View Full Version : Should I buy my motor from here????

11-04-2002, 06:03 PM
Flash Options (http://www.flashoptions.com)

this place has GREAT pricing but look at their location...shipping prices are really good as well...lemme know what you think or if you ever have or ever would buy from this place??? thanks

drift freaq
11-04-2002, 08:37 PM
ok those prices are ok. But if you are an end user and do not plan on traveling overseas . You are better off paying a little more and buying from someone in the states who backs there stuff up. If you buy an engine from those guys in Malayasia and have a problem what are you gonna do? ship it back to Malayasia ? hahahhaha sorry for laughing but thats the reality of it.
those guys are in the wholesale business and they are trying to wholesale direct to get jump there customers business and make a little more . IMO I would not trust them.
Fact is there are plenty of wholesalers in Japan that do not ship their engines to Malayasia first and then other places. I smell something strange there.