View Full Version : Power FC Rev Limit Not Working?

03-14-2008, 05:48 PM
Anyone with PFC experience please help me out here.

I've got PFC D-Jetro on a blacktop with a GT2871R.

Here's the problem....I've always set the boost limit to like 7300, and never had a problem going over or anything. I also have an AVC-R, which I use to display boost and RPMs.

So, on the PFC, I wasn't using RPMs as a monitor.....went to the track today, and on my first 4 runs, when I got done, my AVC-R showed the max RPMs that I hit as like 7500-7600. One time it said 7600 (exactly) and the other time it said 7500 exactly.

I then tried setting the RPM limit to 7000, just to be safe....in the parking lot, slowly took it up to 7000, and it cut fuel at like 6950. OK. Then took a run, and after I was done, it said max RPM was like 7350 or so.

Has anyone ever seen this happen? I have no idea why it is letting me rev like a few hundred RPM above the set rev limit. The fact that the AVC-R read EXACTLY 7500 and 7600 for max REV seemed fishy to me. Unfortunately, I didn't have the PFC tracking REVs during these runs, but it's annoying that it let me overrev, especially since the stock 240 tach is far from accurate when you get that high in the rev range.

03-14-2008, 05:50 PM
The motor keeps accelerating even though there is no more fuel/spark.

Its called inertia dude. There isnt a brake on the crank shaft to stop it.

03-14-2008, 05:56 PM
Hahahah I gotcha....I'm no dummy, but I've never had this happen once yet, and I didn't think it would be enough to carry the engine 500 revs past fuel cut.

It worries me....

03-14-2008, 06:03 PM
Well you just got tuned with a bigger turbo= more power = more inertia.

03-14-2008, 06:19 PM
ur lucky ur problem with ur power fc is small

im stuck at work right now cuz one of the pins that goes into the plugs snapped somehow and my fuel pump isnt turning on.

u guys have any idea on what to do with that?