View Full Version : Chicagoland Dyno Day

11-02-2002, 12:02 AM
Are you in the Chicagoland area and want to get your S13/S14 dynoed?  If so, please check out the link below for the details.  Even you don't have a Nissan or 240, you can still participate.  Please post if your interested.


11-03-2002, 10:18 AM
Isn't $50 what they normally charge??? Shouldn't they be giving us a discount if we're all going. I'm up for it if it's the 17th. Let me know how everything works out.


240 2NR
11-04-2002, 10:55 PM
How firking lame.  I just registered on the sentra board to reply and even though I'm logged in I can't do anyhing, including pm a member who's driving down to champaign the same weekend I am (blackb13, could you have voodoo email me at [email protected]?).  Do you guys have some newbie incubation period or something?

In anycase, the price sounds pretty good, and I'd like to run but I'm not sure I'll be in town for either weekend,  i suppose I could make the 10th if I can be there around noon or 1pm after I drive back from champaign.  If so, then count me in.

11-04-2002, 11:11 PM
If your still thinking of going, then check out this link for details.

http://www.b15sentra.net/forums....umber=3 (http://www.b15sentra.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38714&pagenumber=3)

11-08-2002, 12:39 PM
Ok here is the tentative intinerary for Sun. the 10th.

We will meet at APG at 8 am.  Those that have given me down payments will have priority over those that didn't.  Those that have already paid me only need to bring $25 for the remainder.  The rest of you that contacted me need to bring at least $50.  

Some of the people need to leave early and therefore need to dyno ASAP in the morning.  I will choose the order.  We will probably have a break sometime around 11ish or 12ish for lunch.   Dynoing will then continue until 3pm.  All of those who prepaid are guaranteed to get dynoed.

APG is also offering a swap-meet that day, so we can also check out any deals they might have.  You are also encouraged to bring anything that you might be able to sell with you.

The weather is supposed to be 60*, but with a chance of rain.  So, dress appropriatley.  

Bring your cameras, camcorders, coolers, food, whatever...this will be a fun time.

We currently have about 17 cars, and 12 of those are accounted for and have given me a DP.  It took some work to get this set up and while I'd like to see a huge turnout, I don't want "JOE SHMOE" showing up with his car and club because he heard about it.  IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY CONTACTED ME, THEN DON'T PLAN ON GETTING THE GROUP RATE OF 3 PULLS FOR $50.

I will be setting up another Dyno Day soon, so don't worry if you can't make it on Sunday.

240 2NR
11-10-2002, 02:34 PM
So did this event happen, or end early or something?  I got there at 2 and no one was around.