View Full Version : Smart people help! Poetry analysis...

03-27-2008, 09:54 PM
Help me analyze this for a paper...I don't really get it haha


Spring Song

In the sweetness of new spring
the woods grow leafy, little birds,
each in their own language, sing,
rehearse new stanzas with new words,
and it is good that man should find
the joy that most enchants his mind.

I see no messenger or note
from her, my first source of delight;
my heart can neither sleep nor laugh,
I dare not make a further move,
till I know what the end will be--
is she what I would have her be?

Our love together goes the way
of the branch on the hawthorn-tree,
trembling in the night, a prey
to the hoar-frost and the showers,
till next morning, when the sun
enfolds the green leaves and the boughs.

One morning I remember still
we put an end to skirmishing,
and she gave me so great a gift:
her loving body, and her ring.
May God keep me alive until
my hands again move in her mantle!

For I shun that strange talk which might pull
my Helpmeet and myself apart;
I know that words have their own life,
and swift discourses spread about--
let others vaunt love as they will,
we have love's food, we have the knife!


03-27-2008, 11:14 PM
nvm i got it