View Full Version : how much milage until you lose hp

03-08-2008, 03:57 PM
i was wondering how much milage a car needs to have until you start lossing hp?

03-08-2008, 03:59 PM
there isn't a number, it depends on how you take care of the car, if all the maintenance was done, the car could run like new at 300k miles.... it's there a problem w/ your car or is this a general question?

03-08-2008, 06:24 PM
true.. in fact carbon build up can increase compression and raise hp light slighty.. forreals.. weird huh..

if you ever read those auto magazines like car & driver when they do follow up write ups on cars with over x amount of miles, you see the beginning hp, and then the hp after soo and soo and sometimes its more by like 1hp or so.

Thats not a good reason to go put ridiculous miles on your car though hehehhe

Constant maintanence oil changes, proper operating temperature, never constant redlining, engine should maintain its condition for a very long time.

03-08-2008, 06:27 PM
hopefully my sr has like 300k on it than :ghey: