massive shift in the global climate and ecosystem. Not like that's never happened before, 6 or 7 times..... :rofl:

04-07-2008, 04:24 AM
am i late?

just a few minutes of research

just look up

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide
in any encyclopedia, preferably Britannica

images from wikipedia
Photosynthesis uses light energy and carbon dioxide to make triose phospates (G3P). G3P is generally considered the prime end-product of photosynthesis. It can be used as an immediate food nutrient, or combined and rearranged to form disaccharide sugars, such as sucrose and fructose, which can be transported to other cells, or packaged for storage as insoluble polysaccharides such as starch.

A commonly used but slightly simplified equation for photosynthesis is:

6 CO2(g) + 12 H2O(l) + photons → C6H12O6(aq) + 6 O2(g) + 6 H2O(l)
carbon dioxide + water + light energy → glucose + oxygen + water

When written as a word equation the light energy appears above the arrow as it is required for photosynthesis but it is not actually a reactant. Here the monosaccharide glucose is shown as a product, although the actual processes in plants produce disaccharides.

The equation is often presented in introductory chemistry texts in an even more simplified form as:[2]

6 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l) + photons → C6H12O6(aq) + 6 O2(g)

Carbon monoxide, though thought of as a pollutant today, has always been present in the atmosphere, chiefly as a product of volcanic activity. It occurs dissolved in molten volcanic rock at high pressures in the earth's mantle. Carbon monoxide contents of volcanic gases vary from less than 0.01% to as much as 2% depending on the volcano. It also occurs naturally in bushfires. Because natural sources of carbon monoxide are so variable from year to year, it is extremely difficult to accurately measure natural emissions of the gas.

Carbon monoxide has an indirect radiative forcing effect by elevating concentrations of methane and tropospheric ozone through chemical reactions with other atmospheric constituents (e.g., the hydroxyl radical, OH.) that would otherwise destroy them. Through natural processes in the atmosphere, it is eventually oxidized to carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide concentrations are both short-lived in the atmosphere and spatially variable.

Anthropogenic CO from automobile and industrial emissions may contribute to the greenhouse effect. In urban areas carbon monoxide, along with aldehydes, reacts photochemically to produce peroxy radicals. Peroxy radicals react with nitrogen oxide to increase the ratio of NO2 to NO, which reduces the quantity of NO that is available to react with ozone. Carbon monoxide is also a constituent of tobacco smoke.

so we have just learned plants DO consume CO2

and CO naturally turns into CO2 eventually

The real issue is, we have destroyed allot of our plant life. Taxing people for using products that would let the plants flourish more, and not tax people for not planting trees, pants, flowers, gardens is just so fucking backwards.

04-07-2008, 11:30 AM
you know thats the thing about this country....We refuse to confront any issue until it smacks us in the face, until then the majority of people like to act as if issues are nonexistant, so they dont have to think about them and can go on with their daily routine

war,violence, terrorism, international policy, natural disasters, energy shortages, global climate change,....we pretend like nothing could ever go wrong until its on our front door step, then act like no one could have foreseen it

steve shadows
04-07-2008, 11:46 AM
Oh no a massive shift in the global climate and ecosystem. Not like that's never happened before, 6 or 7 times..... :rofl:

Actually more times than that, supposed to happen every 20,000 years.

the earth is 4 Billon years old?

not to mention that this whole "Bio Fuel" with corn thing is going to starve the population to death and ruin the fields, corn is extremely tough on lots for planting.

Brazil is the only one that is pulling it off because of the abundance of sugar cane (they don't make it from corn).

Not to mention that Bio-Fuel from Ethanol is only 70% as efficent as regular gasoline (sometimes less). That means you have to

burn more of it, it ends up equalizing with gasoline in terms of enviornmental impact if you really anaylize it.

04-07-2008, 11:52 AM
You guys... ahaha you gotta understand that these scientist are fucking smart... Not only do they know how to make a point, they know how to rake money in. If you guys are smart, they've actually opened a door for a bunch of people "middle class and +" to be filthy rich. Filthy rich off of somthing that would also benefit. For example, They're not lying about all the energy companies being the ones fucking up the atmosphere the most, So why not scare the shit out of people (or go international) by throwing in what it takes including some facts to also create another government money flow to all the energy companies converting to nuclear plants. And how do us poor, middle class (or who ever has enough) benefit off of this? Investing in the companies stocks before they boom fucking sky high sense the government HAS to make these companies convert to nuclear plants...This is only one example...

04-07-2008, 04:12 PM
People are not responsible for the climate fluctuating.

can you really be serious about this point?
do you really think that the drastic changes humanity has made to the environment since the industrial revolution has no effect?

You are either ignoring facts or just simply misinformed to think that modern human civilization has had no effect on the Earth's systems, including temperature.

04-07-2008, 05:21 PM
You guys... ahaha you gotta understand that these scientist are fucking smart... Not only do they know how to make a point, they know how to rake money in. If you guys are smart, they've actually opened a door for a bunch of people "middle class and +" to be filthy rich. Filthy rich off of somthing that would also benefit. For example, They're not lying about all the energy companies being the ones fucking up the atmosphere the most, So why not scare the shit out of people (or go international) by throwing in what it takes including some facts to also create another government money flow to all the energy companies converting to nuclear plants. And how do us poor, middle class (or who ever has enough) benefit off of this? Investing in the companies stocks before they boom fucking sky high sense the government HAS to make these companies convert to nuclear plants...This is only one example...

This kid is a genius. Environmentalists and scientists need global warming....to make money. Without global warming, all of the scientists that research it would have no grant money to do their research.

Kind of like when you take your car to the local mechanic, it's in his best interest for something to be "wrong"

Not to say humans can't impact environment....I say the US stops releasing CO2..........

This way the rest of the world will spiral downward. US = most underappreciated country ever. Other countries are better because of us, and in most cases, NOT vice versa.

04-07-2008, 06:38 PM
can you really be serious about this point?
do you really think that the drastic changes humanity has made to the environment since the industrial revolution has no effect?

You are either ignoring facts or just simply misinformed to think that modern human civilization has had no effect on the Earth's systems, including temperature.

I’m wondering if you can be serious your self. Your only analyzing a couple hundred years of data. Lets go further back and look at the patterns.

Misinformed? Here are some facts maybe you have ignored.

Completely normal I would say. We are seeing a similar pattern within the last 3,000 years. The fluctuation from hot to cold is a normal sequence, and if we go back even further we will probably see the same patterns.

surface temperature vs. solar activity

Solar activity correlates very well with temperature!

now look at C02 VS. Temperature.


It appears that C02 Does Not correlate well with temperature. Look how C02 lags temperature. Wouldn’t it make more sense to say that C02 increases when temperature rise rather than vise versa?

Look how glacier shortening “happened”( glaciers are growing now :) ). Glacier shortening started before the industrial revolution and continued on a steady course until recently. Did I mention glaciers are growing now? :)

Humans have no effect on Global climate change. Global climate change is a natural occurrence. The facts you believe from the 600 UN scientists can easily make sense if you don’t look at the full picture. About 22,000 scientists signed a global-warming petition that concludes the opposite of what the UN scientist said. All that means I guess is that the majority of scientists believe Natural Occurrence instead of humans causing it.

Un scientist also believe if they are right about humans caused global climate change, a human attempt would be futile :eek: . Politicians say we can fix this with taxes! HA! Bullshit. :loco:

Dr. Robinson: An estimated nine percent of the energy of the United States is now used to power computers and the Internet. This technology cannot exist without energy. Automobiles require energy. You cannot warm your home without energy.

If the UN controls, rations, and taxes energy, they will have the power to determine whether you can run a wood stove, whether you can run an automobile, or can use any of the technology that makes our modern life possible.

When you say this to people, their eyes glaze over. They don’t believe it’s going to happen.

The power to tax and ration energy is the power to control the world — to have life and death control over every human being on the planet. No government should ever have this power. The United Nations-IPCC process is not about the climate or saving the environment. It is about power and money — lots of it.

Should Gore and the UN succeed, the effect will not only be diminished prosperity in the United States. In underdeveloped countries, billions of people are lifting themselves from poverty by means of hydrocarbon energy. If their energy supplies are rationed and taxed, they will slip backwards into poverty, misery, and death. This fits the population control agenda of the United Nations.

If the misuse and falsification of the scientific method that drives the human-caused global-warming mania succeeds, it will cause the greatest acts of human genocide the world has ever known. It must be stopped.

04-07-2008, 06:52 PM
SR240DET if I were gay I would make out with you.

Love to see people representing the other side of the story, even if neither side is exactly correct.

04-07-2008, 07:00 PM
so can anyone tell me what exactly is wrong with us consuming less....this country thrives on waaay more than our fair share of this planets limited resources.....why should we continue to slash and burn and consume?? so some douche can drive his Hummer by himself in the HOV lane? The rest of the world makes due with half the resources this country does but if you ask the average American to conserve they are apauled by the thought....what is the downside to us using less energy? anyone? Ill wait....

04-07-2008, 07:54 PM
I don't think conserving is bad at all. I agree....the average person should be driving a car that gets like 45 mpg and we do waste a lot.

The problem is, the proposed solutions that environmentalists and al gore come up with are just retarded.

There is no reason we shouldn't be building an asston of nuclear power plants. They are so fucking better than coal/gas/anything else, but the average person is dumb and scared into thinking they are dangerous.

The way I see it, if we can stop using coal/gas/oil for power plants and get our power solely from nuclear/wind/solar/hydroelectric, we'd be a fair way onto solving the problem.

Using efficient light bulbs does diddly-fuck for solving the problem. Plus, these new "efficient" light bulbs contain mercury vapor. Has anyone considered how much energy needs to be spent to properly dispose of them? no.....

Additionally, you comment on the rest of the world using less, but the rest of the world produces far less. That is why our GDP per carbon output is so high.

Sure we can use less energy....if you want to live like we did 100-200 years ago.

Nothing is free. Progress costs energy.

04-07-2008, 07:59 PM
so can anyone tell me what exactly is wrong with us consuming less....this country thrives on waaay more than our fair share of this planets limited resources.....why should we continue to slash and burn and consume?? so some douche can drive his Hummer by himself in the HOV lane? The rest of the world makes due with half the resources this country does but if you ask the average American to conserve they are apauled by the thought....what is the downside to us using less energy? anyone? Ill wait....

To force people against there will to consume less?


To influence in a peaceful type way?

I agree that we should consume less,… somewhat (please specify?), but not by force by any means.

04-07-2008, 08:14 PM
Humans have no effect on Global climate change. Global climate change is a natural occurrence. The facts you believe from the 600 UN scientists can easily make sense if you don’t look at the full picture. About 22,000 scientists signed a global-warming petition that concludes the opposite of what the UN scientist said. All that means I guess is that the majority of scientists believe Natural Occurrence instead of humans causing it.

Un scientist also believe if they are right about humans caused global climate change, a human attempt would be futile :eek: . Politicians say we can fix this with taxes! HA! Bullshit. :loco:

you're missing the point... humans have not caused it, they have only accelerated it. it's not like everyone is going to believe everything that the man says, but does it really matter? we can't keep the change from happening, but we can slow it for a little bit and also improve the way that we interact with our environment... what are we arguing about again?

so can anyone tell me what exactly is wrong with us consuming less....this country thrives on waaay more than our fair share of this planets limited resources.....why should we continue to slash and burn and consume?? so some douche can drive his Hummer by himself in the HOV lane? The rest of the world makes due with half the resources this country does but if you ask the average American to conserve they are apauled by the thought....what is the downside to us using less energy? anyone? Ill wait....

04-07-2008, 08:43 PM
Actually more times than that, supposed to happen every 20,000 years.

the earth is 4 Billon years old?

not to mention that this whole "Bio Fuel" with corn thing is going to starve the population to death and ruin the fields, corn is extremely tough on lots for planting.

Brazil is the only one that is pulling it off because of the abundance of sugar cane (they don't make it from corn).

Not to mention that Bio-Fuel from Ethanol is only 70% as efficent as regular gasoline (sometimes less). That means you have to

burn more of it, it ends up equalizing with gasoline in terms of enviornmental impact if you really anaylize it.

not to mention you still need to USE petrol to MAKE biofuel

AND its 200% less efficient to make

04-07-2008, 09:21 PM
you're missing the point... humans have not caused it, they have only accelerated it. it's not like everyone is going to believe everything that the man says, but does it really matter? we can't keep the change from happening, but we can slow it for a little bit and also improve the way that we interact with our environment... what are we arguing about again?

How can one predict, or assume, that humans are the reason climate change is accelerating, when climate changes run on a irregular pattern? To say we are causing climate change that leaves the assumption that we know how to predict it? Using C02 concentration to predict change? No, the increase and decrease of c02 do not correlate well with temperature. C02 follows temperature, essentially meaning when temperature rise, so does c02 from the ocean.

The human-caused increase in the atmosphere is not permanent, but temporary. This increase is only being maintained by our production and, as soon as we stop producing at some later time when our technology advances, it will go back to its naturally controlled level.
When we use hydrocarbons, the resulting carbon dioxide goes through the atmosphere on its way to the oceans and biosphere, so there is a rise in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide has a very short half-time of about seven years in the atmosphere. However, while it is in higher concentration, it is wonderful for us because it makes our plants grow faster, which markedly increases the amounts and diversity of plant and animal life.

solar activity correlates well with global temperature btw

04-07-2008, 09:48 PM
It's gonna be interesting when the water starts to run dry. The states already are trying to get their hands on Canadian water, you poor bastards in the southwest and other regions are gonna dry up, sorry. I think the Canadians are trying to pass law so that water exports are illegal:ugh:

04-07-2008, 10:28 PM
It's gonna be interesting when the water starts to run dry. The states already are trying to get their hands on Canadian water, you poor bastards in the southwest and other regions are gonna dry up, sorry. I think the Canadians are trying to pass law so that water exports are illegal:ugh:

Desalination, problem solved.



04-08-2008, 12:29 AM
yup. the best way to get massive people to do anything you want is to convince them that they have a problem, and that you have the solution and everyone else is crazy not to believe you.

04-08-2008, 03:19 AM
yup. the best way to get massive people to do anything you want is to convince them that they have a problem, and that you have to tax them and everyone else is crazy not to believe you.

fixed for truth

04-14-2008, 09:39 PM
any of you heard of earth talk today (show) pretty kool show.


watch the ones on Oil Dependence and Global Warming, great stuff. Edit "Environmental Careers" is another good one

Might have to download joost, great video program, free.

I still havent started on my essay, having trouble getting started, (about if the U.S. should join kyoto protocol or not)

04-15-2008, 12:50 AM
any of you heard of earth talk today (show) pretty kool show.


watch the ones on Oil Dependence and Global Warming, great stuff. Edit "Environmental Careers" is another good one

Might have to download joost, great video program, free.

I still havent started on my essay, having trouble getting started, (about if the U.S. should join kyoto protocol or not)

howbout not, it's incredibly unrealistic and almost no one has been able to meet its goals thus far...

04-15-2008, 02:18 AM
I still havent started on my essay, having trouble getting started, (about if the U.S. should join kyoto protocol or not)

In 2000, then French President Jacques Chirac said the UN’s Kyoto Protocol represented "the first component of an authentic global governance." Former EU Environment Minister Margot Wallstrom said, "Kyoto is about the economy, about leveling the playing field for big businesses worldwide." Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper once dismissed Kyoto as a “socialist scheme.”

Karl Marx would have loved the Kyoto Protocol. Karl Marx is known as “Father Communist” in case you didn’t know.

Kyoto Protocol wants to distribute wealth from us to developing countries.” The goal of communism was a system that extracted from each according to his ability to give to each according to his need.” –Karl Marx. See the resemblance? The UN is the enemy to everybody who loves freedom and liberty.

PM me if you like some more help on your essay DisEpyon. I can answer any questions you may have and provide facts, so you can make up your own mind.

04-15-2008, 09:11 AM
I think it goes beyond a scam. It's almost a conspiracy it seems among academics and political lobbyists etc. At my university campus they set aside a lecture in EVERY class in EVERY college to watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth". So that means most students (like myself) had to watch it at least three times. Some had to see it five or six! Attendance was basically mandatory... they just wanted to cram it down our throats over and over.

When myself, and in some other classes other students, asked if we would be watching anything that presented the opposing viewpoint (such as that documentary made by actual scientists and climatologists directly in response to Al Gore's documentary) we were all answered with this: "No"

Plain and simple; no contrary views are allowed to be held or spoken on this anymore. It's getting a little scary to be honest... some people even calling for the punishment of "enviromental criminals" and anyone who opposes the whole global warming gospel. In my geological sciences class we spent two lectures talking about how various natural elements can cause global warming, and how scientists think it's likely a normal occurence, and how it's happened in the past. However, we were lectured for 2 hours by Al Gore on how our C02 emissions (Which likely make up less then 5% of C02 in the atmosphere) are "killing" the planet. Most C02 comes from natural causes and is vital to earths survival, and not the terrible poison we've been told it is. But when you have people like Al Gore and other politicians saying things like they are... People tend to listen. We even had a student in my class yell at other students who don't buy into this that we were "killing the earth for the children"

It's just getting ridiculous. People calling for the entire "removal" of C02 emissions of any kind. Most are too dumb to know they have to stop breathing, and drain the oceans dry, for that to happen.

Hopefully some of them are committed enough to try the first one.

04-15-2008, 09:33 AM
word. i love these videos you can only see on the internet. mainstream media just won't get into the facts because of their ties to government and their sponsors.

check this one out, it really opened my eyes to some shit.


I hope this guy is joking. If not, he's one of the dumbest fucking idiots on earth. The Titanic sank because the metal WAS weaker then the ice at that temperature. The method for making steel in 1912 was not nearly what it is today, and the metal was unable to withstand the stress of the cold combined with the sudden shock of impact with the ice.

My father worked at a steel foundry when he was in high school, and the foreman there even demonstrated it one day. He took a piece of steel formed by a similar process used to make the Titanics steel plates and put it in the freezer for a couple days... then took it out and hit it with a sledge. The thing shattered. The book... was just a coinceidence... kind of. Many people think the Titanic was planned long before the book was written and the ship actually built, and that the author was aware of the plans for the ship when he wrote it, and therefore the sinking by iceberg part is the only true coinceidence. Still strange... but stranger has happened.

04-16-2008, 03:42 AM
Guess what!!! Beer has a part in global climate change based on nothing, but political conjecture.


04-17-2008, 12:29 AM
I think it goes beyond a scam. It's almost a conspiracy it seems among academics and political lobbyists etc. At my university campus they set aside a lecture in EVERY class in EVERY college to watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth". So that means most students (like myself) had to watch it at least three times. Some had to see it five or six! Attendance was basically mandatory... they just wanted to cram it down our throats over and over.

When myself, and in some other classes other students, asked if we would be watching anything that presented the opposing viewpoint (such as that documentary made by actual scientists and climatologists directly in response to Al Gore's documentary) we were all answered with this: "No"

Plain and simple; no contrary views are allowed to be held or spoken on this anymore. It's getting a little scary to be honest... some people even calling for the punishment of "enviromental criminals" and anyone who opposes the whole global warming gospel. In my geological sciences class we spent two lectures talking about how various natural elements can cause global warming, and how scientists think it's likely a normal occurence, and how it's happened in the past. However, we were lectured for 2 hours by Al Gore on how our C02 emissions (Which likely make up less then 5% of C02 in the atmosphere) are "killing" the planet. Most C02 comes from natural causes and is vital to earths survival, and not the terrible poison we've been told it is. But when you have people like Al Gore and other politicians saying things like they are... People tend to listen. We even had a student in my class yell at other students who don't buy into this that we were "killing the earth for the children"

It's just getting ridiculous. People calling for the entire "removal" of C02 emissions of any kind. Most are too dumb to know they have to stop breathing, and drain the oceans dry, for that to happen.

Hopefully some of them are committed enough to try the first one.



04-17-2008, 02:55 AM
I hope this guy is joking. If not, he's one of the dumbest fucking idiots on earth. The Titanic sank because the metal WAS weaker then the ice at that temperature. The method for making steel in 1912 was not nearly what it is today, and the metal was unable to withstand the stress of the cold combined with the sudden shock of impact with the ice.

My father worked at a steel foundry when he was in high school, and the foreman there even demonstrated it one day. He took a piece of steel formed by a similar process used to make the Titanics steel plates and put it in the freezer for a couple days... then took it out and hit it with a sledge. The thing shattered. The book... was just a coinceidence... kind of. Many people think the Titanic was planned long before the book was written and the ship actually built, and that the author was aware of the plans for the ship when he wrote it, and therefore the sinking by iceberg part is the only true coinceidence. Still strange... but stranger has happened.

i take it that you never seen loose change. That video was purely a parody.