View Full Version : Wow, FIA's F1 pres in hot water

04-01-2008, 06:50 AM

Reports: Mosley involved in Nazi sex scandal
by FOX Sports

Max Mosley, president of the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile, F1's governing body, is facing intense pressure to resign from his post after being implicated in a Nazi role-playing orgy according to British tabloid News of the World.

The report detailed a five-hour "Nazi-style" orgy between Mosley and five prostitutes at a house in Chelsea. In a video on the newspaper's Web site, it shows a man identified as Mosley arriving at an apartment. The man is then greeted by a woman playing the role of a Nazi prison guard, checking his hair to see if he has been kept free of lice "at the other facility."

Later, another woman in mock death camp garb enters the video and the man said to be Mosley is heard speaking German.

At one point during the video, the man yells "she needs more of ze punishment!" while brandishing a leather strap over a woman's bottom before striking her with it and counting in German, as other women in Nazi-style uniforms look on.

The report is even more disturbing because of the fact that his father, Oswald Mosley, was a former British politician who served in Parliament for both the Labour and Conservative parties. Before World War II, however, Oswald led Britain's fascist organization according to the Times of London.

Formula One chief executive Bernie Ecclestone said the sport shouldn't be affected by the report.

"Assuming it's all true, what people do privately is up to them," Ecclestone told the Times in a story posted late Sunday on its Web site. "Knowing Max it might be all a bit of a joke."

Still, the pressure is mounting for Mosley to step aside, particularly from Jewish groups, according to the Times.

This report comes mere months following a scandal in Barcelona where Lewis Hamilton, Formula One's only black driver, was verbally taunted by fans. Mosley came out shortly after the incident and threatened to impose penalties on tracks if any racially-themed incidents appeared in the future.

The FIA not only governs Formula One, but helps establish appropriate standards for all other motor racing championships, including NASCAR.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

04-01-2008, 07:07 AM
Yea, i read about this yesterday on Autoblog.....crazy stuff. I don't know how he (or anyone really) can get their rocks off from doing this stuff. I'm pretty sure he is going to resign in the near future.

Now you have to wonder...since prostitution is legal in some European countires (such as Germany)...would this make headlines if it was just a plain jane ranchy good time?

04-01-2008, 07:28 AM

04-01-2008, 09:34 AM
shit some like it kinky... he jus like wierd and kinky... o well

04-01-2008, 10:02 AM
Yea, he was just trying some shit out.

Kinda funny, lol.

04-01-2008, 10:08 AM
Yea, he was just trying some shit out.

Kinda funny, lol.

I kind of agree. It's not like they were 14 y/o prostites. Yea, it's kinda weird, but it this day and age it's not over the top to me.

04-01-2008, 10:12 AM
Well supposedly politician Eliot Spitzer spent four thousand on a prostitute and had her doing headstands and boring shit like that.

At least Max Mosley had a whole history reenactment going on.

04-01-2008, 10:15 AM
people do civial war re-enactments all the time. whats so bad about this?.....:ughug:

04-01-2008, 10:16 AM
and seriously, it's not a re-enactment, it's an old guy and 5 hookers, hahahahaha.

People do a lot weirder shit.

04-01-2008, 10:20 AM

yeah that!!!! lol

04-01-2008, 10:22 AM
and seriously, it's not a re-enactment, it's an old guy and 5 hookers, hahahahaha.

People do a lot weirder shit.

If he was able to satisfy all five women.

He deserves to be the president of F1.


Shit. People can't have sex anymore.

I mean, you're famous, so you get more pussy.

But you get in trouble when you fuck said pussy.

It's like the catch 22 of pussy.

04-01-2008, 10:38 AM
been there....done that :jerkit:

04-01-2008, 10:53 AM
That's really a fucked up kinky fantasy.

I think if it was any other fantasy then people wouldn't be as offended but when it has to deal with Nazis then it's kinda different.

04-01-2008, 10:56 AM
Should have stuck to a regular bondage theme and he would have been alright, haha

drift freaq
04-01-2008, 10:56 AM
I call April fools on this and a bunch of other crazy posts appearing today the 1st of April.

04-01-2008, 11:02 AM
It was posted on Autoblog on the 30th aswell as many other sites....if its a April fool's joke they got one big head start...

04-01-2008, 11:04 AM
Carl Lewis Hamilton was racially taunted by fans? I thought the ladies loved Hamilton. I mean damn it's F1 not nascar.:tweak:

04-01-2008, 11:04 AM
so why does it matter what this dude does in his home? in private?

but more importantly why is there video footage of this? did he record this orgy and post it on the internet?

04-01-2008, 11:05 AM
i love this part:

At one point during the video, the man yells "she needs more of ze punishment!"

i choked on my water.

04-01-2008, 11:05 AM
If he was able to satisfy all five women.

He deserves to be the president of F1.


Shit. People can't have sex anymore.

I mean, you're famous, so you get more pussy.

But you get in trouble when you fuck said pussy.

It's like the catch 22 of pussy.
Let us not forget, Mel, that he is said to have done this for 5 hours, at that.
I call April fools on this and a bunch of other crazy posts appearing today the 1st of April.
I am personally hoping not, I would like to continue in my belief that the world actually is this fucked up.

04-01-2008, 11:38 AM
so why does it matter what this dude does in his home? in private?

Simply because people who are in positions of authority are held to higher moral and ethical standards. That applies to all facets of their lives.

04-01-2008, 12:33 PM
Because this is F1!! Scandals reach media to bring excitement to the sport! this aint no nascar.. this is a World's sport

sounds fishy

but it made it on GPupdate!!

04-01-2008, 12:39 PM
I have to call April Fools too. Cmon, they're making it look like some kind of elaborate film production. If it aint, a whole lot of news agencies are going to look foolish.

Plus it was reported in a British tabloid. We all know about those British tabloids.

04-01-2008, 01:22 PM
That would be a really messed up April Fool's joke....i can't imagine a tabloid going this far and getting such a headstart. I think the said video would be actual proof (i doubt I would want to see it).

Also makes you wonder why Mosley isn't denying it....

04-01-2008, 02:35 PM
meh what r u gonna do? not that I approve of nazis or anything obviously....but a fetish is a fetish, its supposed to be wrong and innapropriate....like someone else said its not like it was a reenactment or anything so whats the big deal? If some dude wants to dress up like thomas jefferson and bang black chicks then I say let him do it, If some asian guy wants to dress up like mao ze dong and bang his poor village girls then by all means go ahead....you caught someone doing something in private...thats why hes doing it in private, cause its wrong in public...now if he was banging nazi broads on the F1 track I could see the point but cmon....If job knew everything its employees were into in private 80% of the US would be out of work

04-01-2008, 02:42 PM
Those are BRILLIANT ideas, I am going to:

Dress up like Thomas Jefferson and go do some black chicks
Dress up like Mao and bang poor village women
Dress up like Billy Blanks and do the booty stink with fat chicks
Dress up like Bill Clinton and get head from a homely intern
Dress up like Kwame Kilpatrick and make sex with an attractive intern
Dress up like the governor of New York and pay $4300.00 for some pussy

... man, the rest of this year will be fun

04-01-2008, 02:43 PM
just like people in office, when scandals arrise, they usually resign their position etc.. shit who cares really? long as they do their job and do it good i dont care.

but alot of people dont like mosley if i recall.. it just gives a reason to not like him.

04-01-2008, 02:51 PM
Those are BRILLIANT ideas, I am going to:

Dress up like Thomas Jefferson and go do some black chicks

not even gonna lie...i can totally picture u with the 18th century clothes and the powdered wig on hahahaha...you should absolutely show up to some chicks house liek that and once she questions you tell her to shut up and nail her on the floor hahahha

04-01-2008, 03:15 PM
sounds like fun

04-01-2008, 03:42 PM
Kudos to this F1 President. Kudos good sir.

04-01-2008, 03:46 PM
I say he gets a break, but they have to bring F1 to the USA again. lol

04-01-2008, 04:23 PM
That's actually pretty awesome, unless he likes being a nazi.

If I was into S+M...i'd probably do a nazi theme. I mean, I wouldn't be hurting jews, I don't hate jews, and I don't really like anything Hitler did besides highways and some VWs, so I don't really see the problem in getting spanked by a swastika-shaped paddle.

04-01-2008, 04:26 PM
So its looking like he apologizes, but will stay. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/66276

not even gonna lie...i can totally picture u with the 18th century clothes and the powdered wig on hahahaha...you should absolutely show up to some chicks house liek that and once she questions you tell her to shut up and nail her on the floor hahahha

Phlip is black.......

04-01-2008, 05:13 PM
That reminds me, saw this on TV a few days ago, so messed up haha.

04-01-2008, 05:39 PM
Phlip is black.......
That fact would actually make me donning the wig and all that other shit, then messing with the same chicks I would have been doing the booty stink with anyway even funnier.

04-01-2008, 06:02 PM
So its looking like he apologizes, but will stay. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/66276

Phlip is black.......

hahaha I am aware of this....I know what he looks like hence the reason "I can toally picture you".....thats why its funny....:ugh:

04-02-2008, 09:50 AM
Either this actually happened, or someone is building the most elaborate April Fool's joke in the history of ever

07-07-2008, 12:57 PM
Wow, 3 monts to make a response to it?


Mosley: 'Nazi orgy' stories breached privacy

LONDON (AP) - FIA president Max Mosley went to court Monday to deny a newspaper's claim that he took part in a Nazi-themed orgy with prostitutes, saying there are "few things more unerotic" than Nazi role-playing.

Mosley, who acknowledges having a sadomasochistic encounter, is suing the tabloid News of the World for invasion of privacy. His lawyer said the tabloid had breached the privacy of the president of racing's governing body "for the amusement of its readers."

"Every ordinary human being expects the privacy of their sexual life to be respected and would be outraged if it was not," attorney James Price told the court.

The newspaper, however, says readers have a right to know about Mosley, the son of Britain's best-known fascist politician, because he is a public figure.

Hidden cameras recorded the 68-year-old Mosley as he met five women in a London apartment earlier this year for what the newspaper said was a five-hour sex session complete with Nazi role-playing. The newspaper ran the story on its front page, and video of the encounter on the paper's Web site was viewed more than 1.4 million times within a day.

After the story broke in March, Mosley faced calls to quit as president of the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile, which oversees Formula One. Despite the pressure, the FIA chief won a confidence vote last month allowing him to stay until his fourth term ends in October 2009.

Taking the witness stand at the start of a two-week High Court hearing, Mosley said he had paid 2,500 pounds (US$5,000) for the "party," but insisted no Nazi fantasies were involved. The News of the World said participants wore German-style uniforms and spoke in German as they acted out scenes involving prisoners and guards.

Mosley said he and the women had acted out a German prison scenario, but without any military aspect.

The Nazi allegations are especially sensitive because Mosley is the son of the late Oswald Mosley, leader of Britain's fascist movement before World War II and a friend of Adolf Hitler.

"There was not even a hint of that," Mosley said of the Nazi claims. He said he could "think of few things more unerotic than Nazi role-play."

Price told the court this trial "is not a forum to debate the evils or otherwise of Sir Oswald Mosley."

"The sins of the father cannot justly be visited on Mr. Mosley," Price said.

Mosley echoed that thought.

"All my life, I have had hanging over me my antecedents, my parents, and the last thing I want to do in some sexual context is be reminded of it," he said.

Price said Mosley's long-standing interest in sadomasochism was purely a private matter.

"Most people probably think S&M behavior — spanking, bondage, whipping, role play like doctors and nurses, sheiks and harems, guards and prisoners — is harmless and private and even funny," the lawyer said.

Mosley's lawyers are demanding the tabloid pay large punitive damages to discourage similar stories, but the newspaper says the case has huge ramifications for the media's ability to cover public figures.

"This case raises fundamental issues about the rapidly advancing law of privacy and the extent to which it allows powerful people to suppress information and stifle free speech," Tom Crone, the paper's legal manager, said Sunday.

07-07-2008, 01:10 PM
Pretty sure hes just very emotional/sensitive about having that background. and when people try to say stuff about him like that. im sure that pushes his buttons