View Full Version : Johnny Law thread

02-27-2008, 11:16 PM
I figured everyone has their war stories involving the police, and tickets specifically.

This is a thread to post and discuss where and where not to get caught doing anything out of line. I just thought it would be interesting to see how the point systems work around the country and world.

With all this news of people have their babies (cars) crushed by police departments throughout the country it would be nice to know, where you don't want to be when you see those flashing lights.

Please no stories about street racing, I don't want the admins at my throat.

02-28-2008, 03:08 AM
well lets see, I recieved a ticket in the mail with a picture of me driving my 240, and to me all that means is cops are too lazy to get off their donut and coffee stained ass and pull me over. So I sent them a picture of of the 220 dollars in cash and sent it back to them, a week later they sent me a picture of handcuffs..lol never knew they had a sense of humor.

02-28-2008, 06:49 AM
Hahaha that fucking rocks^.

Dirty Habit
02-28-2008, 08:39 AM
"This is a thread to post and discuss where and where not to get caught doing anything out of line."

Do you want to get caught doing something out of line anywhere..? Isnt the whole point not to get caught if you do something stupid?

Do we seriously need a thread on common sense?

02-28-2008, 08:39 AM
Hahaha that fucking rocks^.

That is older than the internet... I find it hard to believe that it was HIM that did it...
I am moving this thread to off topic and it is on a short leash, meaning at the first hint of argument, I put it out to pasture.
Not to mention there is nothing "Official" about this thread, that whole thing is beginning to get old too... I will remove that as well.

02-28-2008, 10:12 AM
Just yesterday i out ran the police in my S14. I was driving down the street and some dude in a Civic Si tried to cut me off so i honked the horn. He ended up getting in front of me so i switched lane next to him. So, i let him have a taste of the old trusted baseball bat (my brother was in the passenger side so he did it). As soon as my brother stuck out of the window a cop was coming the opposite way. He turned on his lights and pointed. I told my brother ''get in!!''. I pulled the e brake and did a U turn to the other side of the street. I did it clean. So, before he even turned around i was like six cars behind him.Got in the freeway and floored it. :coold:

steve shadows
02-28-2008, 10:13 AM
That is older than the internet... I find it hard to believe that it was HIM that did it...
I am moving this thread to off topic and it is on a short leash, meaning at the first hint of argument, I put it out to pasture.
Not to mention there is nothing "Official" about this thread, that whole thing is beginning to get old too... I will remove that as well.

Yeah BAN him :)

02-28-2008, 02:16 PM
Are you serious? If you are then.. FLAME SUIT!!!

Just yesterday i out ran the police in my S14. I was driving down the street and some dude in a Civic Si tried to cut me off so i honked the horn. He ended up getting in front of me so i switched lane next to him. So, i let him have a taste of the old trusted baseball bat (my brother was in the passenger side so he did it). As soon as my brother stuck out of the window a cop was coming the opposite way. He turned on his lights and pointed. I told my brother ''get in!!''. I pulled the e brake and did a U turn to the other side of the street. I did it clean. So, before he even turned around i was like six cars behind him.Got in the freeway and floored it. :coold:

02-28-2008, 02:51 PM
1.) in Missouri, when you get a speeding ticket, you can hand it off to a lawyer who will "fix" it. they appeal the ticket and get it reduced to a non-moving violation. most of my speeding tickets have been turned into "noise violation" and "illegal parking" tickets. i do not know how this system works, just that it does. there are stripmall law firms all over that will provide this service for $50-100 a ticket, depending on the severity of the moving violation. so you pay $50 for the "fix" and then pay whatever the non-moving violation fine is (usually about $125) and wind up with no points on your license.
i had a 98 in a 60 reduced to illegal parking. my uncle is a lawyer and does all my tickets for free. the fine on the illegal parking was about $350 though :/
i've had over 20 tickets, and have no points on my license.

2.) don't break the law gaiz

02-28-2008, 02:56 PM
^^ lol that story is nuts

I get pulled over a lot during the summer for my exhaust...cops around here dont really do anything tho. they write you a ticket, usually for like $50 and let you go....we dont have refs or anything so they usually just tell you your exhaust is illegal and to get it fixed

I did get a ticket in the mail too for my exhaust....pretty ridiculous if you ask me considering the car was parked at the time

02-28-2008, 02:58 PM
Just yesterday i out ran the police in my S14. I was driving down the street and some dude in a Civic Si tried to cut me off so i honked the horn. He ended up getting in front of me so i switched lane next to him. So, i let him have a taste of the old trusted baseball bat (my brother was in the passenger side so he did it). As soon as my brother stuck out of the window a cop was coming the opposite way. He turned on his lights and pointed. I told my brother ''get in!!''. I pulled the e brake and did a U turn to the other side of the street. I did it clean. So, before he even turned around i was like six cars behind him.Got in the freeway and floored it. :coold:

what the fuck is wrong with you

Jimmy Up
02-28-2008, 03:06 PM
Just yesterday i out ran the police in my S14. I was driving down the street and some dude in a Civic Si tried to cut me off so i honked the horn. He ended up getting in front of me so i switched lane next to him. So, i let him have a taste of the old trusted baseball bat (my brother was in the passenger side so he did it). As soon as my brother stuck out of the window a cop was coming the opposite way. He turned on his lights and pointed. I told my brother ''get in!!''. I pulled the e brake and did a U turn to the other side of the street. I did it clean. So, before he even turned around i was like six cars behind him.Got in the freeway and floored it. :coold:
:bs: And its solved

02-28-2008, 03:35 PM
Just yesterday i out ran the police in my S14. I was driving down the street and some dude in a Civic Si tried to cut me off so i honked the horn. He ended up getting in front of me so i switched lane next to him. So, i let him have a taste of the old trusted baseball bat (my brother was in the passenger side so he did it). As soon as my brother stuck out of the window a cop was coming the opposite way. He turned on his lights and pointed. I told my brother ''get in!!''. I pulled the e brake and did a U turn to the other side of the street. I did it clean. So, before he even turned around i was like six cars behind him.Got in the freeway and floored it. :coold:

probably went more like this


02-28-2008, 04:58 PM
1.) in Missouri, when you get a speeding ticket, you can hand it off to a lawyer who will "fix" it.
Hah yeah it's just one big formality here, the lawyers and judges just make money off it.
I had a reckless driving ticket and a speeding ticket, I actually had a really strong argument about why I thought the tickets were unfair, I know everyone says they don't deserve the tickets, but in this case I actually really thought I didn't deserve them. I passed a car that was going 15mph under the speed limit, the center line wasn't full so passing should've been okay, and naturally I sped up to pass as quick as possible so I could get out of the opposite lane, and I wasn't the only one, I was in the middle between about 6 other vehicles that did the same thing, yet I was the only one who got singled out and pulled over for "endangering other drivers" and speeding.
When I got a lawyer he didn't even want to know what I did, he said he didn't need to, and the next day my tickets were gone.

I've gotten tickets for the dumbest things, such as not having a front license plate and speeding the day I got my 240, it was my first time driving a manual and I was learning and misshifted while going downhill, yet I've been caught drifting at least four or five times and I've never gotten a ticket for that, once an officer actually recommended me a better parking lot to go practice in haha. I guess when they see cones set up it makes it look more serious like we're actually practicing something, not just some dumb kids doing donuts in a parking lot.

02-28-2008, 10:17 PM
:bs: And its solved

Hey, i'm not lying. It really happened. It wasn't going to be a baseball swing. He was going to jab the bat in to the guys window. He deserved. Make sure you always put on your signal light. That's all i'm going to say.

02-28-2008, 10:54 PM
I've had a suspended license 3 times. All for speeding violations. our point system sucks. i don't even speed that much 80mph is typical interstate speed and usually when its clear to do it, happens to be the time they check for speeders the most. anyway, i learned to take every ticket i get now to court myself and just plead "no contest" and the judge usually won't give you the points but you still gotta pay the "court costs" which is usually the cost of the ticket. if i hadn't started doing this, i woulda had no license for 5 yrs by now! cops here don't protect and serve, they are just traffic cops!

02-29-2008, 03:50 PM
That is older than the internet... I find it hard to believe that it was HIM that did it...

I framed the pictures would you like me to send you a copy? I've been getting a lot of bad rep lately and neg. rep for something as trivial as this really isn't needed. Thanks, if it wasnt you I apologize...

02-29-2008, 05:08 PM
When I was 18 in hawaii I got pulled over on my roomates little sportbike (YSR50, who remembers those?). Anyway, I got clocked for 50 in a 25.

The officer walks up to me and first off I notice he's white (if you are from hawaii you know exactly what jackpot I just hit being a hauole). He asks me for my lic, reg. and proof of Ins. Of explain that I don't have any of that and he says "Oh really, 3 strikes then eh? " anyway, he asks my name then realizes I was his kids good friend back in middle school.

Somehow that's good enough to cut me a break and he tells me to just push the bike home explaining that he better not see me on it again and that I better wait awhile before I start pushing, RIGHT?

LOL, I'd buy him a beer if I saw him today and thank god I didn't get searched.

03-01-2008, 10:09 PM
I got lucky once.

Few of my buddies in grade 12 decided to go to the lake to watch the fireworks. One way in, one way out of our local Lake. They have about a half pound of weed on them. I tell them 'dude, cops are totally going to block the road off, everyone in town is going'.

So i get them to stash it away in a forrest at the edge of town, so we can go do this then come back and continue the party.

Well, After the fireworks they I park my car while they jump out to get it.

Cop pulls up out of nowhere. Lights on.

Old 50 year old john wayne type steps out and asks for Licence and Registration. Licence fine, but I cant find my registration. I'm freeking out looking while he's back in his car at this point. I'm freeking out now that my friends just got caught doing something suspicious in the woods, they are in my back seat now with a half pound of weed on them.

10 mins pass as I still cant find my registration. Cop comes back with my Licence, says "I'll have to let you go, someone is robbing the TD (bank)".

Takes off.

my buddy also got lucky. Had a bunch of weed, shrooms and several bottles of booze in his truck, was driving through a cornfield on Halloween. Cop stops him, totally can smell the booze, but gets a call that kids are breaking windows at the highschool. Cop lets him go after swearing at him like crazy. ( I was in the other truck that wasnt noticed going through the cornfield)

03-01-2008, 11:35 PM
I got lucky once.

Few of my buddies in grade 12 decided to go to the lake to watch the fireworks. One way in, one way out of our local Lake. They have about a half pound of weed on them. I tell them 'dude, cops are totally going to block the road off, everyone in town is going'.

So i get them to stash it away in a forrest at the edge of town, so we can go do this then come back and continue the party.

Well, After the fireworks they I park my car while they jump out to get it.

Cop pulls up out of nowhere. Lights on.

Old 50 year old john wayne type steps out and asks for Licence and Registration. Licence fine, but I cant find my registration. I'm freeking out looking while he's back in his car at this point. I'm freeking out now that my friends just got caught doing something suspicious in the woods, they are in my back seat now with a half pound of weed on them.

10 mins pass as I still cant find my registration. Cop comes back with my Licence, says "I'll have to let you go, someone is robbing the TD (bank)".

Takes off.

my buddy also got lucky. Had a bunch of weed, shrooms and several bottles of booze in his truck, was driving through a cornfield on Halloween. Cop stops him, totally can smell the booze, but gets a call that kids are breaking windows at the highschool. Cop lets him go after swearing at him like crazy. ( I was in the other truck that wasnt noticed going through the cornfield)

sooo were u born retarded... or when did that start?

03-01-2008, 11:50 PM
I've had a suspended license 3 times. All for speeding violations. our point system sucks. i don't even speed that much 80mph is typical interstate speed and usually when its clear to do it, happens to be the time they check for speeders the most. anyway, i learned to take every ticket i get now to court myself and just plead "no contest" and the judge usually won't give you the points but you still gotta pay the "court costs" which is usually the cost of the ticket. if i hadn't started doing this, i woulda had no license for 5 yrs by now! cops here don't protect and serve, they are just traffic cops!

you might want to invest in a V1/stop speeding
your insurance has to be insane

03-02-2008, 08:23 AM
I framed the pictures would you like me to send you a copy? I've been getting a lot of bad rep lately and neg. rep for something as trivial as this really isn't needed. Thanks, if it wasnt you I apologize...

I still won't believe you, so leave it at that... If it did happen, I don't apologize because, as I said, it is older than the internet. Seriously, what kind of ticket would they MAIL to you anyway?
It wasn't me who neg repped you, for the record. If it had been me, you'd have more than just 2 red squares.

03-02-2008, 08:37 AM
I still won't believe you, so leave it at that... If it did happen, I don't apologize because, as I said, it is older than the internet. Seriously, what kind of ticket would they MAIL to you anyway?
It wasn't me who neg repped you, for the record. If it had been me, you'd have more than just 2 red squares.

bwahahahahahahaha... like getting a picture of handcuffs is hard... shit, i have a few sets hanging on the bedpost right now. God I love you P, you make my days.

03-02-2008, 11:48 AM
I still won't believe you, so leave it at that... If it did happen, I don't apologize because, as I said, it is older than the internet. Seriously, what kind of ticket would they MAIL to you anyway?
It wasn't me who neg repped you, for the record. If it had been me, you'd have more than just 2 red squares.

1.) that story IS older than the internet
2.) they DO mail tickets. in the next county over they have cameras on a couple intersections that take pictures as the light is changing. if you get caught on camera in the intersection, they mail you a ticket for running a red.

03-02-2008, 05:28 PM
I knew a kid who left an In-N-Out, was pulled over about 300 yards from the exit, ticketed, then went over the freeway to go to the mall, was ticketed there, then came back and was ticketed about 100 yards from the entrance.

Those of you under the influence of, transporting, or otherwise in contact with illegal substances need to grow a brain. Jesus.

03-02-2008, 05:32 PM
1.) that story IS older than the internet
2.) they DO mail tickets. in the next county over they have cameras on a couple intersections that take pictures as the light is changing. if you get caught on camera in the intersection, they mail you a ticket for running a red.

You know what, you're right about mailing tickets... They used to have red light cameras in my county as well, and would mail people a picture of their cars with their tickets, but they wound up removing them when people began speeding through yellow lights or braking unsafely to try and avoid that red light ticket.
Some of the cameras have not yet been removed, but none are in use anymore.

03-02-2008, 06:26 PM
so last night me and 8 of our buddies were just messin around in town and we were thinking of things to do...i was sitting in my friends truck and saw he had a pair of handcuffs in it so i put one on my wrist and was about to put the other to the wheel when one of my friends yelled that they were real and we didnt have a key....so i was fucked then, luckily i didnt fasten it to the steering wheel...anyways, we sat there trying to pick it for like 20 minutes then decided we needed to go find a cop to get them off, by this time they were cutting into my wrist cuz my friend kept making it tighter trying to pick it....we went to the police station but no one was there, so we waited there for about another 30 minutes then decided to just drive around in our convoy of loud ass cars that have all been pulled over by the local cops before. we drove for a while till we finally found one who had pulled someone over, we all parked and waited across the street from the cop waiting for him to get done. i guess we scarred him cuz he called in for backup and in seconds we had about 5 cops cars all over us ordering us to get down on the ground with our hands on our heads. after we all calmed down they asked us what we were doing and i told them what happened and they instantly started giving us shit and making fun of us, they were saying that it was a first that they have seen a bunch of kids with "racing cars" looking for cops for help. It was also just us 9 guys so they started making fun of how it was a sausage fest and all this stuff, but eventually after small talk for about 15 minutes they took off the handcuff and said to not do that again that it was stupid but they thanked us for making thier night interesting.

just thought i would share, i thought it was funny.

03-02-2008, 06:42 PM
I like how some of you post your illegal stories as if they were
cool to do or something. Go you!


03-02-2008, 07:07 PM
You know what, you're right about mailing tickets... They used to have red light cameras in my county as well, and would mail people a picture of their cars with their tickets, but they wound up removing them when people began speeding through yellow lights or braking unsafely to try and avoid that red light ticket.
Some of the cameras have not yet been removed, but none are in use anymore.

it started in england, where they have speeding cams too. that country LOVES policing its people....
and i know that a county up in michigan was sued for speeding up their yellows after installing the cameras. so they'd score more tickets. automated traffic cops just aren't a good idea