View Full Version : how different are other parts of the country are?

10-30-2002, 06:23 PM
Hey all I am writing this because I have asked a couple of people of how different the east coast and the west coast are. Meaning how do people treat people in different parts of the country. For instance here in Texas most of the population is nice to each other even though you may not know that person. I don't know it is just bugging me.

10-30-2002, 06:40 PM
Human nature is the same everywhere.  The customs in different parts of the country might make them feel unfriendly to an outsider, even when that's not the intent.

10-30-2002, 09:24 PM
i've worked in customer service for a while and i call all around the country. most of the people i had to talk to were females. the texas and mississippi people were the nicest. i love those girls' accents. virginia and the carolinas were nice. new yorkers and pennsylvanians and jersians were either fast paced, fast talking, somewhat mean sounding people or they were so nice to the point that they were TOO nice. california chicks are laid back, and the asian immigrant ladies are fun to talk to because they keep talking but they are nice. chicago people were straight business, not overly nice, and not mean but to the point. the florida people assume things too quickly and i get transferred to departments i don't need. states like vermont an new hampshire, they seems nice. alaska and hawaii people seem nice too.

this is just my small observation that i've done. and of course these people don't represent the whole state <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

10-30-2002, 11:53 PM
OREGON people are NIIIICE.
everytime i go there, all friendly. in californai people are dicks. i like oregon. except i dont like other people pumping my gas for me..grrr

10-31-2002, 05:51 AM
I travel a bit and grew up on the West Coast, but have lived on the East Coast for 10 years. &nbsp;People out there are too nice. &nbsp;To me, they're weird. &nbsp;I don't like it. &nbsp;Just go about your business, shut your mouth unless you really want to talk to me, and don't offer any help I don't ask for. &nbsp;Oh yeah - and don't tell me how busy you are b/c you work 8-6! &nbsp;(it kills me how much more people over here work)

Mark - epitomy of a rude, rushed, East Coaster.