02-27-2008, 01:29 PM
EVERYONE and their mom has these, and I searched a bit and found very little threads about it, let alone remedies on how to fix it. I use to have one very annoying rattle that came from the middle of my dash (right above the center a/c vents). I literally took the dash off and put it back on and it was still there, turns out it was a brake line clip. You know the white clips on the firewall that hold the brake lines? One of those were old and brittle, took it off and noise went away!
Remedy: Check for brittle clips that hold brake hardlines on firewall
And this was actually on my old s13. Now on my new s13 there's a new rattle and it wasnt my brake line clips so now Im on the hunt. So if you guys have solved your dash rattles a certain way, feel free to post them in here! Thanks for sharing.
Remedy: Check for brittle clips that hold brake hardlines on firewall
And this was actually on my old s13. Now on my new s13 there's a new rattle and it wasnt my brake line clips so now Im on the hunt. So if you guys have solved your dash rattles a certain way, feel free to post them in here! Thanks for sharing.