View Full Version : anyone wanna buy a subwoofer?

03-27-2008, 11:31 AM
I blew mine 2 days ago and circuit city is having a buy one get one free deal so wanted to see if anyone wants to go half on the deal seeing i only need one. We can include a 2yr warranty for an additional 24.99. These are the current models available. Im intrested in the jackhammer model (12inch)

http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/Search.do?c=1&searchType=user&keyword=MTX+subs+for+car+audio&searchSection=All&c=1&cm_re=sub%20marquee-_-Buy%20one%20select%20MTX%20sub,%20%3Cbr%3Eget%20on e%20free-_-Shop%20now (http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/Search.do?c=1&searchType=user&keyword=MTX+subs+for+car+audio&searchSection=All&c=1&cm_re=sub%20marquee-_-Buy%20one%20select%20MTX%20sub,%20%3Cbr%3Eget%20on e%20free-_-Shop%20now)

I wanna buy this today or this weekend at least.