View Full Version : Its been a year today since i lost my mom!!..

04-05-2008, 09:15 PM
I know it might me late saying something now but i was never had the confidence to post it.... Thanks ahead of time for taking the time to read through this post!

So a year ago today April 5th, my mother passed away leaving 3boys and 1 girl. I know that i am not the only one that lost a mother but everyone has his or her lives that they have to deal with. I can honestly say that my life after a year later has totally changed!!..

In the fall of 2006 my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer while complaining about chest pain. So she did what any other person would do, go through Kemo therapy for treatment. But what the doctor forgot to mention was that she was in the later stage of breast cancer, which was going to be very difficult to cure.

For the next couple of months her condition got worse and worse, and without seeing the sighs by the middle of march, the cancer spread through out her body leaving her with cancer all over her body!

With X-rays and cat scans what showed up was liver cancer, left thigh bone cancer, lung cancer, 4cm in diameter tumor in her brain and last but now least was the origin of the problem, breast cancer.

Not soon after the test results and conformation of all these issues we signed her up in a program called: Hospice (i think thats how you spell it?) Which allowed her to pass over peacefully at home with a nurse by her side 24/7.

My mother soon passed away On April 5th,2007 at 6:45am with my brothers watching her take her last breath. :wtc: That was the worst feeling i have ever had in my entire life!

Now that its been a year i could see that i have became more of a family guy!.. lol i am doing really well in school in all my chemistry and biology classes! and on top of that i just recently bought my own business that is going to top soon!.. (not gunna say what it is until its actual open!) So yea... :x: hope the business goes well!!..lol

I really miss my mom!! . gay as it may seem but i know you guys miss you mothers too!!

Thanks for reading,
Longdy Chea

04-05-2008, 09:18 PM
Props to you for being able to share your story.
I don't know how it feels to lose a mother, but I
know someday I will.

Good luck in your future plans with your business.

04-05-2008, 09:20 PM
My condolences man I don't know i would make it without my Mom in my life

04-05-2008, 09:26 PM
Sad stuff, man. Best wishes for you and your family.

04-05-2008, 09:29 PM
I wouldn't be able to take it.

Best of luck.

04-05-2008, 09:33 PM
Im glad you were strong enough to not let this bring you down and ruin your life. Im sure at times you just must have wanted to quit, but Im sure you know your mom would want you to succeed, and not let her passing ruin your life.

Death is part of life, and from the day we are born we are dying.

Props again to you for doing what any parent would want in that situation and stepping upto the plate as more of a family man, and a man in general..

I know that when my mom was diag with breast cancer we all thought the worst. Especially since I had lost my sister 5 years earlier, and my other sister had just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It really makes you wonder how it will feel to not have them in your life, and it is a devastating feeling. Luckily , my mom beat the cancer and is now the most energetic 65 year old I know. Wish I could say my sister was doing better, but shes trying.

Again. Props on takin care of business, and I know when my parents pass that If I let it ruin me I will kick myself in the face. Simply because I know all parents want is too see their kids succeed.

drift freaq
04-05-2008, 09:39 PM
Condolences longdy. I lost my mother to breast cancer in the later stages, went into her bones 17 years ago. We had her around for a year and a half before she finally passed. In the end she was pretty withered away. I am sure the pain was intense because they were pumping her full of painkillers, that would make any of us so high that we would just babble, yet she was coherent.
I am sure your mom went through the same experience. My heart goes out to you I know how it is. You've been strong and you have and are growing. Keep up the good fight.

04-05-2008, 09:41 PM
good to hear your getting thru all this and sounds like your doing good.
Right now my mom is all i got i dont know how id get along if something happened right now in my life.

04-05-2008, 09:55 PM
Props to you for being able to share your story.
I don't know how it feels to lose a mother, but I
know someday I will.

Good luck in your future plans with your business.

My condolences man I don't know i would make it without my Mom in my life

Sad stuff, man. Best wishes for you and your family.

I wouldn't be able to take it.

Best of luck.

Im glad you were strong enough to not let this bring you down and ruin your life. Im sure at times you just must have wanted to quit, but Im sure you know your mom would want you to succeed, and not let her passing ruin your life.

Death is part of life, and from the day we are born we are dying.

Props again to you for doing what any parent would want in that situation and stepping upto the plate as more of a family man, and a man in general..

I know that when my mom was diag with breast cancer we all thought the worst. Especially since I had lost my sister 5 years earlier, and my other sister had just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It really makes you wonder how it will feel to not have them in your life, and it is a devastating feeling. Luckily , my mom beat the cancer and is now the most energetic 65 year old I know. Wish I could say my sister was doing better, but shes trying.

Again. Props on takin care of business, and I know when my parents pass that If I let it ruin me I will kick myself in the face. Simply because I know all parents want is too see their kids succeed.

Condolences longdy. I lost my mother to breast cancer in the later stages, went into her bones 17 years ago. We had her around for a year and a half before she finally passed. In the end she was pretty withered away. I am sure the pain was intense because they were pumping her full of painkillers, that would make any of us so high that we would just babble, yet she was coherent.
I am sure your mom went through the same experience. My heart goes out to you I know how it is. You've been strong and you have and are growing. Keep up the good fight.

good to hear your getting thru all this and sounds like your doing good.
Right now my mom is all i got i dont know how id get along if something happened right now in my life.

Thanks everyone for the kind words!!!... i thought i was gunna get flammed since i was posting cuz i was i was feeling down!!.. thanks again!!!

O just to get this out there if you love you mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wife, and your female friends PLEASE have them go in for a check up constantly!!!.. Breast cancer is a risk to every person out there (mainly females!) but this is a risk that anyone could change from a death situation to a life saving situation!!

PLEASE it only takes 1/2 to 1 hour for an routine examination that could save your love ones lives!!..

I regret not knowing about how serious breast cancer or cancer in general is soooooooo wide spread!!!.. didnt think it would happen to my own mother, but it did!!!...

I regret not making her get check ups every 2-3 months, so dont end up regretting like i did, when you can save your love ones life!!!!.....

THanks again for the support...

O YEA.. i think imma post up my business grand opening for Zilvians too!!... :w00t:

drift freaq
04-05-2008, 10:02 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words!!!... i thought i was gunna get flammed since i was posting cuz i was i was feeling down!!.. thanks again!!!

O just to get this out there if you love you mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wife, and your female friends PLEASE have them go in for a check up constantly!!!.. Breast cancer is a risk to every person out there (mainly females!) but this is a risk that anyone could change from a death situation to a life saving situation!!

PLEASE it only takes 1/2 to 1 hour for an routine examination that could save your love ones lives!!..

I regret not knowing about how serious breast cancer or cancer in general is soooooooo wide spread!!!.. didnt think it would happen to my own mother, but it did!!!...

Tell me about, I only have a girlfriend who got breast cancer at the age of 30 she is now 2 years out the other side of it and it was stage IV.
Yes the Women in my Avatar is 2 years the other side of breast cancer.

04-05-2008, 10:07 PM
Tell me about, I only have a girlfriend who got breast cancer at the age of 30 she is now 2 years out the other side of it and it was stage IV.
Yes the Women in my Avatar is 2 years the other side of breast cancer.

Thanks sad to hear dave!!!... dang are still dating right now???..

drift freaq
04-05-2008, 10:10 PM
Thanks sad to hear dave!!!... dang are still dating right now???..

Ya except she is back in Japan right now. She wants to come back. Though she has managed to beat it and it was good she was there, when it happened. Her family and Insurance took care of the treatment. I might be going there in May.

04-05-2008, 10:32 PM
That's awesome it take a lot of courage to open up to something this painful. Good luck with your business i hope it works out completely. Sorry about your mother too. I hope your family is doing good.

04-05-2008, 10:33 PM
My sincerest condolences Longdy. I just lost my Dad this past January 31. Besides missing his company and making him laugh, that lost sense of "security" from having parents around is the hardest thing for me to deal with. Hang in there man!

04-05-2008, 10:46 PM
Condolences to you Longdy. Im sorry to hear about that, But Im glad your doing great. I miss my mom and she just left on a trip for a week. She's like my best friend I only tell everything(I mean everything).

04-05-2008, 11:54 PM
my condolences to you as well. I cannot say I understand the pain you have dealt with, but I can respect you for being so open about it and taking the initiative to use it as motivation to make your life and the lives of those around you better. In some instances it takes the death of a loved one to realize how little time we actually have on this planet and how quickly it may pass. This is unfortunate, but hopefully a meaningful reality check for the rest of us. May she rest in peace.

Keep up your good honest work, and may nothing like this happen to you in the future.

04-06-2008, 12:32 AM
man mad respect 2 you . cause of you i will give my mom a big hug in your honor

04-06-2008, 12:47 AM
i know how you feel about losing someone like that..... :/ cancer is a bitch. it got my grandma and she was like my mom.

04-06-2008, 05:07 AM
You are a stronger man than I. props to you sir for being able to go on with your life and be successful.

makes me want to go visit my mother in Japan.

04-06-2008, 10:12 AM
Condolences longdy.

My mom is in Mexico right now along with her entire family because my grandpa is now on life support. 100% chance he's not going to make it.

Losing a grandparent is one thing...losing your mother or father is an entirely different story.

I'm pretty down as it is right now about my grandpa, but I can only imagine how bad my mom is feeling right now let alone my grandma and the rest of my family(on my mom's side).

My first experience with death was a few years ago when one of my very good friends committed suicide. It really messed me up because at school, he never seemed like that type of person. At that moment, I came to realize that life is too precious to waste. Live life to it's fullest and enjoy every damn minute of it.

Best of wishes and keep up the good work.

04-06-2008, 10:16 AM
thats a sad story. i dont know what i'd do. thanks for sharing, and as always. sorry to hear.

04-06-2008, 10:53 AM
I know it might me late saying something now but i was never had the confidence to post it.... Thanks ahead of time for taking the time to read through this post!

So a year ago today April 5th, my mother passed away leaving 3boys and 1 girl. I know that i am not the only one that lost a mother but everyone has his or her lives that they have to deal with. I can honestly say that my life after a year later has totally changed!!..

In the fall of 2006 my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer while complaining about chest pain. So she did what any other person would do, go through Kemo therapy for treatment. But what the doctor forgot to mention was that she was in the later stage of breast cancer, which was going to be very difficult to cure.

For the next couple of months her condition got worse and worse, and without seeing the sighs by the middle of march, the cancer spread through out her body leaving her with cancer all over her body!

With X-rays and cat scans what showed up was liver cancer, left thigh bone cancer, lung cancer, 4cm in diameter tumor in her brain and last but now least was the origin of the problem, breast cancer.

Not soon after the test results and conformation of all these issues we signed her up in a program called: Hospice (i think thats how you spell it?) Which allowed her to pass over peacefully at home with a nurse by her side 24/7.

My mother soon passed away On April 5th,2007 at 6:45am with my brothers watching her take her last breath. :wtc: That was the worst feeling i have ever had in my entire life!

Now that its been a year i could see that i have became more of a family guy!.. lol i am doing really well in school in all my chemistry and biology classes! and on top of that i just recently bought my own business that is going to top soon!.. (not gunna say what it is until its actual open!) So yea... :x: hope the business goes well!!..lol

I really miss my mom!! . gay as it may seem but i know you guys miss you mothers too!!

Thanks for reading,
Longdy Chea

DAm man thats a way to step up like a man.. i bet your mom would not want to see you give up as to seeing how hard she fought to stay with you guys best of luck with everything man.. kind of short story but i was at collage and i came home quick in between classes to grab a bite cause i lived close.. as i opened the door i found my grandmother on the floor bearly alive i did all i could called the cops and fire department also gave her some water i watched my grandmother die slowly and it was a year march 20th... the only thing you can do is man up like you are and remember the good times you spent with her.

04-06-2008, 12:48 PM
yea i lost mine in november of 2003 when i was 16. just dont forget that she is able to see you being successful in life.

04-07-2008, 01:29 PM
congrats dude the 1st year is always the hardest
sadly i lost mine in aug of 05 right after i turned 15
to lung and brain cancer =/
its hard.....

04-07-2008, 01:31 PM
+rep for you.

04-07-2008, 01:34 PM
I know how it feels man...I'm sorry for your loss.

but I'm glad to see that you are moving forward, and by the looks of it; you have a lot of good things coming.

may your mom rest in peace. She's looking down at you smiling ;)

04-07-2008, 01:39 PM
condolences to you and your family, i am in a similar situation as it will be my fathers 1 year coming up soon.

Just remind yourself to remember your family and do what she would think would be best. Remember to be strong for your family, we each show our emotions differently. We wear the experiences, ie trial and tribulations on our shoulders and have to go thru life with this pain.

But best of luck to you, if u need to chat feel free to AIM me

You have tremendous courage to talk about it so I admire you. I may be older but this is still something that is still hanging over my head on a daily basis for almost a year now.

Being a family man is not a bad thing, it seems like you understand and appreciate exactly what your mom had set out for. Good for you!

04-07-2008, 01:43 PM
sounds like ur doing great for yourself overcomeing the loss. best of luck to you and your family.

04-07-2008, 02:03 PM
wow i am really surprised how many wonderful and supporting response i got from this forum!!!....

Thanks everyone again for the support!!!!

I <3 ZILVIA!!!!.....lol

04-07-2008, 02:08 PM
my mom is about to get Hospice. all due to the 3rd leading cause of death in this country, medical malpractice. an ass of a doctor who improperly diagnosed her and ripped her fallopian tubes out letting the cancer spread like wild fire. im feeling your pain bro. my mom will leave behind 2 sons and 2 daughters before she is 50.
glad you are doing well!

04-07-2008, 02:35 PM
my mom is about to get Hospice. all due to the 3rd leading cause of death in this country, medical malpractice. an ass of a doctor who improperly diagnosed her and ripped her fallopian tubes out letting the cancer spread like wild fire. im feeling your pain bro. my mom will leave behind 2 sons and 2 daughters before she is 50.
glad you are doing well!

thats sad to hear bro!!... Its going to get really hard for you from now on!!!... im sorry...

all i can say is dont go do anything other than staying with your mom!!! trust me i wish i still had to the chance to do that!

AT 50 ...wow ... My mother left me and my brothers at the age of 37!!! She will never get to see me finish college or have her first grandson/daughter!!!! This makes me cry alot sometimes!!:cry:..lol

thanks for sharing ... AIM me if you wanna chat or PM for my number to talk if you need to!!!:bigok:

04-07-2008, 02:40 PM
damn dude i dont kno what id do if i lost my mom
I'm sorry for your loss.
best of luck to u and ur family.

04-07-2008, 02:43 PM
Nice to meet you at Balcony and my heart goes out to you and your's.But remember that she will always be with you in spirit:)

04-07-2008, 06:01 PM
Brings a tear to my eye

Thanks for sharing your story

04-07-2008, 07:01 PM
my mom is about to get Hospice. all due to the 3rd leading cause of death in this country, medical malpractice. an ass of a doctor who improperly diagnosed her and ripped her fallopian tubes out letting the cancer spread like wild fire. im feeling your pain bro. my mom will leave behind 2 sons and 2 daughters before she is 50.
glad you are doing well!

some doctors are such a joke
my moms doctor diagnosed my mom with bronchitis
wtf!? completely wrong she started losing her memory and took her
to the ER and found out she has insane masses in her brain
doctor was completely reatarted the shizz spread in the same fashion
and just completely sucks....

yeah sucks leaving behind children she left 3 sons a daughter and 2 grandchildren and 52 :down::down:

Mi Beardo es Loco
04-07-2008, 07:21 PM
my father in law passed away June 4th of last year. Was having some chest pains after a business trip to Blythe, Ca (Pool Construction) was in the ER for 18 hours before even being admitted. Found out he had mild Pneumonia and was going to release him in a couple hours. Well, a couple hours turned into overnight. Overnight turned into a couple days. A couple days turned into medical induced coma. The medical induced coma turned into 3 separate infections. The last infection was caused by bacteria in the IV lines. They did the culture and came back positive, but after he passed the results mysteriously disappeared. Shitty ass hospital had to ship doctors from Loma Linda to care for him! I'm so angry at them for what they did. First, they don't treat something VERY serious seriously enough. Then they are the cause of an infection that eventually kills him. The shitty thing was that they had him waking up and ready to go home when he contracted the infection from the IV lines. He would have been with us if they would have traced the bacteria back to THEIR EQUIPMENT before shotgunning medicine that was killing his internal organs. He was down for almost a month, then his heart gave way. 2007 was probably the worst year of my life. Shit, I gained like 30 pounds in 6 months after that. They lost EVERYTHING.

04-07-2008, 08:43 PM
I dont mean to sound so blunt but you'll get over it.

I lost my dad to a massive heart attack when I was 11. He died right in front of me in the emergency room.

Anyways, you should talk to someone about it. Get your feelings out before it turns into depression or something. That's not too fun.

04-07-2008, 11:11 PM
Hospice (i think thats how you spell it?) Which allowed her to pass over peacefully at home with a nurse by her side 24/7.

My Grandpa is currently on the program. It scares me to go to sleep and to wake up to him not breathing. I'm sorry to hear about your mother, but it sounds like things are going well for you. Goodluck!

04-07-2008, 11:27 PM
sorry to hear longdy, i'm glad to hear that your still strong playing the role of a parent for the kids to look up to, thats awsome!

04-07-2008, 11:33 PM
Glad to hear your doing ok bud...sry to hear about your loss...keep up what your doing and keep your head up...

04-07-2008, 11:36 PM
I know that people say that you get over it, but I seriously don't think i'd be mentally/physically able to handle my mom passing away. I've actually thought of what I woud do, and suicide has crossed my mind a lot more times than others. Another thing i'm afraid of, is that I may just have uncontrollable rage. Hearing this story makes my heart heavy. I don't know the pain you are going through, but i'm sure that I will one day. I wish you the best. Makes me want to go home, and hug my mom.

04-08-2008, 12:10 AM
Nice to meet you at Balcony and my heart goes out to you and your's.But remember that she will always be with you in spirit:)

Nice to meet you too!!..thanks for the kind words

some doctors are such a joke
my moms doctor diagnosed my mom with bronchitis
wtf!? completely wrong she started losing her memory and took her
to the ER and found out she has insane masses in her brain
doctor was completely reatarted the shizz spread in the same fashion
and just completely sucks....

yeah sucks leaving behind children she left 3 sons a daughter and 2 grandchildren and 52 :down::down:

yea that was that was the same thing that happened to me!!!!...

gosh it makes me mad that when she was having breathing issues which included coughing and short breaths, they said that she had tuberculoses!!!!....

so the medicine that she was taking for tuberculoses stopped her immune system for awhile allowing the real problem of cancer to spread through out her body!!!..

DAM doctors that dont really care about their patients!!

Just keep your hear up the way you mother would want to see you!!!!

my father in law passed away June 4th of last year. Was having some chest pains after a business trip to Blythe, Ca (Pool Construction) was in the ER for 18 hours before even being admitted. Found out he had mild Pneumonia and was going to release him in a couple hours. Well, a couple hours turned into overnight. Overnight turned into a couple days. A couple days turned into medical induced coma. The medical induced coma turned into 3 separate infections. The last infection was caused by bacteria in the IV lines. They did the culture and came back positive, but after he passed the results mysteriously disappeared. Shitty ass hospital had to ship doctors from Loma Linda to care for him! I'm so angry at them for what they did. First, they don't treat something VERY serious seriously enough. Then they are the cause of an infection that eventually kills him. The shitty thing was that they had him waking up and ready to go home when he contracted the infection from the IV lines. He would have been with us if they would have traced the bacteria back to THEIR EQUIPMENT before shotgunning medicine that was killing his internal organs. He was down for almost a month, then his heart gave way. 2007 was probably the worst year of my life. Shit, I gained like 30 pounds in 6 months after that. They lost EVERYTHING.

wow... thats sad to hear buddy!! i didnt think that getting an infection from the IV lines were still possible?!?!

Keep your hear head buddy!!!!... and thanks for sharing your story with me and everyone else!!! :bigok:

I dont mean to sound so blunt but you'll get over it.

I lost my dad to a massive heart attack when I was 11. He died right in front of me in the emergency room.

Anyways, you should talk to someone about it. Get your feelings out before it turns into depression or something. That's not too fun.

we all know that we are going to get over it but sometimes its the relationship you had with the love one that you lose.. like with me my mother was everything to me, she was my best friend and my supporter for everything i did!!

so getting over it thats a sure, but the time that we finally do and get back to reality, thats the hardest part!!

My Grandpa is currently on the program. It scares me to go to sleep and to wake up to him not breathing. I'm sorry to hear about your mother, but it sounds like things are going well for you. Goodluck!

All I would recommend is stay by his side AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE trust me!!.. just keep your head up high and do the things that will make you grandfather proud of you!!

sorry to hear longdy, i'm glad to hear that your still strong playing the role of a parent for the kids to look up to, thats awsome!

Thanks charlie!!... you did well for the first track event you went to!!!...

Thanks everyone that has shared their stories!!.. :bigok:

Yea i wish i could go to my parents room and cuddle with my mother the way i use to when i was growing up!!!....missed those days!!!

04-08-2008, 12:11 AM
Dma bro sorry to hear that. My heart goes out to you and your family

04-08-2008, 12:54 AM
I really miss my mom!! . gay as it may seem but i know you guys miss you mothers too!!

Thanks for reading,
Longdy Chea

its not being gay. thats a real emotion you showed us. thanks for sharing the story, for the last 3 months i lost 3 relatives. 1 of them is my aunt and she was the one who took care me when i was a kid when my mo is away. she still in PI when she died and i never seen after i migrated here in ca. she had a diabetes then got her leg amputated she got better and the nex thing you know she had a mild stroke then coma then she passed away. its really hard to loose someone so close to you.

keep it up and keep moving forward and im sure your mom is always watching next to you.

04-08-2008, 12:25 PM
man mad respect 2 you . cause of you i will give my mom a big hug in your honor
I kinda wanna give My mom a hug 2 now but shes too far away. Im gonna call her right now.

04-09-2008, 01:23 AM
yea i lost mine in november of 2003 when i was 16. just dont forget that she is able to see you being successful in life.

i cant believe someone neg repped me for this... wtf?

04-09-2008, 01:35 AM
best wishes...