View Full Version : My proposition to state governments (mainly Cali haha)

04-02-2008, 12:40 PM
Just thought about this on my way from class.

Since it seems people are getting fed up with being pulled over just for driving a modified car, and the police should be used for more important things than giving out fix-it tickets, I came up with this idea.

Modded cars would be exempt from emissions, and car enthusiasts would be free to do almost anything to their cars, including motor swaps, loud exhaust, and etc., as long it's not something completely endangering to public such as flamethrower mounted on hood.

In return, whoever wants to drive their modded car on the street would be required to buy a sticker to display on their windshield. This sticker would have to be renewed every year or every couple of years, as long as your car has aftermarket parts on it and you want to drive it on the street. In my opinion true enthusiasts would be more than happy to pay 100-200$ a year in change for the freedom to drive their car on the street without constantly getting hassled.
This would also weed out the people who aren't in it for the passion. I'm talking about the kids who have no better use for their money so they put mufflers on their cars just because their friend put a muffler on his car just to be cool. These are also usually the people who are ruining it for everyone else by acting dumb and irresponsibly.

Also, if someone racks up a specified number of traffic offenses within a certain time period, their sticker could be taken away for a few months, or if someone is caught driving a modded car without the sticker, it would result in a big fine, perhaps car being impounded, the sticker would be treated almost like a license plate.
The state would also make a lot more money this way than they do by handing out fix-it tickets, and I think both sides would be happier.

Anyway, I just felt like sharing my idea. What do you think?

04-02-2008, 12:41 PM
Just thought about this on my way from class.

Since it seems people are getting fed up with being pulled over just for driving a modified car, and the police should be used for more important things than giving out fix-it tickets, I came up with this idea.

Modded cars would be exempt from emissions, and car enthusiasts would be free to do almost anything to their cars, including motor swaps, loud exhaust, and etc., as long it's not something completely endangering to public such as flamethrower mounted on hood.

In return, whoever wants to drive their modded car on the street would be required to buy a sticker to display on their windshield. This sticker would have to be renewed every year or every couple of years, as long as your car has aftermarket parts on it and you want to drive it on the street. In my opinion true enthusiasts would be more than happy to pay 100-200$ a year in change for the freedom to drive their car on the street without constantly getting hassled.
This would also weed out the people who aren't in it for the passion. I'm talking about the kids who have no better use for their money so they put mufflers on their cars just because their friend put a muffler on his car just to be cool. These are also usually the people who are ruining it for everyone else by acting dumb and irresponsibly.

Also, if someone racks up a specified number of traffic offenses within a certain time period, their sticker could be taken away for a few months, or if someone is caught driving a modded car without the sticker, it would result in a big fine, perhaps car being impounded, the sticker would be treated almost like a license plate.
The state would also make a lot more money this way then they do by handing out fix-it tickets, and I think both sides would be happier.

Anyway, I just felt like sharing my idea. What do you think?

Cause the shit heads on the CARB who drive their Prius to the meetings only want our soul.

04-02-2008, 12:42 PM
It'll never pass, unfortunately. Don't ask me why, it
just won't. lol

04-02-2008, 12:48 PM
It'll never pass, unfortunately. Don't ask me why, it
just won't. lol

I already explained that. Just look at their home page.


04-02-2008, 12:49 PM
Although it's a great idea, I'm pretty sure it's been thought of already. Hence the reason it's never happened. Petitions never work. We just need a motorhead in the legislation to hook us up haha.

04-02-2008, 12:51 PM
man, that would be the dream.

04-02-2008, 12:51 PM
Cause the shit heads on the CARB who drive their Prius to the meetings only want our soul.

while the prius is the most polluting car on the planet http://greenmesh.com/2007/03/unraveling_the_hummer_vs_prius.php

drift freaq
04-02-2008, 12:54 PM
Just thought about this on my way from class.

Since it seems people are getting fed up with being pulled over just for driving a modified car, and the police should be used for more important things than giving out fix-it tickets, I came up with this idea.

Modded cars would be exempt from emissions, and car enthusiasts would be free to do almost anything to their cars, including motor swaps, loud exhaust, and etc., as long it's not something completely endangering to public such as flamethrower mounted on hood.

In return, whoever wants to drive their modded car on the street would be required to buy a sticker to display on their windshield. This sticker would have to be renewed every year or every couple of years, as long as your car has aftermarket parts on it and you want to drive it on the street. In my opinion true enthusiasts would be more than happy to pay 100-200$ a year in change for the freedom to drive their car on the street without constantly getting hassled.
This would also weed out the people who aren't in it for the passion. I'm talking about the kids who have no better use for their money so they put mufflers on their cars just because their friend put a muffler on his car just to be cool. These are also usually the people who are ruining it for everyone else by acting dumb and irresponsibly.

Also, if someone racks up a specified number of traffic offenses within a certain time period, their sticker could be taken away for a few months, or if someone is caught driving a modded car without the sticker, it would result in a big fine, perhaps car being impounded, the sticker would be treated almost like a license plate.
The state would also make a lot more money this way then they do by handing out fix-it tickets, and I think both sides would be happier.

Anyway, I just felt like sharing my idea. What do you think?

You would never get it passed. Though the car enthusiast community is fairly large, the ones that do currently considered illegal modifications, is small in overall comparison to the population.

Fact is most liberals are pro enviroment and this would be considered anti enviroment legislation. Fact is most conservatives see no problem here so why fix it.

Its easy for you to sit outside California and try and propose what California should do based on your perceptions and not reality.

You don't live here stay out of our business. If your state decides to do something because we did it, its on you. Do not blame California for your problems take responsibility for your own states actions.
Yes your state may have done things because of what we have done, but its up to you as a voter to help your state decide things. Just like its up to us in California to lobby our congressman and vote on our issues, not yours.

The above post is an example of the current American society problem of people not wanting to take responsibility for their own actions. Rather blame it on someone else or target someone else as the answer.

Fact is, we have the laws we have hear and we still choose to live here. Why, because we feel its worth it. Thats taking and accepting responsibility for the current situation.

If you think we all sit here idly not trying to fight certain state senate proposals or bills your blind. Look no further than our moderator Yuri who lives in California and actively lobbies with Sema to try and fight certain things.

P.S. Last time I checked even with the current smog laws the car manufacturers are still able to turn out high HP cars. The only real problem I see is legislation against older cars which a lot of us are already fighting.

Either move to California and work for change here or focus on your own state and just move forward.

Mi Beardo es Loco
04-02-2008, 12:55 PM
it can't be a sticker. mine'll get stolen, i already know it!

04-02-2008, 12:58 PM
I could see it working maybe if it was more like $1000 per sticker per year...and if you get caught with modifications without a sticker they take your license away or something like that....but it would have to be a high enough amount to outway the amount of money that the state govt recieves in revenues from handing out illegal modification tickets....not to mention think about the number of employees that CARB stations employ just testing modified cars

04-02-2008, 01:30 PM
I think it's a great idea, but the reasons why it wouldn't work have been discussed... there's not a high enough population of 'true' enthusiasts (enthusiasts that fight the system to do what they want, vs. people that do what they can within the current system). Also, anything "anti-environment" gets shot down like an Iraqi jet unless theres millions behind it.

You don't live here stay out of our business.

Ouch, man... I think that's overly harsh. I know you feel like he's "trying to fix something he's not a part of", but we talk about it so much that I think everyone's a part of our problem.

not to mention think about the number of employees that CARB stations employ just testing modified cars

Very few testing stations are actually paid by the Air Review Board. The vast majority are small "test-only" stations that are primarily mechanics shops. The ones actually paid by the state are the Referees.

04-02-2008, 06:03 PM
If it ever passes, you'll see me driving a f1 car in the street.

04-02-2008, 06:33 PM
a better idea would be less legislation and government in my fucking business. i'm sure anybody could appreciate that.

you live in missouri, you know how we roll. emissions "test" for OBD2 only, loose inspection, no bullshit from cops when you get pulled over, just the speeding ticket you earned and you're on your way... where i live, how i live, i like the way things work just fine.
referees, no mods without CARB stickers... that shit is retarded and unnecessary. my county just dumped the Gateway Clean Air Program because the cost and hassle outweighed the gain. i can only imagine the amount of money california wastes per year dealing with fix it tickets.

it'd be a great idea, really, but the government doesn't need to be handing out more bills, they need to be cutting the fat they already have.

04-02-2008, 06:47 PM
California would laugh their ass off..
hmm although i admire the idea.. trying to make a change..

i rather make an investment in chopping all these fucking mountains down so we have no smog issue

04-02-2008, 06:52 PM
call sema's law center.. u never know.. odds are it would be bout 600 a year though

04-02-2008, 07:07 PM
great, so instead of wasting tax payer money enforcing the existing laws, we can waste tax payer money to create a bureaucracy to collect fees, issue stickers, maintain a database of legit stickerees,...



Thats right on par with state gov't waste...

drift freaq
04-02-2008, 07:11 PM
a better idea would be less legislation and government in my fucking business. i'm sure anybody could appreciate that.

you live in missouri, you know how we roll. emissions "test" for OBD2 only, loose inspection, no bullshit from cops when you get pulled over, just the speeding ticket you earned and you're on your way... where i live, how i live, i like the way things work just fine.
referees, no mods without CARB stickers... that shit is retarded and unnecessary. my county just dumped the Gateway Clean Air Program because the cost and hassle outweighed the gain. i can only imagine the amount of money california wastes per year dealing with fix it tickets.

it'd be a great idea, really, but the government doesn't need to be handing out more bills, they need to be cutting the fat they already have.

Clap clap clap clap , clap clap clap clap , Bravo I could not agree more with your above sediments. I would tweak it a bit to stay about where we are now.

Thing is in California its smog repairs are big business. A couple of years ago there was a proposal before the state senate to do away with the visual inspection. Guess what? Auto repair shop lobbies lobbied against it and got their way. It did not pass.

Oh ya and California collects big time fees from all those fix it tickets. Those go straight into county coffers. Counties and cities rely on the income from traffic tickets its big business.

04-02-2008, 07:16 PM
Great idea too bad it will never pass. Some dreams do come true.

04-02-2008, 07:34 PM
what can we say it suxs to live in cali, in some ways or another

04-04-2008, 03:37 PM
This is one of those things that would work in a utopian society...

And I kinda like having fresh air...most of the tards I noticed getting tickets for their mods seem to be stupid ricers...

04-04-2008, 09:11 PM
I would be more interested in losing visual inspections than issuing a mod sticker. There is no reason a heavily modified car should not be legal if it passes a sniffer test.

04-04-2008, 09:33 PM
I would be more interested in losing visual inspections than issuing a mod sticker. There is no reason a heavily modified car should not be legal if it passes a sniffer test.

haha love your sig + rep

Yea this would not pass.

04-04-2008, 10:25 PM
abolish visual inspection.. that means blind people can get jobs as smog techs because as long as the car passes, it doesnt matter whats in it..

this would eventually stop the illegal engine mods thing.
So shoot for the abolishing of visual inspection..
I think that could be the shot right there.

04-04-2008, 10:31 PM
we already have something of the sort... it's called a modified inspection and it's gay... but we dont have emissions testing at all either so i guess you win some you lose some

drift freaq
04-04-2008, 10:55 PM
abolish visual inspection.. that means blind people can get jobs as smog techs because as long as the car passes, it doesnt matter whats in it..

this would eventually stop the illegal engine mods thing.
So shoot for the abolishing of visual inspection..
I think that could be the shot right there.

I tend to agree with this.

04-05-2008, 01:47 PM
The CARB rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not more, I quote low because I don't know for sure) a year in fees from manufacturers. It's big business, hell, it's HUGE business.

If you want to change anything, you need to let the government know that we're pissed about their stupidity. We're their constituents. Just because we don't equal the revenue created by their corporate taxes doesn't mean that we're second-class.

We elect these idiots into office, and it's our job to keep watch on them. If you're too busy "living your lives" to keep tabs on the ever-growing fist of the government, you deserve everything you get.

The solution to excessive government intervention is not the expand the size of the bureaucracy.

If you want to fix this problem, tell your friends, relatives, and coworkers that the earth has not gotten warmer since '98. Tell them that the ice shelves are growing at a rate much faster than before. Tell them that their government spends billions of their tax dollars on pork projects. Tell them to stop voting for Neocons and left-wing bastards and request, nay, REQUIRE decent candidates be fronted by all parties. Tell them that we've had enough and that the only solution is widespread revolt.

Meanwhile, I'll sit here and watch everything stay the same because Americans have no backbone anymore.