View Full Version : windows RUN CMD question

03-04-2008, 11:28 AM
anyone know how to "instant msg" the old school way through windows... I know you go to RUN, then type CMD... something something..? i'm at work and trying our email is down, but im trying to send a msg to someone..

is it run/cmd/user name? we're on the same server... i think after you type whatever the command is, it should come up with a "pop up" on their comp... i'm so illiterate when it comes to computers haha. any advice would be much appreciated.


03-04-2008, 11:52 AM
net send

Probably won't work though, it's usually disabled on computers or blocked.

03-04-2008, 12:11 PM
ah net send. that's the fucking old school, we used to piss the lab teachers off with that constantly

03-04-2008, 12:24 PM
Before XP back in HS, we used to create folders with super explicit names on the teachers desktop computer which he projected onto the wall to show us c++ examples.

In addition, we would put a null character (Alt+255 back then if I remember correctly) in the folder name when we created it which Windows couldn't handle. If you tried to delete it or open it from the UI it would just throw an error and not delete the folder. You could only access/delete the folder from DOS.

We would just watch as he would frantically try to delete it. :keke:

03-04-2008, 12:44 PM
net send "username" "message"
but yah most schools disable it now.

if the teacher leaves the room and leaves their computer unlocked, go onto the G:/ drive. this is only accessible by the teachers login and you can get the files for tests from any class. i used to just save it onto a usb drive and take it home. its kinof obvious though when my economics test grades went from low 70's to like 98 97 99. lol

03-04-2008, 02:33 PM
Wait... for a moment I thought this thread was about old school Hip Hop.

03-04-2008, 02:48 PM
Wait... for a moment I thought this thread was about old school Hip Hop.

yeah man. dyslexia is a b*tch huh?. hahaha

03-04-2008, 03:36 PM
you have no idea...

03-04-2008, 05:40 PM
net send "username" "message"
but yah most schools disable it now.

if the teacher leaves the room and leaves their computer unlocked, go onto the G:/ drive. this is only accessible by the teachers login and you can get the files for tests from any class. i used to just save it onto a usb drive and take it home. its kinof obvious though when my economics test grades went from low 70's to like 98 97 99. lol

thats not applicable for basically anyone besides your school. At my job (comm college IT shit), the G drive is the open network share with blank timesheets and shit