View Full Version : WinXP re-install problems

03-21-2008, 07:48 PM
PC Gurus need help! I have two hard drives. one IDE and one SATA. I formatted my IDE and reinstalled windows on there. After, i connected the SATA, which i use just to store data, and windows cannot access the data and keeps asking me to format the drive to use it. How do I get windows to access the drive w/ out formatting? I CAN NOT LOSE THIS DATA!!!

03-21-2008, 07:51 PM
hm make sure both hd are the same format... the new isntall of xp might be ntfs , make sure the sata is the same and not fat32 or somethign

03-21-2008, 08:02 PM
check the drives status in disk management

03-21-2008, 08:40 PM
Worse come to worst, you could pop the drive in another PC and backup your data.

03-21-2008, 09:15 PM
hm make sure both hd are the same format... the new isntall of xp might be ntfs , make sure the sata is the same and not fat32 or somethign

yea, i installed with ntfs. I do not remember what the other drive is.

Worse come to worst, you could pop the drive in another PC and backup your data.

If my comp can't see it, how would other comps see it?

I've done this numerous times and never had a problem. Could it be that one is IDE and the other is SATA? Are there programs that could read or recover the data?

03-21-2008, 10:53 PM
did you previously have a windows xp install on the SATA drive?

03-21-2008, 10:58 PM
no, xp was installed on the IDE drive. sata drive was just data storage

03-22-2008, 01:58 AM
If my comp can't see it, how would other comps see it?

Because some motherboards are more finiky than others...

03-22-2008, 08:39 AM
SATA driver?

Slapping that HD on another PC is easy-peasy.

Push comes to shove, that's the only way to recover.

03-22-2008, 09:33 AM
hm make sure both hd are the same format... the new isntall of xp might be ntfs , make sure the sata is the same and not fat32 or somethign
This wouldn't cause it, and mixing Fat32/Fat/NTFS/whatever is just fine in Windows.
check the drives status in disk management

Seconding this, I haven't run a Win computer in years but iirc start -> run -> compmgmt.msc -> click disk management

See what filesystem it gives you for the SATA drive and post back here.

What motherboard/sata controller do you have? We need details, son.

03-22-2008, 04:33 PM
it doesn't give me any file system for the SATA drive in disk management. I just installed the hard drive and started putting data on it.

I have an Asus P5VDC-X with SATA controller on board.