View Full Version : Car transport companies?

03-28-2008, 02:57 PM
Well, I am in need of a new chassis. I am going to grab something from socal, arizona, texas, nevada or in that area.. I was just wondering who has had experiences shipping cars? How was it and who did you use? This is going to be my first time doing it so I would like to find out as much as possible first. The catch is I need a company that will bring it up to Canada for me. Im not concerned with the border crossing, I know how that will work, I just need to find a reliable company that will deliver across N.A.

Will alot of these companies ship non running cars or do they have to be drivable? I wouldn't mind just picking up a clean rolling chassis and swapping my shit into that, but if it has to be running, or if it's cheaper to ship a running car I will do that.
